CRESUD S.A.C.I.F. y A. announces its results for Fiscal Year 2024, ended June 30, 2024
CRESUD S.A.C.I.F. y A. (NASDAQ:CRESY, ByMA:CRES), a leading Latin American agricultural company, has announced its results for Fiscal Year 2024 ended June 30, 2024. The company reported a net gain of ARS 104,129 million, down from ARS 279,709 million in 2023. Adjusted EBITDA reached ARS 256,396 million, increasing 23.5% compared to the previous year. Despite productive challenges and lower commodity prices, CRESUD planted 277,000 hectares, producing 707,000 tons of grains. The company's livestock activity showed strong performance with high meat production and improved prices in Argentina. CRESUD also sold farm fractions for USD 75 million, generating a profit of USD 48 million. The company distributed cash dividends totaling ARS 52,000 million and IRSA shares worth 22.1 million.
CRESUD S.A.C.I.F. e A. (NASDAQ:CRESY, ByMA:CRES), una delle principali aziende agricole dell'America Latina, ha annunciato i suoi risultati per l'anno fiscale 2024 conclusosi il 30 giugno 2024. L'azienda ha riportato un guadagno netto di ARS 104.129 milioni, in calo rispetto ai ARS 279.709 milioni del 2023. L'EBITDA rettificato ha raggiunto ARS 256.396 milioni, con un incremento del 23,5% rispetto all'anno precedente. Nonostante le sfide produttive e il calo dei prezzi delle materie prime, CRESUD ha coltivato 277.000 ettari, producendo 707.000 tonnellate di cereali. L'attività zootecnica dell'azienda ha mostrato prestazioni solide con un'alta produzione di carne e prezzi migliorati in Argentina. CRESUD ha anche venduto frazioni agricole per USD 75 milioni, generando un profitto di USD 48 milioni. L'azienda ha distribuito dividendi in contante per un totale di ARS 52.000 milioni e azioni di IRSA del valore di 22,1 milioni.
CRESUD S.A.C.I.F. y A. (NASDAQ:CRESY, ByMA:CRES), una de las principales empresas agrícolas de América Latina, ha anunciado sus resultados para el Año Fiscal 2024 que finalizó el 30 de junio de 2024. La empresa reportó una ganancia neta de ARS 104.129 millones, una disminución desde los ARS 279.709 millones en 2023. El EBITDA ajustado alcanzó ARS 256.396 millones, aumentando un 23,5% en comparación con el año anterior. A pesar de los desafíos productivos y la caída de los precios de las materias primas, CRESUD sembró 277.000 hectáreas, produciendo 707.000 toneladas de granos. La actividad ganadera de la empresa mostró un sólido rendimiento con alta producción de carne y precios mejorados en Argentina. CRESUD también vendió fracciones agrícolas por USD 75 millones, generando una ganancia de USD 48 millones. La empresa distribuyó dividendos en efectivo por un total de ARS 52.000 millones y acciones de IRSA por un valor de 22,1 millones.
CRESUD S.A.C.I.F. y A. (NASDAQ:CRESY, ByMA:CRES)는 라틴 아메리카의 주요 농업 기업으로, 2024 회계년도(2024년 6월 30일 종료)의 실적을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 2023년의 ARS 279,709million에서 감소한 ARS 104,129million의 순이익을 보고했습니다. 조정된 EBITDA는 ARS 256,396million에 도달하여 전년 대비 23.5% 증가했습니다. 생산상의 도전과 원자재 가격 하락에도 불구하고, CRESUD는 277,000헥타르를 심어 707,000톤의 곡물을 생산했습니다. 회사의 축산 활동은 아르헨티나에서 높은 고기 생산량과 개선된 가격으로 강력한 성과를 보였습니다. CRESUD는 또한 USD 75million에 농장 부분을 판매하여 USD 48million의 이익을 창출했습니다. 이 회사는 ARS 52,000million에 달하는 현금 배당금을 분배했으며 IRSA 주식 가치는 22.1million입니다.
CRESUD S.A.C.I.F. et A. (NASDAQ:CRESY, ByMA:CRES), une entreprise agricole leader en Amérique latine, a annoncé ses résultats pour l'exercice fiscal 2024 se terminant le 30 juin 2024. L'entreprise a déclaré un gain net de 104.129 millions ARS, en baisse par rapport à 279.709 millions ARS en 2023. L'EBITDA ajusté a atteint 256.396 millions ARS, en hausse de 23,5 % par rapport à l'année précédente. Malgré les défis de production et la baisse des prix des matières premières, CRESUD a planté 277.000 hectares, produisant 707.000 tonnes de céréales. L'activité d'élevage de l'entreprise a montré de solides performances avec une forte production de viande et des prix améliorés en Argentine. CRESUD a également vendu des fractions agricoles pour 75 millions USD, générant un bénéfice de 48 millions USD. L'entreprise a distribué des dividendes en espèces d'un total de 52.000 millions ARS et des actions IRSA d'une valeur de 22,1 millions.
