Nielsen & Innovid Collaborate to Provide Seamless Workflow & Holistic View of the Cross-Media Ads Universe

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Nielsen and Innovid (NYSE:CTV) have announced a collaboration to simplify and enhance ad measurement across media platforms. The integration aims to combine Innovid's ad serving infrastructure with Nielsen ONE to provide a seamless workflow for cross-media ad measurement. This partnership is expected to:

1. Increase measurement quality
2. Reduce operational workload
3. Expand coverage of the streaming universe

The collaboration seeks to offer advertisers and agencies a comprehensive view of cross-media ad campaigns, leveraging Nielsen's leadership in audience measurement and Innovid's expertise in CTV and programmatic advertising. Technical integration testing will commence in the coming months.

Nielsen e Innovid (NYSE:CTV) hanno annunciato una collaborazione per semplificare e migliorare la misurazione degli annunci sui diversi media. L'integrazione mira a combinare l'infrastruttura di servizio pubblicitario di Innovid con Nielsen ONE per fornire un flusso di lavoro fluido per la misurazione degli annunci multi-piattaforma. Si prevede che questa partnership:

1. Aumenti la qualità della misurazione
2. Riduca il carico operativo
3. Espanda la copertura dell'universo dello streaming

La collaborazione intende offrire agli inserzionisti e alle agenzie una visione completa delle campagne pubblicitarie cross-media, sfruttando la leadership di Nielsen nella misurazione del pubblico e l'expertise di Innovid nella pubblicità CTV e programmatica. I test di integrazione tecnica inizieranno nei prossimi mesi.

Nielsen e Innovid (NYSE:CTV) han anunciado una colaboración para simplificar y mejorar la medición de anuncios en plataformas de medios. La integración tiene como objetivo combinar la infraestructura de servicio de anuncios de Innovid con Nielsen ONE para proporcionar un flujo de trabajo fluido para la medición de anuncios en múltiples medios. Se espera que esta asociación:

1. Aumente la calidad de la medición
2. Reduzca la carga operativa
3. Amplíe la cobertura del universo de streaming

La colaboración busca ofrecer a los anunciantes y agencias una visión integral de las campañas publicitarias cross-media, aprovechando el liderazgo de Nielsen en la medición de audiencias y la experiencia de Innovid en publicidad CTV y programática. Las pruebas de integración técnica comenzarán en los próximos meses.

NielsenInnovid (NYSE:CTV)가 미디어 플랫폼 전반의 광고 측정을 간소화하고 개선하기 위한 협업을 발표했습니다. 이 통합은 Innovid의 광고 서비스 인프라와 Nielsen ONE을 결합하여 매체 간 광고 측정을 위한 원활한 작업 흐름을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 파트너십은 다음과 같은 기대를 가지고 있습니다:

1. 측정 품질 향상
2. 운영 부담 감소
3. 스트리밍 우주에 대한 범위 확대

이번 협업은 광고주와 에이전시에 Nielsen의 청중 측정 리더십과 Innovid의 CTV 및 프로그래매틱 광고 전문성을 활용하여 매체 간 광고 캠페인에 대한 포괄적인 뷰를 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 기술 통합 테스트는 오는 몇 개월 내에 시작될 것입니다.

Nielsen et Innovid (NYSE:CTV) ont annoncé une collaboration pour simplifier et améliorer la mesure des publicités sur les plateformes médiatiques. L'intégration vise à combiner l'infrastructure de diffusion publicitaire d'Innovid avec Nielsen ONE afin de fournir un flux de travail fluide pour la mesure des publicités cross-média. Ce partenariat devrait :

1. Augmenter la qualité de la mesure
2. Réduire la charge opérationnelle
3. Étendre la couverture de l'univers du streaming

La collaboration cherche à offrir aux annonceurs et aux agences une vue d'ensemble des campagnes publicitaires cross-média, en tirant parti du leadership de Nielsen en matière de mesure d'audience et de l'expertise d'Innovid dans la publicité CTV et programmatique. Les tests d'intégration technique commenceront dans les mois à venir.

Nielsen und Innovid (NYSE:CTV) haben eine Zusammenarbeit bekannt gegeben, um die Werbungsmessung über Medienplattformen hinweg zu vereinfachen und zu verbessern. Die Integration zielt darauf ab, die Werbeservice-Infrastruktur von Innovid mit Nielsen ONE zu kombinieren, um einen nahtlosen Workflow für die Werbungsmessung über verschiedene Medien hinweg zu bieten. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Partnerschaft:

1. Die Messqualität erhöht
2. Die operative Arbeitsbelastung verringert
3. Die Abdeckung des Streaming-Universums erweitert

Die Zusammenarbeit beabsichtigt, Werbetreibenden und Agenturen einen umfassenden Überblick über cross-mediale Werbekampagnen zu bieten und dabei die Führungsposition von Nielsen im Bereich der Zielgruppenmessung sowie das Fachwissen von Innovid in der CTV- und programatischen Werbung zu nutzen. Die technischen Integrationstests werden in den kommenden Monaten beginnen.

  • Potential for improved cross-media ad measurement efficiency
  • Expanded coverage of the streaming universe for Nielsen ONE customers
  • Possible reduction in operational workload for advertisers and agencies
  • None.

This collaboration between Nielsen and Innovid is a strategic move in the evolving landscape of cross-media ad measurement. The integration aims to simplify the complex process of tracking ad performance across various platforms, which is important in today's fragmented media environment. However, the actual impact on both companies' financials remains unclear at this stage.

