Civeo Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Results
Civeo (NYSE:CVEO) reported Q4 2024 financial results with revenues of $151.0 million, net loss of $15.1 million, and operating cash flow of $9.5 million. Full-year 2024 showed revenues of $682.1 million, net loss of $17.1 million, and operating cash flow of $83.5 million.
Key highlights include:
- Returned $44.0 million to shareholders (65% of free cash flow) through dividends and share repurchases
- Secured A$1.4 billion six-year Australian integrated services contract renewal
- Australian revenues grew 23% year-over-year in Q4
- Announced agreement to acquire four villages in Australian Bowen Basin
- Canadian operations faced headwinds, implementing cost restructuring with expected $3 million one-time costs and 25% overhead headcount reduction
2025 guidance (excluding Australian acquisition): revenues of $630.0-660.0 million, Adjusted EBITDA of $80.0-90.0 million, and capital expenditures of $25.0-30.0 million.
Civeo (NYSE:CVEO) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del quarto trimestre 2024 con ricavi di 151,0 milioni di dollari, una perdita netta di 15,1 milioni di dollari e un flusso di cassa operativo di 9,5 milioni di dollari. L'anno intero 2024 ha mostrato ricavi di 682,1 milioni di dollari, una perdita netta di 17,1 milioni di dollari e un flusso di cassa operativo di 83,5 milioni di dollari.
I punti salienti includono:
- Restituiti 44,0 milioni di dollari agli azionisti (65% del flusso di cassa libero) attraverso dividendi e riacquisti di azioni
- Rinnovo di un contratto integrato di servizi australiani di sei anni del valore di 1,4 miliardi di dollari australiani
- I ricavi australiani sono cresciuti del 23% su base annua nel quarto trimestre
- Annunciato un accordo per acquisire quattro villaggi nel Bowen Basin australiano
- Le operazioni canadesi hanno affrontato difficoltà, implementando una ristrutturazione dei costi con costi una tantum previsti di 3 milioni di dollari e una riduzione del 25% del personale di supporto
Le previsioni per il 2025 (escludendo l'acquisizione australiana): ricavi di 630,0-660,0 milioni di dollari, EBITDA rettificato di 80,0-90,0 milioni di dollari e spese in conto capitale di 25,0-30,0 milioni di dollari.
Civeo (NYSE:CVEO) reportó los resultados financieros del cuarto trimestre de 2024 con ingresos de 151,0 millones de dólares, una pérdida neta de 15,1 millones de dólares y un flujo de efectivo operativo de 9,5 millones de dólares. El año completo 2024 mostró ingresos de 682,1 millones de dólares, una pérdida neta de 17,1 millones de dólares y un flujo de efectivo operativo de 83,5 millones de dólares.
Los aspectos destacados incluyen:
- Devolución de 44,0 millones de dólares a los accionistas (65% del flujo de efectivo libre) a través de dividendos y recompra de acciones
- Renovación de un contrato de servicios integrados australianos de seis años por un valor de 1,4 mil millones de dólares australianos
- Los ingresos australianos crecieron un 23% interanual en el cuarto trimestre
- Anuncio de un acuerdo para adquirir cuatro aldeas en la cuenca de Bowen en Australia
- Las operaciones en Canadá enfrentaron desafíos, implementando una reestructuración de costos con costos únicos esperados de 3 millones de dólares y una reducción del 25% en el personal administrativo
Las proyecciones para 2025 (excluyendo la adquisición australiana): ingresos de 630,0-660,0 millones de dólares, EBITDA ajustado de 80,0-90,0 millones de dólares y gastos de capital de 25,0-30,0 millones de dólares.
Civeo (NYSE:CVEO)는 2024년 4분기 재무 결과를 보고하며 매출이 1억 5,100만 달러, 순손실이 1,510만 달러, 운영 현금 흐름이 950만 달러라고 발표했습니다. 2024년 전체 연도는 매출 6억 8,210만 달러, 순손실 1,710만 달러, 운영 현금 흐름 8,350만 달러를 기록했습니다.
주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 배당금 및 자사주 매입을 통해 주주에게 4,400만 달러(자유 현금 흐름의 65%) 반환
- 14억 호주 달러 규모의 6년짜리 호주 통합 서비스 계약 갱신 확보
- 4분기 동안 호주 매출이 전년 대비 23% 증가
- 호주 보웬 분지에 있는 4개 마을 인수 계약 발표
- 캐나다 사업은 어려움을 겪으며 300만 달러의 일회성 비용과 25%의 간접 인력 감축을 예상하는 비용 구조 조정을 시행
2025년 가이던스(호주 인수 제외): 매출 6억 3천만~6억 6천만 달러, 조정 EBITDA 8천만~9천만 달러, 자본 지출 2천5백만~3천만 달러.
