Cummins 2023 - 2024 Sustainability Progress Report: Winning With the Power of Difference

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Cummins Inc. has released its 2023-2024 Sustainability Progress Report, highlighting the company's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). The report emphasizes how DE&I powers innovation, drives competitive advantage, and guides Cummins' community contributions globally. Key points include:

1. Increased diversity has led to improved innovation, community impact, and business results.
2. Cummins is committed to creating an inclusive culture where everyone belongs.
3. The company continuously improves talent practices to ensure fair outcomes for all employees.
4. Cummins advocates for removing barriers for historically underrepresented groups.
5. CEO Jennifer Rumsey, appointed as Board chair in July 2023, is the first woman to serve in either role.

The report underscores Cummins' dedication to fostering inclusive environments both within and outside the company, enabling employees to thrive and connect with the company's purpose.

Cummins Inc. ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Progresso sulla Sostenibilità 2023-2024, evidenziando l'impegno dell'azienda per la diversità, l'equità e l'inclusione (DE&I). Il rapporto sottolinea come DE&I alimenti l'innovazione, favorisca un vantaggio competitivo e guidi i contributi di Cummins a livello globale. Punti chiave includono:

1. L'aumento della diversità ha portato a un miglioramento dell'innovazione, dell'impatto sulla comunità e dei risultati aziendali.
2. Cummins è impegnata a creare una cultura inclusiva in cui ognuno si senta appartenenza.
3. L'azienda migliora continuamente le pratiche relative ai talenti per garantire risultati equi per tutti i dipendenti.
4. Cummins si impegna a rimuovere le barriere per i gruppi storicamente sottorappresentati.
5. CEO Jennifer Rumsey, nominata presidente del consiglio a luglio 2023, è la prima donna a ricoprire un ruolo di questo tipo.

Il rapporto sottolinea la dedizione di Cummins a promuovere ambienti inclusivi sia all'interno che all'esterno dell'azienda, consentendo ai dipendenti di prosperare e di connettersi con lo scopo dell'azienda.

Cummins Inc. ha lanzado su Informe de Progreso en Sostenibilidad 2023-2024, destacando el compromiso de la empresa con la diversidad, equidad e inclusión (DE&I). El informe enfatiza cómo DE&I impulsa la innovación, genera ventaja competitiva y guía las contribuciones de Cummins a nivel global. Puntos clave incluyen:

1. La mayor diversidad ha conducido a una mejora en la innovación, el impacto comunitario y los resultados empresariales.
2. Cummins se compromete a crear una cultura inclusiva donde todos pertenezcan.
3. La compañía mejora continuamente las prácticas de talento para garantizar resultados justos para todos los empleados.
4. Cummins aboga por eliminar las barreras para los grupos históricamente subrepresentados.
5. La CEO Jennifer Rumsey, nombrada presidenta de la junta en julio de 2023, es la primera mujer en ocupar cualquiera de los dos roles.

El informe subraya la dedicación de Cummins a fomentar entornos inclusivos tanto dentro como fuera de la empresa, permitiendo a los empleados prosperar y conectarse con el propósito de la compañía.

커멘스(Cummins Inc.)는 2023-2024 지속 가능성 진행 보고서를 발표하며 다양성, 형평성 및 포용성(DE&I)에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조했습니다. 보고서는 DE&I가 혁신을 촉진하고 경쟁 우위를 점하며 커멘스의 글로벌 커뮤니티 기여를 이끄는 방법을 강조합니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 다양성의 증가는 혁신, 커뮤니티 영향 및 비즈니스 결과 향상으로 이어졌습니다.
2. 커멘스는 모든 사람이 소속감을 느낄 수 있는 포용적 문화를 만드는 데 전념하고 있습니다.
3. 회사는 모든 직원에게 공정한 결과를 보장하기 위해 인재 관행을 지속적으로 개선합니다.
4. 커멘스는 역사적으로 저대표된 그룹을 위한 장벽을 제거하는 것을 옹호합니다.
5. 2023년 7월 이사회 의장으로 임명된 CEO 제니퍼 룸지(Jennifer Rumsey)는 두 역할을 모두 수행한 첫 번째 여성입니다.

이 보고서는 커멘스가 회사 외부와 내부에서 포용적인 환경을 조성하기 위해 노력하고 있으며, 직원들이 성장하고 회사의 목표와 연결될 수 있도록 하고 있음을 강조합니다.

Cummins Inc. a publié son Rapport de Progrès en Matière de Durabilité 2023-2024, mettant en avant l'engagement de l'entreprise en matière de diversité, d'équité et d'inclusion (DE&I). Le rapport souligne comment la DE&I stimule l'innovation, crée un avantage concurrentiel et oriente les contributions communautaires de Cummins à l'échelle mondiale. Les points clés incluent :

1. Une plus grande diversité a conduit à une amélioration de l'innovation, de l'impact sur la communauté et des résultats commerciaux.
2. Cummins s'engage à créer une culture inclusive où chacun se sent à sa place.
3. L'entreprise améliore continuellement les pratiques de talent pour garantir des résultats équitables pour tous les employés.
4. Cummins plaide pour la suppression des obstacles pour les groupes historiquement sous-représentés.
5. La PDG Jennifer Rumsey, nommée présidente du conseil en juillet 2023, est la première femme à occuper l'un de ces rôles.

