ONE HEMP Hails Long Overdue Congressional Action Toward the Regulation of CBD as a Dietary Supplement

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ONE HEMP, a coalition of CBD industry leaders, has welcomed the introduction of the Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act (CSRA) by Senator Ron Wyden. This bill is seen as a critical step towards regulating CBD as a dietary supplement, addressing the regulatory gap left by the 2018 Farm Bill. The legislation aims to establish FDA-level standards for CBD products, ensuring consumer safety and industry growth.

The move comes amid concerns over intoxicating synthetic cannabinoids being marketed as CBD, leading to restrictive state actions. The CSRA is expected to set national standards for CBD product manufacture and sale, differentiating between synthetic, intoxicating CBD and non-intoxicating, full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD. Industry leaders, including Charlotte's Web (TSX: CWEB) (OTCQX: CWBHF), have been instrumental in providing expertise to policymakers throughout this process.

ONE HEMP, una coalizione di leader del settore CBD, ha accolto con favore l'introduzione del Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act (CSRA) da parte del senatore Ron Wyden. Questo progetto di legge è visto come un passo fondamentale verso la regolamentazione del CBD come integratore alimentare, affrontando il vuoto normativo lasciato dal Farm Bill del 2018. La legislazione mira a stabilire standard a livello FDA per i prodotti CBD, garantendo la sicurezza dei consumatori e la crescita del settore.

Questa iniziativa arriva a fronte di preoccupazioni riguardo ai cannabinoidi sintetici intoxicanti commercializzati come CBD, che hanno portato a misure restrittive a livello statale. Il CSRA dovrebbe stabilire standard nazionali per la fabbricazione e la vendita dei prodotti CBD, differenziando tra CBD sintetico e intoxicante e CBD derivato dalla canapa a spettro completo e non intoxicante. I leader del settore, inclusa Charlotte's Web (TSX: CWEB) (OTCQX: CWBHF), sono stati determinanti nel fornire competenze ai responsabili delle politiche durante tutto questo processo.

ONE HEMP, una coalición de líderes de la industria del CBD, ha dado la bienvenida a la introducción del Canabinoid Safety and Regulation Act (CSRA) por parte del senador Ron Wyden. Este proyecto de ley se considera un paso crítico hacia la regulación del CBD como suplemento dietético, abordando el vacío regulatorio dejado por la Ley Agraria de 2018. La legislación tiene como objetivo establecer normas a nivel de la FDA para los productos de CBD, garantizando la seguridad del consumidor y el crecimiento de la industria.

Esta medida se produce en medio de preocupaciones sobre cannabinoides sintéticos intoxicantes que se comercializan como CBD, lo que ha llevado a acciones estatales restrictivas. Se espera que el CSRA establezca normas nacionales para la fabricación y venta de productos de CBD, diferenciando entre el CBD sintético e intoxicante y el CBD derivado de cáñamo de espectro completo no intoxicante. Los líderes de la industria, incluyendo Charlotte's Web (TSX: CWEB) (OTCQX: CWBHF), han sido fundamentales al proporcionar experiencia a los formuladores de políticas a lo largo de este proceso.

ONE HEMP는 CBD 산업의 리더들로 구성된 연합으로, 론 와이든 상원의원이 제안한 칸나비노이드 안전 및 규제 법안 (CSRA)의 도입을 환영했습니다. 이 법안은 2018년 농법에 의해 남겨진 규제 공백을 다루며, CBD를 식이 보충제로 규제하는 방향으로 나아가는 중요한 단계로 여겨집니다. 이 법안의 목적은 FDA 수준의 기준을 설정하여 CBD 제품의 소비자 안전과 산업 성장을 보장하는 것입니다.

이번 조치는 CBD로 마케팅되는 중독성 합성 칸나비노이드에 대한 우려가 커지는 상황에서 이루어졌으며, 주 정부의 제한적인 조치를 초래했습니다. CSRA는 중독성 있는 합성 CBD와 중독성이 없는 전체 스펙트럼 대마 유래 CBD를 구별하며, CBD 제품의 제조 및 판매에 대한 국가 기준을 설정할 것으로 예상됩니다. Charlotte's Web (TSX: CWEB) (OTCQX: CWBHF)와 같은 산업 리더들은 이 과정에서 정책 결정자에게 전문 지식을 제공하는 데 중요한 역할을 했습니다.

