CN Publishes Winter Plan for 2024-2025

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CN has released its 2024-2025 Winter Plan, focusing on proactive solutions to address winter operational challenges. The plan highlights key initiatives:

1. Technology advancements: Deployment of 4th generation Autonomous Track Inspection Program (ATIP) using ground penetrating radar for detailed ballast and subgrade assessments.

2. Network reliability: $1 million investment in overhauling 20 air cars, part of a $61.6 million air car program since 2009 to improve service reliability and protect capacity.

3. Response readiness: Strategic reserve of locomotives in critical corridors and deployment of backup power generators across the network.

4. Workforce growth: 9% increase in available CN operating employees between April 2023 and May 2024.

CN ha rilasciato il suo Piano Invernale 2024-2025, concentrandosi su soluzioni proattive per affrontare le sfide operative invernali. Il piano evidenzia iniziative chiave:

1. Avanzamenti tecnologici: Implementazione del programma di ispezione dei binari autonomi di quarta generazione (ATIP) utilizzando radar a penetrazione terrestre per valutazioni dettagliate del ballast e del sottosuolo.

2. Affidabilità della rete: Investimento di 1 milione di dollari nella revisione di 20 carrozze d'aria, parte di un programma da 61,6 milioni di dollari per le carrozze d'aria dal 2009 per migliorare l'affidabilità del servizio e proteggere la capacità.

3. Prontezza alla risposta: Riserva strategica di locomotive nei corridoi critici e distribuzione di generatori di emergenza in tutta la rete.

4. Crescita della forza lavoro: Aumento del 9% nel numero di dipendenti operativi disponibili di CN tra aprile 2023 e maggio 2024.

CN ha publicado su Plan de Invierno 2024-2025, centrado en soluciones proactivas para abordar los retos operativos invernales. El plan destaca iniciativas clave:

1. Avances tecnológicos: Implementación del Programa de Inspección de Vías Autónomo de cuarta generación (ATIP) utilizando radar de penetración terrestre para evaluaciones detalladas de balasto y subcapa.

2. Confiabilidad de la red: Inversión de 1 millón de dólares en la renovación de 20 vehículos de aire, parte de un programa de 61,6 millones de dólares para vehículos de aire desde 2009 para mejorar la confiabilidad del servicio y proteger la capacidad.

3. Preparación para la respuesta: Reserva estratégica de locomotoras en corredores críticos y despliegue de generadores de respaldo en toda la red.

4. Crecimiento de la fuerza laboral: Aumento del 9% en el número de empleados operativos disponibles de CN entre abril de 2023 y mayo de 2024.

CN은 2024-2025 겨울 계획을 발표하며 겨울철 운영 도전에 대한 사전 대응 솔루션에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이 계획은 주요 이니셔티브를 강조합니다:

1. 기술 발전: 세부적인 자갈 및 지반 평가를 위해 지하 침투 레이더를 사용하는 4세대 자율 트랙 검사 프로그램(ATIP) 배포.

2. 망 신뢰성: 서비스 신뢰성을 개선하고 용량을 보호하기 위해 2009년 이후 6160만 달러 규모의 공기차 프로그램의 일환으로 20대 공기차를 개조하기 위한 100만 달러 투자.

3. 대응 준비: 중요한 경로에 전략적 기관차 비축과 네트워크 전반에 걸친 예비 전원 발전기 배치.

4. 인력 성장: 2023년 4월부터 2024년 5월까지 CN 운영 직원 수가 9% 증가.

CN a publié son Plan d'Hiver 2024-2025, axé sur des solutions proactives pour faire face aux défis opérationnels de l'hiver. Le plan met en avant des initiatives clés :

1. Avancées technologiques : Déploiement du programme d'inspection des voies autonomes de quatrième génération (ATIP) utilisant la radar à pénétration de sol pour des évaluations détaillées du ballast et du sous-sol.

2. Fiabilité du réseau : Investissement de 1 million de dollars dans la révision de 20 wagons d'air, partie d'un programme de 61,6 millions de dollars pour les wagons d'air depuis 2009, afin d'améliorer la fiabilité du service et de protéger la capacité.

3. Préparation à la réponse : Réserve stratégique de locomotives dans des corridors critiques et déploiement de générateurs de secours à travers le réseau.

4. Croissance de la main-d'œuvre : Augmentation de 9 % du nombre d'employés opérationnels disponibles de CN entre avril 2023 et mai 2024.

