Reworld™ Shows Commitment to Chester Community with Adopt-a-Park Cleanup Beneath Commodore Barry Bridge

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Reworld™ Delaware Valley is demonstrating its commitment to the Chester community by organizing a cleanup effort beneath the Commodore Barry Bridge as part of its Adopt-a-Park initiative on World Cleanup Day. The event, which includes cleaning down Highland Avenue, is part of the company's ongoing efforts to foster a cleaner, safer, and more vibrant environment for Chester residents.

Brittany Addison, Manager of Community Outreach at Reworld™, emphasized that their commitment to Chester extends beyond business operations, stating that they are invested in the community's well-being. The Adopt-a-Park program is a key component of Reworld™'s broader commitment to environmental sustainability and community betterment.

Reworld™ is encouraging community members to participate in the cleanup effort, providing all necessary materials including gloves and trash bags. This initiative aims to ensure that local parks and public spaces remain well-maintained and free of litter, contributing to a cleaner, greener Chester community.

Reworld™ Delaware Valley dimostra il suo impegno verso la comunità di Chester organizzando un'iniziativa di pulizia sotto il ponte Commodore Barry nell'ambito della sua iniziativa Adotta un Parco in occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Pulizia. L'evento, che include la pulizia di Highland Avenue, fa parte degli sforzi continui dell'azienda per promuovere un ambiente più pulito, sicuro e vivace per i residenti di Chester.

Brittany Addison, Manager per le Relazioni con la Comunità di Reworld™, ha sottolineato che il loro impegno verso Chester va oltre le operazioni commerciali, affermando che sono dediti al benessere della comunità. Il programma Adotta un Parco è un elemento chiave dell'impegno più ampio di Reworld™ verso la sostenibilità ambientale e il miglioramento della comunità.

Reworld™ incoraggia i membri della comunità a partecipare all'iniziativa di pulizia, fornendo tutto il materiale necessario tra cui guanti e sacchetti per la spazzatura. Questa iniziativa ha l'obiettivo di garantire che i parchi locali e gli spazi pubblici rimangano ben curati e privi di rifiuti, contribuendo a una comunità di Chester più pulita e verde.

Reworld™ Delaware Valley está demostrando su compromiso con la comunidad de Chester al organizar un esfuerzo de limpieza bajo el puente Commodore Barry como parte de su iniciativa Adopta un Parque en el Día Mundial de la Limpieza. El evento, que incluye la limpieza de Highland Avenue, es parte de los esfuerzos continuos de la empresa por fomentar un entorno más limpio, seguro y vibrante para los residentes de Chester.

Brittany Addison, Gerente de Alcance Comunitario de Reworld™, enfatizó que su compromiso con Chester va más allá de las operaciones comerciales, afirmando que están invertidos en el bienestar de la comunidad. El programa Adopta un Parque es un componente clave del compromiso más amplio de Reworld™ con la sostenibilidad ambiental y la mejora de la comunidad.

Reworld™ está animando a los miembros de la comunidad a participar en el esfuerzo de limpieza, proporcionando todos los materiales necesarios, incluidos guantes y bolsas de basura. Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo asegurar que los parques locales y los espacios públicos se mantengan bien cuidados y libres de basura, contribuyendo a una comunidad de Chester más limpia y verde.

Reworld™ 델라웨어 밸리는 공원 입양 사업의 일환으로 세계 청소의 날에 코모도어 배리 다리 아래서 체스터 지역사회를 위한 청소 노력을 조직하며 지역사회에 대한 헌신을 보여주고 있습니다. 하이랜드 애비뉴의 청소를 포함하는 이 행사는 체스터 주민들을 위한 더 깨끗하고 안전하며 활기찬 환경을 조성하기 위한 회사의 지속적인 노력의 일환입니다.

Reworld™의 커뮤니티 아웃리치 매니저인 브리타니 애디슨은 체스터에 대한 그들의 헌신이 비즈니스 운영을 넘어선다고 강조하며, 그들이 지역사회의 복지에 깊이 투자하고 있다고 말했습니다. 공원 입양 프로그램은 Reworld™의 환경 지속 가능성과 지역사회 개선에 대한 광범위한 헌신의 핵심 요소입니다.

Reworld™는 지역 사회 구성원들이 청소 작업에 참여하도록 독려하며, 장갑과 쓰레기봉투를 포함한 모든 필요한 자료를 제공합니다. 이 이니셔티브의 목표는 지역 공원과 공공 공간이 잘 관리되고 쓰레기가 없도록 보장하여, 체스터 지역 사회를 보다 깨끗하고 푸르게 만드는 것입니다.

Reworld™ Delaware Valley démontre son engagement envers la communauté de Chester en organisant un effort de nettoyage sous le pont Commodore Barry dans le cadre de son initiative Adopte un Parc pour la Journée Mondiale du Nettoyage. L'événement, qui comprend le nettoyage de la Highland Avenue, fait partie des efforts continus de l'entreprise pour promouvoir un environnement plus propre, plus sûr et plus dynamique pour les résidents de Chester.