Civeo (NYSE:CVEO) a publié les résultats financiers du quatrième trimestre 2024 avec des revenus de 151,0 millions de dollars, une perte nette de 15,1 millions de dollars et un flux de trésorerie opérationnel de 9,5 millions de dollars. Pour l'année entière 2024, les revenus se sont élevés à 682,1 millions de dollars, avec une perte nette de 17,1 millions de dollars et un flux de trésorerie opérationnel de 83,5 millions de dollars.
Les points clés incluent:
- Retour de 44,0 millions de dollars aux actionnaires (65 % du flux de trésorerie libre) par le biais de dividendes et de rachats d'actions
- Renouvellement d'un contrat de services intégrés australien de six ans d'une valeur de 1,4 milliard de dollars australiens
- Les revenus australiens ont augmenté de 23 % d'une année sur l'autre au quatrième trimestre
- Annonce d'un accord pour acquérir quatre villages dans le bassin de Bowen en Australie
- Les opérations canadiennes ont rencontré des difficultés, mettant en œuvre une restructuration des coûts avec des coûts uniques prévus de 3 millions de dollars et une réduction de 25 % du personnel administratif
Prévisions pour 2025 (hors acquisition australienne) : revenus de 630,0 à 660,0 millions de dollars, EBITDA ajusté de 80,0 à 90,0 millions de dollars et dépenses d'investissement de 25,0 à 30,0 millions de dollars.
Civeo (NYSE:CVEO) hat die Finanzergebnisse für das vierte Quartal 2024 mit einem Umsatz von 151,0 Millionen Dollar, einem Nettoverlust von 15,1 Millionen Dollar und einem operativen Cashflow von 9,5 Millionen Dollar veröffentlicht. Für das gesamte Jahr 2024 wurden Umsätze von 682,1 Millionen Dollar, ein Nettoverlust von 17,1 Millionen Dollar und ein operativer Cashflow von 83,5 Millionen Dollar gemeldet.
Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:
- Rückzahlung von 44,0 Millionen Dollar an die Aktionäre (65 % des freien Cashflows) durch Dividenden und Aktienrückkäufe
- Erneuerung eines sechsjährigen australischen integrierten Dienstleistungsvertrags im Wert von 1,4 Milliarden AUD
- Die australischen Umsätze stiegen im vierten Quartal im Jahresvergleich um 23 %
- Vereinbarung zur Übernahme von vier Dörfern im australischen Bowen Basin angekündigt
- Die kanadischen Aktivitäten hatten mit Herausforderungen zu kämpfen und führten eine Kostenstrukturänderung mit voraussichtlichen einmaligen Kosten von 3 Millionen Dollar und einer Reduzierung des Verwaltungspersonals um 25 % durch
Die Prognose für 2025 (ohne die australische Übernahme): Umsätze von 630,0-660,0 Millionen Dollar, bereinigtes EBITDA von 80,0-90,0 Millionen Dollar und Investitionsausgaben von 25,0-30,0 Millionen Dollar.
- Secured A$1.4B six-year Australian contract renewal
- Australian revenues grew 23% year-over-year in Q4
- Strong balance sheet with total liquidity of $202.2M
- Low net leverage ratio of 0.5x
- Returned 65% of free cash flow to shareholders
- Q4 net loss of $15.1M vs net income of $23.0M in Q4 2023
- Full-year 2024 net loss of $17.1M vs net income of $30.2M in 2023
- Canadian segment revenue declined 44% year-over-year in Q4
- Adjusted EBITDA decreased to $79.9M in 2024 from $106.5M in 2023
- Expected revenue decline in 2025 guidance vs 2024 results
Civeo's Q4 and full-year 2024 results highlight a strategic business transformation that investors should note despite mixed financial performance. The company reported
The most significant development is Civeo's accelerating pivot from capital-intensive lodge ownership toward an asset-light integrated services model, particularly in Australia. This segment delivered impressive
Meanwhile, structural challenges in the Canadian oil sands region have intensified, with Q4 segment revenues plunging
Civeo's pending acquisition of four Australian villages represents a disciplined expansion in the metallurgical coal-rich Bowen Basin, secured with 2-3 year contracts from blue-chip customers. This transaction should enhance free cash flow immediately upon closing, expected by Q2 2025.
