Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A. announces its results for the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2025 ended December 31, 2024

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Cresud (NASDAQ: CRESY) reported a net loss of ARS 64,391 million for the first half of FY 2025, primarily due to changes in IRSA investment properties' fair value. The adjusted EBITDA decreased by 15.3% to ARS 134,961 million compared to the same period in 2024.

The company expanded its planted area to 303,000 hectares, a 9% increase from the previous season, despite historically low commodity prices. The Argentine government's announcement of temporary crop export tax reductions until June 2025 resulted in approximately 5% improvement in crop prices.

Notable transactions include the sale of Los Pozos farm fraction for USD 2.2 million and BrasilAgro's sale of Alto Taquari farm fraction for BRL 189.4 million. The company distributed a cash dividend of ARS 45,000 million (yield ~7%) in November 2024. As of December 31, 2024, Cresud's market capitalization stood at USD 761.8 million.

Cresud (NASDAQ: CRESY) ha riportato una perdita netta di 64.391 milioni di ARS per il primo semestre dell'anno fiscale 2025, principalmente a causa delle variazioni del valore equo delle proprietà di investimento di IRSA. L'EBITDA rettificato è diminuito del 15,3%, raggiungendo 134.961 milioni di ARS rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2024.

L'azienda ha ampliato la sua superficie coltivata a 303.000 ettari, con un incremento del 9% rispetto alla stagione precedente, nonostante i prezzi storicamente bassi delle materie prime. L'annuncio del governo argentino riguardo alle riduzioni temporanee delle tasse sulle esportazioni agricole fino a giugno 2025 ha portato a un miglioramento di circa il 5% nei prezzi delle colture.

Tra le transazioni degne di nota vi è stata la vendita della frazione della fattoria Los Pozos per 2,2 milioni di USD e la vendita della frazione della fattoria Alto Taquari da parte di BrasilAgro per 189,4 milioni di BRL. L'azienda ha distribuito un dividendo in contante di 45.000 milioni di ARS (rendita ~7%) nel novembre 2024. Al 31 dicembre 2024, la capitalizzazione di mercato di Cresud si attestava a 761,8 milioni di USD.

Cresud (NASDAQ: CRESY) reportó una pérdida neta de 64.391 millones de ARS para la primera mitad del año fiscal 2025, principalmente debido a cambios en el valor razonable de las propiedades de inversión de IRSA. El EBITDA ajustado disminuyó un 15,3%, alcanzando 134.961 millones de ARS en comparación con el mismo período de 2024.

La empresa amplió su área cultivada a 303.000 hectáreas, un aumento del 9% respecto a la temporada anterior, a pesar de los precios históricamente bajos de las materias primas. El anuncio del gobierno argentino sobre la reducción temporal de los impuestos a la exportación de cultivos hasta junio de 2025 resultó en una mejora aproximada del 5% en los precios de los cultivos.

Las transacciones destacadas incluyen la venta de la fracción de la finca Los Pozos por 2,2 millones de USD y la venta de la fracción de la finca Alto Taquari por BrasilAgro por 189,4 millones de BRL. La empresa distribuyó un dividendo en efectivo de 45.000 millones de ARS (rendimiento ~7%) en noviembre de 2024. Al 31 de diciembre de 2024, la capitalización de mercado de Cresud era de 761,8 millones de USD.

Cresud (NASDAQ: CRESY)는 2025 회계 연도 상반기에 643억 9천1백만 ARS의 순손실을 보고했습니다. 이는 주로 IRSA 투자재산의 공정 가치 변동 때문입니다. 조정된 EBITDA는 2024년 같은 기간에 비해 15.3% 감소하여 134억 9천6백1십만 ARS에 달했습니다.

회사는 역사적으로 낮은 원자재 가격에도 불구하고 심어진 면적을 303,000헥타르로 확대하여 작년 시즌에 비해 9% 증가했습니다. 아르헨티나 정부가 2025년 6월까지 농산물 수출세를 일시적으로 감면하겠다고 발표한 것은 농작물 가격을 약 5% 개선하는 결과를 가져왔습니다.

