Consumers Energy Offers Safe Digging Tips and Reminders for National Safe Digging Day

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Consumers Energy (CMS) is promoting safe digging practices for National Safe Digging Day on August 11. Holly Bowers, VP of gas engineering and supply, emphasizes the importance of contacting 8-1-1 before any digging project, as it's both a safety measure and a legal requirement. Key tips include:

  • Call MISS DIG (8-1-1) or visit at least 3 business days before digging
  • Avoid digging within 4 feet of marked lines
  • Use hand tools near marked lines

The company also provides guidelines for dealing with natural gas leaks, including leaving the area immediately and calling 9-1-1 and 800-477-5050. MISS DIG has relocated to Lansing to expand its community education efforts on safe digging practices.

Consumers Energy (CMS) promuove pratiche di scavo sicure in occasione della Giornata Nazionale della Sicurezza nel Scavo l'11 agosto. Holly Bowers, VP ingegneria e fornitura del gas, sottolinea l'importanza di contattare il numero 8-1-1 prima di qualsiasi progetto di scavo, poiché è sia una misura di sicurezza che un obbligo legale. I principali consigli includono:

  • Chiamare MISS DIG (8-1-1) o visitare almeno 3 giorni lavorativi prima di scavare
  • Evitare di scavare entro 4 piedi da linee contrassegnate
  • Utilizzare attrezzi manuali vicino a linee contrassegnate

L'azienda fornisce anche linee guida su come gestire le perdite di gas naturale, che includono lasciare immediatamente l'area e chiamare il 9-1-1 e il 800-477-5050. MISS DIG si è trasferita a Lansing per ampliare i propri sforzi di educazione comunitaria sulle pratiche di scavo sicure.

Consumers Energy (CMS) está promoviendo prácticas de excavación seguras para el Día Nacional de la Excavación Segura el 11 de agosto. Holly Bowers, VP de ingeniería y suministro de gas, enfatiza la importancia de contactar al 8-1-1 antes de cualquier proyecto de excavación, ya que es una medida de seguridad y un requisito legal. Los consejos clave incluyen:

  • Llamar a MISS DIG (8-1-1) o visitar al menos 3 días hábiles antes de excavar
  • Evitar excavar dentro de 4 pies de líneas marcadas
  • Usar herramientas manuales cerca de líneas marcadas

La compañía también proporciona pautas sobre cómo manejar fugas de gas natural, que incluyen abandonar la zona de inmediato y llamar al 9-1-1 y al 800-477-5050. MISS DIG se ha trasladado a Lansing para ampliar sus esfuerzos de educación comunitaria sobre prácticas de excavación seguras.

Consumers Energy (CMS)는 8월 11일 국가 안전 굴착의 날을 맞아 안전한 굴착 관행을 홍보하고 있습니다. 홀리 바워스, 가스 공학 및 공급 부사장은 굴착 프로젝트를 시작하기 전에 8-1-1에 연락하는 것의 중요성을 강조하며, 이는 안전 조치이자 법적 요구 사항입니다. 주요 팁은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 굴착하기 최소 3영업일 전에 MISS DIG (8-1-1)에 전화하거나 MISSDIG811.org를 방문하십시오.
  • 표시된 선에서 4피트 이내에서 굴착을 피하십시오.
  • 표시된 선 근처에서는 수공구를 사용하십시오.

회사는 또한 자연 가스 누출 시 대처 방법에 대한 지침을 제공하며, 해당 지역을 즉시 떠나고 9-1-1 및 800-477-5050에 전화해야 합니다. MISS DIG는 안전한 굴착 관행에 대한 지역 사회 교육 노력을 확대하기 위해 랜싱으로 이전했습니다.

Consumers Energy (CMS) promeut des pratiques de fouille sécuritaires à l'occasion de la Journée Nationale de la Fouille Sécurisée le 11 août. Holly Bowers, VP de l'ingénierie et de l'approvisionnement en gaz, souligne l'importance de contacter le 8-1-1 avant tout projet de fouille, car c'est à la fois une mesure de sécurité et une exigence légale. Les conseils clés incluent :

  • Appeler MISS DIG (8-1-1) ou visiter au moins 3 jours ouvrables avant de commencer à creuser
  • Éviter de creuser à moins de 1,2 mètre (4 pieds) des lignes marquées
  • Utiliser des outils manuels près des lignes marquées

L'entreprise fournit également des recommandations pour gérer les fuites de gaz naturel, notamment quitter immédiatement la zone et appeler le 9-1-1 et le 800-477-5050. MISS DIG a déménagé à Lansing pour développer ses efforts d'éducation communautaire concernant les pratiques de fouille sécurisées.