The company's balance sheet remains exceptionally strong with
For 2025, Civeo projects
Reported fourth quarter 2024 revenues of
, net loss of$151.0 million and operating cash flow of$15.1 million , with full year 2024 revenues of$9.5 million , net loss of$682.1 million and operating cash flow of$17.1 million ;$83.5 million -
Reported fourth quarter 2024 Adjusted EBITDA of
with full year 2024 Adjusted EBITDA of$11.4 million ;$79.9 million -
of capital to shareholders in 2024 through the quarterly dividend and share repurchases, representing$44.0 million 65% of 2024 free cash flow of ;$68.4 million -
Recently announced a six-year
A Australian integrated services contract renewal with expanded scope, showing strength of Civeo's long-term relationships;$1.4 billion -
Australian revenues in the fourth quarter grew by
23% year-over-year, led by the recently announced integrated services contract renewal; and - Subsequent to quarter end, executed on disciplined growth strategy by entering into an agreement to acquire four villages and associated long-term contracts in the Australian Bowen Basin. Upon closing, the transaction is expected to be immediately accretive to cash flow. See press release dated February 19, 2025.
Bradley J.
“I’m pleased with the fourth quarter results of our
“In addition, our Australian owned villages continue to experience strong occupancy levels driven by steady operational mining activity. To further capitalize on the Bowen Basin market dynamics, we recently announced an agreement to acquire four additional villages in the basin. Consistent with our strategy in our existing villages, the villages to be acquired are largely contracted under two-to-three-year contracts with new and existing blue-chip customers. This acquisition is expected to be immediately accretive to operating cash flow and will expand our presence in the world’s premier metallurgical coal basin.”
“Our Canadian business continued to face headwinds in the oil sands region, compounded by economic and political uncertainty. For the past decade, the underlying economics for our oil sands customers to deploy capital in the region have been challenging. Now, in addition, our customers are facing increased investor pressure for capital and operating cost discipline. As a result, headcount requirements, and therefore our occupancy in the
Fourth Quarter 2024 Results
In the fourth quarter of 2024, Civeo reported revenues of
By comparison, in the fourth quarter of 2023, Civeo generated revenues of
The decrease in Adjusted EBITDA in the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to 2023 was primarily due to decreased billed rooms at the Canadian lodges. This lower level of customer spending is expected to continue as producers in the region remain focused on reducing operating costs. The year-over-year decrease in free cash flow was negatively impacted by net proceeds related to the sale of McClelland Lake Lodge and holdback collections related to the wind down of Canadian mobile camp projects in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Full Year 2024 Results
For the full year 2024, the Company reported revenues of
The decrease in Adjusted EBITDA in 2024 as compared to 2023 was largely driven by the sale of McClelland Lake Lodge in 2023 and the expected wind-down of LNG related activity in
Business Segment Results
(Unless otherwise noted, the following discussion compares the quarterly results for the fourth quarter of 2024 to the results for the fourth quarter of 2023.)
During the fourth quarter of 2024, the
The Australian segment experienced a
On January 9, 2025, the Company announced a six-year
During the fourth quarter of 2024, the
The Canadian segment experienced a
As stated above, Civeo is taking several strategic actions to mitigate current macroeconomic risks. During the first quarter of 2025, Civeo will incur one-time restructuring costs of approximately
Financial Condition and Capital Allocation
As of December 31, 2024, Civeo had total liquidity of approximately
For the full year 2024, the Company repurchased 1,130,000 shares for approximately
Civeo reported a net leverage ratio of 0.5x as of December 31, 2024.
For the full year 2024, Civeo invested
The Company previously announced that its Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of
In the fourth quarter of 2024, Civeo repurchased approximately 208,000 shares through its share repurchase program for approximately
Full Year 2025 Guidance
For the full year of 2025, excluding any contribution from the recently announced Australian asset acquisition, Civeo expects revenues of
The Company expects the recently announced Australian asset acquisition to be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2025, subject to regulatory approvals and customary conditions, and we will provide updated 2025 guidance upon completion.
Supplemental Data Disclosure:
In addition to the Company's standard earnings release schedules, please see below additional supplemental data schedule disclosing results associated with the asset-light (integrated services) portion of our business and the asset-intensive (accommodation) portion of our business within each of its two reporting segments.
