Customers Bancorp Is Being Investigated For Potential Securities Law Violations And Affected Stockholders Are Urged To Participate
The Schall Law Firm is investigating Customers Bancorp (NYSE:CUBI) for potential securities law violations. The investigation centers on the company's handling of CFO Carla Leibold's departure. Initially, Customers Bancorp stated in an SEC filing on April 12, 2024, that Leibold was terminated 'for cause' due to policy violations. However, a subsequent filing on April 25, 2024, revealed that the termination was actually a 'separation by mutual agreement', with Leibold receiving a $2.5 million cash settlement.
The discrepancy between these statements raises concerns about the company's transparency and potential misleading of investors. Shareholders who have suffered losses are encouraged to participate in the investigation. The Schall Law Firm specializes in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder rights litigation, representing investors worldwide.
Lo Studio Legale Schall sta indagando su Customers Bancorp (NYSE:CUBI) per possibili violazioni delle leggi sui valori mobiliari. L'indagine si concentra sulla gestione da parte dell'azienda della dipartita del CFO Carla Leibold. Inizialmente, Customers Bancorp aveva dichiarato in una denuncia alla SEC del 12 aprile 2024 che Leibold era stata licenziata 'per giusta causa' a causa di violazioni delle politiche. Tuttavia, una denuncia successiva del 25 aprile 2024 ha rivelato che il licenziamento era in realtà una 'separazione consensuale', con Leibold che ha ricevuto un risarcimento in denaro di 2,5 milioni di dollari.
La discrepanza tra queste dichiarazioni solleva preoccupazioni sulla trasparenza dell'azienda e sul potenziale inganno degli investitori. Gli azionisti che hanno subito perdite sono incoraggiati a partecipare all'indagine. Lo Studio Legale Schall è specializzato in cause collettive in materia di valori mobiliari e in contenziosi sui diritti degli azionisti, rappresentando investitori in tutto il mondo.
La Firma de Abogados Schall está investigando a Customers Bancorp (NYSE:CUBI) por posibles violaciones de la ley de valores. La investigación se centra en el manejo por parte de la empresa de la salida de la CFO Carla Leibold. Inicialmente, Customers Bancorp declaró en un archivo de la SEC el 12 de abril de 2024 que Leibold fue despedida 'por causa justificada' debido a violaciones de las políticas. Sin embargo, un archivo posterior del 25 de abril de 2024 reveló que el despido fue en realidad una 'separación por mutuo acuerdo', con Leibold recibiendo un acuerdo en efectivo de $2.5 millones.
La discrepancia entre estas declaraciones genera preocupaciones sobre la transparencia de la empresa y el posible engaño a los inversores. Se anima a los accionistas que hayan sufrido pérdidas a participar en la investigación. La Firma de Abogados Schall se especializa en demandas colectivas de valores y litigios de derechos de los accionistas, representando a inversores en todo el mundo.
샬 법률 사무소는 Customers Bancorp (NYSE:CUBI)에 대한 잠재적인 증권법 위반을 조사하고 있습니다. 조사는 회사의 CFO 카를라 라이볼드의 퇴사 처리에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 처음에 Customers Bancorp는 2024년 4월 12일 SEC 제출 문서에서 라이볼드가 정책 위반으로 인해 '정당한 사유'로 해고되었다고 밝혔습니다. 그러나 2024년 4월 25일의 후속 제출 문서에서는 해고가 실제로 '상호 합의에 의한 분리'였으며, 라이볼드는 250만 달러의 현금 합의금을 받았음을 밝혔습니다.
이러한 진술 간의 불일치는 회사의 투명성과 투자자를 속일 가능성에 대한 우려를 불러일으킵니다. 손실을 입은 주주들은 조사를 위해 참여하도록 권장됩니다. 샬 법률 사무소는 증권 집단 소송 및 주주 권리 소송을 전문으로 하여 전 세계 투자자를 대리하고 있습니다.
