Concentra Expands to Northlake, Texas
Concentra, the nation's leader in occupational medicine, has announced the opening of a new medical center in Northlake, Texas, at 18303 IH35W. This new center, named Concentra Northlake Alliance, will cater to the rapidly growing Alliance area in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) market. According to Robert Hassett, DO, MPH, Senior Vice President of Concentra Medical Operations, the new center will support the growth of Alliance employers by providing comprehensive workforce health services.
Concentra Northlake Alliance will offer a range of services including work injury care, physical therapy, drug testing, DOT physical exams, pre-placement exams, and other employer-related health services. Additionally, telemedicine for minor work injuries will be available through Concentra's proprietary platform, Concentra Telemed.
Concentra operates more than 550 locations nationwide and is known for providing quality occupational health and urgent care services. This expansion strengthens Concentra's presence in Texas, enabling the company to meet the increasing demand for occupational health services in the region. Concentra serves over 50,000 patients daily across 552 occupational health centers in 41 states and 157 onsite health clinics at employer worksites in 36 states.
Concentra, leader nazionale nella medicina del lavoro, ha annunciato l'apertura di un nuovo centro medico a Northlake, Texas, in 18303 IH35W. Questo nuovo centro, chiamato Concentra Northlake Alliance, servirà l'area in rapida crescita di Alliance nel mercato di Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW). Secondo Robert Hassett, DO, MPH, Vice Presidente Senior delle Operazioni Mediche di Concentra, il nuovo centro supporterà la crescita dei datori di lavoro di Alliance fornendo servizi completi per la salute della forza lavoro.
Concentra Northlake Alliance offrirà una gamma di servizi tra cui assistenza per infortuni sul lavoro, fisioterapia, test per sostanze stupefacenti, esami fisici DOT, esami pre-assunzione e altri servizi sanitari relativi ai datori di lavoro. Inoltre, la telemedicina per lesioni lavorative minori sarà disponibile attraverso la piattaforma proprietaria di Concentra, Concentra Telemed.
Concentra gestisce oltre 550 sedi in tutto il paese ed è conosciuta per fornire servizi di salute occupazionale e cure urgenti di qualità. Questa espansione rafforza la presenza di Concentra in Texas, consentendo all'azienda di soddisfare la crescente domanda di servizi di salute occupazionale nella regione. Concentra assiste oltre 50.000 pazienti al giorno in 552 centri di salute occupazionale in 41 stati e 157 cliniche sanitarie onsite in luoghi di lavoro di 36 stati.
Concentra, líder nacional en medicina ocupacional, ha anunciado la apertura de un nuevo centro médico en Northlake, Texas, en 18303 IH35W. Este nuevo centro, denominado Concentra Northlake Alliance, atenderá al área de Alliance, que está creciendo rápidamente, en el mercado de Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW). Según Robert Hassett, DO, MPH, Vicepresidente Senior de Operaciones Médicas de Concentra, el nuevo centro apoyará el crecimiento de los empleadores de Alliance al proporcionar servicios completos de salud laboral.
Concentra Northlake Alliance ofrecerá una variedad de servicios que incluyen atención a lesiones laborales, fisioterapia, pruebas de drogas, exámenes físicos DOT, exámenes previos a la contratación y otros servicios de salud relacionados con los empleadores. Además, se ofrecerá telemedicina para lesiones laborales menores a través de la plataforma propietaria de Concentra, Concentra Telemed.
Concentra opera más de 550 ubicaciones en todo el país y es conocida por proporcionar servicios de salud ocupacional y atención urgente de calidad. Esta expansión fortalece la presencia de Concentra en Texas, permitiendo a la compañía satisfacer la creciente demanda de servicios de salud ocupacional en la región. Concentra atiende a más de 50,000 pacientes diariamente en 552 centros de salud ocupacional en 41 estados y 157 clínicas de salud en el lugar de trabajo en 36 estados.
컨센트라는 국가의 직업 의학 분야의 선두주자로서, 텍사스주 노스레이크에 18303 IH35W에 새로운 의료 센터를 개설한다고 발표했습니다. 이 새로운 센터는 컨센트라 노스레이크 얼라이언스라는 이름으로, 달라스-포트워스(DFW) 시장의 빠르게 성장하는 얼라이언스 지역을 대상으로 합니다. 로버트 하셋, DO, MPH, 컨센트라 의료 운영의 수석 부사장에 따르면, 새로운 센터는 얼라이언스에서 근무하는 고용주들의 성장을 지원하며 포괄적인 직장 건강 서비스를 제공할 것입니다.
컨센트라 노스레이크 얼라이언스는 산업재해 치료, 물리치료, 약물 검사, DOT 신체검사, 채용 전 검사 등의 다양한 서비스를 제공합니다. 또한, 경미한 산업재해에 대한 원격 의료 서비스는 컨센트라의 독자적인 플랫폼 컨센트라 텔레메드를 통해 제공됩니다.
