Cisco: How Technology Is Being Used To Help Support Environmental Conservation

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Cisco highlights its commitment to environmental conservation through partnerships with various organizations as part of its Plan for Possible sustainability strategy. The company supports initiatives like:

1. Reconnecting Northland in New Zealand, which helps community groups protect biodiversity and improve ecosystem health.

2. NetHope's Climate Intersections Grant program, supporting the Wildlife Conservation Society's use of digital solutions for global conservation efforts.

3. Farmers for Forests in India, combating deforestation using geospatial and drone technology for agroforestry projects.

4. Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) in Indonesia, utilizing AI-powered FishFace technology to manage fisheries and preserve marine biodiversity.

These partnerships demonstrate Cisco's commitment to fostering innovative solutions and global collaborations to protect ecosystems and create a sustainable future.

Cisco sottolinea il suo impegno per la conservazione ambientale attraverso partnership con diverse organizzazioni come parte della sua strategia di sostenibilità Piano per il Possibile. L'azienda supporta iniziative come:

1. Ricollegare il Northland in Nuova Zelanda, che aiuta i gruppi comunitari a proteggere la biodiversità e migliorare la salute degli ecosistemi.

2. Programma di sovvenzioni Climate Intersections di NetHope, a sostegno dell'utilizzo di soluzioni digitali da parte della Wildlife Conservation Society per sforzi globali di conservazione.

3. Contadini per le Foreste in India, combattendo la deforestazione utilizzando tecnologia geospaziale e droni per progetti di agroforestazione.

4. Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) in Indonesia, utilizzando la tecnologia FishFace potenziata dall'IA per gestire le pescose e preservare la biodiversità marina.

Queste partnership dimostrano l'impegno di Cisco per promuovere soluzioni innovative e collaborazioni globali per proteggere gli ecosistemi e creare un futuro sostenibile.

Cisco destaca su compromiso con la conservación del medio ambiente a través de asociaciones con varias organizaciones como parte de su estrategia de sostenibilidad Plan para lo Posible. La empresa apoya iniciativas como:

1. Reconectar Northland en Nueva Zelanda, que ayuda a los grupos comunitarios a proteger la biodiversidad y mejorar la salud de los ecosistemas.

2. Programa de subvenciones Climate Intersections de NetHope, apoyando el uso de soluciones digitales por parte de la Wildlife Conservation Society para esfuerzos de conservación global.

3. Farmers for Forests en India, combatiendo la deforestación utilizando tecnología geoespacial y drones para proyectos de agroforestería.

4. Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) en Indonesia, utilizando la tecnología FishFace impulsada por IA para gestionar la pesca y preservar la biodiversidad marina.

Estas asociaciones demuestran el compromiso de Cisco de fomentar soluciones innovadoras y colaboraciones globales para proteger los ecosistemas y crear un futuro sostenible.

Cisco는 가능성 계획의 지속 가능성 전략의 일환으로 다양한 조직과의 파트너십을 통해 환경 보전에 대한 의지를 강조합니다. 회사는 다음과 같은 이니셔티브를 지원합니다:

1. 뉴질랜드의 Northland 재연결, 지역 사회 단체가 생물 다양성을 보호하고 생태계 건강을 개선하도록 돕습니다.

2. Wildlife Conservation Society가 글로벌 보전 노력을 위해 디지털 솔루션을 사용할 수 있도록 지원하는 NetHope의 기후 교차점 기부 프로그램.

3. 인도의 Farmers for Forests, 지리 공간 및 드론 기술을 이용하여 임업 프로젝트를 위한 산림 벌채와 싸웁니다.

4. 인도네시아의 Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN), AI 기반의 FishFace 기술을 활용하여 어업을 관리하고 해양 생물 다양성을 보존합니다.

이들 파트너십은 Cisco가 생태계를 보호하고 지속 가능한 미래를 창출하기 위한 혁신적인 솔루션과 글로벌 협력을 촉진하겠다는 약속을 보여줍니다.

Cisco souligne son engagement envers la conservation de l'environnement par le biais de partenariats avec diverses organisations dans le cadre de sa stratégie de durabilité Plan pour le Possible. L'entreprise soutient des initiatives telles que :

1. Reconnecter Northland en Nouvelle-Zélande, qui aide les groupes communautaires à protéger la biodiversité et à améliorer la santé des écosystèmes.

2. Programme de subventions Climate Intersections de NetHope, qui soutient l'utilisation de solutions numériques par la Wildlife Conservation Society pour des efforts de conservation à l'échelle mondiale.

3. Farmers for Forests en Inde, combattant la déforestation grâce à la technologie géospatiale et aux drones pour des projets d'agroforesterie.

4. Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) en Indonésie, utilisant la technologie FishFace alimentée par l'IA pour gérer les pêcheries et préserver la biodiversité marine.

Ces partenariats démontrent l'engagement de Cisco à promouvoir des solutions innovantes et des collaborations mondiales pour protéger les écosystèmes et créer un avenir durable.

Cisco hebt sein Engagement für den Umweltschutz durch Partnerschaften mit verschiedenen Organisationen im Rahmen seiner Plan für Möglich Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie hervor. Das Unternehmen unterstützt Initiativen wie:

1. Nordland wieder verbinden in Neuseeland, das Gemeinschaftsgruppen hilft, die Biodiversität zu schützen und die Gesundheit der Ökosysteme zu verbessern.

2. NetHope's Climate Intersections Grant-Programm, das die Wildlife Conservation Society bei der Nutzung digitaler Lösungen für globale Naturschutzbemühungen unterstützt.

3. Bauern für Wälder in Indien, die Abholzung bekämpfen und geospatiale sowie Drohnentechnologie für Agroforstprojekte nutzen.

4. Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) in Indonesien, die KI-gesteuerte FishFace-Technologie einsetzt, um Fischerei zu verwalten und die marine Biodiversität zu bewahren.

Diese Partnerschaften demonstrieren Ciscos Engagement für die Förderung innovativer Lösungen und globaler Zusammenarbeit zum Schutz von Ökosystemen und zur Schaffung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft.

  • Cisco is actively supporting environmental conservation efforts through partnerships with multiple organizations
  • The company is investing in innovative technologies like AI and drones to aid conservation efforts
  • Cisco's initiatives span multiple countries, showing a global commitment to environmental sustainability
  • None.

By Stacey Faucett

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 6, 2024 / A new study in the scientific journal Science shows that environmental conservation is needed to help slow and potentially reverse biodiversity loss, "They found that more than half of the time, conservation actions had a net positive effect but did not necessarily stop biodiversity decline. This work shows that multiple types of conservation actions are usually beneficial and are needed to curb the loss of biodiversity."

World Nature Conservation Day offers a moment to reflect on our role in fostering a deeper appreciation for our planet's biodiversity and supporting the stability of ecosystems. At Cisco, investing in resilient ecosystems is one of the three key priorities of The Plan for Possible, our next-generation environmental sustainability strategy. We invite you to learn more about the impactful work that some of our nonprofit partners are doing in this area. These remarkable organizations remind us that every action counts, and that collaboration is essential to enhance the health of our planet.

Reconnecting Northland

Reconnecting Northland, a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Te Tai Tokerau (Northland, New Zealand), brings communities, agencies, and resources together to support thriving ecosystems and revitalize biodiversity on behalf of nature and future generations. In response to environmental degradation, community taiao (environment) groups are responding by taking action to protect biodiversity and improve ecosystem health by removing pest and weed species, planting native vegetation, installing fencing, wetland restoration and more. These groups often face significant challenges in acquiring the funding, expert advice, skills, administrative support, and other resources necessary to undertake complex restoration projects. Responses are also often disconnected, leaving well-intended agencies and local communities struggling to achieve desired outcomes.

Reconnecting Northland designed their central program: Te Kete Hononga (The Basket of Connections) to support and grow the capabilities of community and Indigenous groups as they work toward socio-ecological regeneration across the region with benefits for climate, freshwater, and biodiversity. The Cisco Foundation supports Reconnecting Northland's Te Kete program to build local capacity and agency for communities to create, deliver and measure their own ecological solutions. To do so, the program provides tools (monitoring, project management, and story mapping) and services (business development, leadership training, communications, and research) to communities across the region. Reconnecting Northland found the program led to increased collaboration between diverse community groups, agencies and iwi (Māori tribes); deeper government involvement and funding in community-led initiatives; increased knowledge exchanges; and the growth of more sustainable systems and practices at the community level.

Pettania Hohaia - a Te Kete Hononga Kairaranga (Community Weaver) for the Waimamaku area shared her powerful personal account: "You supported us as katiaki (guardians) to become resilient and self-sustaining. And you've done it by allowing us to lead and make decisions."

NetHope's Climate Intersections Grant program

NetHope's Climate Intersections Grant program - part of NetHope (an NGO) and Cisco's joint Digital Breakthrough Initiative - aims to advance digital solutions for climate adaptation and resilience. NetHope member and Climate Intersections partner, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), is harnessing digital innovation to advance global conservation efforts.

