Fortune Recognizes Cemex for the Fourth Time as a Company That Is Changing the World

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Cemex has been included in Fortune's 2024 Change the World list, ranking 24th out of 52 companies. This marks the fourth time Cemex has received this recognition, which highlights businesses making positive social impacts through their core strategies. Fortune acknowledged Cemex's work with VeryNile, an initiative in Egypt that cleans the Nile River and develops sustainable solutions for collected waste.

The VeryNile project, supported by Egypt's Ministry of the Environment, upcycles recovered plastics and uses non-recyclable waste as alternative fuel in Cemex's Assiut cement plant. This initiative has created 150 alternative jobs for local fishermen and women affected by river contamination. Cemex's CEO, Fernando A. González, emphasized the company's sustainable business model that aligns environmental conservation with social empowerment.

Cemex's social impact strategy focuses on supporting local economies, building resilient communities, and empowering people through skills development. The Fortune Change the World list evaluates companies based on measurable social impact, business results, and innovation degree.

Cemex è stata inserita nella lista Change the World 2024 di Fortune, classificandosi al 24° posto su 52 aziende. Questo segna il quarto riconoscimento ottenuto da Cemex, che evidenzia le imprese che generano impatti sociali positivi attraverso le loro strategie fondamentali. Fortune ha riconosciuto il lavoro di Cemex con VeryNile, un'iniziativa in Egitto che pulisce il fiume Nilo e sviluppa soluzioni sostenibili per i rifiuti raccolti.

Il progetto VeryNile, sostenuto dal Ministero dell'Ambiente egiziano, ricicla la plastica recuperata e utilizza i rifiuti non riciclabili come combustibile alternativo nell'impianto di cemento di Cemex ad Assiut. Questa iniziativa ha creato 150 posti di lavoro alternativi per i pescatori e le donne locali colpiti dalla contaminazione del fiume. Il CEO di Cemex, Fernando A. González, ha sottolineato il modello di business sostenibile dell'azienda che allinea la conservazione ambientale con l'emancipazione sociale.

La strategia di impatto sociale di Cemex si concentra sul supporto alle economie locali, sulla costruzione di comunità resilienti e sull'empowerment delle persone attraverso lo sviluppo delle competenze. La lista Change the World di Fortune valuta le aziende in base all'impatto sociale misurabile, ai risultati aziendali e al grado di innovazione.

Cemex ha sido incluida en la lista Change the World 2024 de Fortune, ocupando el 24° lugar de 52 compañías. Este es el cuarto reconocimiento que recibe Cemex, que destaca a las empresas que generan impactos sociales positivos a través de sus estrategias centrales. Fortune reconoció el trabajo de Cemex con VeryNile, una iniciativa en Egipto que limpia el río Nilo y desarrolla soluciones sostenibles para los desechos recolectados.

El proyecto VeryNile, apoyado por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente de Egipto, recicla plásticos recuperados y utiliza desechos no reciclables como combustible alternativo en la planta de cemento de Cemex en Assiut. Esta iniciativa ha creado 150 empleos alternativos para pescadores y mujeres locales afectadas por la contaminación del río. El CEO de Cemex, Fernando A. González, enfatizó el modelo de negocio sostenible de la empresa que alinea la conservación ambiental con el empoderamiento social.

La estrategia de impacto social de Cemex se centra en apoyar economías locales, construir comunidades resilientes y empoderar a las personas a través del desarrollo de habilidades. La lista Change the World de Fortune evalúa a las empresas en función de su impacto social medible, resultados comerciales y grado de innovación.

Cemex포춘 2024 변화하는 세상 리스트에 포함되어 52개 회사 중 24위를 차지했습니다. 이는 Cemex가 네 번째로 받는 인정으로, 핵심 전략을 통해 긍정적인 사회적 영향을 미치는 비즈니스를 강조합니다. 포춘은 론의 VeryNile과의 협업을 인정했습니다. 이집트의 나일 강을 청소하고 수거된 쓰레기에 대한 지속 가능한 솔루션을 개발하는 이니셔티브입니다.

