Consumers Energy Selected by U.S. Department of Energy for Nearly $20 Million to Add Real-Time Visibility to Grid

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Consumers Energy has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy for a nearly $20 million financial assistance award to deploy new technology providing real-time visibility into the grid and help integrate electric vehicles into Michigan's electric grid. This commitment will be matched by $20 million from Consumers Energy, totaling nearly $40 million for the project.

The company plans to add AI-powered modules to 18,000 electric meters used by Michigan EV owners, providing real-time data analytics and predictions to better understand the impact of EVs on the electric grid. Consumers Energy is partnering with Utilidata to deploy custom NVIDIA modules, bringing cutting-edge AI capabilities to the electric grid. Over half of the devices will be placed in economically disadvantaged communities.

This initiative aligns with Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan, which aims to eliminate coal as an energy source by 2025 and achieve net-zero carbon emissions.

Consumers Energy è stata selezionata dal Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti per un assegno di assistenza finanziaria di quasi 20 milioni di dollari per implementare una nuova tecnologia che fornisce visibilità in tempo reale sulla rete elettrica e aiuta a integrare i veicoli elettrici nella rete elettrica del Michigan. Questo impegno sarà equi-valente a 20 milioni di dollari da parte di Consumers Energy, portando il totale a quasi 40 milioni di dollari per il progetto.

L'azienda prevede di aggiungere moduli potenziati da intelligenza artificiale a 18.000 contatori elettrici utilizzati dai possessori di EV del Michigan, fornendo analisi dei dati in tempo reale e previsioni per comprendere meglio l'impatto dei veicoli elettrici sulla rete elettrica. Consumers Energy sta collaborando con Utilidata per implementare moduli personalizzati NVIDIA, portando capacità AI all'avanguardia nella rete elettrica. Oltre la metà dei dispositivi sarà installata in comunità economicamente svantaggiate.

Questa iniziativa è in linea con il Piano Energetico Pulito di Consumers Energy, che mira ad eliminare il carbone come fonte energetica entro il 2025 e a raggiungere emissioni di carbonio nette zero.

Consumers Energy ha sido seleccionada por el Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. para recibir un premio de asistencia financiera de casi 20 millones de dólares para implementar nueva tecnología que proporciona visibilidad en tiempo real de la red y ayuda a integrar vehículos eléctricos en la red eléctrica de Michigan. Este compromiso será igualmente respaldado con 20 millones de dólares por Consumers Energy, sumando casi 40 millones de dólares para el proyecto.

La empresa planea añadir módulos impulsados por inteligencia artificial a 18,000 medidores eléctricos usados por propietarios de vehículos eléctricos en Michigan, proporcionando análisis de datos en tiempo real y predicciones para entender mejor el impacto de los vehículos eléctricos en la red eléctrica. Consumers Energy se está asociando con Utilidata para implementar módulos personalizados de NVIDIA, aportando capacidades de IA de vanguardia a la red eléctrica. Más de la mitad de los dispositivos se colocarán en comunidades económicamente desfavorecidas.

Esta iniciativa está alineada con el Plan de Energía Limpia de Consumers Energy, que busca eliminar el carbón como fuente de energía para 2025 y alcanzar emisiones de carbono netas cero.

Consumers Energy는 미국 에너지부로부터 2천만 달러에 달하는 재정 지원금을 받아 새로운 기술을 배치하게 되었습니다. 이 기술은 전력망에 대한 실시간 가시성을 제공하고, 미시간의 전력망에 전기차를 통합하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 이번 약속은 Consumers Energy에서 2천만 달러를 추가로 지원하여 프로젝트의 총액이 거의 4천만 달러에 이릅니다.

회사는 미시간 전기차 소유자들이 사용하는 18,000개의 전기 계량기에 AI 기반 모듈을 추가할 예정이며, 이를 통해 전기차가 전력망에 미치는 영향을 더 잘 이해하기 위한 실시간 데이터 분석 및 예측을 제공할 것입니다. Consumers Energy는 Utilidata와 협력하여 맞춤형 NVIDIA 모듈을 배치하여 전력망에 최첨단 AI 기능을 도입합니다. 절반 이상의 장치는 경제적으로 어려운 지역 사회에 설치될 예정입니다.