Brittany Addison, responsable des relations communautaires chez Reworld™, a souligné que leur engagement envers Chester va au-delà des opérations commerciales, affirmant qu'ils sont investis dans le bien-être de la communauté. Le programme Adopte un Parc est un élément clé de l'engagement plus large de Reworld™ en matière de durabilité environnementale et d'amélioration de la communauté.

Reworld™ encourage les membres de la communauté à participer à l'effort de nettoyage, en fournissant tout le matériel nécessaire, y compris des gants et des sacs poubelles. Cette initiative vise à garantir que les parcs locaux et les espaces publics restent bien entretenus et exempts de déchets, contribuant ainsi à une communauté de Chester plus propre et plus verte.

Reworld™ Delaware Valley zeigt sein Engagement für die Gemeinde Chester, indem es einen Aufräumtag unter der Commodore Barry Bridge im Rahmen der Adoptiere einen Park Initiative am Weltputztag organisiert. Die Veranstaltung, die auch die Reinigung der Highland Avenue umfasst, ist Teil der fortlaufenden Bemühungen des Unternehmens, eine sauberere, sicherere und lebendigere Umwelt für die Bewohner von Chester zu fördern.

Brittany Addison, Managerin für Gemeinschaftsarbeit bei Reworld™, betonte, dass ihr Engagement für Chester über die Geschäftstätigkeiten hinausgeht und erklärte, dass sie in das Wohl der Gemeinschaft investieren. Das Adoptiere einen Park Programm ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil des umfassenderen Engagements von Reworld™ für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und die Verbesserung der Gemeinde.

Reworld™ ermutigt die Mitglieder der Gemeinde, sich an der Aufräumaktion zu beteiligen und stellt alle notwendigen Materialien wie Handschuhe und Müllsäcke zur Verfügung. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, sicherzustellen, dass lokale Parks und öffentliche Räume gut instand gehalten und frei von Müll sind, um eine sauberere und grünere Chester-Gemeinschaft zu schaffen.

  • Demonstrates commitment to local community engagement
  • Promotes environmental sustainability through cleanup efforts
  • Encourages community participation in local improvement initiatives
  • None.

CHESTER, Pa., Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- This World Cleanup Day, Reworld™ Delaware Valley is proud to demonstrate its continued commitment to the Chester community by organizing a cleanup effort beneath the Commodore Barry Bridge as part of its Adopt-a-Park initiative. The event, which also includes cleaning down Highland Avenue, is a key part of the company's ongoing efforts to foster a cleaner, safer, and more vibrant environment for the residents of Chester.

As a company that values sustainability and community engagement, Reworld™ is taking an active role in ensuring that local parks and public spaces remain well-maintained and free of litter. The cleanup day beneath the Commodore Barry Bridge is a prime example of how Reworld™ contributes to making the community a better place to live, work, and play.

"Our commitment to Chester goes beyond business operations," said Brittany Addison, Manager of Community Outreach at Reworld™. "We are invested in the well-being of this community, and that means rolling up our sleeves and taking part in initiatives that make a real difference. Adopting and cleaning this park is just one way we show how much we care about Chester's future."

The Adopt-a-Park program is an essential part of the company's broader commitment to environmental sustainability and community betterment. By dedicating time and resources to cleaning up public spaces, Reworld™ ensures that the Chester community enjoys clean, beautiful areas where residents can connect and relax.

Reworld™ encourages community members to participate and take pride in their local surroundings. Volunteers will be provided with all necessary cleanup materials, including gloves and trash bags, and are welcome to join Reworld™ in making Chester a cleaner, greener community.

About Reworld
Reworld is a leader in sustainable waste solutions, providing innovative and environmentally responsible services to a global community. Reworld is committed to advancing zero waste initiatives and supporting sustainability goals through state-of-the-art technologies that reimagine, reduce, reuse, recycle, recover and renew. For more information, visit

Media Contact
Nicolle Robles
(862) 345-5245

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SOURCE Reworld Holding Corporation


What is Reworld™ Delaware Valley doing for World Cleanup Day in Chester, PA?

Reworld™ Delaware Valley is organizing a cleanup effort beneath the Commodore Barry Bridge and along Highland Avenue as part of its Adopt-a-Park initiative for World Cleanup Day in Chester, PA.

How is Reworld™ contributing to the Chester community?

Reworld™ is contributing to the Chester community by organizing cleanup efforts, adopting local parks, and encouraging community participation in initiatives to create a cleaner, safer, and more vibrant environment.

What is the Adopt-a-Park program mentioned in Reworld™'s community initiative?

The Adopt-a-Park program is part of Reworld™'s commitment to environmental sustainability and community betterment, involving the company in maintaining and cleaning up public spaces in Chester.

How can Chester residents participate in Reworld™'s cleanup initiative?

Chester residents can participate in Reworld™'s cleanup initiative by volunteering for the event. Reworld™ will provide all necessary cleanup materials, including gloves and trash bags.



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