Cosmos Health Advances Cancer Treatment Innovation with Two New AI-Driven Patent Filings for Gliomas and Hematologic Malignancies; $25 Billion+ Global Market
Cosmos Health (NASDAQ:COSM) has filed two new patent applications for innovative cancer treatments using AI-driven drug repurposing. The first patent (N2039647) targets glioma, an aggressive brain cancer, while the second (N2039645) focuses on hematologic malignancies, including multiple myeloma.
The developments stem from the company's collaboration with Cloudpharm and the National Hellenic Research Foundation, utilizing their AI-powered Cloudscreen platform. Recent in vitro studies have validated the therapeutic potential of a repurposed marketed drug for both indications.
The global market outlook is promising, with the glioma treatment market valued at $3.58 billion in 2024, projected to reach $5.1 billion by 2032 (5.20% CAGR). The hematologic malignancies treatment market was valued at $22.23 billion in 2022, expected to reach $41.7 billion by 2032 (6.5% CAGR).
Cosmos Health (NASDAQ:COSM) ha presentato due nuove domande di brevetto per trattamenti innovativi contro il cancro utilizzando la riproposizione di farmaci guidata dall'IA. Il primo brevetto (N2039647) è indirizzato al glioma, un cancro aggressivo al cervello, mentre il secondo (N2039645) si concentra sulle neoplasie ematologiche, inclusi il mieloma multiplo.
Questi sviluppi derivano dalla collaborazione dell'azienda con Cloudpharm e la Fondazione Nazionale di Ricerca Ellenica, sfruttando la loro piattaforma Cloudscreen potenziata dall'IA. Recenti studi in vitro hanno convalidato il potenziale terapeutico di un farmaco riproposto già commercializzato per entrambe le indicazioni.
Le prospettive di mercato globale sono promettenti, con il mercato del trattamento per il glioma valutato a 3,58 miliardi di dollari nel 2024, previsto per raggiungere 5,1 miliardi di dollari entro il 2032 (CAGR del 5,20%). Il mercato del trattamento per le neoplasie ematologiche è stato valutato a 22,23 miliardi di dollari nel 2022, previsto per arrivare a 41,7 miliardi di dollari entro il 2032 (CAGR del 6,5%).
Cosmos Health (NASDAQ:COSM) ha presentado dos nuevas solicitudes de patente para tratamientos innovadores contra el cáncer utilizando la reprogramación de medicamentos impulsada por IA. La primera patente (N2039647) se dirige a glioma, un cáncer cerebral agresivo, mientras que la segunda (N2039645) se centra en las malignidades hematológicas, incluido el mieloma múltiple.
Estos desarrollos surgen de la colaboración de la empresa con Cloudpharm y la Fundación Nacional de Investigación Helénica, utilizando su plataforma Cloudscreen potenciada por IA. Estudios in vitro recientes han validado el potencial terapéutico de un medicamento reprogramado ya comercializado para ambas indicaciones.
Las perspectivas del mercado global son prometedoras, con el mercado de tratamiento del glioma valorado en 3.58 mil millones de dólares en 2024, proyectado para alcanzar los 5.1 mil millones de dólares para 2032 (CAGR del 5.20%). El mercado de tratamiento de malignidades hematológicas fue valorado en 22.23 mil millones de dólares en 2022, se espera que alcance los 41.7 mil millones de dólares para 2032 (CAGR del 6.5%).
코스모스 헬스 (NASDAQ:COSM)는 AI 기반의 약물 재사용을 이용한 혁신적인 암 치료를 위한 두 가지 새로운 특허 출원을 했습니다. 첫 번째 특허(N2039647)는 공격적인 뇌암인 신경교종을 목표로 하며, 두 번째(N2039645)는 다발성 골수종을 포함한 혈액 악성종양에 중점을 둡니다.
이번 개발은 Cloudpharm 및 헬레닉 국립 연구 재단과의 협업의 결과로, 이들의 AI 기반 Cloudscreen 플랫폼을 활용하고 있습니다. 최근의 시험관 내(In vitro) 연구는 두 가지 적응증 모두에 대해 재사용된 상용 약물의 치료 가능성을 검증했습니다.
글로벌 시장 전망은 유망하며, 신경교종 치료 시장은 2024년 35억 8천만 달러로 평가되며, 2032년까지 51억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되며 (CAGR 5.20%). 혈액 악성종양 치료 시장은 2022년 222억 3천만 달러로 평가되며, 2032년까지 417억 달러에 도달할 것으로 기대되고 있습니다 (CAGR 6.5%).