주목할 만한 거래에는 220만 달러에 Los Pozos 농장 분할의 판매와 BrasilAgro의 1억 8940만 BRL에 Alto Taquari 농장 분할의 판매가 포함됩니다. 회사는 2024년 11월에 45,000백만 ARS의 현금 배당금을 배포했습니다(수익률 약 7%). 2024년 12월 31일 기준으로 Cresud의 시장 가치는 7억 6,180만 달러에 달합니다.

Cresud (NASDAQ: CRESY) a rapporté une perte nette de 64 391 millions ARS pour le premier semestre de l'exercice fiscal 2025, principalement en raison des variations de la juste valeur des propriétés d'investissement IRSA. L'EBITDA ajusté a diminué de 15,3 % pour atteindre 134 961 millions ARS par rapport à la même période en 2024.

L'entreprise a élargi sa surface cultivée à 303 000 hectares, soit une augmentation de 9 % par rapport à la saison précédente, malgré des prix des matières premières historiquement bas. L'annonce du gouvernement argentin concernant des réductions temporaires de la taxe sur les exportations agricoles jusqu'en juin 2025 a entraîné une amélioration d'environ 5 % des prix des récoltes.

Parmi les transactions notables figurent la vente de la fraction de la ferme Los Pozos pour 2,2 millions USD et la vente par BrasilAgro de la fraction de la ferme Alto Taquari pour 189,4 millions BRL. L'entreprise a distribué un dividende en espèces de 45 000 millions ARS (rendement ~7 %) en novembre 2024. Au 31 décembre 2024, la capitalisation boursière de Cresud s'élevait à 761,8 millions USD.

Cresud (NASDAQ: CRESY) meldete für das erste Halbjahr des Geschäftsjahres 2025 einen Nettoverlust von 64.391 Millionen ARS, was hauptsächlich auf Veränderungen des fairen Wertes von IRSA-Investitionsimmobilien zurückzuführen ist. Das bereinigte EBITDA sank um 15,3% auf 134.961 Millionen ARS im Vergleich zum gleichen Zeitraum 2024.

Das Unternehmen hat seine Anbaufläche auf 303.000 Hektar erweitert, was einem Anstieg von 9% gegenüber der vorherigen Saison entspricht, trotz historisch niedriger Rohstoffpreise. Die Ankündigung der argentinischen Regierung über vorübergehende Steuererleichterungen für den Export von Agrarprodukten bis Juni 2025 führte zu einem Anstieg der Erzeugerpreise um etwa 5%.

Bemerkenswerte Transaktionen umfassen den Verkauf des Los Pozos-Bauernhofs für 2,2 Millionen USD sowie den Verkauf des Alto Taquari-Bauernhofs durch BrasilAgro für 189,4 Millionen BRL. Das Unternehmen schüttete im November 2024 eine Bardividende von 45.000 Millionen ARS (Rendite ~7%) aus. Zum 31. Dezember 2024 betrug die Marktkapitalisierung von Cresud 761,8 Millionen USD.

  • 9% increase in planted area to 303,000 hectares
  • Government reduction in export taxes improving crop prices by 5%
  • Strategic asset sales completed in Argentina and Brazil
  • Distributed significant dividend with ~7% yield
  • Net loss of ARS 64,391 million in H1 FY2025
  • 15.3% decrease in adjusted EBITDA to ARS 134,961 million
  • Agricultural Business Gross Profit declined from ARS 57,588M to ARS 22,726M
  • Historically low commodity prices affecting operations


Cresud's Q2 FY2025 financial results reveal significant headwinds, with a concerning shift from a profit of ARS 266,118 million in the previous year to a loss of ARS 64,391 million. The primary driver was the negative fair value adjustment in IRSA's investment properties, highlighting the challenges in the urban segment.