Conference Call
Civeo will host a conference call to discuss its fourth quarter 2024 financial results today at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time. This call is being webcast and can be accessed at Civeo's website at Participants may also join the conference call by dialing (877) 423-9813 in
About Civeo
Civeo Corporation is a leading provider of hospitality services with prominent market positions in the Australian natural resource and the Canadian oil sands regions. Civeo offers comprehensive solutions for lodging hundreds or thousands of workers with its long-term and temporary accommodations and provides food services, housekeeping, facility management, laundry, water and wastewater treatment, power generation, communications systems, security and logistics services. Civeo currently owns and operates a total of 24 lodges and villages in
Forward Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements are those that do not state historical facts and are, therefore, inherently subject to risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements herein, including the statements regarding Civeo’s future plans and outlook, strategic priorities, guidance, current trends,expectations with respect to Adjusted EBITDA, capital expenditures, share repurchases and dividends, liquidity needs, and the proposed Australian asset acquisition, including its associated benefits and anticipated closing date, are based on then current expectations and entail various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, among other things, risks associated with the general nature of the accommodations industry, risks associated with the level of supply and demand for oil, coal, iron ore and other minerals, including the level of activity, spending and developments in the Canadian oil sands, the level of demand for coal and other natural resources from, and investments and opportunities in,
Non-GAAP Financial Information
EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, free cash flow, net debt, bank-adjusted EBITDA and net leverage ratio are non-GAAP financial measures. See “Non-GAAP Reconciliation” below for definitions and additional information concerning non-GAAP financial measures, including a reconciliation of the non-GAAP financial information presented in this press release to the most directly comparable financial information presented in accordance with GAAP. Non-GAAP financial information supplements and should be read together with, and is not an alternative or substitute for, the Company’s financial results reported in accordance with GAAP. Because non-GAAP financial information is not standardized, it may not be possible to compare these financial measures with other companies’ non-GAAP financial measures.
- Financial Schedules Follow -
Three Months Ended
Twelve Months Ended
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenues |
$ |
150,951 |
$ |
170,799 |
$ |
682,122 |
$ |
700,805 |
Costs and expenses: |
Cost of sales and services |
122,846 |
135,052 |
532,667 |
530,287 |
Selling, general and administrative expenses |
17,642 |
19,720 |
73,350 |
72,605 |
Depreciation and amortization expense |
16,769 |
15,865 |
68,038 |
75,142 |
Impairment expense |
3,758 |
1,395 |
11,581 |
1,395 |
(Gain) loss on sale of McClelland Lake Lodge assets, net |
73 |
(23,458 |
) |
(5,744 |
) |
(18,590 |
) |
Other operating expense (income) |
(94 |
) |
177 |
898 |
479 |
160,994 |
148,751 |
680,790 |
661,318 |
Operating income (loss) |
(10,043 |
) |
22,048 |
1,332 |
39,487 |
Interest expense |
(1,685 |
) |
(2,552 |
) |
(7,973 |
) |
(13,177 |
) |
Interest income |
40 |
46 |
187 |
172 |
Other income (expense) |
(450 |
) |
10,845 |
517 |
13,881 |
Income (loss) before income taxes |
(12,138 |
) |
30,387 |
(5,937 |
) |
40,363 |
Income tax expense |
(3,293 |
) |
(7,736 |
) |
(12,492 |
) |
(10,633 |
) |
Net income (loss) |
(15,431 |
) |
22,651 |
(18,429 |
) |
29,730 |
Less: Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interest |
(361 |
) |
(374 |
) |
(1,362 |
) |
(427 |
) |
Net income (loss) attributable to Civeo Corporation |
$ |
(15,070 |
) |
$ |
23,025 |
$ |
(17,067 |
) |
$ |
30,157 |
