Box and Slack Expand Partnership with the Launch of Box AI in Slack

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partnership AI

Box and Slack have expanded their partnership to bring secure AI capabilities to enterprise content. The integration allows Box Enterprise Plus customers to access unlimited Box AI queries directly in Slack, enabling users to extract insights from Box files within their Slack workspace. This enhancement aims to transform collaboration and productivity for joint customers.

Key features of the expanded partnership include:

  • Dynamic and secure file previews of Box files in Slack
  • Real-time content card updates
  • Enhanced Box for Slack workflows
  • Improved admin delegated authorization
  • Streamlined content workflow between Box, Slack, and Salesforce

The integration is available immediately for all Slack customers with Box Enterprise Plus plans, offering AI-powered insights without leaving the Slack environment.

Box e Slack hanno ampliato la loro partnership per portare capacità AI sicure ai contenuti aziendali. L'integrazione consente ai clienti Box Enterprise Plus di accedere a query illimitate di Box AI direttamente in Slack, permettendo agli utenti di estrarre informazioni dai file Box all'interno del loro spazio di lavoro Slack. Questo miglioramento mira a trasformare la collaborazione e la produttività per i clienti comuni.

Le funzionalità chiave dell'ampliamento della partnership includono:

  • Anteprime dinamiche e sicure dei file Box in Slack
  • Aggiornamenti in tempo reale delle schede contenuto
  • Flussi di lavoro migliorati di Box per Slack
  • Autorizzazione delegata dell'amministratore migliorata
  • Flusso di lavoro dei contenuti semplificato tra Box, Slack e Salesforce

L'integrazione è disponibile immediatamente per tutti i clienti Slack con piani Box Enterprise Plus, offrendo approfondimenti potenziati dall'AI senza lasciare l'ambiente Slack.

Box y Slack han ampliado su asociación para llevar capacidades de IA seguras al contenido empresarial. La integración permite a los clientes de Box Enterprise Plus acceder a consultas ilimitadas de Box AI directamente en Slack, lo que permite a los usuarios extraer información de los archivos de Box dentro de su espacio de trabajo en Slack. Esta mejora tiene como objetivo transformar la colaboración y la productividad para los clientes conjuntos.

Las características clave de la asociación ampliada incluyen:

  • Vistas previas dinámicas y seguras de los archivos de Box en Slack
  • Actualizaciones en tiempo real de las tarjetas de contenido
  • Flujos de trabajo mejorados de Box para Slack
  • Mejora en la autorización delegada del administrador
  • Flujo de trabajo de contenido optimizado entre Box, Slack y Salesforce

La integración está disponible de inmediato para todos los clientes de Slack con planes de Box Enterprise Plus, ofreciendo percepciones potenciadas por IA sin salir del entorno de Slack.

Box와 Slack은 파트너십을 확장하여 기업 콘텐츠에 안전한 AI 기능을 제공하게 되었습니다. 이 통합은 Box Enterprise Plus 고객Slack에서 직접 Box AI 쿼리를 무제한으로 이용할 수 있도록 하며, 사용자는 Slack 작업 공간 내에서 Box 파일의 인사이트를 추출할 수 있습니다. 이 향상된 기능은 협업과 생산성을 변혁하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

확장된 파트너십의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • Slack에서 Box 파일의 동적이고 안전한 미리보기
  • 실시간 콘텐츠 카드 업데이트
  • 향상된 Box for Slack 워크플로우
  • 개선된 관리자 위임 승인
  • Box, Slack 및 Salesforce 간의 간소화된 콘텐츠 워크플로우

이 통합은 즉시 사용 가능하며, Box Enterprise Plus 요금제를 가진 모든 Slack 고객에게 제공되어 Slack 환경을 떠나지 않고도 AI 기반 통찰력을 제공합니다.

Box et Slack ont élargi leur partenariat pour apporter des capacités d'IA sécurisées au contenu d'entreprise. L'intégration permet aux clients de Box Enterprise Plus d'accéder à des requêtes Box AI illimitées directement dans Slack, permettant aux utilisateurs d'extraire des informations à partir des fichiers Box au sein de leur espace de travail Slack. Cette amélioration vise à transformer la collaboration et la productivité pour les clients communs.