The partnership leverages Innovid's ad serving infrastructure and Nielsen's ONE platform, potentially creating a more comprehensive and efficient measurement solution. This could lead to increased market share for both companies if successfully implemented. The "zero-touch workflow" concept, if realized, could be a significant differentiator in the competitive ad tech space.

Investors should monitor the progress of this collaboration, particularly the technical integration testing in the coming months. The success of this initiative could strengthen both companies' positions in the ad measurement market, but it's too early to predict any substantial financial impact.

The proposed integration between Nielsen and Innovid represents a significant technological advancement in cross-media ad measurement. By combining Nielsen's audience measurement capabilities with Innovid's ad serving infrastructure, the partnership aims to create a seamless, automated workflow for ad measurement across linear TV, CTV and digital platforms.

The "zero-touch workflow" concept is particularly intriguing from a technical standpoint. If successful, it could drastically reduce manual intervention and potential errors in the measurement process. This automation could lead to more accurate, real-time data for advertisers and agencies, potentially revolutionizing how ad performance is tracked and optimized.

However, integrating these complex systems presents technical challenges. The success of this collaboration will depend on the companies' ability to harmonize their data structures and ensure seamless communication between their platforms. Investors should pay attention to any updates on the technical integration process in the coming months.

Integration Would Bring Together Innovid’s Ad Serving Infrastructure with Nielsen ONE to Simplify & Improve Ad Measurement

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nielsen, a global leader in audience measurement, data, and analytics, and Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent advertising platform for the delivery, personalization, and measurement of converged TV across linear, CTV, and digital, today announced their collaboration with the aim to bring simplicity and enhanced enablement to ad measurement. By leveraging Innovid’s ad serving infrastructure to access Nielsen ONE, Nielsen and Innovid would provide a seamless workflow, ultimately driving greater usability and coverage for cross-media ad measurement.

Nielsen has been at the forefront of driving cross-media audience measurement, and through Nielsen ONE is providing the industry with a deduplicated view of ads and programs across linear, streaming, and digital. The companies are teaming up to evaluate a ground-breaking zero-touch workflow that would let the industry, including advertisers and agencies, benefit from Nielsen ONE reporting seamlessly. The simplified workflow would increase measurement quality, reduce operational workload, and allow Nielsen ONE customers to leverage Innovid’s full coverage of the streaming universe.

Bringing together the leader in cross-media audience measurement with Innovid’s unique framework and unprecedented view of the CTV and programmatic universe would enable efficiencies as well as bring greater scale and coverage to Nielsen ONE. Ultimately, the companies aim to provide the industry with a holistic, comprehensive view of cross-media ad campaigns.

Nielsen and Innovid will be testing the technical integration in the coming months.

Karthik Rao, CEO, Nielsen

“We’re excited to collaborate with Innovid to explore how combining our unique capabilities can make a greater positive impact on the future of audience measurement. Nielsen’s work to capture all the ways that people engage with content and ads is essential so that advertisers, creators and the industry know what’s being watched and we continue to innovate on top of our leading measurement approach to better serve the changing industry.”

Zvika Netter, CEO & Co-Founder, Innovid

“By joining forces with Nielsen, we are excited to continue to build a better, more transparent TV ecosystem. We are proud to have an independent platform that the world’s leading brands, agencies, publishers, and technology partners use to power the future of TV. We remain committed to driving innovation and working with industry partners to solve critical problems in CTV and digital advertising, as we have with our recent Harmony initiative.”

About Nielsen

Nielsen is a global leader in audience measurement, data and analytics. Through our understanding of people and their behaviors across all channels and platforms, we empower our clients with independent and actionable intelligence so they can connect and engage with their global audiences—now and into the future. Learn more at and connect with us on social media (X, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram).

About Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV) is an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital. Through a global infrastructure that enables cross-platform ad serving, data-driven creative, and measurement, Innovid offers its clients always-on intelligence to optimize advertising investment across channels, platforms, screens, and devices. Innovid is an independent platform that leads the market in converged TV innovation, through proprietary technology and exclusive partnerships designed to reimagine TV advertising. Headquartered in New York City, Innovid serves a global client base through offices across the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific. To learn more, visit or follow us on LinkedIn or X.

Megan Coyle

Sarah Muratore

Source: Innovid


What is the purpose of the Nielsen and Innovid (CTV) collaboration?

The collaboration aims to simplify and enhance ad measurement across media platforms by integrating Innovid's ad serving infrastructure with Nielsen ONE, providing a seamless workflow for cross-media ad measurement.

How will the Nielsen and Innovid (CTV) partnership benefit advertisers?

The partnership is expected to increase measurement quality, reduce operational workload, and provide advertisers with a more comprehensive view of cross-media ad campaigns, leveraging Nielsen's audience measurement and Innovid's CTV expertise.

When will Nielsen and Innovid (CTV) begin testing their technical integration?

Nielsen and Innovid will begin testing their technical integration in the coming months, as announced in the press release.

What is Nielsen ONE in the context of the Innovid (CTV) collaboration?

Nielsen ONE is Nielsen's cross-media audience measurement solution that provides a deduplicated view of ads and programs across linear, streaming, and digital platforms. The collaboration aims to integrate this with Innovid's ad serving infrastructure.

Innovid Corp.


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