Net income (loss) per share attributable to Civeo Corporation common shareholders: |
Basic |
$ |
(1.10 |
) |
$ |
1.57 |
$ |
(1.19 |
) |
$ |
2.02 |
Diluted |
$ |
(1.10 |
) |
$ |
1.55 |
$ |
(1.19 |
) |
$ |
2.01 |
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding: |
Basic |
13,688 |
14,687 |
14,287 |
14,906 |
Diluted |
13,688 |
14,855 |
14,287 |
15,013 |
December 31, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
5,204 |
$ |
3,323 |
Accounts receivable, net |
89,038 |
143,222 |
Inventories |
7,537 |
6,982 |
Assets held for sale |
— |
5,873 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
8,674 |
15,846 |
Total current assets |
110,453 |
175,246 |
Property, plant and equipment, net |
204,897 |
270,563 |
Goodwill, net |
7,001 |
7,690 |
Other intangible assets, net |
66,502 |
77,999 |
Operating lease right-of-use assets |
9,401 |
12,286 |
Other noncurrent assets |
6,818 |
4,278 |
Total assets |
$ |
405,072 |
$ |
548,062 |
Current liabilities: |
Accounts payable |
$ |
39,971 |
$ |
58,699 |
Accrued liabilities |
34,933 |
40,523 |
Income taxes |
10,853 |
3,831 |
Deferred revenue |
2,501 |
4,849 |
Other current liabilities |
4,388 |
6,334 |
Total current liabilities |
92,646 |
114,236 |
Long-term debt |
43,299 |
65,554 |
Deferred income taxes |
3,558 |
11,803 |
Operating lease liabilities |
6,655 |
9,264 |
Other noncurrent liabilities |
21,916 |
24,167 |
Total liabilities |
168,074 |
225,024 |
Shareholders' equity: |
Common shares |
— |
— |
Additional paid-in capital |
1,631,823 |
1,628,972 |
Accumulated deficit |
(980,720 |
) |
(919,023 |
) |
Treasury stock |
(10,130 |
) |
(9,063 |
) |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
(404,600 |
) |
(380,715 |
) |
Total Civeo Corporation shareholders' equity |
236,373 |
320,171 |
Noncontrolling interest |
625 |
2,867 |
Total shareholders' equity |
236,998 |
323,038 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity |
$ |
405,072 |
$ |
548,062 |
Twelve Months Ended
2024 |
2023 |
Cash flows from operating activities: |
Net income (loss) |
$ |
(18,429 |
) |
$ |
29,730 |
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: |
Depreciation and amortization |
68,038 |
75,142 |
Impairment charges |
11,581 |
1,395 |
Deferred income tax expense (benefit) |
(7,659 |
) |
6,806 |
Non-cash compensation charge |
2,851 |
4,460 |
Gain on disposals of assets |
(6,418 |
) |
(21,196 |
) |
Provision for loss on receivables, net of recoveries |
26 |
135 |
Other, net |
1,742 |
1,660 |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities: |
Accounts receivable |
44,228 |
(22,311 |
) |
Inventories |
(1,224 |
) |
5 |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities |
(17,581 |
) |
7,438 |
Taxes payable |
7,878 |
3,576 |
Other current assets and liabilities, net |
(1,523 |
) |
9,725 |
Net cash flows provided by operating activities |
83,510 |
96,565 |
Cash flows from investing activities: |
Capital expenditures |
(26,138 |
) |
(31,633 |
) |
Proceeds from disposition of property, plant and equipment |
11,011 |
16,740 |
Other, net |
183 |
372 |
Net cash flows used in investing activities |
(14,944 |
) |
(14,521 |
) |
Cash flows from financing activities: |
Term loan repayments |
— |
(29,899 |
) |
Revolving credit borrowings (repayments), net |
(17,117 |
) |
(37,846 |
) |
Dividends paid |
(14,422 |
) |
(7,423 |
) |
Debt issuance costs |
(2,976 |
) |
— |
Repurchases of common shares |
(29,616 |
) |
(11,634 |
) |
Other, net |
(1,067 |
) |
— |
Net cash flows used in financing activities |
(65,198 |
) |
(86,802 |
) |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash |
(1,487 |
) |
127 |
Net change in cash and cash equivalents |
1,881 |
(4,631 |
) |
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period |
3,323 |
7,954 |
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period |
$ |
5,204 |
$ |
3,323 |
CIVEO CORPORATION SEGMENT DATA (in thousands) (unaudited) |
Three Months Ended
Twelve Months Ended
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenues |
$ |
40,664 |
$ |
72,728 |
$ |
245,087 |
$ |
352,795 |
109,989 |
89,345 |
426,956 |
336,763 |
Other |
298 |
8,726 |
10,079 |
11,247 |
Total revenues |
$ |
150,951 |
$ |
170,799 |
$ |
682,122 |
$ |
