Commvault Welcomes Industry Veteran Ha Hoang as New Chief Information Officer
Commvault has appointed Ha Hoang as its new Chief Information Officer (CIO), bringing over 25 years of experience in enterprise technology transformations. Hoang, previously Group Vice President of Cloud Engineering and Infrastructure at UKG, will focus on advancing next-generation cloud, security, and AI technology initiatives at Commvault.
In her role, Hoang will collaborate with engineering and product teams to drive innovation while engaging directly with customers to demonstrate Commvault's technology capabilities in delivering business value and resilience. Her prior experience includes leadership positions at McKinsey & Company and Wipro, where she specialized in implementing effective technology strategies.
Commvault ha nominato Ha Hoang come nuovo Chief Information Officer (CIO), portando con sé oltre 25 anni di esperienza nelle trasformazioni tecnologiche aziendali. Hoang, precedentemente Vice Presidente del Gruppo per l'Ingegneria Cloud e le Infrastrutture presso UKG, si concentrerà sull'avanzamento delle iniziative tecnologiche di cloud di nuova generazione, sicurezza e intelligenza artificiale in Commvault.
Nel suo ruolo, Hoang collaborerà con i team di ingegneria e prodotto per promuovere l'innovazione, interagendo direttamente con i clienti per dimostrare le capacità tecnologiche di Commvault nel fornire valore aziendale e resilienza. La sua esperienza precedente include posizioni di leadership presso McKinsey & Company e Wipro, dove si è specializzata nell'implementazione di strategie tecnologiche efficaci.
Commvault ha nombrado a Ha Hoang como su nueva Directora de Información (CIO), aportando más de 25 años de experiencia en transformaciones tecnológicas empresariales. Hoang, anteriormente Vicepresidenta del Grupo de Ingeniería en la Nube e Infraestructura en UKG, se centrará en avanzar en iniciativas tecnológicas de nube de próxima generación, seguridad e inteligencia artificial en Commvault.
En su papel, Hoang colaborará con los equipos de ingeniería y producto para impulsar la innovación, interactuando directamente con los clientes para demostrar las capacidades tecnológicas de Commvault en la entrega de valor empresarial y resiliencia. Su experiencia previa incluye puestos de liderazgo en McKinsey & Company y Wipro, donde se especializó en la implementación de estrategias tecnológicas efectivas.
Commvault는 Ha Hoang을 새로운 최고정보책임자(CIO)로 임명하며, 25년 이상의 기업 기술 변혁 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. Hoang은 이전에 UKG의 클라우드 엔지니어링 및 인프라 그룹 부사장이었으며, Commvault에서 차세대 클라우드, 보안 및 인공지능 기술 이니셔티브를 발전시키는 데 집중할 것입니다.
그녀의 역할에서 Hoang은 엔지니어링 및 제품 팀과 협력하여 혁신을 촉진하고, 고객과 직접 소통하여 Commvault의 기술 능력을 보여주고 비즈니스 가치와 회복력을 제공할 것입니다. 그녀의 이전 경험에는 McKinsey & Company 및 Wipro에서의 리더십 직책이 포함되며, 효과적인 기술 전략 구현에 전문성을 쌓았습니다.
Commvault a nommé Ha Hoang au poste de Directrice des Systèmes d'Information (CIO), apportant plus de 25 ans d'expérience dans les transformations technologiques des entreprises. Hoang, précédemment vice-présidente du groupe en ingénierie cloud et infrastructure chez UKG, se concentrera sur l'avancement des initiatives technologiques de cloud de nouvelle génération, de sécurité et d'intelligence artificielle chez Commvault.
Dans son rôle, Hoang collaborera avec les équipes d'ingénierie et de produits pour stimuler l'innovation tout en interagissant directement avec les clients pour démontrer les capacités technologiques de Commvault à fournir de la valeur commerciale et de la résilience. Son expérience antérieure comprend des postes de direction chez McKinsey & Company et Wipro, où elle s'est spécialisée dans la mise en œuvre de stratégies technologiques efficaces.
Commvault hat Ha Hoang zur neuen Chief Information Officer (CIO) ernannt und bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Transformation von Unternehmens-Technologien mit. Hoang, zuvor Gruppen-Vizepräsidentin für Cloud Engineering und Infrastruktur bei UKG, wird sich darauf konzentrieren, Initiativen für Cloud-Technologien der nächsten Generation, Sicherheit und KI bei Commvault voranzutreiben.
In ihrer Rolle wird Hoang mit den Ingenieur- und Produktteams zusammenarbeiten, um Innovationen voranzutreiben, während sie direkt mit Kunden interagiert, um die technologischen Fähigkeiten von Commvault zur Bereitstellung von Geschäftswert und Resilienz zu demonstrieren. Ihre vorherige Erfahrung umfasst Führungspositionen bei McKinsey & Company und Wipro, wo sie sich auf die Umsetzung effektiver Technologiestrategien spezialisiert hat.
- Strategic hire with extensive cloud transformation expertise
- Strengthened leadership in cloud-first cyber resilience initiatives
- Enhanced customer-focused technology strategy
- None.
Hoang's business transformation and cloud solutions expertise to help drive Commvault's growth strategy in cyber resilience
In her role as CIO, Hoang will focus on advancing next-generation cloud, security and AI technology initiatives and operations. She will also work closely with Commvault's engineering and product teams to drive innovation. Additionally, she will engage directly with customers, showcasing how Commvault's technology can drive new levels of resilience and provide exceptional business value.
Before joining Commvault, Hoang was Group Vice President of Cloud Engineering and Infrastructure at UKG, where she led global cloud transformation projects. She also held leadership roles at McKinsey & Company and Wipro, consistently driving technology strategies that delivered clear business results.
"Commvault is leading the way in cloud-first cyber resilience, delivering innovations that help customers and partners remain resilient in an era of escalating cyber threats and attacks," Hoang said. "I look forward to working internally to advance cloud, security and AI initiatives and operations while also engaging with customers and partners to showcase, firsthand, how they can advance resilience via Commvault technologies."
"Ha's proven track record of building and deploying innovative cloud solutions and cutting-edge technologies that can advance critical business objectives and operations makes her a perfect fit for Commvault," said Danielle Sheer, Chief Trust Officer at Commvault. "Her customer-first approach also aligns perfectly with our commitment to delivering best-in-class cyber resilience solutions. We're thrilled to have her lead our enterprise technology initiatives as we continue to innovate and meet the evolving needs of our customers."
Hoang is a graduate of California State University, East Bay.
About Commvault
Commvault (NASDAQ: CVLT) is the gold standard in cyber resilience, helping more than 100,000 organizations keep data safe and businesses resilient and moving forward. Today, Commvault offers the only cyber resilience platform that combines the best data security and rapid recovery at enterprise scale across any workload, anywhere—at the lowest TCO.
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