Le cabinet d'avocats Schall investigue Customers Bancorp (NYSE:CUBI) pour des violations potentielles des lois sur les valeurs mobilières. L'enquête se concentre sur la manière dont l'entreprise a géré le départ de la CFO Carla Leibold. Au départ, Customers Bancorp avait déclaré dans un dépôt à la SEC le 12 avril 2024 que Leibold avait été licenciée 'pour cause' en raison de violations de politiques. Cependant, un dépôt ultérieur du 25 avril 2024 a révélé que le licenciement était en réalité une 'séparation par accord mutuel', Leibold recevant un accord de règlement en espèces de 2,5 millions de dollars.
La divergence entre ces déclarations soulève des inquiétudes quant à la transparence de l'entreprise et à la possible tromperie envers les investisseurs. Les actionnaires ayant subi des pertes sont encouragés à participer à l'enquête. Le cabinet d'avocats Schall est spécialisé dans les recours collectifs en valeurs mobilières et les litiges sur les droits des actionnaires, représentant des investisseurs dans le monde entier.
Die Schall Rechtsanwaltskanzlei ermittelt gegen Customers Bancorp (NYSE:CUBI) wegen möglicher Verstöße gegen das Wertpapierrecht. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf den Umgang des Unternehmens mit dem Austritt von CFO Carla Leibold. Zunächst erklärte Customers Bancorp in einer SEC-Einreichung am 12. April 2024, dass Leibold 'aus wichtigem Grund' aufgrund von Politikverstößen entlassen wurde. Eine nachfolgende Einreichung am 25. April 2024 enthüllte jedoch, dass die Entlassung tatsächlich eine 'Trennung im gegenseitigen Einvernehmen' war, wobei Leibold eine Betrag von 2,5 Millionen Dollar als Abfindung erhielt.
Die Diskrepanz zwischen diesen Aussagen wirft Bedenken hinsichtlich der Transparenz des Unternehmens und möglicher Irreführung von Investoren auf. Aktionäre, die Verluste erlitten haben, werden ermutigt, an den Ermittlungen teilzunehmen. Die Schall Rechtsanwaltskanzlei ist auf Sammelklagen im Wertpapierbereich und auf Klagen im Bereich der Aktionärsrechte spezialisiert und vertritt Investoren weltweit.
- None.
- None.
LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 23, 2024 / The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces that it is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Customers Bancorp, Inc. ("Customers Bancorp" or "the Company") (NYSE:CUBI) for violations of the securities laws.

The investigation focuses on whether the Company issued false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose information pertinent to investors. Customers Bancorp revealed via an SEC filing on April 12, 2024, that Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer ("CFO"), Carla Leibold, "was notified of her termination from employment with the Company on April 10, 2024, for 'cause' under her employment agreement for violating Company policy, which termination was effective immediately." The Company then admitted in an SEC filing on April 25, 2024, that contrary to its prior filing, that Ms. Leibold "agreed that the termination of Ms. Leibold's employment is a separation by mutual agreement." Additionally, the Company disclosed that Ms. Leibold would receive
If you are a shareholder who suffered a loss, click here to participate.
We also encourage you to contact Brian Schall of the Schall Law Firm, 2049 Century Park East, Suite 2460, Los Angeles, CA 90067, at 310-301-3335, to discuss your rights free of charge. You can also reach us through the firm's website at, or by email at
The Schall Law Firm represents investors around the world and specializes in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder rights litigation.
This press release may be considered Attorney Advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and rules of ethics.
The Schall Law Firm
Brian Schall, Esq.
Office: 310-301-3335
SOURCE: The Schall Law Firm
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What is the main focus of the investigation into Customers Bancorp (CUBI)?
When did Customers Bancorp announce the termination of CFO Carla Leibold?
How did Customers Bancorp (CUBI) change its statement about Carla Leibold's departure?
What settlement did Carla Leibold receive from Customers Bancorp (CUBI)?