700,805 |
EBITDA (1) |
$ |
(8,146 |
) |
$ |
36,519 |
$ |
23,798 |
$ |
86,502 |
22,128 |
21,469 |
80,622 |
74,069 |
Corporate, other and eliminations |
(7,345 |
) |
(8,856 |
) |
(33,171 |
) |
(31,634 |
) |
Total EBITDA |
$ |
6,637 |
$ |
49,132 |
$ |
71,249 |
$ |
128,937 |
Adjusted EBITDA (1) |
$ |
(4,711 |
) |
$ |
3,507 |
$ |
21,743 |
$ |
58,827 |
22,205 |
21,540 |
86,622 |
74,357 |
Corporate, other and eliminations |
(6,054 |
) |
(6,523 |
) |
(28,428 |
) |
(26,690 |
) |
Total adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
11,440 |
$ |
18,524 |
$ |
79,937 |
$ |
106,494 |
Operating income (loss) |
$ |
(16,809 |
) |
$ |
16,050 |
$ |
(14,727 |
) |
$ |
27,977 |
14,062 |
14,870 |
49,524 |
44,982 |
Corporate, other and eliminations |
(7,296 |
) |
(8,872 |
) |
(33,465 |
) |
(33,472 |
) |
Total operating income (loss) |
$ |
(10,043 |
) |
$ |
22,048 |
$ |
1,332 |
$ |
39,487 |
(1) Please see Non-GAAP Reconciliation Schedule. |
( (unaudited) |
Three Months Ended
Twelve Months Ended
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Supplemental Operating Data - Australian Segment |
Accommodation and other services revenue (1) |
$ |
49,293 |
$ |
46,881 |
$ |
196,684 |
$ |
177,834 |
Food and other services revenue (3) |
60,696 |
42,464 |
230,272 |
158,929 |
Total Australian revenues |
$ |
109,989 |
$ |
89,345 |
$ |
426,956 |
$ |
336,763 |
Costs |
Accommodation and other services cost |
$ |
23,354 |
$ |
21,791 |
$ |
94,344 |
$ |
85,461 |
Food and other services cost |
54,409 |
38,467 |
208,627 |
148,599 |
Indirect other cost |
3,394 |
2,305 |
12,403 |
8,951 |
Total Australian cost of sales and services |
$ |
81,157 |
$ |
62,563 |
$ |
315,374 |
$ |
243,011 |
Average daily rates (4) |
$ |
77 |
$ |
74 |
$ |
78 |
$ |
75 |
Billed rooms (5) |
637,461 |
637,759 |
2,524,108 |
2,371,763 |
Australian dollar to |
$ |
0.652 |
$ |
0.651 |
$ |
0.660 |
$ |
0.665 |
Supplemental Operating Data - Canadian Segment |
Revenues |
Accommodation and other services revenue (1) |
$ |
33,981 |
$ |
58,926 |
$ |
214,774 |
$ |
266,926 |
Mobile facility rental revenue (2) |
50 |
7,147 |
1,523 |
61,899 |
Food and other services revenue (3) |
6,633 |
6,655 |
28,790 |
23,970 |
Total Canadian revenues |
$ |
40,664 |
$ |
72,728 |
$ |
245,087 |
$ |
352,795 |
Costs |
Accommodation and other services cost |
$ |
31,410 |
$ |
45,251 |
$ |
164,089 |
$ |
195,843 |
Mobile facility rental cost |
527 |
11,337 |
4,940 |
49,073 |
Food and other services cost |
6,362 |
6,120 |
27,201 |
21,821 |
Indirect other cost |
2,678 |
2,637 |
10,905 |
10,330 |
Total Canadian cost of sales and services |
$ |
40,977 |
$ |
65,345 |
$ |
207,135 |
$ |
277,067 |
Average daily rates (4) |
$ |
94 |
$ |
95 |
$ |
97 |
$ |
97 |
Billed rooms (5) |
359,537 |
617,325 |
2,205,700 |
2,710,784 |
Canadian dollar to |
$ |
0.715 |
$ |
0.734 |
$ |
0.730 |
$ |
0.741 |
(1) Includes revenues related to lodge and village rooms and hospitality services for owned rooms for the periods presented. |
(2) Includes revenues related to mobile camps for the periods presented. |
(3) Includes revenues related to food service, laundry and water and wastewater treatment services, and facilities management for the periods presented. |
(4) Average daily rate is based on billed rooms and accommodation and other services revenue. |
(5) Billed rooms represents total billed days for Civeo owned Canadian lodges and Australian villages for the periods presented. |
The following table sets forth certain supplemental data for our
The purpose of the disclosure below is to disaggregate the embedded Catering and Facility Management revenues from the “Accommodation and other services” revenues associated with our owned villages and lodges that is included in our Supplemental Quarterly Segment and Operating Data. To do so, we apply a margin that is equal to Civeo’s margin in similar services we provide to customer-owned assets to the cost of sales that are associated with Catering and Facility Management services within “Accommodation and other services” for our owned villages and lodges. This table provides investors a supplemental view of the services provided by the Company which could assist with their valuation analysis.
