John Hargrove: Encouraging a Safety-First Mindset

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John Hargrove, Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator at Covia's Hephzibah, Georgia, plant, is recognized for his dedication to safety and leadership. With a background in the U.S. Marine Corps and mining industry, John joined Covia in 2018 as a utility operator. His passion for learning and growth led to promotions, ultimately becoming the EHS coordinator.

In his role, John manages environmental and safety responsibilities, including industrial-hygiene testing. His experience across various positions helps him effectively communicate safety practices. Under John's guidance, the Hephzibah plant recently achieved 20 years without a lost-time incident, emphasizing the plant's commitment to the 'Safety-First' mindset and the principle of 'safety before production'.

John Hargrove, Coordinatore della Salute Ambientale e Sicurezza presso l'impianto di Covia a Hephzibah, Georgia, è riconosciuto per la sua dedizione alla sicurezza e alla leadership. Con una formazione nei Marine Corps statunitensi e nell'industria mineraria, John è entrato in Covia nel 2018 come operatore di utilità. La sua passione per l'apprendimento e la crescita lo ha portato a promozioni, che lo hanno infine portato a diventare il coordinatore EHS.

Nel suo ruolo, John gestisce le responsabilità ambientali e di sicurezza, compresi i test di igiene industriale. La sua esperienza in varie posizioni lo aiuta a comunicare efficacemente le pratiche di sicurezza. Sotto la guida di John, l'impianto di Hephzibah ha recentemente raggiunto 20 anni senza incidenti con tempo di inattività, sottolineando l'impegno dell'impianto per la mentalità 'Sicurezza Prima' e il principio 'la sicurezza prima della produzione'.

John Hargrove, Coordinador de Salud Ambiental y Seguridad en la planta de Covia en Hephzibah, Georgia, es reconocido por su dedicación a la seguridad y liderazgo. Con un pasado en el Cuerpo de Marines de EE. UU. y en la industria minera, John se unió a Covia en 2018 como operador de utilidades. Su pasión por aprender y crecer lo llevó a promociones, convirtiéndose finalmente en coordinador de EHS.

En su rol, John gestiona las responsabilidades ambientales y de seguridad, incluidos los exámenes de higiene industrial. Su experiencia en diversas posiciones le ayuda a comunicar eficazmente las prácticas de seguridad. Bajo la guía de John, la planta de Hephzibah alcanzó recientemente 20 años sin incidentes que resulten en tiempo perdido, enfatizando el compromiso de la planta con la mentalidad de 'Seguridad Primero' y el principio de 'la seguridad antes que la producción'.

존 하그로브는 조지아주 헤프지바에 위치한 코비아 공장의 환경 건강 및 안전 코디네이터로서 안전과 리더십에 대한 헌신으로 인정받고 있습니다. 미국 해병대와 광업 분야에서의 배경을 가지고 있는 존은 2018년 코비아에 유틸리티 운전사로 입사했습니다. 배움과 성장에 대한 그의 열정은 그를 승진으로 이끌었고, 결국 EHS 코디네이터가 되었습니다.

그의 역할에서 존은 산업 위생 테스트를 포함하여 환경 및 안전 책임을 관리합니다. 다양한 직책에서 쌓은 경험은 그가 안전 관행을 효과적으로 소통하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 존의 지도 아래, 헤프지바 공장은 최근 20년 동안 손실 시간 사고 없이 이뤄내었으며, 이는 공장의 '안전 우선' 사고 방식과 '생산보다 안전'의 원칙을 강조합니다.

John Hargrove, Coordinateur de la Santé Environnementale et de la Sécurité à l'usine Covia à Hephzibah, Géorgie, est reconnu pour son dévouement à la sécurité et son leadership. Avec un passé dans le Corps des Marines des États-Unis et l'industrie minière, John a rejoint Covia en 2018 en tant qu'opérateur de services. Sa passion pour l'apprentissage et la croissance l'a mené à des promotions, devenant finalement coordinateur EHS.

Dans son rôle, John gère les responsabilités environnementales et de sécurité, y compris les tests d'hygiène industrielle. Son expérience à travers diverses positions l'aide à communiquer efficacement les pratiques de sécurité. Sous la direction de John, l'usine de Hephzibah a récemment atteint 20 ans sans incident avec temps d'arrêt, soulignant l'engagement de l'usine envers l'état d'esprit 'Sécurité d'abord' et le principe 'sécurité avant production'.

