CopperCorp Confirms Large IOCG System at South Darwin

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment

CopperCorp Resources (CPCPF) has reported new drill results from its South Darwin prospect in Tasmania, part of its 100% owned Razorback Copper-Gold-REE property. Key findings include:

  • Assay results from two diamond drill holes confirm IOCG-style Cu-Au and REE values extending at least 80m north of previous drilling.
  • SDD007: 50m @ 0.51% TREO from 389m, including 12m @ 0.9% TREO from 418m.
  • SDD008: 14m @ 0.45% Cu and 0.08g/t Au from 349m, including 4m @ 1.1% Cu and 0.15g/t Au from 352m, 60m @ 0.21% TREO from 0m, and 86m @ 0.19% TREO from 299m.

3D magnetic inversion modelling indicates a large magnetic body at a depth of 200-300m below current drilling. Surface mapping and sampling identify a magnetite and REE anomaly over a 5km strike length.

Despite less-than-expected results, the findings are encouraging, indicating a large IOCG system at South Darwin. Further exploration is planned for the upcoming season.

CopperCorp Resources (CPCPF) ha riportato nuovi risultati di perforazione dal suo progetto South Darwin in Tasmania, parte della sua proprietà Razorback Copper-Gold-REE interamente posseduta. I risultati chiave includono:

  • I risultati delle analisi di due perforazioni a diamante confermano valori di Cu-Au e REE in stile IOCG che si estendono per almeno 80m a nord delle perforazioni precedenti.
  • SDD007: 50m @ 0.51% TREO da 389m, inclusi 12m @ 0.9% TREO da 418m.
  • SDD008: 14m @ 0.45% Cu e 0.08g/t Au da 349m, inclusi 4m @ 1.1% Cu e 0.15g/t Au da 352m, 60m @ 0.21% TREO da 0m e 86m @ 0.19% TREO da 299m.

La modellazione di inversione magnetica 3D indica un grande corpo magnetico a una profondità di 200-300m sotto le attuali perforazioni. La mappatura e il campionamento superficiale identificano un'anomalia di magnetite e REE su una lunghezza di coltre di 5km.

Nonostante risultati al di sotto delle aspettative, le scoperte sono incoraggianti, indicando un grande sistema IOCG a South Darwin. Ulteriori esplorazioni sono in programma per la prossima stagione.

CopperCorp Resources (CPCPF) ha informado nuevos resultados de perforación de su prospecto South Darwin en Tasmania, que forma parte de su propiedad Razorback Copper-Gold-REE de 100% de propiedad. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Los resultados de análisis de dos perforaciones de diamante confirman valores de Cu-Au y REE de estilo IOCG que se extienden al menos 80m al norte de perforaciones anteriores.
  • SDD007: 50m @ 0.51% TREO desde 389m, incluyendo 12m @ 0.9% TREO desde 418m.
  • SDD008: 14m @ 0.45% Cu y 0.08g/t Au desde 349m, incluyendo 4m @ 1.1% Cu y 0.15g/t Au desde 352m, 60m @ 0.21% TREO desde 0m, y 86m @ 0.19% TREO desde 299m.

La modelización de inversión magnética en 3D indica un gran cuerpo magnético a una profundidad de 200-300m por debajo de las perforaciones actuales. La cartografía y muestreo superficial identifican una anomalía de magnetita y REE sobre una longitud de 5km.

A pesar de resultados por debajo de lo esperado, los hallazgos son alentadores, indicando un gran sistema IOCG en South Darwin. Se planean más exploraciones para la próxima temporada.

CopperCorp Resources (CPCPF)는 그 소유의 100% Razorback Copper-Gold-REE 자산의 남 다윈 탐사 프로젝트에서 새로운 시추 결과를 발표했습니다. 주요 발견은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 두 개의 다이아몬드 시추공에서 채취한 분석 결과는 IOCG 스타일의 구리-금 및 희토류(REE) 값이 이전 시추에서 최소 80m 북쪽까지 연장됨을 확인합니다.
  • SDD007: 389m에서 50m @ 0.51% TREO, 418m에서 12m @ 0.9% TREO 포함.
  • SDD008: 349m에서 14m @ 0.45% Cu 및 0.08g/t Au, 352m에서 4m @ 1.1% Cu 및 0.15g/t Au, 0m에서 60m @ 0.21% TREO 및 299m에서 86m @ 0.19% TREO 포함.