Twelve Months Ended
Twelve Months Ended
Other |
Total |
Other |
Total |
Revenues |
Asset Light: Catering and Facility management |
$ |
312,993 |
$ |
146,469 |
$ |
2,407 |
$ |
461,869 |
$ |
232,730 |
$ |
162,589 |
$ |
3,044 |
$ |
398,363 |
Asset Intensive: Accommodations and Infrastructure |
113,963 |
98,618 |
7,672 |
220,253 |
104,033 |
190,206 |
8,203 |
302,442 |
Total revenues |
$ |
426,956 |
$ |
245,087 |
$ |
10,079 |
$ |
682,122 |
$ |
336,763 |
$ |
352,795 |
$ |
11,247 |
$ |
700,805 |
Three Months Ended
Twelve Months Ended
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
EBITDA (1) |
$ |
6,637 |
$ |
49,132 |
$ |
71,249 |
$ |
128,937 |
Adjusted EBITDA (1) |
$ |
11,440 |
$ |
18,524 |
$ |
79,937 |
$ |
106,494 |
Free Cash Flow (2) |
$ |
2,074 |
$ |
39,188 |
$ |
68,383 |
$ |
81,672 |
Net Leverage Ratio (3) |
0.5x |
(1) |
The term EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure that is defined as net income (loss) attributable to Civeo Corporation plus interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. The term Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure that is defined as EBITDA adjusted to exclude certain other unusual or non-operating items. EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are not measures of financial performance under generally accepted accounting principles and should not be considered in isolation from or as a substitute for net income or cash flow measures prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or as a measure of profitability or liquidity. Additionally, EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies. Civeo has included EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA as supplemental disclosures because its management believes that EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA provide useful information regarding its ability to service debt and to fund capital expenditures and provide investors a helpful measure for comparing Civeo's operating performance with the performance of other companies that have different financing and capital structures or tax rates. Civeo uses EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA to compare and to monitor the performance of its business segments to other comparable public companies and as a benchmark for the award of incentive compensation under Civeo's annual incentive compensation plan. |
The following table sets forth a reconciliation of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA to net income (loss) attributable to Civeo Corporation, which is the most directly comparable measure of financial performance calculated under generally accepted accounting principles (in thousands) (unaudited): |
Three Months Ended
Twelve Months Ended
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income (loss) attributable to Civeo Corporation |
$ |
(15,070 |
) |
$ |
23,025 |
$ |
(17,067 |
) |
$ |
30,157 |
Income tax provision (benefit) |
3,293 |
7,736 |
12,492 |
10,633 |
Depreciation and amortization |
16,769 |
15,865 |
68,038 |
75,142 |
Interest income |
(40 |
) |
(46 |
) |
(187 |
) |
(172 |
) |
Interest expense |
1,685 |
2,552 |
7,973 |
13,177 |
$ |
6,637 |
$ |
49,132 |
$ |
71,249 |
$ |
128,937 |
Adjustments to EBITDA |
Impairment of long-lived assets (a) |
3,758 |
1,395 |
11,581 |
1,395 |
Net (gain) loss on disposition of McClelland Lake Lodge assets (b) |
73 |
(33,166 |
) |
(5,744 |
) |
(28,298 |
) |
Share-based compensation (c) |
972 |
1,163 |
2,851 |
4,460 |
Adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
11,440 |
$ |
18,524 |
$ |
79,937 |
$ |
106,494 |
(a) |
Relates to asset impairments in the first and fourth quarters of 2024 and the fourth quarter of 2023. In the fourth quarter of 2024, we recorded a pre-tax loss related to the impairment of long-lived assets in our Canadian segment of |
(b) |
Relates to proceeds received and expenses incurred associated with the dismantlement and sale of the McClelland Lake Lodge. In the fourth, third and second quarters of 2024, we recorded expenses associated with the sale of our McClelland Lake Lodge of |
(c) |
Represents share-based compensation expense associated with performance share awards, restricted share awards, restricted share units and deferred share awards. |
(2) |
