Curtiss-Wright and Saipem Achieve New Subsea Processing Milestone

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Curtiss-Wright (NYSE: CW) and Saipem have achieved a significant milestone in the subsea applications industry with the completion of the qualification process for an all-electric seabed barrier fluid-less pump. This innovative technology, developed from proprietary solutions in the nuclear sector, enables subsea injection of treated sea water into reservoirs, extending the lifecycle of subsea fields.

The new pump design eliminates the need for barrier fluid, using sea water for cooling and lubrication, while the motor is protected by a canned casing. This approach reduces costs by replacing conventional hydraulic umbilicals with power/control cables. A 3 MW full-scale prototype has been successfully tested, confirming its performance, robustness, and reliability. The technology has achieved Technology Readiness Level 4 (TRL 4), as endorsed by Petrobras and TotalEnergies, paving the way for global commercialization.

Curtiss-Wright (NYSE: CW) e Saipem hanno raggiunto un traguardo significativo nell'industria delle applicazioni sottomarine con il completamento del processo di qualificazione per una pompa senza fluido di barriera completamente elettrica da fondo marino. Questa tecnologia innovativa, sviluppata da soluzioni proprietarie nel settore nucleare, consente l'iniezione sottomarina di acqua di mare trattata in serbatoi, prolungando il ciclo di vita dei giacimenti sottomarini.

Il nuovo design della pompa elimina la necessità di un fluido di barriera, utilizzando acqua di mare per il raffreddamento e la lubrificazione, mentre il motore è protetto da un involucro a cestello. Questo approccio riduce i costi sostituendo i tradizionali umbilicali idraulici con cavi di alimentazione/controllo. Un prototipo a grandezza naturale da 3 MW è stato testato con successo, confermando le sue prestazioni, robustezza e affidabilità. La tecnologia ha raggiunto il Livello di Prontezza Tecnologica 4 (TRL 4), come confermato da Petrobras e TotalEnergies, aprendo la strada alla commercializzazione globale.

Curtiss-Wright (NYSE: CW) y Saipem han alcanzado un hito significativo en la industria de aplicaciones submarinas con la finalización del proceso de calificación para una bomba de fondo marino totalmente eléctrica sin fluido de barrera. Esta tecnología innovadora, desarrollada a partir de soluciones propietarias en el sector nuclear, permite la inyección submarina de agua de mar tratada en reservorios, alargando la vida útil de los campos submarinos.

El nuevo diseño de la bomba elimina la necesidad de fluido de barrera, utilizando agua de mar para refrigeración y lubricación, mientras que el motor está protegido por un carcasa envasada. Este enfoque reduce costos al sustituir los umbilicales hidráulicos convencionales por cables de alimentación/control. Se ha probado con éxito un prototipo a escala completa de 3 MW, confirmando su rendimiento, robustez y fiabilidad. La tecnología ha alcanzado el Nivel de Preparación Tecnológica 4 (TRL 4), como lo han respaldado Petrobras y TotalEnergies, abriendo el camino para la comercialización global.

Curtiss-Wright (NYSE: CW)와 Saipem은 全 전기 해저 장벽 유체 없는 펌프의 품질 인증 프로세스를 완료함으로써 해양 응용 프로그램 산업에서 중요한 이정표를 도달했습니다. 이 혁신적인 기술은 원자력 부문의 독점 솔루션에서 개발되어, 처리가 완료된 바닷물을 저장소에 주입할 수 있게 하여 해저 유전의 수명을 연장합니다.

새로운 펌프 설계는 냉각 및 윤활을 위해 바닷물을 사용하면서 장벽 유체의 필요성을 없애고, 모터는 캔형 케이싱으로 보호됩니다. 이 접근 방식은 기존의 수압 유비리칼을 전원/제어 케이블로 대체하여 비용을 절감합니다. 3MW의 풀 스케일 프로토타입이 성공적으로 테스트되어 성능, 견고함 및 신뢰성을 확인했습니다. 기술은 Petrobras와 TotalEnergies에 의해 승인된 기술 성숙도 수준 4 (TRL 4)를 달성하였으며, 글로벌 상용화를 위한 길을 열었습니다.