3D 자기 전도 모델링 결과, 현재 시추 깊이 아래 200-300m에서 대규모 자기체가 존재함을 나타냅니다. 표면 매핑 및 샘플링을 통해 5km의 길이에 걸쳐 자철석 및 REE 이상이 확인되었습니다.

예상보다 낮은 결과에도 불구하고, 발견된 결과는 남 다윈에 대규모 IOCG 시스템이 존재함을 시사하는 고무적인 내용입니다. 향후 시즌에 대한 추가 탐사가 계획되고 있습니다.

CopperCorp Resources (CPCPF) a rapporté de nouveaux résultats de forages de son projet South Darwin en Tasmanie, faisant partie de sa propriété Razorback Copper-Gold-REE, dont elle est entièrement propriétaire. Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Les résultats des analyses de deux trous de forage diamant confirmant des valeurs de Cu-Au et REE de type IOCG s'étendant sur au moins 80 m au nord des forages précédents.
  • SDD007 : 50 m @ 0,51 % TREO à partir de 389 m, incluant 12 m @ 0,9 % TREO à partir de 418 m.
  • SDD008 : 14 m @ 0,45 % Cu et 0,08 g/t Au à partir de 349 m, incluant 4 m @ 1,1 % Cu et 0,15 g/t Au à partir de 352 m, 60 m @ 0,21 % TREO à partir de 0 m et 86 m @ 0,19 % TREO à partir de 299 m.

La modélisation d'inversion magnétique 3D indique un grand corps magnétique à une profondeur de 200-300 m sous les forages actuels. La cartographie et l'échantillonnage de surface identifient une anomalie de magnétite et de REE sur une longueur de front de 5 km.

Malgré des résultats en deçà des attentes, les découvertes sont encourageantes, indiquant un grand système IOCG à South Darwin. D'autres explorations sont prévues pour la saison prochaine.

CopperCorp Resources (CPCPF) hat neue Bohrergebnisse von seinem South Darwin-Projekt in Tasmanien, das Teil des zu 100 % im Besitz befindlichen Razorback Copper-Gold-REE-Geländes ist, veröffentlicht. Wichtigste Ergebnisse sind:

  • Die Analyseergebnisse von zwei Diamantbohrlöchern bestätigen IOCG-artige Cu-Au- und REE-Werte, die sich mindestens 80 m nördlich der vorherigen Bohrungen erstrecken.
  • SDD007: 50 m @ 0.51% TREO von 389 m, einschließlich 12 m @ 0.9% TREO von 418 m.
  • SDD008: 14 m @ 0.45% Cu und 0.08g/t Au von 349 m, einschließlich 4 m @ 1.1% Cu und 0.15g/t Au von 352 m, 60 m @ 0.21% TREO von 0 m und 86 m @ 0.19% TREO von 299 m.

3D-Magnetinversionsmodellierungen zeigen einen großen magnetischen Körper in einer Tiefe von 200-300 m unterhalb der aktuellen Bohrungen an. Oberflächenkartierung und Probenahmen identifizieren eine Magnetit- und REE-Anomalie über eine Streckenlänge von 5 km.

Trotz weniger als erwarteten Ergebnissen sind die Erkenntnisse ermutigend und weisen auf ein großes IOCG-System in South Darwin hin. Weitere Erkundungen sind für die kommende Saison geplant.

  • Confirmed IOCG-style Cu-Au-REE mineralization extension.
  • Large magnetic body identified at depth, potential for significant deposits.
  • Extensive surface mapping identified 5km-long magnetite and REE anomaly.
  • Drill results less promising than expected.
  • No significant copper-gold mineralization in hole SDD007.

