Cavitation Technologies, Inc. and Desmet Belgium S.A Sign Agreement That Will Allow CTi to Monetize Parts of Its IP Portfolio While Retaining Worldwide Exclusive Licenses in Its Primary Business Lines

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Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CVAT) has entered into an agreement with Desmet Belgium S.A. to monetize certain patents and intellectual property related to vegetable oil, fats, and oleo applications. CTi will assign and transfer several U.S. and non-U.S. patents and two trademark registrations to Desmet. However, CTi will retain exclusive, worldwide licenses for using the assigned patents in water and wastewater processing and alcoholic beverage manufacturing.

The agreement allows CTi to monetize IP rights already licensed to Desmet while maintaining rights for its primary business lines. This transaction is expected to generate substantial capital for CTi without shareholder dilution, supporting current business plans. The deal is anticipated to be completed within ten days.

Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CVAT) ha stipulato un accordo con Desmet Belgium S.A. per monetizzare alcuni brevetti e proprietà intellettuale relativi a oli vegetali, grassi e applicazioni oleochimiche. CTi assegnerà e trasferirà diversi brevetti statunitensi e non statunitensi e due registrazioni di marchio a Desmet. Tuttavia, CTi mantiene licenze esclusive a livello mondiale per l'uso dei brevetti assegnati in trattamento delle acque e delle acque reflue e nella produzione di bevande alcoliche.

L'accordo consente a CTi di monetizzare i diritti di proprietà intellettuale già concessi in licenza a Desmet mantenendo i diritti per le sue linee di business principali. Si prevede che questa transazione genererà un capitale sostanziale per CTi senza diluizione per gli azionisti, sostenendo i piani aziendali attuali. La conclusione dell'accordo è prevista entro dieci giorni.

Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CVAT) ha firmado un acuerdo con Desmet Belgium S.A. para monetizar ciertas patentes y propiedad intelectual relacionadas con aceites vegetales, grasas y aplicaciones oleoquímicas. CTi asignará y transferirá varias patentes de EE. UU. y no EE. UU. y dos registros de marca a Desmet. Sin embargo, CTi retendrá licencias exclusivas a nivel mundial para el uso de las patentes asignadas en tratamiento de agua y aguas residuales y en la fabricación de bebidas alcohólicas.

El acuerdo permite a CTi monetizar derechos de propiedad intelectual ya licenciados a Desmet mientras mantiene los derechos para sus líneas de negocio principales. Se espera que esta transacción genere capital sustancial para CTi sin dilución para los accionistas, apoyando los planes de negocio actuales. Se anticipa que el acuerdo se complete en un plazo de diez días.

Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CVAT)는 Desmet Belgium S.A.와 협약을 체결하여 식물성 기름, 지방 및 오레오 어플리케이션에 관련된 특정 특허 및 지적 재산권을 수익화하기로 하였습니다. CTi는 미국 및 비 미국 특허와 두 개의 상표 등록을 Desmet에게 양도하고 이전할 것입니다. 그러나 CTi는 수자원 및 폐수 처리주류 제조에 대해 양도된 특허를 사용할 수 있는 독점적인 전 세계 라이센스유지할 것입니다.

이 계약은 CTi가 Desmet에 이미 라이센스된 IP 권리를 수익화할 수 있게 하며, 주요 사업 부문에 대한 권리를 유지합니다. 이 거래는 CTi가 주주 희석 없이 상당한 자본을 생성할 것으로 예상되며, 현재의 사업 계획을 지원합니다. 이 거래는 10일 이내에 완료될 것으로 예상됩니다.

Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CVAT) a conclu un accord avec Desmet Belgium S.A. pour monétiser certains brevets et propriétés intellectuelles liés aux huiles végétales, aux graisses et aux applications oléo. CTi attribuera et transférera plusieurs brevets américains et non américains ainsi que deux enregistrements de marque à Desmet. Cependant, CTi conservera des licences exclusives à l'échelle mondiale pour l'utilisation des brevets attribués dans le traitement des eaux et des eaux usées et dans la fabrication de boissons alcoolisées.

Le contrat permet à CTi de monétiser des droits de propriété intellectuelle déjà concédés sous licence à Desmet, tout en maintenant ses droits pour ses principales lignes d'activité. Cette transaction devrait générer un capital substantiel pour CTi sans dilution pour les actionnaires, soutenant les plans d'affaires actuels. L'accord devrait être finalisé dans les dix jours.

Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CVAT) hat einen Vertrag mit Desmet Belgium S.A. abgeschlossen, um bestimmte Patente und geistiges Eigentum in Bezug auf Pflanzenöle, Fette und oleochemische Anwendungen zu monetarisieren. CTi wird mehrere US- und Nicht-US-Patente sowie zwei Markenregistrierungen an Desmet übertragen. CTi wird jedoch exklusive, weltweite Lizenzen für die Nutzung der abgetretenen Patente in Wasser- und Abwasseraufbereitung und in der Herstellung von alkoholischen Getränken behalten.

Die Vereinbarung ermöglicht es CTi, IP-Rechte, die bereits an Desmet lizenziert sind, zu monetarisieren, während die Rechte für ihre Hauptgeschäftsbereiche erhalten bleiben. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Transaktion erhebliches Kapital für CTi ohne Verwässerung der Aktionäre generiert und die aktuellen Geschäftspläne unterstützt. Der Abschluss der Vereinbarung wird innerhalb von zehn Tagen erwartet.

