Cemex expands Regenera circularity business with acquisition in Berlin

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Cemex has acquired a majority stake in RC-Baustoffe Berlin GmbH & Co. KG, a recycling company part of the Heim Group, to expand its Regenera circularity business. The Berlin-based facility can process up to 400,000 tons of construction, demolition, and excavation materials (CDEM) annually, which will be repurposed into aggregates for concrete production. This acquisition aligns with Cemex's commitment to circularity and promoting a more circular economy.

The facility also operates Germany's first plant to permanently store biogenic CO₂ in recycled mineral waste. In 2023, Regenera recovered over 9 million tons of CDEM and aims to recover 14 million tons annually by 2030. Cemex recently partnered with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to further leverage the cement value chain's potential in circularity.

Cemex ha acquisito una partecipazione di maggioranza in RC-Baustoffe Berlin GmbH & Co. KG, un'azienda di riciclaggio parte del Gruppo Heim, per espandere il suo business di circolarità Regenera. L'impianto con sede a Berlino può elaborare fino a 400.000 tonnellate di materiali da costruzione, demolizione e scavo (CDEM) all'anno, che saranno riutilizzati come aggregati per la produzione di calcestruzzo. Questa acquisizione è in linea con l'impegno di Cemex verso la circolarità e la promozione di un'economia più circolare.

L'impianto gestisce anche il primo impianto in Germania per l'immagazzinamento permanente del CO₂ biogenico nei rifiuti minerali riciclati. Nel 2023, Regenera ha recuperato oltre 9 milioni di tonnellate di CDEM e mira a recuperare 14 milioni di tonnellate all'anno entro il 2030. Cemex ha recentemente instaurato una partnership con la Fondazione Ellen MacArthur per sfruttare ulteriormente il potenziale della catena del valore del cemento nella circolarità.

Cemex ha adquirido una participación mayoritaria en RC-Baustoffe Berlin GmbH & Co. KG, una empresa de reciclaje que forma parte del Grupo Heim, para expandir su negocio de circularidad Regenera. La instalación ubicada en Berlín puede procesar hasta 400.000 toneladas de materiales de construcción, demolición y excavación (CDEM) anualmente, que se reutilizarán como agregados para la producción de concreto. Esta adquisición está alineada con el compromiso de Cemex hacia la circularidad y la promoción de una economía más circular.

La instalación también opera la primera planta en Alemania para almacenar de forma permanente CO₂ biogénico en residuos minerales reciclados. En 2023, Regenera recuperó más de 9 millones de toneladas de CDEM y tiene como objetivo recuperar 14 millones de toneladas anualmente para 2030. Cemex se ha asociado recientemente con la Fundación Ellen MacArthur para aprovechar aún más el potencial de circularidad en la cadena de valor del cemento.

Cemex는 Heim Group의 일환인 재활용 회사인 RC-Baustoffe Berlin GmbH & Co. KG의 과반수 지분을 인수하여 Regenera 순환 비즈니스를 확장했습니다. 베를린에 위치한 이 시설은 매년 최대 40만 톤의 건설, 철거 및 굴착 자재(CDEM)를 처리할 수 있으며, 이는 콘크리트 생산을 위한 골재로 재활용됩니다. 이 인수는 Cemex의 순환성에 대한 약속과 더 원활한 순환 경제 촉진에 부합합니다.

이 시설은 또한 독일 최초의 재활용된 광물 폐기물에 생물 유래 CO₂를 영구적으로 저장하는 공장을 운영하고 있습니다. 2023년, Regenera는 900만 톤의 CDEM을 회수했으며, 2030년까지 매년 1400만 톤 회수를 목표로 하고 있습니다. Cemex는 최근 Ellen MacArthur 재단과 파트너십을 맺어 시멘트 가치 사슬의 순환성 잠재력을 더욱 활용하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

Cemex a acquis une participation majoritaire dans RC-Baustoffe Berlin GmbH & Co. KG, une entreprise de recyclage faisant partie du groupe Heim, afin d'élargir son activité de circularité Regenera. L'installation située à Berlin peut traiter jusqu'à 400 000 tonnes de matériaux de construction, de démolition et d'excavation (CDEM) par an, qui seront revalorisés en granulats pour la production de béton. Cette acquisition s'inscrit dans l'engagement de Cemex en faveur de la circularité et de la promotion d'une économie plus circulaire.

