Farmer sentiment rises as current conditions improve on U.S. farms
U.S. farmer sentiment showed significant improvement in February 2025, with the Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer rising 11 points to 152. The Current Conditions Index surged 28 points to 137, while the Future Expectations Index increased modestly by 3 points to 159.
The Farm Capital Investment Index reached its highest level since May 2021, jumping 11 points to 59. The Farm Financial Performance Index remained stable at 110, while the Short-Term Farmland Value Expectations Index rose to 118.
Notable findings include: 50% of farmers either have no growth plans (37%) or plan to exit/retire (13%). Nineteen percent expect 10-15% or higher annual growth, doubling from last year's 9%. Regarding policy concerns, 62% consider passing a new farm bill in 2025 important, with 44% citing trade policy as their top concern. Additionally, 48% believe a trade war affecting U.S. agricultural exports is likely.
Il sentimento degli agricoltori statunitensi ha mostrato un significativo miglioramento a febbraio 2025, con il Barometro dell'Economia Agricola della Purdue University/CME Group che è aumentato di 11 punti a 152. L'Indice delle Condizioni Attuali è balzato di 28 punti a 137, mentre l'Indice delle Aspettative Future è aumentato modestamente di 3 punti a 159.
L'Indice degli Investimenti in Capitale Agricolo ha raggiunto il suo livello più alto da maggio 2021, salendo di 11 punti a 59. L'Indice delle Performance Finanziarie Agricole è rimasto stabile a 110, mentre l'Indice delle Aspettative sui Valori Territoriali a Breve Termine è salito a 118.
Tra i risultati notevoli: il 50% degli agricoltori non ha piani di crescita (37%) o prevede di uscire/pensionarsi (13%). Diciannove percento si aspetta una crescita annuale del 10-15% o superiore, raddoppiando rispetto al 9% dell'anno scorso. Per quanto riguarda le preoccupazioni politiche, il 62% considera importante approvare una nuova legge agricola nel 2025, con il 44% che indica la politica commerciale come la loro principale preoccupazione. Inoltre, il 48% crede che sia probabile una guerra commerciale che colpisca le esportazioni agricole statunitensi.
El sentimiento de los agricultores estadounidenses mostró una mejora significativa en febrero de 2025, con el Barómetro de Economía Agrícola de la Universidad de Purdue/CME Group subiendo 11 puntos a 152. El Índice de Condiciones Actuales se disparó 28 puntos a 137, mientras que el Índice de Expectativas Futuras aumentó modestamente en 3 puntos a 159.
El Índice de Inversión de Capital Agrícola alcanzó su nivel más alto desde mayo de 2021, saltando 11 puntos a 59. El Índice de Desempeño Financiero Agrícola se mantuvo estable en 110, mientras que el Índice de Expectativas de Valor de Tierras a Corto Plazo subió a 118.
Entre los hallazgos notables: el 50% de los agricultores no tiene planes de crecimiento (37%) o planea salir/jubilarse (13%). Diecinueve por ciento espera un crecimiento anual del 10-15% o más, duplicándose respecto al 9% del año pasado. En cuanto a las preocupaciones políticas, el 62% considera importante aprobar una nueva ley agrícola en 2025, siendo el 44% quienes citan la política comercial como su principal preocupación. Además, el 48% cree que es probable una guerra comercial que afecte las exportaciones agrícolas de EE. UU.
미국 농부의 감정이 2025년 2월에 상당한 개선을 보였으며, 퍼듀 대학교/CME 그룹의 농업 경제 바로미터가 11포인트 상승하여 152에 도달했습니다. 현재 상황 지수는 28포인트 급등하여 137에 이르렀고, 미래 기대 지수는 3포인트 소폭 상승하여 159에 도달했습니다.
농업 자본 투자 지수는 2021년 5월 이후 최고 수준인 59로 11포인트 상승했습니다. 농업 재무 성과 지수는 110으로 안정세를 유지했으며, 단기 농지 가치 기대 지수는 118로 상승했습니다.
주목할 만한 발견 사항으로는: 농부의 50%가 성장 계획이 없거나(37%) 은퇴/퇴직을 계획하고 있습니다(13%). 19%는 연간 10-15% 이상의 성장을 기대하며, 이는 지난해의 9%에서 두 배로 증가한 수치입니다. 정책 우려 사항에 대해 62%는 2025년에 새로운 농업 법안을 통과시키는 것이 중요하다고 생각하며, 44%는 무역 정책을 가장 큰 우려 사항으로 지적했습니다. 또한 48%는 미국 농업 수출에 영향을 미치는 무역 전쟁이 발생할 가능성이 높다고 믿고 있습니다.
