The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund, Inc. Announces Board Approval of Change in Investment Policy

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The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (NASDAQ: CUBA) has announced a significant strategic shift, with its Board of Directors approving a change from Caribbean Basin investments to a CLO Equity Strategy. The Fund will modify its primary objective to focus on total returns and high current income through investments in equity and junior debt tranches of collateralized loan obligations (CLOs).

The change comes after 30 years of Caribbean-focused investment, with management citing opportunities in Cuba relations. The Fund will be renamed to Herzfeld Credit Income Fund and implement a new fee structure: 1.25% management fee and 10% incentive fee with a 9% hurdle rate, replacing the previous 1.45% flat management fee.

The changes require shareholder approval at an upcoming special meeting. While pivoting away from Caribbean investments, the Fund maintains rights to the CUBA ticker symbol for potential future opportunities. Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors currently manages approximately $950 million in assets and has maintained a Morningstar 5-star performance rating for 40 consecutive quarters.

Il Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (NASDAQ: CUBA) ha annunciato un'importante svolta strategica, con il suo Consiglio di Amministrazione che ha approvato un cambiamento dagli investimenti nel Bacino caraibico a una Strategia di Equity CLO. Il Fondo modificherà il suo obiettivo principale per concentrarsi su rendimenti totali e alti redditi correnti attraverso investimenti in tranche di capitale e debito junior di obbligazioni garantite da prestiti (CLO).

Il cambiamento avviene dopo 30 anni di investimenti focalizzati sui Caraibi, con la direzione che cita opportunità nelle relazioni con Cuba. Il Fondo sarà rinominato Herzfeld Credit Income Fund e implementerà una nuova struttura tariffaria: una commissione di gestione dell'1,25% e una commissione di incentivazione del 10% con un tasso di ostacolo del 9%, sostituendo la precedente commissione di gestione fissa dell'1,45%.

Le modifiche richiedono l'approvazione degli azionisti in un prossimo incontro speciale. Pur allontanandosi dagli investimenti caraibici, il Fondo mantiene i diritti sul simbolo ticker CUBA per potenziali opportunità future. Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors gestisce attualmente circa 950 milioni di dollari in attivi e ha mantenuto una valutazione di performance di 5 stelle Morningstar per 40 trimestri consecutivi.

El Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (NASDAQ: CUBA) ha anunciado un cambio estratégico significativo, con su Junta Directiva aprobando un cambio de inversiones en la Cuenca del Caribe a una Estrategia de Equity CLO. El Fondo modificará su objetivo principal para centrarse en rendimientos totales e ingresos actuales altos a través de inversiones en tramos de capital y deuda junior de obligaciones de préstamo garantizadas (CLO).

El cambio se produce tras 30 años de inversión centrada en el Caribe, con la dirección citando oportunidades en las relaciones con Cuba. El Fondo será renombrado como Herzfeld Credit Income Fund e implementará una nueva estructura de tarifas: una tarifa de gestión del 1,25% y una tarifa de incentivo del 10% con una tasa de obstáculo del 9%, reemplazando la anterior tarifa de gestión fija del 1,45%.

Los cambios requieren la aprobación de los accionistas en una próxima reunión especial. Aunque se aleja de las inversiones en el Caribe, el Fondo mantiene los derechos sobre el símbolo de cotización CUBA para futuras oportunidades potenciales. Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors gestiona actualmente aproximadamente 950 millones de dólares en activos y ha mantenido una calificación de rendimiento de 5 estrellas de Morningstar durante 40 trimestres consecutivos.

헤르츠펠드 카리브 분지 펀드 (NASDAQ: CUBA)는 전략적 전환을 발표했으며, 이사회가 카리브 분지 투자에서 CLO 주식 전략으로의 변경을 승인했습니다. 이 펀드는 담보 대출 의무(CLO)의 주식 및 주니어 채무 트랜치에 대한 투자를 통해 총 수익 및 높은 현재 수익에 집중하는 주요 목표를 수정할 것입니다.