Curtiss-Wright (NYSE: CW) et Saipem ont atteint une étape significative dans l'industrie des applications sous-marines avec l'achèvement du processus de qualification pour une pompe sans fluide de barrière entièrement électrique du fond marin. Cette technologie innovante, développée à partir de solutions propriétaires dans le secteur nucléaire, permet l'injection sous-marine d'eau de mer traitée dans des réservoirs, prolongeant ainsi le cycle de vie des champs sous-marins.

Le nouveau design de la pompe élimine la nécessité d'un fluide de barrière, utilisant l'eau de mer pour le refroidissement et la lubrification, tandis que le moteur est protégé par un boîtier en fonte. Cette approche réduit les coûts en remplaçant les ombilicaux hydrauliques conventionnels par des câbles d'alimentation/de contrôle. Un prototype à l'échelle complète de 3 MW a été testé avec succès, confirmant ses performances, sa robustesse et sa fiabilité. La technologie a atteint le niveau de préparation technologique 4 (TRL 4), comme l'ont confirmé Petrobras et TotalEnergies, ouvrant ainsi la voie à une commercialisation mondiale.

Curtiss-Wright (NYSE: CW) und Saipem haben einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in der Unterwasseranwendungsindustrie mit dem Abschluss des Qualifikationsprozesses für eine vollständige elektrische, barriereflüssigkeitsfreie Unterwasserpumpe erreicht. Diese innovative Technologie, die auf proprietären Lösungen im Nuklearbereich basiert, ermöglicht die Unterwasserinjektion von behandeltem Meerwasser in Reservoirs, wodurch die Lebensdauer von Unterwasserfeldern verlängert wird.

Das neue Pumpendesign eliminiert die Notwendigkeit einer Barriereflüssigkeit, indem es Meerwasser zur Kühlung und Schmierung verwendet, während der Motor durch ein Dosengehäuse geschützt ist. Dieser Ansatz senkt die Kosten, indem er konventionelle hydraulische Umbilikale durch Strom-/Steuerkabel ersetzt. Ein 3-MW-Vollskalenprototyp wurde erfolgreich getestet, wobei seine Leistung, Robustheit und Zuverlässigkeit bestätigt wurden. Die Technologie hat das Technology Readiness Level 4 (TRL 4) erreicht, unterstützt von Petrobras und TotalEnergies, was den Weg für die globale Vermarktung ebnet.

  • Successful qualification of an innovative all-electric seabed barrier fluid-less pump
  • Technology extends lifecycle of subsea fields
  • Elimination of barrier fluid reduces maintenance needs and contamination risks
  • Cost reduction through replacement of hydraulic umbilicals with power/control cables
  • Achievement of Technology Readiness Level 4 (TRL 4) endorsed by major industry players
  • None.

The completion of the qualification process for an all-electric seabed barrier fluid-less pump by Curtiss-Wright and Saipem marks a significant technological breakthrough in subsea processing. This innovation, derived from nuclear sector technology, addresses key challenges in subsea operations:

  • Eliminates the need for barrier fluid, reducing maintenance and environmental risks
  • Enables sea water injection into reservoirs, potentially extending field lifecycles
  • Aligns with the "all-electric" strategy, replacing hydraulic umbilicals with power/control cables

The 3 MW full-scale prototype's successful testing demonstrates the robustness and reliability of this novel approach. Achieving Technology Readiness Level 4 (TRL 4) with endorsement from major players like Petrobras and TotalEnergies signals strong industry confidence. This development could lead to more cost-effective and environmentally friendly subsea operations, potentially reshaping the economics of offshore oil and gas production.

This technological milestone could have significant financial implications for Curtiss-Wright (NYSE: CW) and the broader subsea industry:

  • Potential for increased market share in subsea equipment, as this unique technology may attract new customers
  • Possible revenue growth from commercialization of the new pump technology
  • Reduced operational costs for end-users, which could drive adoption and expand the market
  • Enhanced competitive positioning in the "all-electric" subsea segment

The exclusive collaboration with Saipem and the certification for Saipem-proprietary technologies like SPRINGS® could lead to long-term revenue streams. Investors should monitor the commercialization progress and any announcements of contracts or partnerships leveraging this technology. While the immediate financial impact may be , the long-term potential could be substantial if the technology gains widespread adoption in the offshore industry.

