Covia Announces Class of 2024 Aspire Scholarship Winners

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Covia has announced the recipients of its Aspire Scholarship for 2024, aimed at supporting the higher education goals of employees' dependents. In collaboration with CollegeNow and the Cleveland Foundation, five students have been selected to receive financial aid for their fall semester tuition. The scholarship program, established in 2013, has granted nearly 30 scholarships to date.

The 2024 awardees are Maxwell Etienne, Gracie Cappelle, Savannah Moore, Gracen Pitts, and Noah Foster. Brian Richardson, EVP and Chief Administrative Officer, emphasized Covia's commitment to supporting youth education. This initiative aligns with Covia's social responsibility efforts and contributes to developing future talent for their workforce.

Covia ha annunciato i destinatari della sua Borsa di Studio Aspire per il 2024, finalizzata a supportare gli obiettivi di istruzione superiore dei familiari dei dipendenti. In collaborazione con CollegeNow e la Cleveland Foundation, sono stati selezionati cinque studenti per ricevere aiuti finanziari per le tasse del semestre autunnale. Il programma di borse di studio, istituito nel 2013, ha già concesso quasi 30 borse di studio fino ad oggi.

I premiati del 2024 sono Maxwell Etienne, Gracie Cappelle, Savannah Moore, Gracen Pitts e Noah Foster. Brian Richardson, EVP e Chief Administrative Officer, ha sottolineato l'impegno di Covia nel supportare l'istruzione giovanile. Questa iniziativa si allinea con gli sforzi di responsabilità sociale di Covia e contribuisce a sviluppare futuri talenti per la loro forza lavoro.

Covia ha anunciado los beneficiarios de su Beca Aspire para 2024, destinada a apoyar los objetivos de educación superior de los dependientes de los empleados. En colaboración con CollegeNow y la Cleveland Foundation, se han seleccionado cinco estudiantes para recibir ayuda financiera para su matrícula del semestre de otoño. El programa de becas, establecido en 2013, ha otorgado casi 30 becas hasta la fecha.

Los galardonados de 2024 son Maxwell Etienne, Gracie Cappelle, Savannah Moore, Gracen Pitts y Noah Foster. Brian Richardson, EVP y Chief Administrative Officer, enfatizó el compromiso de Covia con el apoyo a la educación juvenil. Esta iniciativa se alinea con los esfuerzos de responsabilidad social de Covia y contribuye al desarrollo de futuros talentos para su fuerza laboral.

코비아(Covia)는 직원의 의존자들이 높은 교육 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 지원하기 위해 2024년 아스파이어 장학금 수혜자를 발표했습니다. CollegeNow 및 클리블랜드 재단과 협력하여 다섯 명의 학생이 가을 학기 수업료에 대한 재정 지원을 받기 위해 선발되었습니다. 2013년에 설립된 장학금 프로그램은 현재까지 거의 30개의 장학금을 수여했습니다.

2024년 수상자는 맥스웰 에티엔(Maxwell Etienne), 그레이시 카펠(Gracie Cappelle), 사바나 무어(Savannah Moore), 그레이센 피츠(Gracen Pitts), 노아 포스터(Noah Foster)입니다. 브라이언 리차드슨(Brian Richardson), EVP 및 최고 행정 책임자는 코비아가 청소년 교육을 지원하는 데 대한 헌신을 강조했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 코비아의 사회적 책임 노력과 일치하며, 미래 인재 개발에 기여합니다.

Covia a annoncé les récipiendaires de sa Bourse Aspire pour 2024, visant à soutenir les objectifs d'enseignement supérieur des dépendants des employés. En collaboration avec CollegeNow et la Cleveland Foundation, cinq étudiants ont été sélectionnés pour recevoir une aide financière pour leurs frais de scolarité du semestre d'automne. Le programme de bourses, établi en 2013, a accordé près de 30 bourses à ce jour.

Les lauréats de 2024 sont Maxwell Etienne, Gracie Cappelle, Savannah Moore, Gracen Pitts et Noah Foster. Brian Richardson, EVP et directeur administratif, a souligné l'engagement de Covia à soutenir l'éducation des jeunes. Cette initiative s'inscrit dans les efforts de responsabilité sociale de Covia et contribue à développer les talents futurs de leur main-d'œuvre.

Covia hat die Empfänger des Aspire Stipendiums für 2024 bekannt gegeben, das darauf abzielt, die Ziele der höheren Bildung von Angehörigen der Mitarbeiter zu unterstützen. In Zusammenarbeit mit CollegeNow und der Cleveland Foundation wurden fünf Studenten ausgewählt, um finanzielle Unterstützung für ihr Herbstsemester zu erhalten. Das 2013 ins Leben gerufene Stipendienprogramm hat bisher fast 30 Stipendien vergeben.

Die Preisträger 2024 sind Maxwell Etienne, Gracie Cappelle, Savannah Moore, Gracen Pitts und Noah Foster. Brian Richardson, EVP und Chief Administrative Officer, betonte das Engagement von Covia zur Unterstützung der Jugendbildung. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit den sozialen Verantwortung Bemühungen von Covia und trägt zur Entwicklung zukünftiger Talente für ihre Belegschaft bei.

  • Covia demonstrates commitment to employee welfare by offering scholarships to their dependents
  • The scholarship program may help in talent retention and employee satisfaction
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 23, 2024 / Covia is pleased to announce the recipients of the Aspire Scholarship, which aims to assist dependents of Covia employees in pursuing their higher education goals. This scholarship program, in collaboration with CollegeNow and the Cleveland Foundation, has selected five deserving individuals to receive financial support for their academic endeavors. Each student will be awarded funding to help alleviate the burden of tuition expenses for the upcoming fall semester.

Covia created the scholarship program in 2013 and has granted close to 30 scholarships to dependents of Covia employees in order to support their post-secondary education. We would like to extend our congratulations to the 2024 Aspire Scholarship awardees: Maxwell Etienne, Gracie Cappelle, Savannah Moore, Gracen Pitts, and Noah Foster.

"We are pleased to announce the selection of these remarkable students for the 2024 Aspire Scholarship," said Brian Richardson, EVP, Chief Administrative Officer. "Covia has a rich history of providing opportunities for youth, and we see this as another way to support young people in their educational pursuits."

The scholarship program is in line with Covia's commitment to social responsibility and serves as a fundamental element in developing a pipeline of future talent in our workforce. Find out more about Covia's extensive community involvement and charitable efforts.

Maxwell Etienne

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How many Aspire Scholarships did Covia award for 2024?

Covia awarded five Aspire Scholarships for 2024 to dependents of their employees.

When did Covia start the Aspire Scholarship program?

Covia created the Aspire Scholarship program in 2013.

How many scholarships has Covia (CVIA) granted since the program's inception?

Covia has granted close to 30 scholarships to dependents of Covia employees since the program's inception in 2013.

Who are the partners collaborating with Covia for the Aspire Scholarship program?

Covia collaborates with CollegeNow and the Cleveland Foundation for the Aspire Scholarship program.



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