이 변경은 30년 동안 카리브 지역에 집중한 투자 이후에 발생했으며, 경영진은 쿠바와의 관계에서의 기회를 언급했습니다. 이 펀드는 헤르츠펠드 크레딧 인컴 펀드로 이름이 변경되며, 새로운 수수료 구조를 구현합니다: 1.25%의 관리 수수료와 9%의 허들 비율이 있는 10%의 인센티브 수수료로, 이전의 1.45% 고정 관리 수수료를 대체합니다.

이 변경 사항은 다가오는 특별 회의에서 주주 승인이 필요합니다. 카리브 투자에서 벗어나면서도, 이 펀드는 향후 기회를 위한 CUBA 티커 기호에 대한 권리를 유지합니다. 토마스 J. 헤르츠펠드 어드바이저스는 현재 약 9억 5천만 달러의 자산을 관리하고 있으며, 40분기 연속으로 모닝스타 5성급 성과 등급을 유지하고 있습니다.

Le Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (NASDAQ: CUBA) a annoncé un changement stratégique significatif, avec son Conseil d'Administration approuvant un passage des investissements dans le Bassin caraïbe à une Stratégie d'Equité CLO. Le Fonds modifiera son objectif principal pour se concentrer sur des rendements totaux et des revenus courants élevés par le biais d'investissements dans des tranches de capitaux et de dettes juniors d'obligations de prêt garanties (CLO).

Ce changement intervient après 30 ans d'investissement axé sur les Caraïbes, la direction citant des opportunités dans les relations avec Cuba. Le Fonds sera renommé Herzfeld Credit Income Fund et mettra en œuvre une nouvelle structure de frais : des frais de gestion de 1,25 % et des frais d'incitation de 10 % avec un taux de seuil de 9 %, remplaçant les précédents frais de gestion fixes de 1,45 %.

Les changements nécessitent l'approbation des actionnaires lors d'une prochaine assemblée spéciale. Bien que le Fonds s'éloigne des investissements dans les Caraïbes, il conserve les droits sur le symbole boursier CUBA pour d'éventuelles opportunités futures. Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors gère actuellement environ 950 millions de dollars d'actifs et a maintenu une note de performance de 5 étoiles Morningstar pendant 40 trimestres consécutifs.

Der Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (NASDAQ: CUBA) hat einen bedeutenden strategischen Wandel angekündigt, da der Vorstand eine Änderung von Investitionen im karibischen Raum zu einer CLO Equity Strategie genehmigt hat. Der Fonds wird sein Hauptziel ändern, um sich auf Gesamterträge und hohe laufende Einkünfte durch Investitionen in Eigenkapital und nachrangige Schuldentranchen von besicherten Kreditverpflichtungen (CLOs) zu konzentrieren.

Die Änderung erfolgt nach 30 Jahren karibikfokussierter Investitionen, wobei das Management Chancen in den Beziehungen zu Kuba anführt. Der Fonds wird in Herzfeld Credit Income Fund umbenannt und wird eine neue Gebührenstruktur einführen: eine Verwaltungsgebühr von 1,25 % und eine Anreizgebühr von 10 % mit einer Hürde von 9 %, die die vorherige pauschale Verwaltungsgebühr von 1,45 % ersetzt.

Die Änderungen erfordern die Genehmigung der Aktionäre in einer bevorstehenden außerordentlichen Sitzung. Während der Fonds sich von karibischen Investitionen abwendet, behält er die Rechte am CUBA-Tickersymbol für potenzielle zukünftige Möglichkeiten. Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors verwaltet derzeit etwa 950 Millionen Dollar an Vermögenswerten und hat 40 aufeinanderfolgende Quartale eine Morningstar 5-Sterne-Bewertung aufrechterhalten.

  • Management fee reduced from 1.45% to 1.25%
  • New strategy targets higher returns through CLO investments
  • Investment manager has strong track record with 40 consecutive quarters as Morningstar 5-star performer
  • $950 million in assets under management across various strategies
  • Complete abandonment of original Caribbean Basin investment strategy
  • New incentive fee structure could result in higher total fees depending on performance
  • Strategy change requires shareholder approval, creating uncertainty
  • Fund has been trading at persistent discount to NAV


The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund's proposed strategy shift represents a fundamental transformation that warrants serious investor attention. Moving from Caribbean Basin investments to CLO equity tranches significantly alters the fund's risk profile and income potential. CLO equity positions typically offer higher yields but face first-loss exposure in loan defaults, creating a substantially different risk-return proposition compared to the fund's previous regional equity strategy.

