CVW CleanTech CEO Akshay Dubey to Address House of Commons Standing Committee and Attend COP 29 as Part of the Alberta Delegation
CVW CleanTech CEO Akshay Dubey has been invited to address the House of Commons' Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development regarding environmental and climate impacts on the Canadian financial system. Additionally, the company has been selected to join Alberta's official delegation at COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan (November 11-22, 2024). The company's Creating Value From Waste™ technology focuses on recovering hydrocarbons, water, and critical minerals from oil sands mining tailings while reducing GHG emissions, VOCs, and tailings volume. This technology addresses global environmental challenges related to tailings ponds, which contain 217km³ of material with a total mass of 282 billion tonnes worldwide.
Il CEO di CVW CleanTech, Akshay Dubey, è stato invitato a relazionare davanti al Comitato Permanente dell'Ambiente e dello Sviluppo Sostenibile della Camera dei Comuni riguardo agli impatti ambientali e climatici sul sistema finanziario canadese. Inoltre, l'azienda è stata selezionata per unirsi alla delegazione ufficiale dell'Alberta al COP 29 a Baku, Azerbaijan (11-22 novembre 2024). La tecnologia Creating Value From Waste™ dell'azienda si concentra sul recupero di idrocarburi, acqua e minerali critici dai residui delle miniere di sabbie bituminose, riducendo al contempo le emissioni di gas serra, i COV e il volume dei residui. Questa tecnologia affronta le sfide ambientali globali relative agli stagni di residui, che contengono 217 km³ di materiale con una massa totale di 282 miliardi di tonnellate a livello mondiale.
El CEO de CVW CleanTech, Akshay Dubey, ha sido invitado a dirigirse al Comité Permanente de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible de la Cámara de los Comunes sobre los impactos ambientales y climáticos en el sistema financiero canadiense. Además, la empresa ha sido seleccionada para unirse a la delegación oficial de Alberta en el COP 29 en Bakú, Azerbaiyán (11-22 de noviembre de 2024). La tecnología Creating Value From Waste™ de la empresa se centra en recuperar hidrocarburos, agua y minerales críticos de los residuos de la minería de arenas bituminosas, al tiempo que reduce las emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI), Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles (COV) y el volumen de residuos. Esta tecnología aborda los desafíos ambientales globales relacionados con los estanques de residuos, que contienen 217 km³ de material con una masa total de 282 mil millones de toneladas en todo el mundo.
CVW CleanTech의 CEO인 Akshay Dubey가 캐나다 금융 시스템에 대한 환경 및 기후 영향을 다루기 위해 하원의 환경 및 지속 가능한 발전 상임위원회에 초청받았습니다. 또한, 이 회사는 2024년 11월 11일부터 22일까지 아제르바이잔 바쿠에서 열리는 COP 29에 알버타의 공식 Delegation에 참여하도록 선정되었습니다. 회사의 Creating Value From Waste™ 기술은 오일 샌드 채굴 폐기물에서 탄화수소, 물 및 중요한 광물을 회수하는 것을 중점적으로 다루면서 온실가스, 휘발성 유기 화합물 및 폐기물의 양을 줄이는 데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 이 기술은 전 세계적으로 217km³의 물질과 2820억 톤의 총 질량을 포함하는 폐기물 연못과 관련된 글로벌 환경 문제를 해결합니다.
Le PDG de CVW CleanTech, Akshay Dubey, a été invité à s'adresser au Comité permanent de l'environnement et du développement durable de la Chambre des communes afin de discuter des impacts environnementaux et climatiques sur le système financier canadien. De plus, l'entreprise a été sélectionnée pour rejoindre la délégation officielle de l'Alberta lors du COP 29 à Bakou, Azerbaïdjan (du 11 au 22 novembre 2024). La technologie Creating Value From Waste™ de l'entreprise se concentre sur la récupération des hydrocarbures, de l'eau et des minéraux critiques à partir des résidus des mines de sables bitumineux, tout en réduisant les émissions de Gaz à Effet de Serre (GES), les Composés Organiques Volatils (COV) et le volume des résidus. Cette technologie s'attaque aux défis environnementaux mondiaux liés aux bassins de résidus, qui contiennent 217 km³ de matériel et un poids total de 282 milliards de tonnes dans le monde entier.