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 19, 2024) - CopperCorp Resources Inc. (TSXV: CPER) (OTCQB: CPCPF) ("CopperCorp" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on its 100% owned 171km2 Razorback Copper-Gold-REE property in western Tasmania, Australia. This is the Company's first exploration field season at Razorback. The South Darwin prospect lies at the southern end of the Razorback property adjacent to a paved secondary road.


  • Assay results received for the 2-hole diamond drill program at the South Darwin prospect confirm strike extension of IOCG style Cu-Au and anomalous rare earth element (REE) values to at least 80m north of previous drilling. Significant mineralized intercepts from the drilling include:


    • 50.0m @ 0.51% TREO from 89.0m, including 12.0m @ 0.9% TREO from 418.0m


    • 14.0m @ 0.45% Cu and 0.08g/t Au from 349.0m, including 4.0m @ 1.1% Cu and 0.15g/t Au from 352.0m

    • 60.0m @ 0.21% total rare earth oxides (TREO) from 0m, and 86.0m @ 0.19% TREO from 299.0m
  • 3D magnetic inversion modelling indicates a large magnetic body at a depth of 200-300m below current drilling at South Darwin representing an interpreted sub-vertical extension of the IOCG system.

  • Extensive surface mapping and rock chip sampling have identified a magnetite and REE anomaly over a prospective strike length of up to 5km long and 1.5km wide at the Darwin Zone with multiple areas highlighted for follow-up investigation. Less than 5% of the Darwin Zone prospective strike length has been tested by drilling.

  • The geochemistry of REE mineralogy at the Darwin Zone is similar to many large IOCG alteration systems world-wide.

Stephen Swatton, President and CEO of CopperCorp, commented:

"Despite the drill results being less exciting than we had hoped, the recognition of a large magnetic target below shallow IOCG style Cu-Au-REE mineralization and alteration at South Darwin is very encouraging. The drilling, alteration style and geophysical interpretation confirms that Darwin contains the hallmarks of a large IOCG system, consistent with the rest of the Razorback property.

In summary, I am very encouraged; the results give us further confirmation of the thesis that Mt Lyell and Darwin are indeed part of the same large mineralized system. CopperCorp has many Cu-Au showings between Darwin and Mt Lyell that are known (see figure 1). Some of these have been explored as part of the on-going exploration program and I look forward to reporting the results over the coming Tasmanian summer. The next news release will report the work at Hydes and Jukes."

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Figure 1. - Location of the Razorback property relative to the Mt Lyell copper-gold mine - Blue outlines are CopperCorp's 100% owned licenses.

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Darwin Zone Exploration Work Completed

Since granting in August 20235, CopperCorp has completed extensive early-stage exploration work programs at the Darwin Zone including:

  • A 2-hole, 1022m diamond drilling program at the South Darwin prospect.

  • Geological mapping and sampling campaigns (167 rock chip samples collected and assayed).

  • Compilation, digitization and review of extensive historical exploration data and scientific literature.

  • Re-processing and 3D inversion modelling of magnetic and gravity geophysical data.

South Darwin Diamond Drilling

Two diamond drill holes (SDD007 and SDD008 - Figures 2 and 3, Table 1) totalling 1022.4m were completed at the South Darwin prospect area during January-March and May-June 2024. Both holes were designed to test for extensions to REE and Cu-Au mineralization intercepted in historical drill holes (SDD005: 72.0m @ 1.13% TREO, and 13.0m @ 1.2% Cu and 0.45g/t Au4,5). Assay results have been received and reviewed and are reported below (see also Table 2).


