Enhancing Workplace Safety: Covia's Commitment to Dust Control

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Covia, a leading industrial minerals company, has made significant strides in enhancing workplace safety through improved dust control measures. The company invested $2.0 million in projects aimed at reducing dust exposure across its locations. Notable initiatives include:

1. Working closely with sites experiencing elevated silica exposure levels
2. Establishing routine meetings with safety and health leaders
3. Increasing organization-wide communication

At the Wedron, Illinois plant, Covia implemented several tools, including a wheel wash station, concrete sand-storage bunkers, improved pavement, and an upgraded water scrubber. The Oregon, Illinois plant achieved a 60% reduction in airborne respirable dust by applying Covia's DST® Dust Suppression Technology during screen-change procedures. These efforts demonstrate Covia's commitment to protecting employees, neighbors, and the environment from the risks associated with respirable silica dust exposure.

Covia, un'azienda leader nel settore dei minerali industriali, ha fatto significativi progressi nel migliorare la sicurezza sul lavoro attraverso misure di controllo della polvere migliorate. L'azienda ha investito 2,0 milioni di dollari in progetti volti a ridurre l'esposizione alla polvere nei suoi stabilimenti. Tra le iniziative degne di nota ci sono:

1. Collaborazione stretta con i siti che presentano livelli elevati di esposizione alla silice
2. Organizzazione di riunioni periodiche con i leader della sicurezza e della salute
3. Maggiore comunicazione a livello aziendale

Nello , Covia ha implementato diversi strumenti, tra cui una stazione di lavaggio ruote, bunker per lo stoccaggio di sabbia in cemento, pavimentazione migliorata e un'unità di lavaggio ad acqua aggiornata. Lo ha raggiunto una riduzione del 60% della polvere respirabile nell'aria applicando la tecnologia di soppressione della polvere DST® di Covia durante le procedure di cambiamento della griglia. Questi sforzi dimostrano l'impegno di Covia nella protezione dei dipendenti, dei vicini e dell'ambiente dai rischi associati all'esposizione alla polvere respirabile di silice.

Covia, una empresa líder en minerales industriales, ha realizado avances significativos en mejorar la seguridad laboral mediante medidas de control de polvo mejoradas. La empresa invirtió 2,0 millones de dólares en proyectos destinados a reducir la exposición al polvo en sus ubicaciones. Las iniciativas notables incluyen:

1. Trabajar en estrecha colaboración con los sitios que experimentan niveles elevados de exposición a la sílice
2. Establecer reuniones rutinarias con líderes de seguridad y salud
3. Incrementar la comunicación en toda la organización

En la planta de Wedron, Illinois, Covia implementó varias herramientas, incluyendo una estación de lavado de ruedas, bunkers para almacenamiento de arena de concreto, pavimento mejorado y un sistema de lavado de agua actualizado. La planta de Oregon, Illinois logró una reducción del 60% en el polvo respirable en el aire al aplicar la Tecnología de Supresión de Polvo DST® de Covia durante los procedimientos de cambio de pantalla. Estos esfuerzos demuestran el compromiso de Covia con la protección de empleados, vecinos y el medio ambiente frente a los riesgos asociados con la exposición al polvo respirable de sílice.

Covia는 산업광물 분야의 선두 기업으로서 근무 환경 안전성 향상을 위해 먼지 제어 조치 개선에 상당한 진전을 이루었습니다. 이 회사는 다양한 지역의 먼지 노출을 줄이기 위한 프로젝트에 200만 달러를 투자했습니다. 주목할 만한 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 실리카 노출 수준이 높은 사이트와의 긴밀한 협력
2. 안전 및 건강 리더들과의 정기 회의 개최
3. 조직 전반의 커뮤니케이션 증가

일리노이주 웨드론 공장에서는 휠 세척 스테이션, 콘크리트 모래 저장 벙커, 개선된 포장 및 업그레이드된 물 세척기 등 여러 도구를 구현하였습니다. 일리노이주 오리건 공장은 스크린 교체 절차 동안 Covia의 DST® 먼지 억제 기술을 적용하여 공기 중 호흡 가능한 먼지를 60% 감소시켰습니다. 이러한 노력은 호흡 가능한 실리카 먼지 노출과 관련된 위험으로부터 직원, 이웃 및 환경을 보호하려는 Covia의 의지를 보여줍니다.