Les principales caractéristiques du partenariat élargi incluent :

  • Aperçus dynamiques et sécurisés des fichiers Box dans Slack
  • Mises à jour des cartes de contenu en temps réel
  • Flux de travail Box pour Slack améliorés
  • Autorisation déléguée admin améliorée
  • Flux de travail de contenu rationalisé entre Box, Slack et Salesforce

L'intégration est immédiatement disponible pour tous les clients Slack disposant de plans Box Enterprise Plus, offrant des insights alimentés par l'IA sans quitter l'environnement Slack.

Box und Slack haben ihre Partnerschaft erweitert, um sichere KI-Funktionen für Unternehmensinhalte bereitzustellen. Die Integration ermöglicht es Box Enterprise Plus-Kunden, unbegrenzte Box AI-Abfragen direkt in Slack zu nutzen, was den Benutzern ermöglicht, Erkenntnisse aus Box-Dateien innerhalb ihres Slack-Arbeitsbereichs zu gewinnen. Diese Verbesserung zielt darauf ab, die Zusammenarbeit und Produktivität für gemeinsame Kunden zu transformieren.

Die wichtigsten Merkmale der erweiterten Partnerschaft umfassen:

  • Dynamische und sichere Dateiübersichten von Box-Dateien in Slack
  • Echtzeit-Updates der Inhaltskarten
  • Verbesserte Box für Slack-Workflows
  • Verbesserte autorisierte Delegation für Administratoren
  • Optimierter Inhaltsworkflow zwischen Box, Slack und Salesforce

Die Integration ist sofort verfügbar für alle Slack-Kunden mit Box Enterprise Plus-Plänen und bietet KI-gestützte Einblicke, ohne die Slack-Umgebung zu verlassen.

  • Expanded partnership bringing secure AI capabilities to enterprise content
  • Unlimited Box AI queries now available directly in Slack for Box Enterprise Plus customers
  • Enhanced integration features including dynamic file previews and real-time content updates
  • Improved workflow automation across Box, Slack, and Salesforce platforms
  • Potential for increased productivity and efficiency for joint customers
  • availability to Box Enterprise Plus customers only

The expanded partnership between Box and Slack represents a significant leap in enterprise AI integration, potentially reshaping how organizations interact with their content. This collaboration brings Box AI directly into Slack's interface, allowing users to query and analyze Box files without leaving their primary communication platform.

Key technological advancements include:

  • Unlimited AI queries for Box Enterprise Plus customers within Slack
  • Dynamic and secure file previews
  • Real-time content card updates
  • Enhanced no-code workflow automation
  • Improved admin authorization processes
  • Streamlined content workflow across Box, Slack and Salesforce

This integration addresses a important pain point in enterprise software: the need for seamless interoperability between content management and communication platforms. By bringing AI-powered content analysis into the conversation flow, Box and Slack are effectively reducing context switching and potentially boosting productivity.

However, the success of this integration will largely depend on the accuracy and relevance of Box AI's responses, as well as the system's ability to maintain data security and compliance across platforms. It's worth noting that while this partnership offers significant potential, it also deepens the interdependence between these platforms, which could impact future flexibility for enterprises considering changes to their tech stack.

This partnership expansion between Box and Slack is poised to make waves in the enterprise software market. Here's why it matters:

Market Positioning: By integrating Box AI directly into Slack, both companies are strengthening their positions in the highly competitive enterprise software landscape. This move aligns with the growing trend of AI-enhanced productivity tools and could help both companies defend against encroachment from tech giants like Microsoft and Google.

Target Audience: The integration caters to a wide range of enterprise teams, from marketing and sales to legal and HR. This broad appeal could drive adoption across entire organizations, potentially increasing the stickiness of both platforms.

Competitive Advantage: The seamless integration of content management, communication and AI-powered insights creates a unique value proposition. This could be a significant differentiator, especially for enterprises looking to consolidate their tech stack while enhancing productivity.

Market Expansion: For Box, this partnership opens up a new channel to promote its AI capabilities to Slack's large user base. Conversely, Slack benefits from enhanced content management features, potentially attracting more content-heavy organizations.