Cosmos Health (NASDAQ:COSM) a déposé deux nouvelles demandes de brevet pour des traitements innovants contre le cancer utilisant la reprogrammation des médicaments basée sur l'IA. Le premier brevet (N2039647) cible le gliome, un cancer du cerveau agressif, tandis que le second (N2039645) se concentre sur les malignités hématologiques, y compris le myélome multiple.
Ces développements proviennent de la collaboration de l'entreprise avec Cloudpharm et la Fondation nationale de recherche hellénique, utilisant leur plateforme Cloudscreen alimentée par l'IA. Des études in vitro récentes ont validé le potentiel thérapeutique d'un médicament reprogrammé déjà commercialisé pour les deux indications.
Les perspectives de marché mondiales sont prometteuses, le marché du traitement du gliome étant évalué à 3,58 milliards de dollars en 2024, avec une projection d'atteindre 5,1 milliards de dollars d'ici 2032 (CAGR de 5,20%). Le marché du traitement des malignités hématologiques était évalué à 22,23 milliards de dollars en 2022, et devrait atteindre 41,7 milliards de dollars d'ici 2032 (CAGR de 6,5%).
Cosmos Health (NASDAQ:COSM) hat zwei neue Patentanmeldungen für innovative Krebsbehandlungen eingereicht, die auf KI-gestützter Arzneimittelnutzungsänderung basieren. Das erste Patent (N2039647) richtet sich gegen Gliom, eine aggressive Form von Hirnkrebs, während das zweite Patent (N2039645) sich auf hämatologische bösartige Tumoren, einschließlich multiples Myelom, konzentriert.
Die Entwicklungen resultieren aus der Zusammenarbeit des Unternehmens mit Cloudpharm und der Nationalen Hellenischen Forschungsstiftung, wobei deren KI-gestützte Cloudscreen-Plattform genutzt wird. Jüngste In-vitro-Studien haben das therapeutische Potenzial eines umgestellten zugelassenen Medikaments für beide Indikationen validiert.
Die globalen Marktperspektiven sind vielversprechend, da der Markt für Gliombehandlungen 2024 auf 3,58 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt wird und bis 2032 voraussichtlich 5,1 Milliarden Dollar erreichen wird (CAGR von 5,20%). Der Markt für hämatologische Malignitätenbehandlungen wurde 2022 mit 22,23 Milliarden Dollar bewertet und soll bis 2032 auf 41,7 Milliarden Dollar anwachsen (CAGR von 6,5%).
- Filed two new patents for cancer treatments using AI-driven drug repurposing
- Successful in vitro validation of repurposed drug for both cancer types
- Targeting large markets: Combined market size over $25 billion
- Strong growth potential with market CAGR of 5.20-6.5% through 2032
- Early-stage development with significant clinical trials still required
- Competitive market with established players in oncology
The patent filings by Cosmos Health represent a strategically significant move in the oncology space, particularly notable for their AI-driven approach to drug repurposing. Drug repurposing typically offers several key advantages over traditional drug development: reduced development costs, shorter time to market and lower failure rates due to established safety profiles.
The company's focus on both gliomas and hematologic malignancies is particularly astute. Gliomas, representing 80% of malignant brain tumors, have historically been challenging to treat due to the blood-brain barrier and their aggressive nature. The hematologic malignancies market, while more crowded, offers substantial revenue potential with its projected 6.5% CAGR through 2032.
The collaboration with Cloudpharm and the National Hellenic Research Foundation adds credibility to the research, while the AI-powered Cloudscreen platform could significantly accelerate the drug discovery process. The successful in vitro validation of their repurposed drug candidate is encouraging, though investors should note that the path from preclinical studies to FDA approval typically spans 6-8 years and costs hundreds of millions.
For a company with a market cap of
The dual-market strategy targeting both gliomas and hematologic malignancies positions Cosmos Health in two distinct but complementary oncology segments. The glioma market, while smaller at
The hematologic malignancies market presents a more substantial opportunity, projected to reach
The AI-driven approach to drug repurposing could provide a important competitive advantage, potentially reducing the typical
The patent filings also strengthen the company's intellectual property portfolio, potentially creating valuable partnership or licensing opportunities with larger pharmaceutical companies, which could provide additional commercialization pathways and revenue streams.
CHICAGO, IL / ACCESS Newswire / February 10, 2025 / Cosmos Health Inc. ("Cosmos Health" or the "Company'') (NASDAQ:COSM), a diversified, vertically integrated global healthcare group engaged in innovative R&D, owner of proprietary pharmaceutical and nutraceutical brands, manufacturer and distributor of healthcare products, and operator of a telehealth platform, announced today the filing of two new patent applications, covering groundbreaking developments in the treatment of glioma, an aggressive brain cancer, and hematologic malignancies, a complex group of blood cancers.