Covia, une entreprise leader dans le domaine des minéraux industriels, a fait des progrès significatifs dans l'amélioration de la sécurité au travail grâce à de meilleures mesures de contrôle de la poussière. L'entreprise a investi 2,0 millions de dollars dans des projets visant à réduire l'exposition à la poussière sur ses sites. Parmi les initiatives notables, on peut citer :

1. Travailler en étroite collaboration avec les sites connus pour des niveaux élevés d'exposition à la silice
2. Établir des réunions régulières avec les responsables de la sécurité et de la santé
3. Accroître la communication à l'échelle de l'organisation

Dans l'usine de Wedron, Illinois, Covia a mis en œuvre plusieurs outils, notamment une station de lavage des roues, des bunkers de stockage de sable en béton, un pavage amélioré et un système de nettoyage à l'eau modernisé. L'usine de l'Oregon, Illinois a atteint une réduction de 60% de la poussière respirable dans l'air en appliquant la technologie de suppression de poussière DST® de Covia lors des procédures de changement d'écran. Ces efforts démontrent l'engagement de Covia à protéger ses employés, ses voisins et l'environnement contre les risques associés à l'exposition à la poussière respirable de silice.

Covia, ein führendes Unternehmen in der Industrie-Mineralienbranche, hat bedeutende Fortschritte bei der Verbesserung der Arbeitssicherheit durch verbesserte Stäubeunterdrückungsmaßnahmen erzielt. Das Unternehmen hat 2,0 Millionen Dollar in Projekte investiert, die darauf abzielen, die Staubexposition an seinen Standorten zu reduzieren. Zu den bemerkenswerten Initiativen gehören:

1. Enge Zusammenarbeit mit Standorten, die hohe Silikabelastungen aufweisen
2. Einrichtung regelmäßiger Treffen mit Führungskräften für Sicherheit und Gesundheit
3. Erhöhung der Kommunikation im gesamten Unternehmen

An der Fabrik von Wedron, Illinois hat Covia mehrere Werkzeuge implementiert, darunter eine Radwaschanlage, Beton-Sandlagerbunker, verbesserte Fahrbahn und einen modernisierten Wasserwäscher. Die Fabrik in Oregon, Illinois erreichte eine 60%ige Reduzierung von in der Luft schwebendem, atmungsaktivem Staub, indem sie bei Bildschirmwechselverfahren die Staubunterdrückungstechnologie DST® von Covia anwendete. Diese Bemühungen zeigen Covias Engagement für den Schutz von Mitarbeitern, Nachbarn und der Umwelt vor den Risiken, die mit der Exposition gegenüber atmungsaktivem Silikastaub verbunden sind.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 5, 2024 / Covia continues to prioritize reducing the risk of exposure to respirable silica dust and related diseases, such as silicosis. Through a hands-on approach, Covia worked with plants to apply collective expertise and best practices for the protection of its employees, neighbors, and the environment. This included:

  • Working more closely with sites experiencing elevated silica exposure levels to develop advanced dust control measures;

  • Establishing routine meetings with safety and health leaders to discuss specific risks and opportunities; and

  • Increasing communication across the organization, including a summary of activities and exposure levels.

Covia invested $2.0 million in projects focused on reducing dust exposure across its locations. Notably, the Wedron, Illinois, plant introduced several impactful tools and initiatives to improve dust mitigation in its silica operations. This included:

  • Stationing a wheel wash at the transition from unpaved to paved roadways to reduce mud, dust, and fugitive emissions;

  • Installing concrete sand-storage bunkers at numerous locations at the facility to temporarily accumulate sands and reduce contamination;

  • Replacing pavement with easier to clean surfaces across the site, and purchasing two street sweepers; and

  • Replacing a water scrubber, used to control particulate emissions, with a more efficient and effective scrubber.

Covia's Oregon, Illinois, plant also adopted an innovative update to the screen-change procedures to reduce dust exposure. By applying a small amount of Covia's DST® Dust Suppression Technology on the site's screening equipment (outside of the machines, screen decks, and screens) prior to maintenance, the plant achieved a 60% reduction in airborne respirable dust.

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Spokesperson: Covia


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How much did Covia invest in dust control projects in 2024?

Covia invested $2.0 million in projects focused on reducing dust exposure across its locations in 2024.

What specific measures did Covia implement at its Wedron, Illinois plant to improve dust control?

At the Wedron, Illinois plant, Covia implemented a wheel wash station, concrete sand-storage bunkers, improved pavement, purchased two street sweepers, and upgraded the water scrubber used to control particulate emissions.

How effective was the dust reduction strategy at Covia's Oregon, Illinois plant?

The Oregon, Illinois plant achieved a 60% reduction in airborne respirable dust by applying Covia's DST® Dust Suppression Technology during screen-change procedures.

What are the main goals of Covia's dust control initiatives?

Covia's dust control initiatives aim to reduce the risk of exposure to respirable silica dust and related diseases, such as silicosis, while protecting employees, neighbors, and the environment.

How is Covia (CVIA) improving communication about dust control measures within the organization?

Covia is increasing communication across the organization by establishing routine meetings with safety and health leaders and providing summaries of activities and exposure levels.



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