Drill hole SDD007 was designed to test 130-150m beneath high-grade REE and Cu-Au mineralization zones intersected in historical hole SDD005. Hole SDD007 was completed to a depth of 553.7m and intercepted a sequence of potassic-iron type (K-Fe) K-feldspar-magnetite-chlorite-biotite-tourmaline altered dacitic volcanics followed by a 30m-wide zone of magnetite-apatite-pyrite stockwork mineralization (Figure 6) from 418m before passing a faulted contact into unmineralized sericite-albite-chlorite altered rhyolitic volcanics. A 50m-wide zone of moderately elevated REE mineralization associated with allanite alteration was intercepted partially overlapping the K-Fe alteration and magnetite-apatite stockwork zone, with assays returning:


  • 50.0m @ 0.51% total rare earth oxides (TREO) from 389.0m, including

    • 12.0m @ 0.9% TREO from 418.0m

No significant copper-gold mineralization was intercepted in SDD007. Structural data interpretation indicates that the targeted high-grade copper-mineralization is possibly faulted out prior to the anticipated target depth in SDD007 (see discussion below).


Drill hole SDD008 was designed to test 50-80m along strike to the north of the high-grade REE and Cu-Au mineralization intersected in historical hole SDD005. Hole SDD008 was completed to a depth of 468.7m and, similar to SDD007, intercepted a sequence of variably potassic-iron type (K-Fe) K-feldspar-magnetite-chlorite-biotite-tourmaline altered dacitic volcanics followed by a 40m-wide zone of stockwork to massive magnetite-apatite-pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralization from 346m. A 10m-wide fault zone (the Prince Darwin Fault) marked the down-hole termination of the mineralized zone against un-mineralized sericite-albite-chlorite altered rhyolitic volcanics.

The variably mineralized magnetite-pyrite-chalcopyrite zone in SDD008 returned best assay intervals of:


  • 14.0m @ 0.45% Cu and 0.08g/t Au from 349.0m, including

    • 4.0m @ 1.1% Cu and 0.15g/t Au from 352.0m, including a high-grade chalcopyrite matrix breccia zone grading 0.5m @ 4.76% Cu and 0.48g/t Au from 354.0m (see Figure 5)

  • 60.0m @ 0.21% total rare earth oxides (TREO) from 0m, and 86.0m @ 0.19% TREO from 299.0m

Darwin Zone Surface Mapping and Sampling

An extensive surface mapping and rock chip sampling program was carried out over the Darwin Zone target area during November 2023 to April 2024. Assay results for 167 rock samples have been received. Results of the work confirm widespread potassic-iron type K-feldspar-magnetite-chlorite-biotite-tourmaline alteration with locally intense magnetite-apatite mineralisation (massive veins, stockwork and breccia) coincident with elevated REE values (collectively K-Fe-REE alteration) over a N-S strike length of up to 5km long at the Darwin Zone (Figure 7). Best assay results from individual rock chip samples include 10.35g/t Au, 1.51% Cu, and 18.58% TREO. Multiple areas with anomalous rock chip values have been highlighted for further investigation in future exploration programs.

Magnetic 3D Inversion Modelling

Geophysical consultants Resource Potentials Pty Ltd were engaged to carry out data processing and 3D inversion modelling of magnetic data over the Razorback property. 3D inversion model isosurface threshold shells for a standard magnetic susceptibility 3D model are shown in Figure 4 for the area of drilling at South Darwin. The model indicates two high-amplitude modelled magnetic source bodies localized in the near-surface, with a much larger source body indicated at depth (Figure 4).

Both modelled shallow magnetic bodies are associated with mapped K-Fe-REE alteration, stockwork magnetite veining, historical copper workings, and elevated REE values at surface over N-S strike lengths of 1.5-2km in the South Darwin area. Only the eastern-most shallow magnetic body has been drilled (recent and historical drilling), with the drilling confirming a Cu-Au fertile system with strong IOCG characteristics.

The inversion model extends below both shallow bodies to a much larger magnetic source body at depth that is untested by existing drilling. An interpreted sub-vertical extension of the magnetite-rich K-Fe-REE alteration (and associated Cu-Au mineralization) is supported by the magnetic inversion model and represents an obvious priority target zone for deeper drill testing. The top of the deep magnetic target is 500-600m below ground level and 200-300 below the current deepest drill hole at South Darwin.