L'installation exploite également la première usine en Allemagne permettant le stockage permanent de CO₂ biogénique dans des déchets minéraux recyclés. En 2023, Regenera a récupéré plus de 9 millions de tonnes de CDEM et vise à récupérer 14 millions de tonnes par an d'ici 2030. Cemex a récemment établi un partenariat avec la Fondation Ellen MacArthur pour tirer parti du potentiel de circularité dans la chaîne de valeur du ciment.

Cemex hat eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung an der RC-Baustoffe Berlin GmbH & Co. KG, einem Recyclingunternehmen, das zur Heim-Gruppe gehört, erworben, um ihr Regenera-Zirkularitätsgeschäft auszubauen. Die in Berlin ansässige Anlage kann jährlich bis zu 400.000 Tonnen Baustellen-, Abbruch- und Erdmaterialien (CDEM) aufbereiten, die zu Gesteinskörnungen für die Betonproduktion umgewandelt werden. Diese Akquisition steht im Einklang mit Cemex' Engagement für Zirkularität und der Förderung einer zirkuläreren Wirtschaft.

Die Anlage betreibt außerdem Deutschlands erste Anlage zur permanenten Speicherung von biogenem CO₂ in recyceltem mineralischem Abfall. Im Jahr 2023 hat Regenera über 9 Millionen Tonnen CDEM zurückgewonnen und strebt an, bis 2030 jährlich 14 Millionen Tonnen zurückzugewinnen. Cemex hat kürzlich eine Partnerschaft mit der Ellen MacArthur Stiftung geschlossen, um das Potenzial der Zement-Wertschöpfungskette in der Zirkularität weiter zu nutzen.

  • Acquisition expands Cemex's Regenera circularity business
  • Acquired facility can process 400,000 tons of CDEM annually
  • Facility includes first plant in Germany to store biogenic CO₂ in recycled mineral waste
  • Regenera recovered over 9 million tons of CDEM in 2023
  • Partnership with Ellen MacArthur Foundation to leverage cement value chain in circularity
  • None.

Cemex's acquisition of RC-Baustoffe Berlin marks a strategic move to expand its Regenera circularity business. This aligns with the growing trend of sustainable practices in the construction industry. The facility's 400,000-ton annual processing capacity could significantly boost Cemex's recycled aggregate production, potentially leading to cost savings and new revenue streams. However, the financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, making it challenging to assess the immediate impact on Cemex's balance sheet. Long-term benefits could include reduced raw material costs, improved environmental credentials and potential regulatory advantages in markets prioritizing circular economy practices. Investors should monitor how this acquisition integrates with Cemex's existing operations and its contribution to the company's 2030 goal of recovering over 14 million tons of CDEM annually.

This acquisition demonstrates Cemex's commitment to circular economy principles in the construction sector. The integration of RC-Baustoffe Berlin, with its ability to process 400,000 tons of CDEM annually, significantly enhances Regenera's capacity to reintroduce materials into the construction value chain. Of particular interest is the facility's capability to permanently store biogenic CO₂ in recycled mineral waste, a pioneering approach in Germany. This aligns with global efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of the construction industry. The move could position Cemex favorably in markets with stringent environmental regulations and growing demand for sustainable building materials. However, the effectiveness of this strategy will depend on the scalability of the CO₂ storage technology and its integration into Cemex's broader sustainability initiatives.

Cemex's expansion in the circularity business through this acquisition is a savvy market move. With construction and demolition waste accounting for over 30% of global waste streams, there's significant untapped potential in this sector. The partnership with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation further solidifies Cemex's position as a leader in circular economy practices within the construction industry. This could enhance brand value and appeal to environmentally conscious customers and investors. Market trends indicate growing demand for sustainable construction materials, which could drive revenue growth for Regenera. However, success will depend on factors such as regulatory support, market acceptance of recycled materials and Cemex's ability to scale these operations efficiently. Investors should watch for potential shifts in market share and any premium pricing Cemex might command for its circular economy products.

