Consumers Energy Starts New Effort to Expand Electric Vehicle Charging at Michigan Workplaces

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Consumers Energy has announced a new initiative to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging at Michigan workplaces. The company expects over 500 workplaces to install charging stations by 2030. The program offers $7,500 rebates to businesses that install two or more EV chargers for employees, with larger rebates available for making chargers public.

This effort is part of Consumers Energy's broader strategy to support EV adoption in Michigan. The company projects powering more than 1,500 public fast charging locations by the end of 2030. Consumers Energy has seen the number of EVs in their communities triple in the last four years and is working to make EV ownership more affordable and convenient.

The initiative aligns with Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan, which aims to eliminate coal by 2025, reduce energy waste, and add renewable energy sources. The company serves 6.8 million Michigan residents and plans to meet 90% of customers' energy needs through clean sources, including wind and solar.

Consumers Energy ha annunciato una nuova iniziativa per espandere la ricarica di veicoli elettrici (EV) nei luoghi di lavoro del Michigan. L'azienda si aspetta che oltre 500 luoghi di lavoro installino stazioni di ricarica entro il 2030. Il programma offre rimborso di 7.500 dollari alle aziende che installano due o più caricabatterie EV per i dipendenti, con rimborsi maggiori disponibili per la pubblicazione dei caricabatterie.

Questo sforzo fa parte della strategia più ampia di Consumers Energy per supportare l'adozione degli EV nel Michigan. L'azienda prevede di alimentare più di 1.500 località di ricarica rapida pubbliche entro la fine del 2030. Consumers Energy ha visto il numero di veicoli elettrici nelle proprie comunità triplicare negli ultimi quattro anni e sta lavorando per rendere la proprietà di un EV più conveniente.

L'iniziativa è in linea con il Piano Energetico Pulito di Consumers Energy, che mira ad eliminare il carbone entro il 2025, ridurre gli sprechi energetici e aggiungere fonti di energia rinnovabile. L'azienda serve 6,8 milioni di residenti del Michigan e prevede di soddisfare il 90% del fabbisogno energetico dei clienti attraverso fonti pulite, inclusi vento e sole.

Consumers Energy ha anunciado una nueva iniciativa para expandir la carga de vehículos eléctricos (EV) en los lugares de trabajo de Michigan. La compañía espera que más de 500 lugares de trabajo instalen estaciones de carga para 2030. El programa ofrece reembolsos de $7,500 a las empresas que instalen dos o más cargadores de EV para empleados, con reembolsos mayores disponibles si los cargadores son públicos.

Este esfuerzo es parte de la estrategia más amplia de Consumers Energy para apoyar la adopción de EV en Michigan. La compañía proyecta alimentar más de 1,500 ubicaciones de carga rápida pública para finales de 2030. Consumers Energy ha visto triplicar el número de EV en sus comunidades en los últimos cuatro años y está trabajando para hacer que la propiedad de un EV sea más asequible y conveniente.

La iniciativa está alineada con el Plan de Energía Limpia de Consumers Energy, que tiene como objetivo eliminar el carbón para 2025, reducir el desperdicio de energía y añadir fuentes de energía renovable. La compañía atiende a 6.8 millones de residentes de Michigan y planea satisfacer el 90% de las necesidades energéticas de los clientes a través de fuentes limpias, incluyendo eólica y solar.

Consumers Energy미시간의 직장에서 전기차(EV) 충전소 확대를 위한 새로운 이니셔티브를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 2030년까지 500곳 이상의 직장에서 충전소를 설치할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 두 개 이상의 EV 충전기를 직원들을 위해 설치하는 기업에게 7,500달러의 환급을 제공하며, 충전기를 공개적으로 배치할 경우 더 큰 환급이 가능합니다.

이 노력은 미시간에서 EV 채택을 지원하기 위한 Consumers Energy의 더 넓은 전략의 일환입니다. 이 회사는 2030년까지 1,500개 이상의 공공 급속 충전소를 운영할 것으로 예상합니다. Consumers Energy는 지난 4년 동안 지역사회의 EV 수가 세 배로 증가한 것을 목격했으며, EV 소유를 더욱 경제적이고 편리하게 만들기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 Consumers Energy의 청정 에너지 계획과 일치하며, 이는 2025년까지 석탄을 없애고 에너지 낭비를 줄이며 재생 가능 에너지원 추가를 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 680만 명의 미시간 주민들에게 서비스를 제공하며, 고객의 에너지 수요의 90%를 풍력과 태양광을 포함한 청정 에너지로 충족할 계획입니다.

Consumers Energy a annoncé une nouvelle initiative pour étendre la recharge des véhicules électriques (EV) sur les lieux de travail du Michigan. L'entreprise s'attend à ce que plus de 500 lieux de travail installent des stations de recharge d'ici 2030. Le programme propose des remboursements de 7 500 dollars aux entreprises qui installent deux ou plusieurs chargeurs EV pour les employés, avec des remboursements plus importants pour la mise à disposition des chargeurs au public.