CRESUD S.A.C.I.F. y A. (NASDAQ:CRESY, ByMA:CRES), ein führendes Agrarunternehmen in Lateinamerika, hat seine Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 zum 30. Juni 2024 bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen berichtete von einem Nettogewinn von ARS 104.129 Millionen, was einem Rückgang von ARS 279.709 Millionen im Jahr 2023 entspricht. Das bereinigte EBITDA erreichte ARS 256.396 Millionen und stieg im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 23,5%. Trotz produktiver Herausforderungen und sinkender Rohstoffpreise hat CRESUD 277.000 Hektar bepflanzt und 707.000 Tonnen Getreide produziert. Die Viehzucht des Unternehmens zeigte eine starke Leistung mit hoher Fleischproduktion und verbesserten Preisen in Argentinien. CRESUD verkaufte außerdem landwirtschaftliche Flächen im Wert von 75 Millionen USD, was einen Gewinn von 48 Millionen USD generierte. Das Unternehmen verteilte Bardividenden in Höhe von insgesamt 52.000 Millionen ARS und IRSA-Aktien im Wert von 22,1 Millionen.
- Adjusted EBITDA increased by 23.5% to ARS 256,396 million in FY 2024
- Livestock activity showed strong performance with high meat production and improved prices
- Farm sales generated a profit of USD 48 million
- Distributed cash dividends of ARS 52,000 million and IRSA shares worth 22.1 million
- Net gain decreased from ARS 279,709 million in FY 2023 to ARS 104,129 million in FY 2024
- Grain production decreased by 7% due to lack of rainfall in Argentina and Brazil
- Lower commodity prices impacted agricultural business performance
CRESUD's FY2024 results reveal a mixed performance. While net profit declined significantly from ARS 279,709M to ARS 104,129M, adjusted EBITDA increased by
The company's strategic land sales generated
CRESUD's agricultural performance reflects broader regional challenges. The
The company's pivot to livestock in northwest Argentina and Brazil proved strategic, capitalizing on rising meat prices. This diversification buffered against crop yield declines. The
- The net result for fiscal year 2024 recorded a gain of
ARS 104,129 million compared to a gain ofARS 279,709 million in 2023. - The company's adjusted EBITDA reached
ARS 256,396 million in fiscal year 2024,ARS 80,066 million from the agricultural business andARS 176,330 million from the urban properties and investments business, increasing23.5% compared to fiscal year 2023. - We concluded a campaign with productive challenges in the region and lower commodity prices. We planted 277,000 hectares in the region producing 707,000 tons of grains,
7% below last season due to lack of rains in the north ofArgentina and in the areas where Brasilagro produces, impacting our yields. - Livestock activity, focused on own farms in the Northwest of
Argentina andBrazil , closed the year with high levels of meat production and very good results due to a significant improvement in prices inArgentina . - During the year we sold 3 fractions of farms in the region for a total amount of
USD 75 million , generating a profit of approximatelyUSD 48 million . - During the year, we distributed cash dividends for a total amount of
ARS 52,000 million and in IRSA shares for 22.1 million, in addition to treasury shares distributed for approximately1% of the stock capital.
Financial Highlights | ||
(In millions of Argentine Pesos) | ||
FY 2024 ended June 30, 2024 | ||
Income Statement | 06/30/2024 | 06/30/2023 |
Agricultural Business Revenue | 384,487 | 378,132 |
Agricultural Business Gross Profit | 73,324 | 49,272 |
Urban Properties Revenues | 270,550 | 268,627 |
Urban Properties Gross Profit | 221,659 | 219,262 |
Consolidated Gross Profit | 291,553 | 264,792 |
Consolidated Result from Operations | -122,487 | -92,287 |
Result for the Period | 104,729 | 279,709 |
Attributable to: | ||
Cresud's Shareholders | 84,576 | 156,874 |
Non-Controlling interest | 20,153 | 122,835 |
EPS (Basic) | 142.77 | 260.59 |
EPS (Diluted) | 120.52 | 229.01 |
Balance Sheet | 06/30/2024 | 06/30/2023 |
Current Assets | 706,400 | 798,558 |
Non-Current Assets | 2,766,711 | 3,174,406 |
Total Assets | 3,473,111 | 3,972,964 |
Current Liabilities | 657,605 | 741,090 |
Non-Current Liabilities | 1,251,596 | 1,448,046 |
Total Liabilities | 1,909,201 | 2,189,136 |
Non-Controlling Interest | 867,667 | 1,010,945 |
Shareholders' Equity | 1,563,910 | 1,783,828 |
CRESUD, leading Argentinean agricultural company with a growing presence in Latin American countries, cordially invites you to participate in its Fiscal Year 2024 Results Conference Call on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 9:00 AM Eastern Time / 10:00 AM BA Time.
To access the Webinar:
Webinar ID: 918 2283 3661
Password: 161763
In addition, you can participate communicating to this numbers:
US: +1 719 359 4580 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 253 205 0468 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592
Investor Relations Department.
Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.
+5411 4323-7449
Follow us on X: @cresudir
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