Safety First at Covia: A Commitment to Health and Well-Being

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Covia, a company committed to safety and health, has reported progress on its safety initiatives aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal 3. Key achievements in 2023 include:

1. A decrease in the all-incidence rate to 0.95, showing annual improvement since 2021.
2. A 36% reduction in job positions potentially overexposed to respirable silica since 2022.

These improvements were driven by strategic initiatives, investments in training, and strengthening of Safety and Health teams. Covia's comprehensive approach is outlined in its Safety and Health Management System (SHMS), which includes policy statements, legal information, rules, procedures, and training requirements. The company's efforts are supported by various policies and programs, including the Safety and Health Manual and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Covia, un'azienda impegnata nella sicurezza e nella salute, ha riportato progressi nelle sue iniziative di sicurezza allineate con il Terzo Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite. I risultati chiave del 2023 includono:

1. Una riduzione del tasso di incidenti a 0,95, mostrando un miglioramento annuale dal 2021.
2. Una riduzione del 36% delle posizioni lavorative potenzialmente esposte alla silice respirabile dal 2022.

Questi miglioramenti sono stati guidati da iniziative strategiche, investimenti nella formazione e rafforzamento dei team di Sicurezza e Salute. L'approccio completo di Covia è delineato nel suo Sistema di Gestione della Sicurezza e della Salute (SHMS), che comprende dichiarazioni di politica, informazioni legali, regole, procedure e requisiti di formazione. Gli sforzi dell'azienda sono supportati da varie politiche e programmi, incluso il Manuale di Sicurezza e Salute e il Codice di Condotta e etica aziendale.

Covia, una empresa comprometida con la seguridad y la salud, ha informado sobre los avances en sus iniciativas de seguridad alineadas con el Tercer Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas. Los logros clave de 2023 incluyen:

1. Una disminución en la tasa de incidencia total a 0.95, mostrando una mejora anual desde 2021.
2. Una reducción del 36% en los puestos de trabajo potencialmente sobreexpuestos a sílice respirable desde 2022.

Estas mejoras fueron impulsadas por iniciativas estratégicas, inversiones en capacitación y el fortalecimiento de los equipos de Seguridad y Salud. El enfoque integral de Covia se detalla en su Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud (SHMS), que incluye declaraciones de políticas, información legal, reglas, procedimientos y requisitos de capacitación. Los esfuerzos de la empresa están respaldados por diversas políticas y programas, incluido el Manual de Seguridad y Salud y el Código de Conducta y Ética Empresarial.

Covia는 안전과 건강에 전념하는 회사로, 유엔 지속 가능한 개발 목표 3에 부합하는 안전 이니셔티브의 진행 상황을 보고했습니다. 2023년 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 전체 사고 발생률이 0.95로 감소하여 2021년 이후 매년 개선되었습니다.
2. 2022년 이후 호흡 가능한 실리카에 과도하게 노출될 가능성이 있는 직책이 36% 감소했습니다.

이러한 개선은 전략적 이니셔티브, 교육 투자 및 안전 및 건강 팀 강화에 의해 주도되었습니다. Covia의 포괄적인 접근 방식은 정책 성명, 법적 정보, 규칙, 절차 및 교육 요건을 포함하는 안전 및 건강 관리 시스템(SHMS)에 요약되어 있습니다. 회사의 노력은 안전 및 건강 매뉴얼, 비즈니스 행동 및 윤리 강령 등 여러 정책과 프로그램에 의해 지원됩니다.

Covia, une entreprise engagée pour la sécurité et la santé, a signalé des progrès dans ses initiatives de sécurité alignées avec l'Objectif de Développement Durable 3 des Nations Unies. Les réalisations clés de 2023 comprennent:

1. Une diminution du taux d'incidents à 0,95, montrant une amélioration annuelle depuis 2021.
2. Une réduction de 36 % des postes de travail potentiellement exposés à la silice respirable depuis 2022.

Ces améliorations ont été impulsées par des initiatives stratégiques, des investissements dans la formation, et le renforcement des équipes de Sécurité et de Santé. L'approche complète de Covia est décrite dans son Système de Management de la Sécurité et de la Santé (SHMS), qui inclut des déclarations politiques, des informations légales, des règles, des procédures, et des exigences de formation. Les efforts de l'entreprise sont soutenus par diverses politiques et programmes, y compris le Manuel de Sécurité et de Santé et le Code de Conduite et d'Éthique des affaires.