이 이니셔티브는 석탄을 에너지원에서 제거하고 2025년까지 탄소 배출을 넷 제로로 달성하기 위한 Consumers Energy의 청정 에너지 계획과 일치합니다.

Consumers Energy a été séléctionnée par le Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis pour une aide financière de près de 20 millions de dollars afin de déployer de nouvelles technologies offrant une visibilité en temps réel sur le réseau électrique et d'aider à intégrer les véhicules électriques dans le réseau électrique du Michigan. Cet engagement sera complété par 20 millions de dollars de Consumers Energy, ce qui représente un total de près de 40 millions de dollars pour le projet.

L'entreprise prévoit d'ajouter des modules alimentés par l'IA à 18 000 compteurs électriques utilisés par les propriétaires de véhicules électriques du Michigan, fournissant une analyse des données en temps réel et des prévisions pour mieux comprendre l'impact des VE sur le réseau électrique. Consumers Energy s'associe à Utilidata pour déployer des modules NVIDIA personnalisés, apportant des capacités AI à la pointe de la technologie au réseau électrique. Plus de la moitié des dispositifs seront installés dans des communautés économiquement défavorisées.

Cette initiative s'inscrit dans le cadre du Plan d'Énergie Propre de Consumers Energy, qui vise à éliminer le charbon comme source d'énergie d'ici 2025 et à atteindre des émissions nettes de carbone nulles.

Consumers Energy wurde vom US-Energieministerium ausgewählt für eine fast 20 Millionen Dollar umfassende Finanzhilfe, um neue Technologien einzusetzen, die Echtzeit-Transparenz im Stromnetz bieten und helfen, Elektrofahrzeuge in das Stromnetz von Michigan zu integrieren. Dieses Engagement wird von Consumers Energy mit weiteren 20 Millionen Dollar paritiert, was insgesamt nahezu 40 Millionen Dollar für das Projekt ergibt.

Das Unternehmen plant, AI-gesteuerte Module an 18.000 Stromzählern anzubringen, die von Besitzern von Elektrofahrzeugen in Michigan genutzt werden, um Echtzeitdatenanalysen und -vorhersagen bereitzustellen, damit der Einfluss der Elektrofahrzeuge auf das Stromnetz besser verstanden werden kann. Consumers Energy arbeitet mit Utilidata zusammen, um maßgeschneiderte NVIDIA-Module einzuführen und damit fortschrittliche KI-Funktionen ins Stromnetz zu bringen. Mehr als die Hälfte der Geräte wird in wirtschaftlich benachteiligten Gemeinschaften installiert.

Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit dem Clean Energy Plan von Consumers Energy, der darauf abzielt, bis 2025 Kohle als Energiequelle zu eliminieren und netto null Kohlenstoffemissionen zu erreichen.

  • Received nearly $20 million in federal funding for grid modernization
  • Matching $20 million investment from Consumers Energy, totaling $40 million for the project
  • Deploying AI-powered modules to 18,000 electric meters for real-time data analytics
  • Partnership with Utilidata to bring cutting-edge AI capabilities to the electric grid
  • Focus on economically disadvantaged communities with over half of the devices placed there
  • Aligns with Clean Energy Plan to eliminate coal by 2025 and achieve net-zero carbon emissions
  • None.


This $40 million investment in grid modernization is a significant step for Consumers Energy and Michigan's electric infrastructure. The deployment of 18,000 AI-powered modules on EV owners' meters will provide important real-time data on EV usage patterns and their impact on the grid. This proactive approach is essential as EV adoption accelerates.

The partnership with Utilidata and the use of NVIDIA modules demonstrate a commitment to cutting-edge technology. The focus on economically disadvantaged communities (50% of devices) is noteworthy, potentially leading to more equitable EV adoption and tailored customer programs.

Long-term, this initiative aligns with Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan, supporting the transition to carbon neutrality and 90% clean energy sources by 2025. The improved grid visibility and management capabilities will be important for integrating more renewable energy and managing the increased load from EVs.

For investors, this signals Consumers Energy's proactive stance in addressing future energy challenges, potentially leading to improved operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The federal funding also reduces the financial burden on the company, making this a cost-effective investment in future-proofing their infrastructure.