Discussion of Results and IOCG Prospectivity of the Darwin Zone

Results of the recent drilling and surface mapping/sampling programs and geophysical modelling work continue to indicate a highly prospective IOCG-REE system extending over an area up to 5km long and 1.5km wide at the Darwin Zone. Anomalous REE values are now recognised as an important vector towards Cu-Au mineralization in the area, having a broad association with stockwork to massive magnetite-apatite±biotite±tourmaline alteration domains which in turn form the main host to IOCG style Cu-Au mineralization in the area.

Allanite forms the main REE-bearing mineral at the Darwin Zone and, in association with the widespread potassic-iron (K-Fe) alteration, indicates pronounced similarities to many large IOCG alteration systems word-wide, including at the Cristalino deposit in Brazil, the Mantoverde and Candelaria deposits in Chile, the Mina Justa deposit in Peru, and the Sin Quyen deposit in Vietnam (Skirrow, 2022).

The high-grade chalcopyrite matrix breccia zone (Figure 5) intercepted in SDD008 (0.5m @ 4.76% Cu and 0.48g/t Au) is considered highly encouraging and indicative of the potential of the system to host significant IOCG style mineralization.

The identification of N-S trending faults with close associations to the IOCG mineral system at South Darwin (Prince Darwin Fault - see Figure 4) is considered highly encouraging. On a regional scale, N-S to NNE-SSW trending faults in the Mount Read Volcanic belt represent the original back arc basin forming extensional structures and are known to have important associations with the formation of some of the largest mineral deposits in the region (e.g. Mt Lyell Cu-Au system, Henty Au deposit). The recognition of such faults associated with mineralization in the Darwin Zone is therefore highly significant.

As discussed above, results of magnetic 3D inversion modelling indicate a large magnetic source body at depth that is untested by current drilling. The target is located adjacent to the projected position of the Prince Darwin Fault at depth.

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Figure 2. South Darwin prospect summary plan showing drill hole locations with a first vertical derivative (1VD) magnetic image underlay.

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Figure 3. South Darwin prospect cross section A-A' (see Figure 2), showing down-hole copper and total rare earth oxide (TREO) assay results, interpolated grade shells, and significant mineralized intercepts.

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Figure 4. South Darwin prospect 3D section (looking north) showing the 3D inversion standard magnetic susceptibility model and deep target zone underlying the prospect area. Shown magnetic susceptibility isosurface shells are for 0.5 SI (inner), 0.3 SI (middle) and 0.2 SI (outer).

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Figure 5. High-grade chalcopyrite matrix breccia in massive magnetite altered host rock, 0.5m @ 4.76% Cu and 0.48g/t Au from 354m, SDD008, South Darwin prospect.

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Figure 6. Intense potassic-iron (K-Fe) alteration with stockwork magnetite-pyrite veining, ~443m, SDD007, South Darwin prospect.

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Figure 7. Darwin Zone area with complete bouguer anomaly (CBA), 20km high-pass (HP20km) residual gravity image, TMI 1VD magnetic contours, rock chip total rare earth oxide (TREO) values.

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Other Exploration

The Company is currently planning and permitting exploration work programs for the upcoming Tasmanian summer 2024/25 field season. The Company has received permits for a 1000m diamond drill program at the Jukes prospect, including road access but has decided to delay drilling during the winter months while it awaits outcomes of a new round of the state government's exploration drilling grant initiative offering grants for co-funded exploration drilling projects.

Drill Hole Location Data

  mRL  Final
  Dip  Azimuth  Company
  SDD007  383094  5318440  742  553.7  -70  288  CopperCorp
  SDD008  383060  5318479  739  468.7  -62  297  CopperCorp


Table 1. South Darwin prospect CopperCorp drill hole location and summary data (this news release).

Significant Cu-Au Mineralized Intervals (0.1% Cu cut-off)

ProspectHole NumberFrom (m)To (m)Interval (m)Cu (%)Au (g/t)
  South DarwinSDD007159.0172.
  South DarwinSDD008299.0306.


Table 2: South Darwin prospect significant drillhole mineralized intercepts reported in this news release. Reported grades are calculated as down-hole length weighted averages. A 0.1% Cu lower cut-off grade is applied. Intercepts are downhole intervals.