Future Growth: The integration sets the stage for future AI-driven innovations. As both companies continue to develop their AI capabilities, we can expect to see more advanced features that could further disrupt the enterprise software market.

While the immediate market impact may be moderate, the long-term implications of this partnership could be substantial, potentially reshaping how enterprises approach content management and team collaboration.

Thousands of Customers Depend on The Combined Power of Box and Slack to Securely Collaborate With Their Content

SAN FRANCISCO & REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Box, Inc. (NYSE: BOX), the leading Intelligent Content Cloud, and AI-powered work operating system, Slack, a Salesforce company, (NYSE: CRM) today announced an expanded partnership that brings secure AI to enterprise content to transform the way organizations work. Available today, joint customers can now access unlimited Box AI queries directly in Slack, allowing users to ask critical questions and uncover timely insights from Box files in the same place they’re already working. The companies also announced several joint enhancements to the integration, including dynamic and secure file previews of Box files in Slack, improved workflow automation across the two platforms, and more.

“Enterprises today recognize the potential of AI to unleash valuable insights that are trapped inside their content,” said Aaron Levie, Co-Founder and CEO of Box. “Thousands of customers including Elf Cosmetics, Mast-Jägermeister SE, and Wasserman Media already leverage Box and Slack together, making it easy to share and collaborate on documents across both platforms while maintaining a single, secure source of truth for content. With this expanded partnership, we are bringing that same level of interoperability and cross-platform ease of use to the world of AI. Now, whether you are working on customer presentations, legal contracts, a budget spreadsheet, or any other file, you can leverage Box AI to get insights and answers without ever leaving your Slack environment. It's never been easier to apply secure, enterprise-grade AI to your work.”

“The world’s largest and most complex enterprises rely on Slack to bring their people, projects, data, knowledge and culture together in one conversational interface – and now with Box AI, companies can intelligently surface insights from their most critical business content, right in the flow of work,” said Denise Dresser, CEO of Slack. “Slack’s improved interoperability with Box makes it easy for enterprises to unify files from across their organization and then take action that accelerates their most important business outcomes. Our integration with Box is a perfect example of how companies are using Slack as their AI-powered work operating system for the next generation of AI agents and applications.”

To unlock productivity, companies today need to be able to access their powerful workplace tools, AI agents, and applications in the context of where work is already happening. Slack’s conversational interface and extensible platform, with more than 2,600 third-party applications, allow employees to connect their most important business processes in the context of their existing work. Box’s Intelligent Content Cloud, powered by AI and integrated in Slack, gives customers the ability to engage with and search through their enterprise content in the flow of work and in the unique way their individual teams require.

“Metrigy's research continues to show that team collaboration is becoming the hub for work,” said Irwin Lazar, President and Principal Analyst at Metrigy. “Integrating Slack with Box provides customers with an even greater way of getting their work done in one central place. This integration also delivers the ability to leverage AI to gain valuable insights from content, all within one user interface, consistent with security and compliance requirements.”

Available Today: Unlimited Box AI Queries, Right From Slack

Box AI brings powerful large language models to customers’ most important business information, without training on it, to uncover insights and automate workflows around content. By bringing Box AI to Slack, Box’s Enterprise Plus customers can now ask unlimited AI queries and surface key insights from Box files sent directly in Slack channels and threads. Since Box AI is governed by Box's built-in permissions, users will only be able to interact with and receive answers from the files they have access to. With Box AI functionality in the Slack integration:

  • Marketing Teams can use Box AI to extract the key insights from an in-depth market analysis report in a Slack channel and share them with the team in seconds, speeding up decision making.
  • Sales Teams can utilize Box AI to highlight changes to a customer presentation shared in Slack, ensuring that all team members have the latest information, improving client interactions.
  • Legal Teams can ask Box AI to identify the key clauses, terms, and obligations from a contract shared in Slack, streamlining the review process and ensuring critical details are not overlooked.
  • Operations Teams can ask Box AI to extract and share key takeaways from budget update files posted in Slack, helping them stay on top of important details and ensuring alignment with financial goals.
  • HR Teams can leverage Box AI to summarize employee engagement survey results shared in a Slack channel, quickly identifying trends and areas for improvement, which helps in creating effective action plans and enhancing workplace culture.