Ce geste fait partie de la stratégie plus large de Consumers Energy pour soutenir l’adoption des EV au Michigan. L'entreprise prévoit de fournir plus de 1 500 emplacements de charge rapide publics d'ici la fin de 2030. Consumers Energy a observé que le nombre de véhicules électriques dans ses communautés a triplé au cours des quatre dernières années et travaille à rendre la possession d'un EV plus abordable et pratique.

L’initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre du Plan Énergétique Propre de Consumers Energy, qui vise à éliminer le charbon d'ici 2025, à réduire le gaspillage énergétique et à ajouter des sources d'énergie renouvelables. L'entreprise dessert 6,8 millions de résidents du Michigan et prévoit de répondre à 90 % des besoins énergétiques de ses clients grâce à des sources d'énergie propres, y compris l'éolien et le solaire.

Consumers Energy hat eine neue Initiative angekündigt, um die Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge (EV) an Arbeitsplätzen in Michigan auszubauen. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass bis 2030 mehr als 500 Arbeitsplätze Ladestationen installieren. Das Programm bietet 7.500 Dollar Rückerstattung für Unternehmen, die zwei oder mehr EV-Ladegeräte für Mitarbeiter installieren, wobei höhere Rückerstattungen für öffentliche Ladestationen bereitgestellt werden.

Dieses Engagement ist Teil der umfassenderen Strategie von Consumers Energy zur Unterstützung der EV-Einführung in Michigan. Das Unternehmen plant, bis Ende 2030 mehr als 1.500 öffentliche Schnellladestandorte zu betreiben. Consumers Energy hat in den letzten vier Jahren eine Verdopplung der Anzahl von EVs in seinen Gemeinden beobachtet und bemüht sich, den Besitz von EVs erschwinglicher und bequemer zu machen.

Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit dem Clean Energy Plan von Consumers Energy, der darauf abzielt, bis 2025 Kohle zu beseitigen, Energieverschwendung zu reduzieren und erneuerbare Energiequellen hinzuzufügen. Das Unternehmen bedient 6,8 Millionen Einwohner von Michigan und plant, 90% des Energiebedarfs seiner Kunden durch saubere Energiequellen wie Wind- und Solarenergie zu decken.

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JACKSON, Mich., Oct. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Consumers Energy is taking another new step to power Michigan's electric vehicle transformation by announcing an effort to install EV chargers at workplaces across the state. Consumers Energy expects over 500 workplaces will install charging by 2030.

"Consumers Energy is offering new approaches that will drive the growth of EVs. We're breaking down barriers that will help get EVs into driveways at home, to fast public chargers and, now, places where we work," said Lauren Snyder, Consumers Energy's vice president of customer experience. "Employers who are looking to attract and keep good workers now have another tool that will allow them to charge at work."

The new workplace EV charging program offers $7,500 rebates to businesses that install two or more EV chargers for employees. Consumers Energy started offering the incentives in response to demand from businesses and surveys that show as many as three-quarters of EV drivers want the option to charge at work.

Businesses can earn larger rebates if they make chargers available to the public, building on Consumers Energy's community charging program that promotes charging in public parking locations.

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"Consumers Energy has seen the number of EVs in our communities triple in the last four years," Snyder said. "We know people are looking more and more at clean vehicles, so we will continue to look for ways to power that interest with easy-to-use programs."

Consumers Energy is making EV ownership more affordable and convenient wherever people drive their vehicles in Michigan. Members of the company's EV team recently took part in National Drive Electric Week events and are sponsoring an opportunity to test-drive EVs on Saturday in Kalamazoo.

The company projects it will power more than 1,500 public fast charging locations by the end of 2030. Electric vehicles will be powered by an electric grid that is moving fast to become carbon neutral. Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan calls for eliminating coal in 2025, reducing energy waste and adding renewable energy sources.

Consumers Energy is Michigan's largest energy provider, providing natural gas and/or electricity to 6.8 million of the state's 10 million residents in all 68 Lower Peninsula counties. Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan calls for eliminating coal as an energy source by 2025, achieving net-zero carbon emissions and meeting 90% of customers' energy needs through clean sources, including wind and solar.

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What rebate does Consumers Energy offer for workplace EV charging installations?

Consumers Energy offers a $7,500 rebate to businesses that install two or more EV chargers for employees as part of their new workplace EV charging program.

How many workplaces does Consumers Energy expect to install EV charging by 2030?

Consumers Energy expects over 500 workplaces to install EV charging stations by 2030.

What is Consumers Energy's projection for public fast charging locations by 2030?

Consumers Energy projects it will power more than 1,500 public fast charging locations by the end of 2030.

When does Consumers Energy plan to eliminate coal as an energy source?

According to Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan, the company aims to eliminate coal as an energy source by 2025.

How many Michigan residents does Consumers Energy serve?

Consumers Energy provides natural gas and/or electricity to 6.8 million of Michigan's 10 million residents in all 68 Lower Peninsula counties.

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