John Hargrove, Umwelt- und Sicherheitskoordinator bei Covias Werk in Hephzibah, Georgia, ist für sein Engagement für Sicherheit und Führung anerkannt. Mit einem Hintergrund im US Marine Corps und der Bergbauindustrie trat John 2018 als Utility-Operator in Covia ein. Seine Leidenschaft für Lernen und Wachstum führte zu Beförderungen, letztendlich wurde er EHS-Koordinator.

In seiner Rolle verwaltet John Umwelt- und Sicherheitsverantwortungen, einschließlich industrieller Hygienetests. Seine Erfahrung in verschiedenen Positionen hilft ihm, Sicherheitspraktiken effektiv zu kommunizieren. Unter Johns Anleitung erreichte das Werk Hephzibah kürzlich 20 Jahre ohne Arbeitsunfälle, was das Engagement des Werkes für die Denkweise 'Sicherheit zuerst' und das Prinzip 'Sicherheit vor Produktion' unterstreicht.

  • Achieved 20 years without a lost-time incident at the Hephzibah plant
  • Emphasis on 'Safety-First' mindset and 'safety before production' principle
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 19, 2024 / Covia

Covia takes time to acknowledge the dedication and leadership of Team Members who have made a significant impact on the job or in their communities by sharing their stories. Today we recognize John Hargrove, Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator at Covia's Hephzibah, Georgia, plant. John has been with Covia for six years in a variety of roles - supporting the Hephzibah plant in several capacities. Read on to learn more about John's journey with Covia and how he helps encourage a Safety-First mindset at his plant.

A Desire to Grow

Before starting at Covia, John served for four years in the United States Marine Corp. There, he learned how to work successfully with a team, keeping each other safe along the way. After completing his service, John found a career in the mining industry and was hired to operate heavy machining equipment at an open pit mine. He worked in that position until 2018 when he applied for a utility operator position at Covia's Hephzibah, Georgia, plant.

In his new position, John quickly learned how to properly operate Covia's mill equipment for both dry and slurry mixes. The plant benefited from his reliability and his desire to constantly learn about the plant's operations and processes. John's passion for growth was recognized and he was soon promoted to the position of production supervisor. In preparation for the position, John spent a lot of time with the maintenance superintendent, learning the ins and outs of maintenance and production operations.

John's willingness to learn and improve his skills did not go unnoticed. His keen eye for safety, desire to experience new opportunities, and his rapport with the team members at the plant led to the opportunity to take the role of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) coordinator.

In his role as EHS coordinator, John manages the plant's environmental and safety responsibilities, such as managing industrial-hygiene testing to continuously monitor dust levels. John's attention to detail and open communication style help create a safe work environment. By having honest conversations with his fellow team members, John makes sure everyone is following best practices, taking proper precautions, and looking out for one another. John's experience working across several positions in the plant helps him get his message across because the team knows he's not nitpicking, and he knows what he's talking about.

Now, after a year in the position, John believes it's a good fit for his skills because it offers him new opportunities to learn and grow every day. It also extends to his home life. In addition to his keen eye for safety at the plant, John practices what he preaches at home with his three-year-old son. John enjoys going out into nature with his family and allowing his son to be "dangerous carefully," encouraging him to fully explore the natural world in a safe way.

A Keen Eye for Safety

Thanks to the Safety-First mindset of team members at the Hephzibah plant, the team recently reached a major milestone - 20 years without a lost-time incident. This is due in no small part to team members like John who help encourage a safe workplace. John shared advice that Senior Plant Manager Adam Beatty gave him when he took over as EHS coordinator. "The most important part of any safety program is making sure everyone can make it back home in the same way they came in." While production is important and vital to Covia's operation, John mentioned that the number one life-saving rule they follow is "safety before production." He works to make sure that everyone gets home safely so they can start each day anew.

John is thrilled with his plant's safety record and proud of how the team looks out for one another - trusting that they are focused on going home in one piece. He knows that the future is bright for the Hephzibah plant as they continue to safely deliver quality mineral solutions for years to come.

For further information regarding Covia's core value of Safety First and its significance in our operations, please visit

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What safety milestone did Covia's Hephzibah plant recently achieve?

Covia's Hephzibah plant recently achieved 20 years without a lost-time incident, demonstrating their strong commitment to workplace safety.

Who is John Hargrove and what is his role at Covia (CVIA)?

John Hargrove is the Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator at Covia's Hephzibah, Georgia plant. He manages the plant's environmental and safety responsibilities, including industrial-hygiene testing.

What is Covia's (CVIA) primary safety principle according to the press release?

Covia's primary safety principle is 'safety before production,' emphasizing that employee safety takes precedence over production goals.



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