Significant REE Mineralized Intervals (0.2% TREO cut-off)

ProspectHole NumberFrom (m)To (m)Interval (m)TREO (%)
South DarwinSDD007114.0116.02.00.88
South DarwinSDD0080.


Table 2: South Darwin prospect significant drillhole total rare earth element (REE) mineralized intercepts reported in this news release. Reported grades are calculated as down-hole length weighted averages. A 0.2% TREO lower cut-off grade is applied. Intercepts are downhole intervals.

About the Razorback Property

The Razorback property covers 171km2 of highly prospective ground situated directly south of the Mt Lyell copper mine in western Tasmania. CopperCorp has identified three high-priority exploration target areas (Jukes, Hydes and Darwin Zones) as well as other prospective areas within the property.

About CopperCorp

CopperCorp is focused on the exploration and development of its Skyline and AMC Projects in western Tasmania. The company is well-financed with approximately C$4.3M in working capital as reported May 13th, 2024. The company underwent a review of ongoing and seasonal operational costs in both Canada and Australia in Q2 2024 and have made substantial cost savings in line with expectations which are consistent with current prevailing market and financing conditions.

Quality Assurance / Quality Control on Assay Results

Information on historical and recent prospecting, mining, and exploration activities at the Razorback property contained within this news release has been reviewed and verified by the Qualified Person. Historical and recent data is considered sufficiently consistent between generations of past explorers, and sufficiently consistent with recent results, to provide confidence that compiled and reviewed assay results are indicative of the tenor of the samples. In the opinion of the Qualified Person, sufficient verification of historical and new data has been undertaken to provide sufficient confidence that past exploration programs were performed to adequate industry standards and the data reported is fit for substantiating the prospectivity of the project in general, supporting the geological model/s proposed, planning exploration programs, and identifying targets for further investigation. The Company has undertaken resampling and analysis of available historical drill core and historical mining adits in order to independently verify historical results.

The South Darwin diamond core drill holes are drilled at HQ and NQ core diameters using triple tube to maximize recovery. Core recovery was generally good in mineralized zones (95-100%) with poorer recoveries associated with localized brittle faulting. Sample collection was supervised by CopperCorp geological staff. Mineralized zones are marked up for sampling by an experienced geologist. Half core is split by diamond saw on nominal 1.0m sample lengths while respecting geological contacts. Samples are bagged and ticketed prior to delivery by Company personnel to the ALS commercial laboratories in Burnie, Tasmania, for sample preparation. The half core samples are crushed to 80% passing 2mm, riffle split to 500g and then pulverized to pass 75um. Coarse duplicate sampling is conducted every 20 samples to assess variability of the coarse crush. Cu and multi-element assay is by 4-acid digest followed by ICP-MS at ALS laboratories by method ME-ICP61r. Au assay is by 30g fire assay at ALS laboratories by method Au-AA25. Sample with anomalous REE values were re-assayed using lithium borate method ME-MS81h. Certified reference materials (CRMs), blank and duplicate QAQC samples are included in sample submissions at 20 sample intervals. All QAQC samples were within acceptable limits (2 standard deviations for CRMs, duplicates <5%).

Mineralized Interval Calculations

Reported copper and rare earth element significant mineralized intervals in this news release are calculated as down-hole length-weighted intercepts using lower cut-off grades of 0.1% Cu and 0.2% TREO respectively, and generally carry a maximum internal dilution of 4m. No top-cut grade was applied. True widths of drill hole intercepts are yet to be determined, however, it is estimated that true widths are in the range of 80% to 95% of reported intervals.

Rare Earth Element Calculations

TREO (Total Rare Earth Oxides) values were calculated by the formula: TREO = CeO2 + La2O3 + Nd2O3 + Pr6O11 + Sm2O3 + Gd2O3 + Dy2O3 + Eu2O3 + Er2O3 + Tb4O7 + Ho2O3 + Tm2O3 + Lu2O3 + Yb2O3 + Y2O3.