Several key developments warrant attention:

  • Agricultural operations showed resilience with a 9% expansion in planted area to 303,000 hectares, despite adverse commodity price conditions
  • The strategic asset monetization through the sale of Los Pozos farm for USD 2.2 million and BrasilAgro's Alto Taquari farm portion for BRL 189.4 million demonstrates active portfolio management
  • The reduction in export taxes (soybean from 33% to 26%, wheat and corn from 12% to 9.5%) could potentially improve margins by approximately 5%

The company's decision to distribute a substantial dividend of ARS 45,000 million (7% yield) despite operational challenges signals confidence in its liquidity position. However, the 15.3% decline in adjusted EBITDA to ARS 134,961 million and compressed agricultural gross margins (from ARS 57,588 million to ARS 22,726 million) indicate ongoing operational pressures that require careful monitoring.

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, Feb. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A. (NASDAQ: CRESY, BYMA: CRES), leading Argentine agricultural company, announces today its results for the second quarter of FY 2025 ended December 31, 2024.


  • The net result for the first half of fiscal year 2025 registered a loss of ARS 64,391 million. This result is mainly explained by the loss due to changes in the fair value of IRSA investment properties.
  • The adjusted EBITDA for the period reached ARS 134,961 million, 15.3% lower than the same period in 2024. The agribusiness adjusted EBITDA was ARS 35,262 million and the Urban adjusted EBITDA (through IRSA), ARS 103,136 million.
  • The 2025 campaign is developing with historically low commodity prices, although a slight recovery was observed in the last quarter, reduced input costs, and favorable weather conditions in the region. We planted 303,000 hectares in the region, 9% more than the previous season.
  • In January 2025, the Argentine government announced a temporary reduction in crops tax exports until June 30, 2025, lowering soybean from 33% to 26% and wheat and corn from 12% to 9.5%. This had a positive impact on spot and future crop prices of approximately 5%.
  • During the first half of fiscal year 2025, we sold a fraction of Los Pozos farm in Argentina for USD 2.2 million and our subsidiary BrasilAgro sold a fraction of its Alto Taquari farm for BRL 189.4 million.
  • On November 2024, we distributed a cash dividend of ARS 45,000 million (dividend yield ~7%).


Financial Highlights
(In millions of Argentine Pesos)
6M FY 2025 ended December 31, 2024

Income Statement



Agricultural Business Revenue



Agricultural Business Gross Profit



Urban Properties Revenues



Urban Properties Gross Profit



Consolidated Gross Profit



Consolidated results from Operations



Profit for the Period



Attributable to:

Cresud's Shareholders



Non-Controlling interest



EPS (Basic)



EPS (Diluted)



Balance Sheet



Current Assets



Non-Current Assets



Total Assets



Current Liabilities



Non-Current Liabilities



Total Liabilities



Non-Controlling Interest



Shareholders' Equity



The Company's market capitalization as of December 31, 2024, was approximately USD 761.8 million. (60,314,043 ADS with a price per ADS of USD 12.63)

Cresud, leading Argentinean agricultural company with a growing presence in Latin American countries, cordially invites you to participate in its second quarter of the FY 2025 Results Conference Call on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 8:00 AM Eastern Time / 10:00 AM BA Time.

To access the Webinar:

Webinar ID: 951 4144 0099

Password: 620076

In addition, you can participate communicating to this numbers:

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Investor Relations Department.
Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.
+5411 4323-7449
Follow us on X: @cresudir

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SOURCE Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.


What was Cresud's (CRESY) net loss for H1 FY2025?

Cresud reported a net loss of ARS 64,391 million for the first half of fiscal year 2025, mainly due to changes in IRSA investment properties' fair value.

How much did Cresud's (CRESY) adjusted EBITDA decrease in H1 FY2025?

Cresud's adjusted EBITDA decreased by 15.3% to ARS 134,961 million compared to the same period in 2024.

What was the dividend yield for Cresud (CRESY) in November 2024?

Cresud distributed a cash dividend of ARS 45,000 million in November 2024, representing approximately 7% dividend yield.

How did the Argentine export tax reduction affect Cresud's (CRESY) crop prices?

The temporary reduction in export taxes announced in January 2025 resulted in approximately 5% improvement in spot and future crop prices.

What was Cresud's (CRESY) market capitalization as of December 31, 2024?

Cresud's market capitalization was approximately USD 761.8 million as of December 31, 2024, with 60,314,043 ADS at USD 12.63 per ADS.


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