The fee structure change from a flat 1.45% to 1.25% management fee plus 10% incentive fee (with 9% hurdle) signals management's confidence in the new strategy but introduces performance-based compensation that could potentially increase overall expenses depending on returns. This structure aligns with CLO fund norms but represents a material change for existing shareholders.

Most telling is management's acknowledgment that the fund's persistent discount to NAV drove this decision. The fund aims to leverage market dynamics where CLO-focused funds often trade at premiums rather than discounts. While this could benefit shareholders through multiple expansion if successful, it also introduces specialized credit market exposure that differs dramatically from the fund's historical regional equity approach.

With only $36.6 million market cap, scale efficiency remains a challenge regardless of strategy. The proxy statement will be essential reading for shareholders to evaluate whether this dramatic shift merits continued investment.

This strategic pivot by Herzfeld represents a stark admission that the long-anticipated Cuban market liberalization thesis has not materialized after 30 years. The decision to enter the CLO market is particularly noteworthy given current credit market dynamics, where CLO equity tranches offer potential double-digit returns but carry amplified default risks during economic downturns.

The timing raises questions about market cycle positioning. CLO equity historically performs well in stable economic environments but can face severe pressure during credit deterioration. Investors must determine whether this represents an opportunistic entry into structured credit or potentially a late-cycle move that could expose them to heightened risk.

Management's rationale about closed-end funds focused on CLOs trading at premiums versus CUBA's persistent discount reveals the financial engineering aspect of this decision. While theoretically sound if successful, such premiums typically reflect specialized expertise and track records in CLO selection and management – qualities that Herzfeld will need to demonstrate in this new arena despite their 40-year credit market experience.

The 9% hurdle rate before incentive fees suggests management's expectations for returns, providing a useful benchmark for shareholders. This radical strategy change effectively creates an entirely new fund, requiring existing shareholders to reassess whether this specialized credit strategy aligns with their investment goals rather than the original geopolitical opportunity the fund was created to capture.

MIAMI BEACH, Fla., March 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund, Inc. (NASDAQ: CUBA) (the “Fund”) today announced that the Fund’s Board of Directors (“Board”) has approved a change in the Fund’s investment strategy. Subject to necessary regulatory filings and the requisite approval of the Fund’s shareholders, the Fund will modify its current investment strategy and redirect the Fund to focus on a “CLO Equity Strategy”. With this change, the Fund’s primary investment objective will change to a total return strategy with a secondary objective of generating high current income for shareholders. In accordance with that change in investment objective, the Fund will focus on investing in equity and junior debt tranches of collateralized loan obligations, or “CLOs”. CLOs are portfolios of collateralized loans consisting primarily of below investment grade U.S. senior secured loans with a large number of distinct underlying borrowers across various industry sectors.

In recommending this change to the Board, Thomas J. Herzfeld, Chairman of Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, Inc. (the “Investment Manager”) stated, “The Fund’s shareholders should know that we have not taken this decision lightly. We launched the Fund thirty years ago with the expectation that investment opportunities would be available upon opening of U.S. trade relations with Cuba. Over that time, we have seen the geo-political situation ebb and flow and have worked extremely hard to seek opportunities in the Caribbean Basin while we waited for the long-standing stalemate in relations to break. But with the new administration in Washington and the prospects for the opening of Cuba seemingly at a low point, we feel it is time for a dramatic change that is designed to enhance value for shareholders.”

Cecilia Gondor, Chairperson of the Board of the Fund commented, “With the Fund continuing to trade at a persistent discount, we challenged the investment manager to recommend solutions for our shareholders. After a lengthy period of analysis, the advisor recommended that the Fund refocus its strategy to invest in CLOs. This allows the Fund to take advantage of its closed-end fund structure in a segment of the credit industry that has demonstrated an ability for funds to trade at premiums to net asset value. While this is a dramatic change in investment focus, we believe the change is in the best interest of shareholders.”