The development of this barrier fluid-less pump technology represents a notable environmental advancement in subsea operations:

  • Elimination of barrier fluid reduces the risk of sea water contamination
  • Potential for extended field lifecycles could optimize resource utilization
  • Alignment with "all-electric" strategies may lead to reduced carbon footprint in offshore operations

By enabling more efficient and environmentally friendly subsea processing, this technology contributes to the industry's sustainability efforts. The certification by major oil companies suggests a growing acceptance of eco-friendly innovations in offshore operations. However, it's important to note that while this technology reduces certain environmental risks, it still supports fossil fuel extraction. The overall environmental impact will depend on how this technology is implemented and whether it leads to increased or more prolonged offshore activities.

DAVIDSON, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Curtiss-Wright Corporation (NYSE: CW) and Saipem have reached a significant milestone for the subsea applications industry: the completion of the qualification process of an all-electric seabed barrier fluid-less pump. Developed based on proprietary solutions inherited from the nuclear sector, this unprecedented technology will enable the subsea injection of treated sea water into a reservoir, thus extending the lifecycle of subsea fields.

While the conventional pumping system features a barrier fluid which serves as coolant, lubricant and insulation, the technology developed by Saipem and Curtiss-Wright is based instead on an innovative design whereby the subsea pump is cooled and lubricated by the sea water itself, while the motor is protected by a canned casing suitable for deepwater applications. The absence of the barrier fluid avoids the need for its constant replenishment and the risk of sea water contamination. Furthermore, due to Saipem’s “all-electric” strategy, the technology allows the replacement of conventional hydraulic umbilicals with power/control cables, thus reducing costs. This pump is the first seal-less, barrier fluid-less subsea pump with such high power.

In 2018, Curtiss-Wright and Saipem signed an exclusive collaboration agreement to develop this new technology: a 3 MW full-scale prototype has been manufactured and tested in water through an extensive specific program, which eventually confirmed the expected performance, robustness, and reliability.

This new solution is certified for several Saipem-proprietary subsea treatment technologies, including SPRINGS®, the subsea desulfation technology owned by Saipem, TotalEnergies, and Veolia.

This certification represents a fundamental goal as it validates the achievement of Technology Readiness Level 4 (TRL 4) as witnessed and endorsed by Petrobras and TotalEnergies and it marks the commencement of the relevant commercialization on a global scale.

With this milestone, Saipem confirms its investments in innovative solutions available as industrialized products to extend the life of assets in the subsea sector and to make offshore operations increasingly safe, sustainable and convenient.

About Curtiss-Wright Corporation

Curtiss-Wright Corporation (NYSE: CW) is a global integrated business that provides highly engineered products, solutions and services mainly to Aerospace & Defense markets, as well as critical technologies in demanding Commercial Power, Process and Industrial markets. We leverage a workforce of approximately 8,600 highly skilled employees who develop, design and build what we believe are the best engineered solutions to the markets we serve. Building on the heritage of Glenn Curtiss and the Wright brothers, Curtiss-Wright has a long tradition of providing innovative solutions through trusted customer relationships. For more information, visit

Jim Ryan

(704) 869-4621

Source: Curtiss-Wright Corporation


What is the significance of Curtiss-Wright's (CW) new subsea pump technology?

Curtiss-Wright's new subsea pump technology is significant because it's the first seal-less, barrier fluid-less subsea pump with high power (3 MW). It extends the lifecycle of subsea fields, reduces maintenance needs, and lowers costs by eliminating the need for barrier fluid and hydraulic umbilicals.

How does Curtiss-Wright's (CW) new subsea pump differ from conventional systems?

Unlike conventional pumping systems that use barrier fluid for cooling, lubrication, and insulation, Curtiss-Wright's new pump is cooled and lubricated by sea water itself. The motor is protected by a canned casing suitable for deepwater applications, eliminating the need for barrier fluid replenishment and reducing the risk of sea water contamination.

What level of technology readiness has Curtiss-Wright's (CW) new subsea pump achieved?

Curtiss-Wright's new subsea pump technology has achieved Technology Readiness Level 4 (TRL 4), as witnessed and endorsed by Petrobras and TotalEnergies. This certification marks the beginning of its global commercialization.

How does Curtiss-Wright's (CW) new subsea pump technology benefit the offshore industry?

The new subsea pump technology benefits the offshore industry by extending the life of assets in the subsea sector, making offshore operations safer, more sustainable, and cost-effective. It reduces maintenance needs, lowers the risk of contamination, and cuts costs by replacing hydraulic umbilicals with power/control cables.

Curtiss-Wright Corp.


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