MONTERREY, Mexico--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cemex announced today that it has acquired a majority stake in RC-Baustoffe Berlin GmbH & Co. KG, a recycling company and part of the Heim Group, as part of its ongoing efforts to grow its circularity business. The Berlin-based company processes mineral construction, demolition, and excavation materials (CDEM).

This acquisition will integrate with Regenera, Cemex’s business that provides circularity solutions to extend the life cycle of construction products and materials through reuse in value-added products. The acquired recycling facility can process up to 400,000 tons of material per year, which Regenera will turn into repurposed aggregates for concrete production, reintroducing them into the construction value chain. In addition to its recycling capabilities, RC-Baustoffe Berlin operates the first plant to permanently store biogenic CO₂ in recycled mineral waste in Germany.

“The cement value chain is a valuable contributor to the circular economy with concrete being an infinitely recyclable material,” said Fernando A. González, CEO of Cemex. “With acquisitions such as this, Cemex continues to strengthen its commitment to circularity through Regenera as well as promoting the world’s transition to a more circular economy. Construction and demolition waste accounts for more than 30% of global waste streams and reintegrating these materials into the construction value chain can reduce the use of virgin raw materials."

"We've been collaborating with Cemex on recycled aggregates for several years, and the company has consistently proven to be a reliable partner in the Berlin metropolitan market,” said Philipp Heim, Managing Partner of the HEIM Group. "Given its strong commitment to sustainability and the circular economy, Cemex is the perfect partner to guide RC-Baustoffe Berlin toward a successful future."

Regenera recovered over 9 million tons of CDEM in 2023 and has an objective of recovering over 14 million tons annually by 2030. Earlier this year, Cemex partnered with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the world’s leading circular economy network that works with ambitious, like-minded organizations globally to continue to leverage the potential of the cement value chain in circularity.

About HEIM Group

The HEIM Group, based in Ulm, Germany, was founded in 1919 as a paving company. Today, the group employs around 550 people at locations in Ulm, Thuringia, Saxony, Brandenburg and Berlin and has expanded its portfolio to include building materials extraction, recycling and agriculture in addition to construction. The group has also been active in the field of renewable energies for 20 years. The recycling plant in Berlin-Marzahn was acquired by the Heim Group in 2001. Since then, mineral building materials such as bricks and concrete have been recycled in Bitterfelder Strasse and electricity has been generated by a photovoltaic system. The group of companies is managed by Philipp Heim, the fourth generation of the Heim family to do so. Further information can be found at

About Cemex

Cemex is a global construction materials company that is building a better future through sustainable products and solutions. Cemex is committed to achieving carbon neutrality through relentless innovation and industry-leading research and development. Cemex is at the forefront of the circular economy in the construction value chain and is pioneering ways to increase the use of waste and residues as alternative raw materials and fuels in its operations with the help of new technologies. Cemex offers cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and urbanization solutions in growing markets around the world, powered by a multinational workforce focused on providing a superior customer experience enabled by digital technologies. For more information, please visit:

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Source: Cemex


What company did Cemex acquire to expand its Regenera business?

Cemex acquired a majority stake in RC-Baustoffe Berlin GmbH & Co. KG, a recycling company part of the Heim Group, to expand its Regenera circularity business.

How much CDEM can the acquired facility in Berlin process annually?

The acquired recycling facility in Berlin can process up to 400,000 tons of construction, demolition, and excavation materials (CDEM) per year.

What is Cemex's goal for CDEM recovery through Regenera by 2030?

Cemex aims to recover over 14 million tons of construction, demolition, and excavation materials (CDEM) annually through its Regenera business by 2030.

How does this acquisition align with Cemex's sustainability goals?

The acquisition aligns with Cemex's commitment to circularity and promoting a more circular economy by repurposing construction waste into aggregates for concrete production.

What unique feature does the acquired facility in Berlin have regarding CO₂ storage?

The acquired facility in Berlin operates the first plant in Germany to permanently store biogenic CO₂ in recycled mineral waste.

Cemex S.A.B. de C.V.


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