The Directors unanimously approved the proposed changes to the Fund’s investment strategy and will recommend that the Fund’s shareholders approve the changes. The Board approved changes to the Fund’s name to Herzfeld Credit Income Fund, Inc. and ticker symbol, and that, subject to requisite shareholder approval, certain fundamental policies be modified or eliminated. The Board also authorized changes to the Fund’s investment management agreement with the Investment Manager. Those changes implement a new fee structure.

Standard fee structures within existing funds engaged in CLO strategies are comprised of a management fee based upon assets under management and an incentive fee based upon the income earned by the funds. Under the modifications approved by the Board, the fees for the Fund will be set at a 1.25% management fee and a 10% incentive fee, subject to a hurdle rate of 9%. The prior investment management agreement between the Fund and the Investment Advisor set fees at 1.45% of assets under management. The new fee structure may be more or less than the previous fee structure depending upon the performance of the Fund and the application of the incentive fee structure.

The Fund intends to hold a special meeting of shareholders as soon as practicable to obtain requisite shareholder approvals as required by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), which requires any change to a fundamental policy and the entering into of the new investment management agreement be approved by “a majority of the outstanding voting securities” of the Fund (as defined under the 1940 Act).

Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, Inc. has been investing in the credit markets since its founding more than 40 years ago and currently manages approximately $950 million of assets across a number of investment strategies including CLOs, private and public credit and equity, municipal bonds, and other strategies. The Firm has been a consistent top Morningstar manager, having earned recognition as a 5 star performer in multiple categories for 40 consecutive quarters.1

Mr. Herzfeld commented further, “It is imperative to me that our long-term shareholders understand that we have not given up on the opportunities that we believe ultimately will exist in Cuba. While we think the strategy change for the Fund is absolutely necessary at this time, we continue to look forward to the day when the U.S. and Cuban governments move beyond the current stalemate. We have reserved our rights to use the CUBA ticker symbol on NASDAQ and, should circumstances warrant, we will seek to explore opportunities for investment in Cuba when that day comes. Until then, however, we believe that best use of our closed-end fund structure is in the new CLO strategy.”

Additional information about the changes to the strategy have been provided in the Fund’s Semi-Annual Report filed on Monday, March 3, 2025 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission available on the Fund’s website at and will be further included in a proxy statement (the “Proxy Statement”) that the Fund will provide in connection with its special shareholder meeting.

Additional Information about the Strategy Changes

This press release is not intended to, and does not, solicit a proxy from any shareholder of the Fund. The solicitation of proxies to effect the proposed changes will only be made by a definitive Proxy Statement.

This press release references a Proxy Statement, to be filed by the Fund. The Proxy Statement has yet to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). After the Proxy Statement is filed with the SEC, it may be amended or withdrawn. The Fund and its directors, officers and employees, and Herzfeld Advisors, and its shareholders, officers and employees and other persons may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies with respect to the proposed fundamental policy changes and the proposed approval of the investment advisory agreement. Investors and shareholders may obtain more detailed information regarding the direct and indirect interests of the Fund’s directors, officers and employees, and Herzfeld Advisors and its shareholders, officers and employees and other persons by reading the Proxy Statement when it is filed with the SEC. INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS OF THE FUND ARE URGED TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED WITH THE SEC CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THESE DOCUMENTS WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROPOSED CHANGES. INVESTORS SHOULD CONSIDER THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE, RISKS, CHARGES AND EXPENSES OF THE FUND CAREFULLY. THE PROXY STATEMENT WILL CONTAIN INFORMATION WITH RESPECT TO THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE, RISKS, CHARGES AND EXPENSES OF THE FUND. The Proxy Statement will not constitute an offer to buy or sell securities, in any state where such offer or sale is not permitted. Security holders may obtain free copies (when it becomes available) of the Proxy Statement and other documents filed with the SEC at the SEC’s web site at In addition, free copies (when it becomes available) of the Proxy Statement and other documents filed with the SEC may also be obtained by directing a request to the Fund at (800) 854-3863

About Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, Inc.

Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, Inc., founded in 1984, is an SEC registered investment advisor, specializing in investment analysis and account management in closed-end funds.

More information about the advisor can be found at

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. An investment in the Fund is subject to certain risks, including market risk. In general, shares of closed-end funds often trade at a discount from their net asset value and at the time of sale may be trading on the exchange at a price which is more or less than the original purchase price or the net asset value. An investor should carefully consider the Fund’s investment objective, risks, charges and expenses. Please read the Fund’s disclosure documents before investing.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release, and other statements that TJHA or the Fund may make, may contain forward looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, with respect to the Fund’s or TJHA’s future financial or business performance, strategies or expectations. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words or phrases such as “trend,” “potential,” “opportunity,” “pipeline,” “believe,” “comfortable,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “current,” “intention,” “estimate,” “position,” “assume,” “outlook,” “continue,” “remain,” “maintain,” “sustain,” “seek,” “achieve,” and similar expressions, or future or conditional verbs such as “will,” “would,” “should,” “could,” “may” or similar expressions. TJHA and the Fund caution that forward-looking statements are subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties, which change over time. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and TJHA and the Fund assume no duty to and do not undertake to update forward-looking statements. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements and future results could differ materially from historical performance. With respect to the Fund, the following factors, among others, could cause actual events to differ materially from forward-looking statements or historical performance: (1) changes and volatility in political, economic or industry conditions, particularly with respect to Cuba and other Caribbean Basin countries, the interest rate environment, foreign exchange rates or financial and capital markets, which could result in changes in demand for the Fund or in the Fund’s net asset value; (2) the relative and absolute investment performance of the Fund and its investments; (3) the impact of increased competition; (4) the unfavorable resolution of any legal proceedings; (5) the extent and timing of any distributions or share repurchases; (6) the impact, extent and timing of technological changes; (7) the impact of legislative and regulatory actions and reforms, including the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and regulatory, supervisory or enforcement actions of government agencies relating to the Fund or TJHA, as applicable; (8) terrorist activities, international hostilities and natural disasters, which may adversely affect the general economy, domestic and local financial and capital markets, specific industries or TJHA or the Fund; (9) TJHA’s and the Fund’s ability to attract and retain highly talented professionals; (10) the impact of TJHA electing to provide support to its products from time to time; (11) the impact of problems at other financial institutions or the failure or negative performance of products at other financial institutions; and (12) the effects of an epidemic, pandemic or public health emergency, including without limitation, COVID-19. Annual and Semi-Annual Reports and other regulatory filings of the Fund with the SEC are accessible on the SEC’s website at and on TJHA’s website at, and may discuss these or other factors that affect the Fund. The information contained on TJHA’s website is not a part of this press release.

TJHA has received certain nominations or awards by third-parties as reflected herein. Investors should review the criteria for each nomination or award as reflected on the third-party's webpage. In addition, the nominations and awards reflect past performance of the nominee or award designee and may not reflect the current performance or status of any such firm or individual and may no longer be applicable. Morningstar award content presented with permission and licensing fee. Contact us for more information on how the ratings are apportioned and for full disclosures regarding third party news and awards.

Thomas Morgan
Chief Compliance Officer
Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, Inc.


1 See disclaimer regarding Morningstar awards.


What is the new investment strategy for the Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (CUBA)?

The Fund is changing to a CLO Equity Strategy, focusing on investing in equity and junior debt tranches of collateralized loan obligations, with objectives of total return and high current income.

How will the fee structure change for CUBA fund shareholders?

The new structure will include a 1.25% management fee and 10% incentive fee with a 9% hurdle rate, replacing the previous 1.45% management fee.

When will CUBA's investment strategy change take effect?

The change requires shareholder approval at an upcoming special meeting and necessary regulatory filings before taking effect.

What happens to the CUBA ticker symbol after the strategy change?

The Fund will retain rights to the CUBA ticker symbol while adopting a new name, preserving the option to return to Cuban investments if opportunities arise.

Why is the CUBA fund changing its investment strategy?

The change comes due to opportunities in Cuban relations and persistent trading discounts, seeking to enhance shareholder value through CLO investments.
Herzfeld Caribbean Basin


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