환경부의 지원을 받는 VeryNile 프로젝트는 회수된 플라스틱을 재활용하고 비재활용 쓰레기를 Cemex의 Assiut 시멘트 공장에서 대체 연료로 사용합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 강 오염으로 피해를 입은 지역 어부와 여성에게 150개의 대체 일자리를 창출했습니다. Cemex의 CEO인 Fernando A. González는 환경 보호와 사회적 empowerment를 일치시키는 지속 가능한 비즈니스 모델을 강조했습니다.

Cemex의 사회적 영향 전략은 지역 경제 지원, 회복력 있는 커뮤니티 구축 및 기술 개발을 통한 사람들의 empowerment에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 포춘의 변화하는 세상 리스트는 회사의 측정 가능한 사회적 영향, 비즈니스 성과 및 혁신 정도를 기준으로 평가합니다.

Cemex a été inclus dans la liste Change the World 2024 de Fortune, se classant au 24e rang sur 52 entreprises. C'est la quatrième fois que Cemex reçoit cette reconnaissance, qui met en avant les entreprises ayant un impact social positif grâce à leurs stratégies fondamentales. Fortune a souligné le travail de Cemex avec VeryNile, une initiative en Égypte qui nettoie le fleuve Nil et développe des solutions durables pour les déchets collectés.

Le projet VeryNile, soutenu par le ministère égyptien de l'Environnement, recycle les plastiques récupérés et utilise les déchets non recyclables comme alternative de combustible dans l'usine de ciment de Cemex à Assiout. Cette initiative a créé 150 emplois alternatifs pour des pêcheurs et des femmes locales affectés par la contamination du fleuve. Le PDG de Cemex, Fernando A. González, a souligné le modèle commercial durable de l'entreprise qui aligne la conservation de l'environnement avec l'émancipation sociale.

La stratégie d'impact social de Cemex se concentre sur le soutien aux économies locales, la construction de communautés résilientes et l'autonomisation des personnes par le développement des compétences. La liste Change the World de Fortune évalue les entreprises en fonction de l'impact social mesurable, des résultats commerciaux et du degré d'innovation.

Cemex wurde in die Change the World-Liste 2024 von Fortune aufgenommen und belegt den 24. Platz unter 52 Unternehmen. Dies ist das vierte Mal, dass Cemex diese Auszeichnung erhält, die Unternehmen hervorhebt, die durch ihre Kernstrategien positive soziale Auswirkungen erzielen. Fortune erkannte die Arbeit von Cemex mit VeryNile an, einer Initiative in Ägypten, die den Nil reinigt und nachhaltige Lösungen für gesammelten Abfall entwickelt.

Das VeryNile-Projekt, das vom ägyptischen Ministerium für Umwelt unterstützt wird, recycelt wiedergewonnene Kunststoffe und nutzt nicht recycelbare Abfälle als alternative Brennstoffe in Cemex' Zementwerk in Assiut. Diese Initiative hat 150 alternative Arbeitsplätze für lokale Fischer und Frauen geschaffen, die von der Flussverschmutzung betroffen sind. Der CEO von Cemex, Fernando A. González, betonte das nachhaltige Geschäftsmodell des Unternehmens, das den Umweltschutz mit sozialer Empowerment vereint.

Die Strategie von Cemex zur sozialen Wirkung konzentriert sich auf die Unterstützung lokaler Wirtschaften, den Aufbau widerstandsfähiger Gemeinschaften und die Stärkung der Menschen durch die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten. Die Change the World-Liste von Fortune bewertet Unternehmen anhand des messbaren sozialen Einflusses, der Geschäftsergebnisse und des Innovationsgrades.