Le rapport souligne l'engagement de Cummins à favoriser des environnements inclusifs tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur de l'entreprise, permettant aux employés de s'épanouir et de se connecter au but de l'entreprise.

Cummins Inc. hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsfortschrittsbericht 2023-2024 veröffentlicht, der das Engagement des Unternehmens für Vielfalt, Chancengleichheit und Inklusion (DE&I) hervorhebt. Der Bericht betont, wie DE&I Innovation antreibt, Wettbewerbsvorteile schafft und die globalen Gemeinschaftsbeiträge von Cummins leitet. Wichtige Punkte sind:

1. Gestiegene Vielfalt hat zu verbesserter Innovation, Gemeinschaftseffekten und Geschäftsergebnissen geführt.
2. Cummins verpflichtet sich, eine inklusive Kultur zu schaffen, in der sich jeder zugehörig fühlt.
3. Das Unternehmen verbessert kontinuierlich die Talentpraktiken, um faire Ergebnisse für alle Mitarbeiter zu gewährleisten.
4. Cummins setzt sich dafür ein, Barrieren für historisch unterrepräsentierte Gruppen abzubauen.
5. CEO Jennifer Rumsey, die im Juli 2023 zur Vorstandspräsidentin ernannt wurde, ist die erste Frau, die in einer dieser Rollen tätig ist.

Der Bericht unterstreicht Communs Engagement für die Förderung inklusiver Umgebungen sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb des Unternehmens, damit die Mitarbeiter gedeihen und sich mit dem Zweck des Unternehmens verbinden können.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 6, 2024 / Cummins Inc.
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) power innovation and success among Cummins' employees, help gain competitive advantage and guide the company's actions and contributions to communities around the world.

DE&I at Cummins

As Cummins' diversity has increased, so, too, have the company's innovation, community impact and business results. Inclusive environments enable Cummins to leverage the power of difference to solve challenges; the company is unwavering in its commitment to create a culture where everyone belongs.

Cummins' continued success hinges upon its ability to attract and retain diverse talent. The company has no plans to change course, sit idly by or be quiet about the business and moral case for diversity, equity and inclusion.

Meeting the evolving needs of Cummins' workforce, the company continuously improves talent practices to drive systemic change in the culture and ensure fair and equitable outcomes for all employees.

DE&I is integral to how Cummins conducts itself as a corporate citizen, and the company embraces its long legacy and moral responsibility to be a values-driven, positive force in society. For decades, Cummins has advocated for removing barriers for those who have historically been denied access to opportunity, including women, racial and ethnic groups, people with disabilities, veterans and the LGBTQ+ community.

By fostering inclusive environments in and outside of the company, Cummins employees can thrive, reach their full potential and feel connected to the company's purpose and one another.

"It takes courage to be who you are,
especially at work, and we are fiercely
committed to creating caring, inclusive
environments where everyone can be
their authentic selves." - JENNIFER RUMSEY, CHAIR AND CEO

Cummins CEO Jennifer Rumsey was appointed as the company's
Board chair in july 2023, the first woman to serve in either role

Read the full 2023-2024 Cummins Sustainability Progress Report

Courtesy Cummins 2023-2024 Sustainability Progress Report

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Spokesperson: Cummins Inc.

SOURCE: Cummins Inc.

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What is the main focus of Cummins' (CMI) 2023-2024 Sustainability Progress Report?

The main focus of Cummins' (CMI) 2023-2024 Sustainability Progress Report is diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). The report highlights how DE&I powers innovation, drives competitive advantage, and guides the company's community contributions globally.

How has increased diversity impacted Cummins (CMI) according to the 2023-2024 report?

According to the 2023-2024 report, increased diversity at Cummins (CMI) has led to improved innovation, community impact, and business results. The company emphasizes that inclusive environments enable them to leverage the power of difference to solve challenges.

What milestone did Jennifer Rumsey achieve at Cummins (CMI) in July 2023?

In July 2023, Jennifer Rumsey was appointed as Cummins' (CMI) Board chair, becoming the first woman to serve in either the CEO or Board chair role at the company.

How does Cummins (CMI) plan to ensure fair outcomes for all employees?

Cummins (CMI) plans to ensure fair outcomes for all employees by continuously improving talent practices to drive systemic change in the culture and ensure fair and equitable outcomes. This approach aims to meet the evolving needs of their workforce.

What groups does Cummins (CMI) advocate for in terms of removing barriers to opportunity?

Cummins (CMI) advocates for removing barriers for historically underrepresented groups, including women, racial and ethnic groups, people with disabilities, veterans, and the LGBTQ+ community.

Cummins Inc.


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