The patent application for glioma has been filed under number N2039647, while the second application, numbered N2039645, focuses on hematologic malignancies, including multiple myeloma.
These filings mark significant additions to the Company's intellectual property portfolio and represent a milestone in its collaboration with Cloudpharm and the National Hellenic Research Foundation, with further support from the pharma patent expert team at NLO.
These advancements build on promising preclinical discoveries, predictive insights, and simulations generated by Cosmos Health's AI-powered Cloudscreen drug repurposing platform. Recent in vitro studies have validated the therapeutic potential of a repurposed marketed drug for both indications, with inventors establishing a novel mechanism of action unique to each cancer type.
This dual focus represents a critical step in addressing the unique challenges of these cancers and underscores Cosmos Health's commitment to developing transformative solutions for patients in need. These findings pave the way for continued preclinical and clinical development, offering new hope in the fight against challenging oncological diseases.
Gliomas are a diverse group of primary brain and spinal cord tumors originating from glial cells. According to Annals of Oncology, gliomas account for approximately
Hematologic Malignancies
Hematologic malignancies encompass a diverse group of cancers affecting the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic system, including leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. These diseases account for a significant portion of cancer diagnoses worldwide, with varying incidence rates across different regions. While advancements in targeted therapies and immunotherapies have improved treatment outcomes, hematologic malignancies remain among the most challenging diseases in oncology.
Global Market Overview
According to Market Research Future, both the glioma and hematologic malignancies treatment markets are experiencing significant growth, driven by advancements in therapeutic options such as innovations in neuro-oncology and immunotherapies, alongside the increasing prevalence of these diseases. This growth is further supported by rising healthcare expenditure and government initiatives aimed at enhancing accessibility and fostering continued innovation.
The global glioma treatment market was valued at approximately
Together, these trends underscore the critical need for ongoing research and investment to address these complex and life-threatening conditions.
Greg Siokas, CEO of Cosmos Health, stated: "These filings mark significant additions to our intellectual property portfolio and help us accelerate our efforts in advancing innovative treatments for complex and challenging diseases. By utilizing our AI-powered Cloudscreen platform, we are enhancing drug discovery and repurposing efforts to address significant unmet medical needs. By focusing on glioma and hematologic malignancies, including multiple myeloma, we are reinforcing our commitment to delivering transformative solutions for patients. This milestone underscores the strength and success of our collaboration with Cloudpharm and the National Hellenic Research Foundation."
About Cosmos Health Inc.
Cosmos Health Inc. (Nasdaq:COSM), incorporated in 2009 in Nevada, is a diversified, vertically integrated global healthcare group. The Company owns a portfolio of proprietary pharmaceutical and nutraceutical brands, including Sky Premium Life®, Mediterranation®, bio-bebe®, C-Sept® and C-Scrub®. Through its subsidiary Cana Laboratories S.A., licensed under European Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and certified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), it manufactures pharmaceuticals, food supplements, cosmetics, biocides, and medical devices within the European Union. Cosmos Health also distributes a broad line of pharmaceuticals and parapharmaceuticals, including branded generics and OTC medications, to retail pharmacies and wholesale distributors through its subsidiaries in Greece and the UK. Furthermore, the Company has established R&D partnerships targeting major health disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer, enhanced by artificial intelligence drug repurposing technologies, and focuses on the R&D of novel patented nutraceuticals, specialized root extracts, proprietary complex generics, and innovative OTC products. Cosmos Health has also entered the telehealth space through the acquisition of ZipDoctor, Inc., based in Texas, USA. With a global distribution platform, the Company is currently expanding throughout Europe, Asia, and North America, and has offices and distribution centers in Thessaloniki and Athens, Greece, and in Harlow, UK. More information is available at,,,, as well as LinkedIn and X.
Forward-Looking Statements
With the exception of the historical information contained in this news release, the matters described herein, may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Statements preceded by, followed by, or that otherwise, include the words "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "projects," "estimates," "plans" and similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as "will," "should," "would," "may" and "could", are generally forward-looking in nature and not historical facts, although not all forward-looking statements include the foregoing. These statements, involve unknown risks and uncertainties that may individually or materially impact the matters discussed, herein for a variety of reasons that are outside the control of the Company, including, but not limited to, the Company's ability to raise sufficient financing to implement its business plan, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, on the Company's business, operations and the economy in general, and the Company's ability to successfully develop and commercialize its proprietary products and technologies. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward- looking statements, as actual results could differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements contained herein. Readers are urged to read the risk factors set forth in the Company's filings with the SEC, which are available at the SEC's website ( The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update, or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Investor Relations Contact:
BDG Communications
+44 207 0971 653
SOURCE: Cosmos Health Inc.
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