Business Insurance Honors CorVel with Two Awards in 2024

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CorVel (NASDAQ: CRVL) has received two prestigious awards from Business Insurance in 2024. The company won the 2024 Innovation Award for its Generative AI solution in CareMC, which enhances claims management by automating objective tasks and increasing adjuster-injured worker interaction time. CorVel was also recognized alongside O'Reilly Automotive Inc. as the 'Claims Team of the Year' in the 2024 U.S. Insurance Awards for their collaborative Claims Closure Project.

Michael Combs, CorVel's President and CEO, emphasized the company's focus on advancing automation and delivering actionable insights to streamline the claims process. The awards, chosen by a panel of professional risk managers, highlight CorVel's commitment to innovation in risk management solutions and effective claims handling. The recognition ceremony took place in New York City on July 18, 2024, with winner profiles featured in Business Insurance's September 2024 issue.

CorVel (NASDAQ: CRVL) ha ricevuto due prestigiosi premi da Business Insurance nel 2024. L'azienda ha vinto il 2024 Innovation Award per la sua soluzione di Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa in CareMC, che migliora la gestione dei sinistri automatizzando compiti oggettivi e aumentando il tempo di interazione tra il perito e il lavoratore infortunate. CorVel è stata anche riconosciuta insieme a O'Reilly Automotive Inc. come 'Claims Team of the Year' agli U.S. Insurance Awards 2024 per il loro progetto collaborativo Claims Closure.

Michael Combs, Presidente e CEO di CorVel, ha sottolineato il focus dell'azienda nel promuovere l'automazione e fornire informazioni attuabili per semplificare il processo di gestione dei sinistri. I premi, scelti da un panel di professionisti nella gestione dei rischi, evidenziano l'impegno di CorVel per l'innovazione nelle soluzioni di gestione dei rischi e nella gestione efficace dei sinistri. La cerimonia di riconoscimento si è svolta a New York City il 18 luglio 2024, con i profili dei vincitori presentati nel numero di settembre 2024 di Business Insurance.

CorVel (NASDAQ: CRVL) ha recibido dos prestigiosos premios de Business Insurance en 2024. La empresa ganó el 2024 Innovation Award por su solución de IA Generativa en CareMC, que mejora la gestión de reclamos automatizando tareas objetivas y aumentando el tiempo de interacción entre el ajustador y el trabajador lesionado. CorVel también fue reconocida junto a O'Reilly Automotive Inc. como el 'Claims Team of the Year' en los U.S. Insurance Awards 2024 por su proyecto colaborativo Claims Closure.

Michael Combs, Presidente y CEO de CorVel, enfatizó el enfoque de la empresa en avanzar en la automatización y proporcionar información útil para agilizar el proceso de reclamos. Los premios, seleccionados por un panel de gerentes de riesgos profesionales, destacan el compromiso de CorVel con la innovación en soluciones de gestión de riesgos y el manejo efectivo de reclamos. La ceremonia de reconocimiento tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Nueva York el 18 de julio de 2024, con los perfiles de los ganadores presentados en la edición de septiembre de 2024 de Business Insurance.

CorVel (NASDAQ: CRVL)은 2024년 Business Insurance로부터 두 가지 권위 있는 상을 수상했습니다. 이 회사는 CareMC에서의 생성적 AI 솔루션으로 2024 Innovation Award를 수상했으며, 이는 클레임 관리를 자동화하고 조정자와 부상자 간의 상호작용 시간을 늘려줍니다. CorVel은 O'Reilly Automotive Inc.와 함께 'Claims Team of the Year'로 2024년 미국 보험 상에서 인정받았습니다.

CorVel의 회장 겸 CEO인 Michael Combs는 자동화 촉진과 클레임 프로세스의 간소화를 위한 실행 가능한 통찰력을 제공하는 데 회사가 중점을 두고 있음을 강조했습니다. 이 상은 전문 리스크 관리자들로 구성된 패널에 의해 선정되었으며, CorVel의 리스크 관리 솔루션 혁신 및 효과적인 클레임 처리에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다. 시상식은 2024년 7월 18일 뉴욕시에서 열렸으며, 수상자 프로필은 2024년 9월 Business Insurance 호에 실렸습니다.

CorVel (NASDAQ: CRVL) a reçu deux prix prestigieux de Business Insurance en 2024. L'entreprise a remporté le 2024 Innovation Award pour sa solution d'intelligence artificielle générative dans CareMC, qui améliore la gestion des réclamations en automatisant des tâches objectives et en augmentant le temps d'interaction entre l'évaluateur et le travailleur blessé. CorVel a également été reconnue aux côtés d'O'Reilly Automotive Inc. comme le 'Claims Team of the Year' lors des U.S. Insurance Awards 2024 pour leur projet collaboratif Claims Closure.

Michael Combs, président et PDG de CorVel, a souligné l'accent mis par l'entreprise sur l'avancement de l'automatisation et la livraison d'informations exploitables pour rationaliser le processus de réclamations. Les prix, choisis par un panel de gestionnaires de risques professionnels, mettent en lumière l'engagement de CorVel envers l'innovation dans les solutions de gestion des risques et le traitement efficace des réclamations. La cérémonie de remise des prix a eu lieu à New York le 18 juillet 2024, avec les profils des gagnants présentés dans le numéro de septembre 2024 de Business Insurance.