Consumers Energy (CMS) fördert sichere Grabungspraktiken anlässlich des Nationalen Sicherheitstags für Grabungen am 11. August. Holly Bowers, VP für Gasengineering und -versorgung, betont die Bedeutung, vor jedem Grabungsprojekt 8-1-1 zu kontaktieren, da dies sowohl eine Sicherheitsmaßnahme als auch eine gesetzliche Anforderung ist. Wichtige Tipps sind:

  • Rufen Sie MISS DIG (8-1-1) an oder besuchen Sie mindestens 3 Werktage vor dem Graben
  • Vermeiden Sie das Graben innerhalb von 1,2 Metern (4 Fuß) von markierten Leitungen
  • Verwenden Sie Handwerkzeuge in der Nähe von markierten Leitungen

Das Unternehmen bietet auch Richtlinien zum Umgang mit Erdgaslecks, einschließlich des sofortigen Verlassens des Gebiets und der Kontaktaufnahme mit 9-1-1 und 800-477-5050. MISS DIG hat seinen Sitz nach Lansing verlegt, um die Bildungsmaßnahmen in der Gemeinschaft in Bezug auf sichere Grabungspraktiken auszubauen.

  • Promotion of safety practices potentially reducing accidents and liability
  • Partnership with MISS DIG for community education on safe digging
  • None.

JACKSON, Mich., Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In recognition of National Safe Digging Day (Aug. 11 or 8-1-1 Day), Consumers Energy is offering tips and reminders for safe digging.

"Not only is contacting 8-1-1 before every dig project an easy and responsible way to ensure you're keeping yourself, your friends and your neighbors safe when you dig — it is also the law," said Holly Bowers, vice president of gas engineering and supply for Consumers Energy. "This free resource doesn't just protect from a minor inconvenience; it helps customers avoid injury, property damage, or even financial loss. Accidentally striking an underground pipeline or electric line can have serious and even fatal repercussions, so you should always know what is below."

Bowers reminds customers that safe digging tips include:

  • Calling MISS DIG (8-1-1) or visiting at least 3 business days before beginning a project.
  • MISS DIG will contact the appropriate companies to have underground lines marked with stakes, flags or paint, at no cost to the customer.
  • Remember that the stakes, flags or paint put down by MISS DIG show only a rough estimate of the location of underground utility facilities; avoid digging within 4 feet of marked lines if possible.
  • If digging must occur within 4 feet of markers, use hand tools to carefully expose buried lines; only once they have been located can you utilize power equipment to complete the excavation.

MISS DIG recently announced the relocation of its headquarters to Lansing, where it can expand on its work to educate and train the community on safe digging through the use of its new facility.  

When it comes to dealing with natural gas lines, it is important to remember:

  • If you smell natural gas (a rotten egg odor) or suspect a leak, leave the area right away.
  • Don't try to find the source of the leak.
  • Don't use an electrical device.
  • Call 9-1-1 and 800-477-5050.

If you think you hit or nicked a natural gas line, you should immediately call 800-477-5050.

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SOURCE Consumers Energy


What is Consumers Energy's main message for National Safe Digging Day 2024?

Consumers Energy's main message for National Safe Digging Day 2024 is to always contact 8-1-1 before any digging project to ensure safety and comply with the law.

How many days in advance should customers contact MISS DIG before starting a digging project, according to CMS?

According to Consumers Energy (CMS), customers should contact MISS DIG at least 3 business days before beginning a digging project.

What should CMS customers do if they smell natural gas or suspect a leak?

If CMS customers smell natural gas or suspect a leak, they should leave the area immediately, not try to find the source, avoid using electrical devices, and call 9-1-1 and 800-477-5050.

Where has MISS DIG relocated its headquarters, as mentioned in the Consumers Energy press release?

According to the Consumers Energy press release, MISS DIG has relocated its headquarters to Lansing to expand its community education efforts on safe digging practices.

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