  • Recognized in Fortune's 2024 Change the World list for the fourth time
  • Ranked 24th out of 52 companies on the list
  • VeryNile initiative provides 150 alternative jobs for local fishermen and women
  • Non-recyclable waste used as alternative fuel in Cemex's Assiut cement plant
  • Aligns environmental conservation with social empowerment
  • None.


Cemex's VeryNile initiative demonstrates a innovative approach to environmental conservation and social impact. By upcycling plastics and using non-recyclable waste as alternative fuel, they're addressing multiple sustainability challenges simultaneously. This aligns with the growing trend of circular economy practices in heavy industries.

The project's impact extends beyond environmental benefits, creating 150 alternative jobs for local communities. This dual focus on ecological and social sustainability is increasingly valued by investors and consumers alike, potentially enhancing Cemex's brand reputation and market position.

While the immediate financial impact may be , the long-term benefits of such initiatives can include improved stakeholder relations, risk mitigation against future environmental regulations and potential cost savings through resource efficiency. For investors, this signals Cemex's proactive stance on sustainability, which could translate to long-term resilience and competitive advantage in the construction materials sector.

Cemex's repeated recognition in Fortune's Change the World list underscores its consistent commitment to integrating social impact into its core business strategy. This approach aligns with the growing investor focus on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors.

The company's track record of impactful initiatives, from COVID-19 response to housing solutions for low-income families, demonstrates a holistic approach to corporate social responsibility. This diversified portfolio of social initiatives can help mitigate reputational risks and potentially open new market opportunities.

For investors, Cemex's social impact strategy could translate to enhanced brand value, improved stakeholder relationships and potential regulatory advantages. While the direct financial returns of these initiatives may not be immediately quantifiable, they contribute to the company's long-term sustainability and resilience, factors increasingly important in investment decisions.

  • Cemex was recognized for its innovative VeryNile initiative in Egypt and placed in the 24th position out of 52 ranked companies.

MONTERREY, Mexico--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cemex announced today that it has been included in Fortune’s 2024 Change the World list. The list, selected by Fortune reporters and editors from a list of about 250 companies, showcases businesses that are having a positive social impact through activities that are part of their core business strategy. Cemex is receiving this distinction for the fourth time.

Fortune recognized Cemex’s work with VeryNile in cleaning the Nile River and developing a more sustainable solution for the collected waste. VeryNile is an initiative supported by the Ministry of the Environment in Egypt that develops eco-friendly solutions to remove inorganic waste from the Nile River. Plastics recovered from the river are upcycled, and non-recyclable waste is used as alternative fuel in Cemex’s Assiut cement plant, alleviating pollution issues in the local ecosystem and improving water quality for the community while also providing 150 alternative jobs and income for fishermen and women affected by Nile contamination.

"We are once again honored by Fortune’s recognition of our sustainable business model, which aligns environmental conservation with social empowerment," said Fernando A. González, CEO of Cemex.” “The VeryNile initiative exemplifies how companies can collaborate with NGO’s and society to change the world for the better.”

Cemex’s social impact strategy focuses on making a positive, lasting difference in cities and communities worldwide by supporting local economies, building resilient communities, and empowering people through skills development for employability and entrepreneurship. Cemex implements this strategy in collaboration with community leaders and local stakeholders.

In 2020, Fortune recognized Cemex for building mobile hospitals with antibacterial concrete modules in record time during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ‘Our Growing Platform’ initiative was awarded in 2017 for collaboratively addressing the challenges of housing and inequality in vulnerable communities. Two years earlier, in 2015, Cemex was honored for its ‘Patrimonio Hoy’ program, which provides low-income families with access to building materials, microfinancing, technical advice, and logistical support to help them build their homes.

The Fortune Change the World list highlights companies that use their innovative capabilities to tackle social challenges, leveraging business success to pursue goals that are as crucial as, or even more important than, financial gains. This year, companies were clustered into four groups, with some falling into multiple categories: environmental impact, economic opportunity, public health, and human rights. In assessing the nominees, the most critical factors considered were measurable social impact, business results, and the degree of innovation.