CorVel (NASDAQ: CRVL) hat 2024 zwei angesehene Auszeichnungen von Business Insurance erhalten. Das Unternehmen gewann den 2024 Innovation Award für seine generative KI-Lösung in CareMC, die das Schadenmanagement durch Automatisierung objektiver Aufgaben verbessert und die Interaktionszeit zwischen Sachverständigen und verletzten Arbeitern erhöht. CorVel wurde auch zusammen mit O'Reilly Automotive Inc. als 'Claims Team of the Year' bei den U.S. Insurance Awards 2024 für ihr gemeinsames Projekt Claims Closure anerkannt.

Michael Combs, Präsident und CEO von CorVel, betonte den Fokus des Unternehmens auf die Förderung der Automatisierung und die Bereitstellung umsetzbarer Erkenntnisse zur Optimierung des Schadenprozesses. Die Auszeichnungen wurden von einem Gremium professioneller Risikomanager gewählt und heben Compels Engagement für Innovationen im Bereich Risikomanagementlösungen und effektive Schadenabwicklung hervor. Die Anerkennungszeremonie fand am 18. Juli 2024 in New York City statt, und die Profile der Gewinner wurden in der Septemberausgabe 2024 von Business Insurance vorgestellt.

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FORT WORTH, Texas, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CorVel Corporation (NASDAQ: CRVL), a national provider of risk management solutions, today announced that it has received two awards from Business Insurance in 2024. The Company was recognized for its innovation and advancements with generative AI and for its collaboration with O’Reilly Automotive Inc., a leading auto parts retailer.

The 2024 Innovation Award, an awards program that is in its 15th year, highlights unique advancements in products and services provided to professional risk managers. CorVel’s Generative AI solution for CareMC was chosen as a 2024 winner because of its ability to leverage technology throughout the claims management process. The Company uses Generative AI to automate objective tasks and increase the amount of time adjusters spend interfacing directly with injured workers, ultimately improving outcomes.

“CorVel is honored to be recognized by Business Insurance as a leader in innovation for our claims management solution," said Michael Combs, CorVel President and CEO. "Generative AI is transforming the insurance industry, and we're focused on advancing automation, augmenting workflows, and delivering actionable insights that save time and money. These innovations empower our employees and partners to streamline the claims process, ultimately benefiting injured workers."

Additionally, CorVel and O’Reilly Automotive Inc. were recognized by Business Insurance as the “Claims Team of the Year” by the 2024 U.S. Insurance Awards. CorVel’s claims team worked with O'Reilly on a Claims Closure Project to identify claims for potential closure. During these reviews, the team created tailored settlement recommendations and leveraged CorVel’s Transitional Work Program to close selected claims efficiently.

“Working with CorVel has enabled O’Reilly to address team members’ claims effectively, which is our goal,” said Misty Merritt, team member injury claims manager at O’Reilly. “We’re pleased to be recognized as Claims Team of the Year.”

Both awards were chosen by a panel of judges consisting of professional risk managers who independently assessed each of the finalists. Business Insurance recognized winners during an awards ceremony in New York City on July 18, 2024, where members of CorVel gathered to celebrate the awards with fellow winners and industry leaders. Profiles of the winners are featured in the September 2024 issue of Business Insurance

For more information about CorVel Corporation, please visit

About CorVel
CorVel Corp. applies technology, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing, to enhance the management of episodes of care and related health care costs. We partner with employers, third-party administrators, insurance companies, and government agencies in managing workers’ compensation and health, auto, and liability services. Our diverse suite of solutions combines our integrated technologies with a human touch. CorVel’s customized services, delivered locally, are backed by a national team to support our partners and their customers and patients.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
All statements included in this press release, other than statements or characterizations of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company’s current expectations, estimates, and projections about the Company, management’s beliefs, certain assumptions made by the Company, and events beyond the Company’s control, all of which are subject to change. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the Company’s claims management services and the Company’s continued investment in these and other innovative technologies and statements relating to the Company’s workers’ comp service offerings. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that could cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in any forward-looking statement, including the risk that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business, results of operations and financial condition is greater than our initial assessment.

The risks and uncertainties referred to above include but are not limited to factors described in this press release and the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including but not limited to “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2024, and the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended June 30, 2024, September 30, 2023, and December 31, 2023. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date they are made. The Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statement for any reason.

Contact: Melissa Storan
Phone: 949-851-1473


What awards did CorVel (CRVL) receive from Business Insurance in 2024?

CorVel (CRVL) received two awards from Business Insurance in 2024: the 2024 Innovation Award for its Generative AI solution in CareMC, and the 'Claims Team of the Year' award alongside O'Reilly Automotive Inc. in the 2024 U.S. Insurance Awards.

How does CorVel's (CRVL) Generative AI solution improve claims management?

CorVel's (CRVL) Generative AI solution improves claims management by automating objective tasks, increasing the time adjusters spend directly interacting with injured workers, and delivering actionable insights that save time and money in the claims process.

What was the Claims Closure Project between CorVel (CRVL) and O'Reilly Automotive?

The Claims Closure Project was a collaboration between CorVel (CRVL) and O'Reilly Automotive to identify claims for potential closure. The team created tailored settlement recommendations and used CorVel's Transitional Work Program to efficiently close selected claims.

When and where were the Business Insurance awards presented to CorVel (CRVL) in 2024?

The Business Insurance awards were presented to CorVel (CRVL) during an awards ceremony in New York City on July 18, 2024. The winners' profiles were also featured in the September 2024 issue of Business Insurance.

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