WCS collaborates with Birdlife International and World Wildlife Fund in the Trillion Trees program, dedicated to protecting and restoring forests globally. Central to their efforts is FORMAPP, a sophisticated monitoring system developed by WCS's Conservation Technology team on behalf of the Trillion Trees partnership to track reforestation projects effectively by improving data management efficiency and making relevant resources more accessible. Comprising a smartphone app, database, and online portal, FORMAPP streamlines data collection, storage, and reporting, utilizing ConSoSci‘s toolkit.

Thanks to the grant, Trillion Trees upgraded the data integration technology supporting FORMAPP and translated all materials-website, training resources, video tutorials, and forms-into French and Spanish. Field data remains the fundamental building block on which the climate and biodiversity benefits of restoration efforts can be measured.

Through strategic partnerships and technological innovation, WCS and its partners continue to empower communities and drive meaningful change in conservation efforts worldwide. The integration of digital solutions not only amplifies their impact but also strengthens resilience in the face of climate challenges, demonstrating the transformative potential of collaborative initiatives like the NetHope Climate Intersections Grant Program.

Farmers for Forests

A 2023 deforestation report indicated that India has the second highest rate of deforestation after losing 668,400 hectares of forest cover in the last 30 years. A more recent article indicates a significant decline in large farmland trees in India over the past decade. Climate change and deforestation are closely interlinked phenomena that have a bidirectional relationship where changes in one impact the other. Wildfires, disruption of water cycles, extreme weather events and changes to habitat are some of the outcomes of such imbalances.

The Cisco India Cash Grant program worked with Climatesense Pvt Limited (branded as Farmers for Forests), through an accelerator with Villgro. Farmers for Forests/F4F, is a nonprofit organization that is on a mission to combat the impact of climate change on environmental and human well-being by increasing India's natural and biodiverse forest and tree cover. By leveraging the immense advances in geospatial and drone technology, they are implementing and monitoring agroforestry projects. With the use of drones, satellite data, and modifying open source artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms the team quantifies carbon sequestered, biodiversity levels, and water savings of the forests and agroforestry plantations which helps to put an accurate price on the ecosystem services that are being provided.

The accelerator enabled the organization to develop a technology powered tree detection platform that identifies various parameter of trees such as species, count and tree height that helps in informed digital monitoring, reporting and verification process of carbon projects for the 2500+ acres of land under ecological restoration that they currently manage and more that will be added as they grow.

Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara

Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) is a nonprofit organization that works in 14 provinces across Indonesia to protect nature and preserve the biodiversity of a vast archipelago comprising 17,500 islands, stretching 5,000 km from east to west. This high marine biodiversity is reflected in Indonesia's fisheries. Fishing is an important part of the culture of Indonesia's coastal people, and market surveys show that Indonesia's fisheries include over 873 species of bony fish and over 137 species of sharks, rays, and chimeras. Unfortunately, many of these fisheries are over-exploited, while others lack any data on their status and life-history-some of the traded fishes are even new to science. With grant support from the Cisco Foundation, YKAN is leveraging the innovative software application called FishFace (Fish Facial Identification Technology) to help the government and fishing communities understand the status of fish stocks in the area and to design solutions to manage these fisheries for the benefit of people and nature.

Working in close partnership with Geeks Without Frontiers and PT Intelion, YKAN is designing a new approach to overcome this challenge. Initial trials have shown that a FishFace system, which utilizes AI, outperforms trained observers, achieving 99% accuracy. Coupled with software that automatically grabs a picture of a fish as the crew moves it through the field of vision of a digital camera, a FishFace system can revolutionize fisheries research and management in Indonesia with real-time data collection and can provide a more accurate dataset on the status of Indonesia's fish stocks and insights for local fishery regulations that will preserve nature and the biodiversity of the region.

Thank you to the organizations that shared their stories with us. As we continue to navigate the challenges of climate change, embracing innovative solutions and fostering global partnerships can help us protect our ecosystems and create a more sustainable future.

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SOURCE: Cisco Systems Inc.

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What is Cisco's environmental sustainability strategy called?

Cisco's environmental sustainability strategy is called 'The Plan for Possible'.

How is Cisco (CSCO) supporting conservation efforts in New Zealand?

Cisco (CSCO) supports Reconnecting Northland in New Zealand, which helps community groups protect biodiversity and improve ecosystem health through their Te Kete Hononga program.

What technology is YKAN using to manage fisheries in Indonesia with Cisco's support?

YKAN is using FishFace (Fish Facial Identification Technology), an AI-powered software application, to manage fisheries and preserve marine biodiversity in Indonesia with support from Cisco (CSCO).

How is Cisco (CSCO) helping combat deforestation in India?

Cisco (CSCO) is supporting Farmers for Forests in India, which uses geospatial and drone technology to implement and monitor agroforestry projects to combat deforestation.

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