Covia, ein Unternehmen, das sich für Sicherheit und Gesundheit einsetzt, hat Fortschritte bei seinen Sicherheitsinitiativen berichtet, die mit dem Nachhaltigkeitsziel 3 der Vereinten Nationen in Einklang stehen. Die wichtigsten Erfolge im Jahr 2023 umfassen:

1. Eine Senkung der Gesamtunfallrate auf 0,95, was eine jährliche Verbesserung seit 2021 zeigt.
2. Eine Reduzierung um 36 % der Arbeitsplätze, die potenziell einer Atemsilika-Überexposition ausgesetzt sind, seit 2022.

Diese Verbesserungen wurden durch strategische Initiativen, Investitionen in Schulungen und die Stärkung der Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsteams vorangetrieben. Der umfassende Ansatz von Covia wird in seinem Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsmanagementsystem (SHMS) dargelegt, das politische Erklärungen, rechtliche Informationen, Regeln, Verfahren und Schulungsanforderungen umfasst. Die Bemühungen des Unternehmens werden durch verschiedene Richtlinien und Programme unterstützt, einschließlich des Handbuchs für Sicherheit und Gesundheit sowie des Verhaltenskodexes für Geschäftsethik.

  • All-incidence rate decreased to 0.95 in 2023, showing annual improvement since 2021
  • 36% reduction in job positions potentially overexposed to respirable silica since 2022
  • Investments in measures and capital projects to improve dust control at mining and processing sites
  • Strengthened Safety and Health teams through hiring and development of talented personnel
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 6, 2024 / At Covia, Safety First is a core value that is embedded into our culture and mindset throughout the organization. Ensuring the safety, health, and security of our Team Members, customers, business partners, and communities remains paramount in all we do.

To further commit to Safety First and to achieve outstanding safety performance and foster continuous improvement, we have established targets aligned with United Nations Sustain able Development Goals (UN SDG) 3: Good Health and Well-Being.

Target: Achieve year-over-year improvement in all incidence rate for Team Members in support of our Safety First value and priorities. The ultimate goal, of course, is zero injuries.

2023 Progress: We drove meaningful progress in our year-over-year performance through several strategic initiatives and investments to reinforce our culture of shared responsibility and accountability at all levels of the organization. We continued to prioritize company-wide awareness through refreshed and innovative training. Additionally, we strengthened our Safety and Health teams by investing in hiring and developing talented people at various levels and locations, ensuring each site has appropriate and effective resources to reinforce our safety programs.

As a result of these efforts, our all-incidence rate decreased to 0.95 in 2023, representing an annual improvement each year since 2021 (our baseline year).

Target: Achieve year-over-year reduction in the number of job positions potentially overexposed to respirable silica, through the Hierarchy of Controls, which can be found on page 35 of Covia's 2023 ESG report.

2023 Progress: We continued to invest in measures and capital projects focused on improving dust control at our mining and processing sites. As a result, we reduced the number of job positions potentially overexposed to respirable silica to nine by the end of the year, a reduction of 36% since 2022. We define potentially overexposed as having greater than 25% probability of exceeding our internal respirable silica exposure limit, which is more stringent than regulatory requirements. This represents an improvement each year since 2021 (our baseline year).

Our comprehensive approach is outlined in our Safety and Health Management System (SHMS).

Key elements of our SHMS include:

  • Policy statement

  • Legal and regulatory information and records

  • Rules and procedures

  • Details regarding specific safety and health programs

  • Training requirements

  • Safety awards

  • Contractor safety program

  • Protective and preventive measures

Lastly, our efforts are supported by various policies, programs, and procedures including our Safety and Health Manual, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct, and regular Team Member training and engagement. For more information about Safety and Health at Covia, visit

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Covia


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What was Covia's (CVIA) all-incidence rate in 2023?

Covia's all-incidence rate decreased to 0.95 in 2023, showing annual improvement since 2021.

How much did Covia (CVIA) reduce job positions potentially overexposed to respirable silica in 2023?

Covia reduced the number of job positions potentially overexposed to respirable silica by 36% since 2022, with only nine positions remaining at the end of 2023.

What are the key elements of Covia's (CVIA) Safety and Health Management System (SHMS)?

Covia's SHMS includes policy statements, legal and regulatory information, rules and procedures, safety and health programs, training requirements, safety awards, contractor safety programs, and protective and preventive measures.

How does Covia (CVIA) align its safety targets with UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Covia aligns its safety targets with UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being, aiming for year-over-year improvement in all incidence rates and reduction in job positions potentially overexposed to respirable silica.



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