Standard element to oxide conversion factors have been used in the calculation of rare earth oxide values from elemental assay values.

Qualified Person

The Company's disclosure of technical or scientific information related to EL8/2023 (the Razorback property), in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Sean Westbrook, VP Exploration for the Company. Mr. Westbrook is a Qualified Person (QP) as defined in National Instrument 43-101. This news release may also contain information about adjacent properties on which the Company does not have an interest. Information sources regarding the adjacent properties are listed in the References section of this news release. The QP has been unable to verify the information on these adjacent properties and the information is not necessarily indicative to the mineralization on the properties that is the subject of this news release.


1CPER: TSXV News Release 13th May 2024
2CPER: TSXV News Release 4th March 2024
3CPER: TSXV News Release 18th January 2024
4CPER: TSXV News Release 15th November 2023
5CPER: TSXV News Release 20th September 2023
6CPER: TSXV News Release 6th June 2023
Skirrow, R.G. 2022. Iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits - A review (part 1): Setting, mineralogy, ore geochemistry and classification. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 104569.

Adjacent Property (Mt Lyell) Information Sources:
Sibanye-Stillwater company website information as of May 12th 2024
New Century Resources: ASX Announcement 23rd January 2023
New Century Resources: ASX Announcement 27th October 2021

Stephen Swatton
President, CEO & Director

Additional information about CopperCorp can be found on its website: and at

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION: This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements" under applicable Canadian securities legislation relating to the scope and timing of exploration at the Razorback property, plans for future exploration and drilling and the timing of same, the merits of the Company's mineral projects and other plans of the Company. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts; they are generally, but not always, identified by the words "encouraging", "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "interpret", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "aims", "suggests", "often", "target", "future", "likely", "pending", "potential", "goal", "objective", "prospective", "possibly", "preliminary" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "can", "could" or "should" occur, or other statements, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions that forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made, and that such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in the statements. Consequently, there can be no assurances that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

Factors that could cause future results to differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements include risks associated with exploration and drilling; the timing and content of upcoming work programs; geological interpretations based on drilling that may change with more detailed information; possible accidents; the possibility that the Company may not be able to secure permitting and other governmental approvals necessary to carry out the Company's plans; the risk that the Company will not be able to raise sufficient funds to carry out its business plans; the possibility that future exploration results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; increases in costs; environmental compliance and changes in environmental and other local legislation and regulation; interest rate other risks associated with mineral exploration operations, the risk that the Company will encounter unanticipated geological factors and exchange rate fluctuations; changes in economic and political conditions; and other risks involved in the mineral exploration industry. The reader is urged to refer to the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis, publicly available through the Canadian Securities Administrators' System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR+) at for a more complete discussion of risk factors and their potential effects.

Forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions, including management's assumptions about the following: the availability of financing for the Company's exploration activities; operating and exploration costs; the Company's ability to attract and retain skilled staff; timing of the receipt of necessary regulatory and governmental approvals; market competition; and general business and economic conditions. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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What are the recent drill results for CPCPF at South Darwin?

Drill results confirm IOCG-style Cu-Au and REE values extending at least 80m north of previous drilling, with significant finds in holes SDD007 and SDD008.

What are the highlights of the SDD007 drill hole for CPCPF?

SDD007 intercepted 50m @ 0.51% TREO from 389m, including 12m @ 0.9% TREO from 418m.

What are the highlights of the SDD008 drill hole for CPCPF?

SDD008 intercepted 14m @ 0.45% Cu and 0.08g/t Au from 349m, including 4m @ 1.1% Cu and 0.15g/t Au from 352m, 60m @ 0.21% TREO from 0m, and 86m @ 0.19% TREO from 299m.

What does the 3D magnetic inversion modelling indicate for CPCPF?

It indicates a large magnetic body at a depth of 200-300m below current drilling, representing a possible significant IOCG system.

What were the challenges faced in the recent drill results for CPCPF?

The drill results were less promising than anticipated, with no significant copper-gold mineralization in hole SDD007.



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