Der CEO von CVW CleanTech, Akshay Dubey, wurde eingeladen, vor dem Ständigen Ausschuss für Umwelt und nachhaltige Entwicklung des Unterhauses zu sprechen, um über die Auswirkungen von Umwelt und Klima auf das kanadische Finanzsystem zu berichten. Außerdem wurde das Unternehmen ausgewählt, um der offiziellen Delegation von Alberta auf dem COP 29 in Baku, Aserbaidschan (11.-22. November 2024), beizutreten. Die Creating Value From Waste™-Technologie des Unternehmens konzentriert sich auf die Rückgewinnung von Kohlenwasserstoffen, Wasser und kritischen Mineralien aus den Abraumhalden der Ölsande, während gleichzeitig die Treibhausgasemissionen, flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen und das Volumen der Abfälle reduziert werden. Diese Technologie adressiert globale Umweltprobleme im Zusammenhang mit Schlammteichen, die weltweit 217 km³ Material mit einer Gesamtmasse von 282 Milliarden Tonnen enthalten.
- Technology capable of recovering valuable resources from oil sands mining tailings
- Recognition by government bodies through inclusion in key environmental discussions
- Potential to address global environmental challenges in tailings management
- None.
Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - October 24, 2024) - CVW CleanTech (TSXV: CVW) (OTCQX: CVWFF) ("CVW CleanTech" or the "Company") is proud to announce that its CEO, Akshay Dubey, has been invited to appear before the House of Commons' Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. Akshay will address the Committee on its study of the environment and climate impacts related to the Canadian financial system. This invitation underscores CVW CleanTech's expertise in developing technology to address significant environmental challenges, and its executive team's expertise within the Canadian financial system.
CVW CleanTech's participation represents a significant opportunity to contribute to critical national discussions on the development of sustainable projects in Canada. With a track record of developing and financing environmentally responsible technologies, Akshay will provide valuable insights that can shape policies to foster a more sustainable economic future.
"Being invited to testify is both an honour and an important responsibility," said Akshay. "It is imperative that we integrate sustainability into the core of our economic frameworks to ensure a resilient and prosperous future for all Canadians."
In addition to this invitation, CVW CleanTech has been selected to join Alberta's official delegation alongside Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas, at the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 29) in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22, 2024.
This selection highlights the Company's commitment to the commercial deployment of its made-in-Alberta technology, which can contribute to addressing global environmental challenges such as tailings ponds - facilities that worldwide contain 217km³ of material with a total mass of 282 billion tonnes. The Company's Creating Value From Waste™ (CVW™) technology can recover hydrocarbons, water, and valuable critical minerals from oil sands mining tailings, while significantly reducing GHG emissions, VOCs, and tailings volume.
"Our participation at COP 29 will further solidify CVW CleanTech's role as a leader in environmental risk management," Akshay stated. "We are dedicated to advancing dialogue and implementing our innovative solution, which can nearly eliminate methane from oil sands mining operations and help accelerate the world's transition to net zero."
As part of Alberta's official delegation, CVW CleanTech will engage with global stakeholders to exchange knowledge and strategies that can enhance collaborative efforts towards sustainable development worldwide.
About CVW CleanTech
CVW CleanTech's vision is to invest in innovative technologies which provide returns linked to commodities and which operate in a sustainable manner that helps accelerate the world's transition to net zero. CVW CleanTech is in the process of building a portfolio of royalty-based cash flow streams by partnering with clean technology innovators in the commodity space. CVW CleanTech is the
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