CN hat seinen Winterplan 2024-2025 veröffentlicht, der sich auf proaktive Lösungen zur Bewältigung der betrieblichen Herausforderungen im Winter konzentriert. Der Plan hebt wichtige Initiativen hervor:

1. Technologische Fortschritte: Einführung des autonomen Gleisinspektionsprogramms der vierten Generation (ATIP) mit Bodenradar zur detaillierten Bewertung von Schotter und Untergrund.

2. Netzwerkzuverlässigkeit: 1 Million Dollar Investition in die Überholung von 20 Luftwagen, Teil eines 61,6 Millionen Dollar teuren Luftwagenprogramms seit 2009 zur Verbesserung der Servicezuverlässigkeit und zum Schutz der Kapazität.

3. Bereitschaft zur Reaktion: Strategische Reserve von Lokomotiven in kritischen Korridoren und Einsatz von Notfallstromgeneratoren im gesamten Netzwerk.

4. Wachstum der Belegschaft: 9% Zuwachs an verfügbaren CN-Beschäftigten von April 2023 bis Mai 2024.

  • Deployment of advanced 4th generation ATIP technology for improved track inspection
  • $1 million investment in overhauling 20 air cars to enhance network reliability
  • 9% increase in available operating employees, improving operational capacity
  • None.


CN's 2024-2025 Winter Plan demonstrates a proactive approach to addressing seasonal challenges. The deployment of 4th generation Autonomous Track Inspection Program (ATIP) with ground penetrating radar is a significant technological advancement, enabling more precise maintenance and potentially reducing downtime. The $1 million investment in overhauling air cars, part of a larger $61.6 million program since 2009, shows commitment to enhancing network reliability. This, coupled with strategic locomotive reserves and backup power generators, should improve service consistency during harsh weather. The 9% increase in operating employees also indicates preparedness for increased demand or potential disruptions. While these measures are positive for operational efficiency, their direct impact on financial performance remains to be seen, making this news moderately impactful for investors.

MONTREAL, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CN (TSX: CNR) (NYSE: CNI) has published its 2024-2025 Winter Plan.

“At CN, we know all too well that the winter brings unique operational challenges. Our Winter Plan reflects learnings and feedback from our railroaders, customers, supply chain partners and stakeholders. This collaborative approach allows us to put in place proactive solutions across the network as we make the operational shift for winter operations. Having this work done in advance ensures our continued ability to deliver safe and reliable service for our customers, supply chains and the North American economy.”

— Tracy Robinson, President and Chief Executive Officer, CN

Highlights of the 2024-2025 Winter Plan:

  • Leveraging technology: This year, CN is deploying its 4th generation Autonomous Track Inspection Program (ATIP) which uses ground penetrating radar to provide detailed assessments of ballast and subgrade conditions, allowing for prompt repairs.
  • Enhancing network reliability: In 2024, CN invested over $1 million to overhaul 20 of its air cars, replacing air compressors and other major components to ensure reliability. CN has spent $61.6 million on its air car program since 2009, strategically deploying them during the colder months to reduce the need to shorten trains, improving service reliability and protecting capacity.
  • Response Readiness: CN maintains a strategic reserve of locomotives in critical corridors to limit delays caused by weather and deploys backup power generators across the network, allowing operations to continue even during localized or widespread power failures.
  • People: Between April 2023 and May 2024, the number of available CN operating employees grew by 9%.

For more information on CN’s Winter Plan, please download the complete plan here.

About CN
CN powers the economy by safely transporting more than 300 million tons of natural resources, manufactured products, and finished goods throughout North America every year for its customers. With its nearly 20,000-mile rail network and related transportation services, CN connects Canada’s Eastern and Western coasts with the U.S. Midwest and the Gulf of Mexico, contributing to sustainable trade and the prosperity of the communities in which it operates since 1919.


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What are the key features of CN's 2024-2025 Winter Plan?

CN's 2024-2025 Winter Plan includes deploying 4th generation ATIP technology, investing $1 million in air car overhauls, maintaining strategic locomotive reserves, deploying backup power generators, and increasing operating employee numbers by 9%.

How much has CN invested in its air car program since 2009?

CN has invested $61.6 million in its air car program since 2009 to improve service reliability and protect capacity during winter months.

What technology is CN using for track inspection in its 2024-2025 Winter Plan?

CN is deploying its 4th generation Autonomous Track Inspection Program (ATIP), which uses ground penetrating radar for detailed assessments of ballast and subgrade conditions.

How has CN's operating employee count changed for the 2024-2025 Winter Plan?

Between April 2023 and May 2024, the number of available CN operating employees grew by 9%, enhancing operational capacity for the winter season.

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