The term Free Cash Flow is a non-GAAP financial measure that is defined as net cash flows provided by operating activities less capital expenditures plus proceeds from asset sales. Free Cash Flow is not a measure of financial performance under generally accepted accounting principles and should not be considered in isolation from or as a substitute for cash flow measures prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or as a measure of profitability or liquidity. Additionally, Free Cash Flow may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies. Civeo has included Free Cash Flow as a supplemental disclosure because its management believes that Free Cash Flow provides useful information regarding the cash flow generating ability of its business relative to its capital expenditure and debt service obligations. Civeo uses Free Cash Flow to compare and to understand, manage, make operating decisions and evaluate Civeo's business. It is also used as a benchmark for the award of incentive compensation under its annual incentive compensation plan. |
The following table sets forth a reconciliation of Free Cash Flow to Net Cash Flows Provided by Operating Activities, which is the most directly comparable measure of financial performance calculated under generally accepted accounting principles (in thousands) (unaudited): |
Three Months Ended
Twelve Months Ended
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net Cash Flows Provided by Operating Activities |
$ |
9,496 |
$ |
39,972 |
$ |
83,510 |
$ |
96,565 |
Capital expenditures |
(7,733 |
) |
(10,454 |
) |
(26,138 |
) |
(31,633 |
) |
Proceeds from disposition of property, plant and equipment |
311 |
9,670 |
11,011 |
16,740 |
Free Cash Flow |
$ |
2,074 |
$ |
39,188 |
$ |
68,383 |
$ |
81,672 |
(3) |
The term net leverage ratio is a non-GAAP financial measure that is defined as net debt divided by bank-adjusted EBITDA. Net debt, bank-adjusted EBITDA and net leverage ratio are not financial measures under GAAP and should not be considered in isolation from or as a substitute for total debt, net income (loss) or cash flow measures prepared in accordance with GAAP or as a measure of profitability or liquidity. Additionally, net debt, bank-adjusted EBITDA and net leverage ratio may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies. Civeo has included net debt, bank-adjusted EBITDA and net leverage ratio as a supplemental disclosure because its management believes that this data provides useful information regarding the level of the Company’s indebtedness and its ability to service debt. Additionally, per Civeo’s credit agreement, the Company is required to maintain a net leverage ratio below 3.0x every quarter to remain in compliance with the credit agreement. |
The following table sets forth a reconciliation of net debt, bank-adjusted EBITDA and net leverage ratio to the most directly comparable measures of financial performance calculated under GAAP (in thousands) (unaudited): |
As of December 31, |
2024 |
Total debt |
$ |
43,299 |
Less: Cash and cash equivalents |
5,204 |
Net debt |
$ |
38,095 |
Adjusted EBITDA for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024 (a) |
$ |
79,937 |
Adjustments to Adjusted EBITDA |
Interest income |
187 |
Incremental adjustments for McClelland Lake Lodge disposition (b) |
332 |
Bank-adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
80,456 |
Net leverage ratio (c) |
0.5x |
(a) See footnote 1 above for reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to net income (loss) attributable to Civeo Corporation. |
(b) Related to incremental adjustments associated with the sale of the McClelland Lake Lodge assets as required by our credit facility. |
(c) Calculated as net debt divided by bank-adjusted EBITDA. |
Year Ending
EBITDA Range (1) |
$ |
74.3 |
$ |
84.3 |
Adjusted EBITDA Range (1) |
$ |
80.0 |
$ |
90.0 |
(1) |
The following table sets forth a reconciliation of estimated EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA to estimated net loss, which is the most directly comparable measure of financial performance calculated under generally accepted accounting principles (in millions) (unaudited): |
Year Ending
(estimated) |
Net loss |
$ |
(11.7 |
) |
$ |
(3.7 |
) |
Income tax provision |
14.0 |
16.0 |
Depreciation and amortization |
67.0 |
67.0 |
Interest expense |
5.0 |
5.0 |
$ |
74.3 |
$ |
84.3 |
Adjustments to EBITDA |
Canadian restructuring cost |
2.9 |
2.9 |
Share-based compensation |
2.8 |
2.8 |
Adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
80.0 |
$ |
90.0 |
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Regan Nielsen
Civeo Corporation
Vice President, Corporate Development & Investor Relations
Source: Civeo Corporation
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