ONE HEMP, une coalition de leaders de l'industrie du CBD, a salué l'introduction du Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act (CSRA) par le sénateur Ron Wyden. Ce projet de loi est considéré comme un pas crucial vers la régulation du CBD en tant que complément alimentaire, comblant le vide réglementaire laissé par la loi agricole de 2018. La législation vise à établir des normes au niveau de la FDA pour les produits CBD, garantissant la sécurité des consommateurs et la croissance de secteur.

Cette initiative intervient dans un contexte préoccupant au sujet des cannabinoïdes synthétiques intoxicants commercialisés comme CBD, entraînant des mesures restrictives au niveau des États. Le CSRA devrait établir des normes nationales pour la fabrication et la vente des produits CBD, distinguant entre le CBD synthétique et intoxicant et le CBD dérivé du chanvre à spectre complet non intoxicant. Les leaders de l'industrie, y compris Charlotte's Web (TSX: CWEB) (OTCQX: CWBHF), ont joué un rôle clé en fournissant leur expertise aux décideurs tout au long de ce processus.

ONE HEMP, ein Zusammenschluss von Führungskräften der CBD-Industrie, hat die Einführung des Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act (CSRA) durch Senator Ron Wyden begrüßt. Dieses Gesetz wird als entscheidender Schritt zur Regulierung von CBD als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel angesehen und schließt die regulatorische Lücke, die durch das Farm Bill von 2018 entstanden ist. Ziel der Gesetzgebung ist es, FDA-Niveau Standards für CBD-Produkte festzulegen, um die Sicherheit der Verbraucher zu gewährleisten und das Wachstum der Branche zu fördern.

Der Schritt erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund von Bedenken über berauschende synthetische Cannabinoide, die als CBD vermarktet werden, was zu restriktiven staatlichen Maßnahmen führt. Das CSRA wird voraussichtlich nationale Standards für die Herstellung und den Verkauf von CBD-Produkten festlegen und zwischen synthetischem, berauschendem CBD und nicht berauschendem CBD mit vollem Spektrum aus Hanf unterscheiden. Branchenführer wie Charlotte's Web (TSX: CWEB) (OTCQX: CWBHF) haben eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Bereitstellung von Fachwissen für die politischen Entscheidungsträger während dieses Prozesses gespielt.

  • Introduction of the Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act (CSRA) by Senator Ron Wyden, potentially leading to federal regulation of CBD as a dietary supplement
  • Potential establishment of national standards for CBD product manufacture and sale in interstate commerce
  • Industry collaboration through ONE HEMP to provide expertise and support to policymakers
  • Current regulatory vacuum has led to the proliferation of intoxicating synthetic cannabinoid products marketed as CBD
  • Recent state-level restrictions, such as California's executive action, limiting access to non-intoxicating CBD products
  • Potential elimination of access to full-spectrum hemp extract products for millions of consumers due to state-level restrictions

Calls Wyden Senate bill introduction a 'critical step'

WASHINGTON, DC, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Today ONE HEMP – a coalition of industry leaders committed to advancing regulatory standards for hemp-derived cannabinoid (CBD) products – hailed long overdue Congressional action toward the regulation of CBD as a dietary supplement with the introduction of the Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act (CSRA) by Senator Ron Wyden (OR). This legislative milestone builds upon the collaborative work between industry leaders, including Charlotte's Web (TSX: CWEB) (OTCQX: CWBHF), which has been at the forefront of advancing FDA-level regulatory standards for more than a decade. 

This action is a recognition of the need for Congress to complete what it intended in the overwhelmingly bipartisan 2018 Farm Bill, which de-scheduled CBD in all 50 states, but due to jurisdictional reasons failed to ensure that CBD products would be regulated by the FDA as dietary supplements.

"ONE HEMP has been deeply committed to a bipartisan legislative process and has worked closely with Congressional leaders on both sides of the political aisle to provide scientific and market expertise," said Kelly D. Fair, ONE HEMP counsel and Partner at Dentons US. "The Wyden bill marks the beginning of a process that will ultimately lead to an approach that will promote a vibrant CBD industry and ensure access for millions of consumers to the highest quality and safest CBD products." 

This legislative milestone builds upon the collaborative work between industry leaders at the forefront of advancing federal-level regulatory standards.  