This year's list includes 30 from North America, 12 from Europe, 8 from Asia and Australia, one from Africa, and one from South America.

The full Fortune 2024 Change the World list is available at:

About Cemex

Cemex is a global construction materials company that is building a better future through sustainable products and solutions. Cemex is committed to achieving carbon neutrality through relentless innovation and industry-leading research and development. Cemex is at the forefront of the circular economy in the construction value chain and is pioneering ways to increase the use of waste and residues as alternative raw materials and fuels in its operations with the help of new technologies. Cemex offers cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and urbanization solutions in growing markets around the world, powered by a multinational workforce focused on providing a superior customer experience enabled by digital technologies. For more information, please visit:

Except as the context otherwise may require, references in this press release to “Cemex,” ”we,” ”us,” ”our,” refer to Cemex, S.A.B. de C.V. (NYSE: CX) and its consolidated subsidiaries. This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. We intend these forward-looking statements to be covered by the “safe harbor” provisions for forward-looking statements within the meaning of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements reflect Cemex’s current expectations and projections about future events based on Cemex’s knowledge of present facts and circumstances and assumptions about future events, as well as Cemex’s current plans based on such facts and circumstances, unless otherwise indicated. These statements necessarily involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from Cemex’s expectations, including, among others, risks, uncertainties, and assumptions discussed in Cemex’s most recent annual report and detailed from time to time in Cemex’s other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Mexican Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores), which factors are incorporated herein by reference, which if materialized could ultimately lead to Cemex’s expectations and/or expected results not producing the expected benefits and/or results. Forward-looking statements should not be considered guarantees of future performance, nor the results or developments are indicative of results or developments in subsequent periods. These factors may be revised or supplemented, and the information contained in this press release is subject to change without notice, but Cemex is not under, and expressly disclaims, any obligation to update or correct this press release or revise any forward-looking statement contained herein, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances. Any or all of Cemex’s forward-looking statements may turn out to be inaccurate. Accordingly, undue reliance on forward-looking statements should not be placed, as such forward-looking statements speak only as of the dates on which they are made. The content of this press release is for informational purposes only, and you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Cemex is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims responsibility for, the content of any third-party website or webpage referenced to or accessible through this press release.

There is currently no single globally recognized or accepted, consistent, and comparable set of definitions or standards (legal, regulatory, or otherwise) of, nor widespread cross-market consensus i) as to what constitutes, a ‘green’, ‘social,’ or ‘sustainable’ or having equivalent-labelled activity, product, or asset; or ii) as to what precise attributes are required for a particular activity, product, or asset to be defined as ‘green’, ‘social,’ or ‘sustainable’ or such other equivalent label; or iii) as to climate and sustainable funding and financing activities and their classification and reporting. Therefore, there is little certainty, and no assurance or representation is given that such activities and/or reporting of those activities will meet any present or future expectations or requirements for describing or classifying funding and financing activities as ‘green’, ‘social’, or ‘sustainable’ or attributing similar labels. We expect policies, regulatory requirements, standards, and definitions to be developed and continuously evolve over time.

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Source: Cemex


What is Cemex's ranking on Fortune's 2024 Change the World list?

Cemex ranked 24th out of 52 companies on Fortune's 2024 Change the World list.

How many times has Cemex (CX) been recognized by Fortune's Change the World list?

Cemex has been recognized by Fortune's Change the World list four times.

What is the VeryNile initiative that Cemex (CX) is involved with?

VeryNile is an initiative in Egypt, supported by Cemex, that cleans the Nile River and develops sustainable solutions for collected waste, including upcycling plastics and using non-recyclable waste as alternative fuel in Cemex's cement plant.

How many jobs has the VeryNile project created for local communities?

The VeryNile project has created 150 alternative jobs for local fishermen and women affected by Nile contamination.

Cemex S.A.B. de C.V.


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