This development is a significant boost for EV adoption in Michigan. The real-time data analytics from 18,000 EV meters will provide invaluable insights into charging patterns, grid impacts and consumer behavior. This data-driven approach will enable Consumers Energy to optimize grid management and potentially offer more attractive EV-specific tariffs or services.

The partnership with General Motors is particularly noteworthy. As a major automaker based in Michigan, GM's involvement suggests potential for deeper collaboration in EV infrastructure development. This could lead to synergies in areas like smart charging, vehicle-to-grid technologies, or tailored EV products for the Michigan market.

The focus on disadvantaged communities is also crucial. By ensuring these areas are well-represented in the data collection, Consumers Energy can address potential disparities in EV adoption and infrastructure deployment. This inclusive approach could accelerate EV uptake across diverse demographics, expanding the overall market.

For the broader EV ecosystem, this project could serve as a model for other utilities, potentially accelerating similar initiatives nationwide and further supporting the growth of the EV market.

18,000 Devices Could Measure Impact of Electric Vehicles

JACKSON, Mich., Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Department of Energy today selected Consumers Energy to receive a nearly $20 million financial assistance award to deploy new technology and provide real-time visibility into the grid and help integrate electric vehicles into Michigan's electric grid. The commitment will be matched by $20 million from Consumers Energy as it powers Michigan's EV transformation.

Consumers Energy will use the nearly $40 million to add artificial intelligence-powered modules to 18,000 electric meters that are used by Michigan EV owners, providing real-time data analytics and predictions to better understand the impact these vehicles have on the electric grid.

"Consumers Energy is building a stronger grid and a smarter one that will seamlessly power the next generation of clean vehicles," said Lauren Snyder, Consumers Energy's vice president of customer experience. "This allows us to quickly put the latest in technology to work, as we accommodate growing numbers of EVs parked in driveways across our state."

The new federal funding comes through the U.S. Department of Energy's Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program, which supports the modernization of the nation's electric grid.

Consumers Energy is partnering with AI technology company Utilidata to deploy custom NVIDIA modules, bringing cutting edge AI capabilities to the electric grid. Utilidata manufactures in Michigan at their innovation lab in Ann Arbor and in collaboration with Brooks Utility Products in Novi.    

The effort will place over half of the devices in economically disadvantaged communities, enabling Consumers Energy to better understand EV adoption and customize customer programs to meet those communities' needs.

Consumers Energy also is partnering with General Motors, the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, the Electric Power Research Institute and others to deploy AI-enabled grid-edge analytics.

"Utilidata is proud to expand our presence in Michigan by partnering with industry leader Consumers Energy," said Utilidata President and Chief Operating Officer Jess Melanson. "Utilidata's distributed AI technology will equip Consumers Energy with the tools needed to integrate more distributed energy resources and ensure the electric grid is efficient and reliable for their customers."

Consumers Energy is making EV ownership more affordable and convenient wherever people drive their vehicles in Michigan. Electric vehicles will be powered by an electric grid that is moving fast to become carbon neutral.

Consumers Energy is Michigan's largest energy provider, providing natural gas and/or electricity to 6.8 million of the state's 10 million residents in all 68 Lower Peninsula counties. Consumers Energy's Clean Energy Plan calls for eliminating coal as an energy source in 2025, achieving net-zero carbon emissions and meeting 90% of customers' energy needs through clean sources, including wind and solar.

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What is the value of the financial assistance award Consumers Energy received from the U.S. Department of Energy?

Consumers Energy received a nearly $20 million financial assistance award from the U.S. Department of Energy.

How many AI-powered modules will Consumers Energy (CMS) deploy for electric vehicle monitoring?

Consumers Energy plans to deploy AI-powered modules to 18,000 electric meters used by Michigan EV owners.

What is the total investment for Consumers Energy's (CMS) grid modernization project?

The total investment for the project is nearly $40 million, with $20 million from the U.S. Department of Energy and a matching $20 million from Consumers Energy.

Which company is Consumers Energy (CMS) partnering with for AI technology in this project?

Consumers Energy is partnering with Utilidata to deploy custom NVIDIA modules for AI capabilities in the electric grid.

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