컨센트라는 미국 전역에 550개 이상의 지점을 운영하며, 양질의 직업 건강 및 응급 치료 서비스를 제공하는 것으로 유명합니다. 이번 확장은 텍사스 내에서 컨센트라의 입지를 강화하며, 이 지역의 직업 건강 서비스에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족할 수 있게 합니다. 컨센트라는 41개 주에 있는 552개의 직업 건강 센터에서 매일 50,000명 이상의 환자를 지원하고 있으며, 36개 주에 있는 고용주 근무지의 157개 현장 건강 클리닉도 운영하고 있습니다.
Concentra, le leader national en médecine du travail, a annoncé l'ouverture d'un nouveau centre médical à Northlake, Texas, au 18303 IH35W. Ce nouveau centre, nommé Concentra Northlake Alliance, desservira la zone Alliance en pleine croissance sur le marché Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW). Selon Robert Hassett, DO, MPH, Vice-Président Senior des Opérations Médicales de Concentra, ce nouveau centre soutiendra la croissance des employeurs d'Alliance en fournissant des services de santé au travail complets.
Concentra Northlake Alliance proposera une gamme de services, y compris les soins aux blessures du travail, la physiothérapie, les tests de drogues, les examens médicaux DOT, les examens pré-embauche et d'autres services de santé liés aux employeurs. De plus, la télémédecine pour les blessures mineures au travail sera disponible via la plateforme propriétaire de Concentra, Concentra Telemed.
Concentra gère plus de 550 emplacements à travers le pays et est connue pour fournir des services de santé au travail et des soins d'urgence de qualité. Cette expansion renforce la présence de Concentra au Texas, permettant à l'entreprise de répondre à la demande croissante de services de santé au travail dans la région. Concentra s'occupe de plus de 50 000 patients par jour dans 552 centres de santé au travail dans 41 États et 157 cliniques de santé sur site dans 36 États.
Concentra, der nationale Marktführer in der Arbeitsmedizin, hat die Eröffnung eines neuen Medizinzentrums in Northlake, Texas, unter der Adresse 18303 IH35W angekündigt. Dieses neue Zentrum, genannt Concentra Northlake Alliance, wird die schnell wachsende Alliance-Region im Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) Markt bedienen. Laut Robert Hassett, DO, MPH, Senior Vice President der medizinischen Operationen von Concentra, wird das neue Zentrum das Wachstum der Arbeitgeber in Alliance unterstützen, indem umfassende Gesundheitsdienstleistungen für die Belegschaft bereitgestellt werden.
Concentra Northlake Alliance wird eine Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen anbieten, darunter die Behandlung von Arbeitsunfällen, Physiotherapie, Drogentests, DOT-Gesundheitsuntersuchungen, Einstellungsuntersuchungen und andere gesundheitsbezogene Dienstleistungen für Arbeitgeber. Außerdem wird Telemedizin für kleinere Arbeitsunfälle über die proprietäre Plattform von Concentra, Concentra Telemed, verfügbar sein.
Concentra betreibt landesweit mehr als 550 Standorte und ist bekannt für die Bereitstellung qualitativ hochwertiger arbeitsmedizinischer und Notfallversorgungsdienste. Diese Expansion stärkt die Präsenz von Concentra in Texas und ermöglicht es dem Unternehmen, der steigenden Nachfrage nach arbeitsmedizinischen Dienstleistungen in der Region gerecht zu werden. Concentra betreut täglich über 50.000 Patienten in 552 arbeitsmedizinischen Zentren in 41 Bundesstaaten und 157 Betriebsärzte in 36 Bundesstaaten.
- Opening of a new medical center in Northlake, Texas, expanding Concentra's footprint.
- Comprehensive range of services including work injury care, drug testing, and telemedicine.
- Supports the growth of Alliance employers in the DFW market.
- Strengthens presence in Texas, meeting increasing demand for occupational health services.
- None.
“Alliance is a rapidly growing area with great potential for the DFW market,” said Robert Hassett, DO, MPH, senior vice president of Concentra medical operations. “Adding a medical center in Northlake enables us to support the growth of Alliance employers through our workforce health services.”
Concentra will provide work injury care, physical therapy, drug testing, DOT physical exams, pre-placement exams, and other employer-related health services from its new location in Northlake. Telemedicine for minor work injuries will also be available via Concentra Telemed®, Concentra’s proprietary telemedicine platform.
Concentra has long been known as the premier provider of occupational health and urgent care services delivered through an extensive network of more than 550 locations nationwide. This expansion strengthens Concentra’s growing presence in
About Concentra
Concentra is the largest provider of occupational health services in
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Lynn Craig
Source: Concentra Group Holdings Parent, Inc.
What services will Concentra Northlake Alliance offer?
Where is Concentra's new medical center located?
What does the expansion to Northlake mean for Concentra?
How will Concentra's telemedicine services be integrated?
How many locations does Concentra operate nationwide?