Le sentiment des agriculteurs américains a montré une amélioration significative en février 2025, avec le Baromètre de l'Économie Agricole de l'Université Purdue/Groupe CME augmentant de 11 points pour atteindre 152. L'Indice des Conditions Actuelles a bondi de 28 points à 137, tandis que l'Indice des Attentes Futures a légèrement augmenté de 3 points à 159.
L'Indice d'Investissement en Capital Agricole a atteint son niveau le plus élevé depuis mai 2021, grimpant de 11 points à 59. L'Indice de Performance Financière Agricole est resté stable à 110, tandis que l'Indice des Attentes de Valeur des Terres à Court Terme a augmenté à 118.
Parmi les résultats notables : 50% des agriculteurs n'ont pas de plans de croissance (37%) ou prévoient de quitter/reprendre leur retraite (13%). Dix-neuf pour cent s'attendent à une croissance annuelle de 10-15% ou plus, doublant par rapport à 9% l'année précédente. En ce qui concerne les préoccupations politiques, 62% jugent important d'adopter une nouvelle loi agricole en 2025, 44% citant la politique commerciale comme leur principale préoccupation. De plus, 48% pensent qu'une guerre commerciale affectant les exportations agricoles américaines est probable.
Die Stimmung der US-Bauern zeigte im Februar 2025 eine signifikante Verbesserung, wobei der Agrarwirtschaftsbarometer der Purdue University/CME Group um 11 Punkte auf 152 stieg. Der Index der aktuellen Bedingungen sprang um 28 Punkte auf 137, während der Index der zukünftigen Erwartungen um bescheidene 3 Punkte auf 159 anstieg.
Der Index der Investitionen in landwirtschaftliches Kapital erreichte den höchsten Stand seit Mai 2021 und sprang um 11 Punkte auf 59. Der Index der finanziellen Leistung der Landwirtschaft blieb stabil bei 110, während der Index der kurzfristigen Erwartungen an den Bodenwert auf 118 stieg.
Bemerkenswerte Erkenntnisse sind: 50% der Landwirte haben entweder keine Wachstumspläne (37%) oder planen, auszutreten/zu pensionieren (13%). Neunzehn Prozent erwarten ein jährliches Wachstum von 10-15% oder mehr, was sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, als es 9% betrug, verdoppelt hat. In Bezug auf politische Bedenken halten 62% es für wichtig, 2025 ein neues Landwirtschaftsgesetz zu verabschieden, wobei 44% die Handelspolitik als ihr größtes Anliegen angeben. Darüber hinaus glauben 48%, dass ein Handelskrieg, der die US-Landwirtschaftsexporte betrifft, wahrscheinlich ist.
- Current Conditions Index surged 28 points to 137
- Farm Capital Investment Index at highest level since May 2021
- 19% of farmers expect 10-15%+ annual growth, double from previous year
- Farm Financial Performance Index stable at strong 110
- Short-term farmland value expectations improving
- 48% of farmers expect a potentially damaging trade war
- 50% of farmers have no growth plans or plan to exit/retire
- Future expectations outpace current conditions by 22 points, indicating present challenges
The Farm Capital Investment Index jumped 11 points in February to a reading of 59, reaching its most positive level since May 2021. This month's increase also placed the index 4 points above its November postelection reading. Compared to previous months, where future expectations primarily led investment sentiment, February's increase was driven by farmers' improved assessment of current conditions. Meanwhile, the Farm Financial Performance Index held steady at 110, nearly unchanged from January's reading of 111. Although the index saw little movement this month, it remains well above last fall's low of 68.
The Short-Term Farmland Value Expectations Index modestly increased in February to 118, a 3-point increase from January and 8 points higher than December. This month's reading was also 3 points above its level from a year ago and nearly the same as two years ago. While producers remain less optimistic about farmland values than they were during the winters of 2021 and 2022, sentiment has improved compared to the more cautious outlook seen in late summer and early fall 2024.
"While sentiment about the future remains strong, as reflected in the Future Expectations Index, there's growing interest in making larger investments in farm operations, suggesting that farmers are feeling more confident about their ability to grow despite the challenges ahead," said Michael Langemeier, the barometer's principal investigator and director of Purdue University's Center for Commercial Agriculture.
Each February, the barometer survey asks producers about their five-year growth expectations for their farm operations. In the 2025 survey,
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About the Purdue University Center for Commercial Agriculture
The Center for Commercial Agriculture was founded in 2011 to provide professional development and educational programs for farmers. Housed within Purdue University's Department of Agricultural Economics, the center's faculty and staff develop and execute research and educational programs that address the different needs of managing in today's business environment.
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What is the current CME Group Ag Economy Barometer reading for February 2025?
How much did the Farm Capital Investment Index increase in February 2025?
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