  • Monetization of existing IP rights without losing access to core business areas
  • Generation of substantial capital without shareholder dilution
  • Retention of worldwide, exclusive, and royalty-free licenses in water processing and alcoholic beverage fields
  • Ability to continue using Nano Reactor® trademark in licensed fields
  • Transfer of ownership of several U.S. and non-U.S. patents to Desmet
  • Assignment of two U.S. trademark registrations to Desmet

CHATSWORTH, Calif., Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cavitation Technologies, Inc. ("CTi" or the "Company") (OTCQB:CVAT), a leading ESG company designing and manufacturing innovative flow-through nano-technology systems for fluid processing applications worldwide, has entered into an agreement with Desmet Belgium S.A. (formerly Desmet Group S.A.) (“Desmet”) that, once the transaction is completed, will monetize for the Company certain of its U.S. and non-U.S. patents and related intellectual property that for several years have been licensed to Desmet for its use on a global basis in vegetable oil, fats and oleo applications.

Under the agreement signed today, the Company will assign and transfer to Desmet several U.S. and non-U.S. patents and associated technical information that are currently licensed to Desmet (the “Assigned Patents”). The Company will also assign to Desmet ownership of two U.S. trademark registrations that CTi holds for its Nano Neutralization® and Nano Reactor® marks, respectively (the “Assigned Marks”).

Under the agreement, with the patent assignment to Desmet, the Company will reserve to itself, and will receive a license back, of a worldwide, exclusive, transferable and royalty-free license and right to practice and use the Assigned Patents and associated technical information in businesses, activities, projects, uses and applications (1) in the field of water and wastewater processing, recovery, recycling and purification (including oilfield wastewater), and/or (2) the field of the manufacture, distillation, brewing, enhancements, sale and marketing of alcoholic beverages (the “Licensed Fields”). Under the reserved and grant-back licenses retained and received by the Company under the agreement, the Company will have a worldwide, exclusive, transferable and royalty-free license and right to design, build, use, export, improve, sell and market Nano Reactor® devices and Nano Reactor® devices and systems (and products) that incorporate or utilize Nano Reactor® devices, in each case within the Licensed Fields, and to continue to use the Nano Reactor® trademark in connection with its business, systems and products within the Licensed Fields.

Commenting favorably on the transaction, Neil Voloshin, CTi’s CEO, offered the following:

“Once completed, this transaction will enable the Company to monetize the value of the IP rights already under license to Desmet, while at the same time retaining a full range of exclusive licenses and rights required by the Company to continue the development of business partnerships, projects and opportunities in our primary lines of business. It will also generate substantial capital for the Company, providing support for our current business plans, without any dilution of our shareholders.”

The transaction will be concluded upon the Company’s delivery of assignment instruments and related documents to Desmet, which we anticipate will be completed within the next ten days.

About Desmet

Desmet is a leading global provider of custom-engineered plants and equipment for the food, feed and biofuels industries. Our reliable and innovative technologies transform oilseeds, grains and tropical oils into protein feed/food, edible oils/fats, oleochemicals and biofuel. Desmet owns proprietary technologies in many areas of the oils and fats industry and offers unique skills and experience in the design and supply of technologies for plants covering all stages of production: preparation and pressing of seeds, extraction of oil and oil refining and fat modification. Desmet possesses a great worldwide reputation, thanks to over 75 years of experience, a significant R&D capacity and the most extensive customer base in the industry. The company has sales and engineering offices in 15 countries.

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About Cavitation Technologies, Inc.

Founded in 2007, the company designs and manufactures innovative flow-through devices and systems, as well as developing processing technologies for use in edible oil refining, renewable fuel production, water treatment, and alcoholic beverage enhancement. The Company's patented Nano Reactor® systems and various technologies have over 40 patents issued and filed both domestically and abroad.

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Forward-Looking Statement

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as ''may,'' ''should,'' ''potential,'' ''continue,'' ''expects,'' ''anticipates,'' ''intends,'' ''plans,'' ''believes,'' ''estimates,'' and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, our ability to perform the installation as anticipated, the state of the economy, the competitive environment and other factors described in our most recent Form 10-K and our other filings with the SEC, including subsequent periodic reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K. In light of these risks and uncertainties there can be no assurances that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate. The information in this release is provided only as of the date of this release, and we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release on account of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law.

Cavitation Technologies, Inc.


What is the agreement between Cavitation Technologies (CVAT) and Desmet Belgium S.A.?

CVAT has agreed to assign certain patents and trademarks to Desmet while retaining exclusive licenses for use in water processing and alcoholic beverage manufacturing fields.

How will the agreement with Desmet affect CVAT's financials?

The agreement is expected to generate substantial capital for CVAT without shareholder dilution, supporting the company's current business plans.

What fields will CVAT retain exclusive rights to after the agreement with Desmet?

CVAT will retain exclusive rights in water and wastewater processing, recovery, recycling, purification, and the manufacture, distillation, and marketing of alcoholic beverages.

When is the agreement between CVAT and Desmet expected to be completed?

The transaction is anticipated to be completed within ten days of the announcement on October 14, 2024.



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