Available Today: Deepened Box and Slack Integration

The Box AI functionality in Slack builds on the innovation the two companies have delivered over the past year to make it easier for customers to use Box and Slack together. Additional new features and capabilities include:

  • Dynamic and secure file previews give joint customers the option to preview, scroll, and view the most recent versions of entire Box documents, including PDFs, spreadsheets, and slide decks, directly from their Slack channels. The ability to access and interact with files is governed by Box’s built-in permissions.
  • Real-time loading content cards allow Box files shared in Slack to reflect any changes made to the file in seconds, improving the user experience by ensuring files shared on Slack update as the Box file itself is changed.
  • Enhanced Box for Slack workflows enable Slack users to create no-code workflows that incorporate their Box content, allowing teams to automate business processes that include Box content directly within Slack.
  • Updated admin delegated authorization streamlines the login and authorization experience for the Box app in Slack, making the deployment of the integration faster and easier.
  • Improved content workflow between Box, Slack, and Salesforce enables joint customers to select Box as the default storage location for all uploads, allowing them to connect Slack channels and Salesforce accounts to the same mapped Box folder structures, ensuring content is reflected across all three platforms and eliminating redundancies.

"The Slack and Box partnership, which seamlessly integrates collaboration and content, is fundamental to enterprise needs in the age of AI," said Shivani Majewski, Managing Director – Salesforce Industries, at Slalom. "Customers want to build solutions that use AI to accelerate their business processes. Using Box AI to extract critical information from the millions of files in an organization and building collaborative workflows in Slack with those insights, improves the value and efficiency of business processes happening every day across industries like financial services, retail, media and entertainment, and more.”

Pricing and Availability

Unlimited end-user queries in the Box AI for Slack integration are available today for all Slack customers with Box Enterprise Plus plans. The additional Box and Slack integration features and capabilities are also available today for all Box and Slack customers. Customers can add the Box for Slack integration from the Slack App Directory here. More information on today’s news can be found on the Box Blog or by joining today’s webinar.

About Box

Box (NYSE:BOX) is the Intelligent Content Cloud, a single platform that enables organizations to fuel collaboration, manage the entire content lifecycle, secure critical content, and transform business workflows with enterprise AI. Founded in 2005, Box simplifies work for leading global organizations, including AstraZeneca, JLL, Morgan Stanley, and Nationwide. Box is headquartered in Redwood City, CA, with offices across the United States, Europe, and Asia. Visit to learn more. And visit to learn more about how Box empowers nonprofits to fulfill their missions.

About Slack

Slack is where work happens for millions of people every day, helping organizations in every industry move faster and fulfill their missions. It’s the AI-powered work operating system that centralizes conversations and collaboration, makes it easy to automate business processes, and delivers trusted generative AI that augments every employee to help them be more productive and drive real outcomes. As a Salesforce company, Slack is also deeply integrated with every Salesforce solution, bringing rich data and insights directly into the flow of work and fueling sales, service, and marketing productivity. To learn more and get started with Slack, visit or connect with us @SlackHQ.


Dani Robin


Danielle Adams

Source: Box, Inc.


What new features does the Box and Slack partnership offer?

The expanded partnership offers unlimited Box AI queries in Slack, dynamic file previews, real-time content updates, enhanced workflows, improved admin authorization, and streamlined content workflow between Box, Slack, and Salesforce.

How can marketing teams benefit from Box AI in Slack?

Marketing teams can use Box AI to quickly extract key insights from market analysis reports shared in Slack channels, speeding up decision-making processes.

When will the new Box AI features be available in Slack?

The new Box AI features, including unlimited queries, are available immediately for all Slack customers with Box Enterprise Plus plans.

What is the stock symbol for Box?

The stock symbol for Box is BOX, traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BOX).

How does the Box AI integration maintain security in Slack?

Box AI in Slack is governed by Box's built-in permissions, ensuring users can only interact with and receive answers from files they have access to, maintaining security and compliance.

Salesforce, Inc.


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