"The introduction of the CSRA is a critical step for the CBD industry and a testament to the collaborative efforts of ONE HEMP – along with the Charlotte's web team – to engage policymakers and the FDA," said Bill Morachnick, Chief Executive Officer of Charlotte's Web. "Charlotte's Web is proud to be joined together with other CBD industry leaders as part of ONE HEMP to provide the support Congress needs to ensure the best possible path forward for our industry, and, more importantly, the millions of consumers who rely on our products."

"We commend Senator Wyden for his leadership and continued commitment to addressing the regulatory challenges facing the hemp industry. From the beginning, he has recognized the need for thoughtful solutions that ensure consumer safety and industry growth. The Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act demonstrates a thorough understanding of the complex issues that must be resolved for a comprehensive regulatory framework. We look forward to continuing to work with policymakers on both sides of the aisle to help move this process forward," said Mr. Pulak Sharma and Dr. Priyanka Sharma with Kazmira.

"CBDistillery is proud to be a part of ONE HEMP and to work collaboratively with other responsible hemp companies to provide guidance.  This is a great first step in providing clarity for consumers, raising the bar on safety and quality of products and helping foster a robust and vibrant hemp industry," said Bill Stoufer, President of CBDistillery.

This Congressional step comes at a critical time, as the vacuum of federal regulation in the wake of the 2018 Farm Bill has been filled by intoxicating hemp-derived synthetic cannabinoid products being presented to consumers in the market as CBD, leading states to act – and often unduly capturing non-intoxicating CBD products. Most recently, California Governor Gavin Newsom took an executive action that imposed a blanket restriction on the sale of full-spectrum hemp extract products that contain even trace amounts of THC. This move has raised alarm across the hemp industry, as it could eliminate access to safe, non-intoxicating CBD products for over 5 million Californians who rely on them for wellness and therapeutic purposes.

While federal legislation will not preempt state law, it will set a national standard that will guide the manufacture and sale of CBD products in interstate commerce, and offer an approach for differentiating between synthetic, intoxicating CBD, and full-spectrum hemp-derived non-intoxicating CBD that 45 million consumers, including families, seniors, veterans, athletes, and more, rely on every day.

In addition to being a significant regulatory milestone, ONE HEMP views this announcement as validation of its engagement with Congress, and a call to action for industry stakeholders to join the effort. As the legislative process moves forward, these organizations will continue to advocate for the swift passage of the bill, engaging additional partners and stakeholders to strengthen the coalition and build widespread support for the regulatory framework.


ONE HEMP is an industry working group dedicated to advancing regulatory standards for hemp-derived cannabinoid products. Comprising leading voices in the CBD sector, the group serves as a scientific resource for policymakers and seeks to promote consumer safety and industry innovation.  The group has enlisted some of the world's foremost cannabinoid researchers and toxicologists, ensuring that their approach is firmly rooted in robust scientific research and a deep understanding of CBD's safety profile. ONE HEMP's founding mission is to demand regulatory standards by Congress and the FDA that treat CBD products as dietary supplements and serve as a leading scientific resource to policymakers to ensure consumer safety and consistency. ONE HEMP aims to set industry benchmarks, nurturing trust and innovation in the CBD sector.  Industry leaders that have joined ONE HEMP include – among others – Charlotte's Web, Kazmira, and CBDistillery. Taken together these leaders represent some of the largest providers of CBD products. To learn more about ONE HEMP, contact Kelly D. Fair at

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What is the Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act (CSRA) and how does it affect CWBHF stock?

The CSRA is a bill introduced by Senator Ron Wyden to regulate CBD as a dietary supplement. While its direct impact on CWBHF stock is not specified, it could potentially benefit the company by establishing clear regulatory standards for CBD products, which is Charlotte's Web's main business.

How might the CSRA impact the CBD industry and CWBHF's market position?

The CSRA aims to set national standards for CBD product manufacture and sale, which could provide clarity and stability for the industry. This may positively affect CWBHF's market position by differentiating legitimate CBD products from synthetic, intoxicating alternatives.

What challenges is the CBD industry facing that the CSRA aims to address?

The CBD industry is currently facing challenges such as the proliferation of intoxicating synthetic cannabinoids marketed as CBD and restrictive state-level actions. The CSRA aims to establish federal regulations to address these issues, potentially benefiting companies like CWBHF.

How is Charlotte's Web (CWBHF) involved in the push for CBD regulation?

Charlotte's Web (CWBHF) is part of the ONE HEMP coalition, which has been working closely with policymakers to provide scientific and market expertise in the development of CBD regulations, including support for the CSRA.



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