CME Group to Launch Yen- and U.S. Dollar-denominated Micro Nikkei Futures on October 28

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CME Group, the world's leading derivatives marketplace, has announced the launch of yen- and U.S. dollar-denominated Micro Nikkei futures on October 28, 2024, pending regulatory review. These new micro-sized contracts, sized at 50 yen and $0.50 respectively, will expand CME Group's suite of Nikkei 225 futures contracts. The addition aims to provide global market participants with more efficient access to the Japanese stock market, mitigate FX exposure, and allow for more granular trading capabilities.

Key highlights include:

  • Nearly 75% of trades in CME's Nikkei futures occurred outside Tokyo cash hours year-to-date
  • 220 million cumulative Nikkei futures contracts traded since 2004
  • Year-to-date average daily volume of 41,000 contracts, up 9% year-over-year
  • Year-to-date open interest of 67,000 contracts, up 2% year-over-year

The launch coincides with the 20th anniversary of the first Nikkei futures contracts listing on CME Globex in 2004.

Il CME Group, il principale mercato di derivati al mondo, ha annunciato il lancio dei contratti futures Micro Nikkei denominati in yen e dollari USA il 28 ottobre 2024, in attesa di revisione normativa. Questi nuovi contratti di dimensioni micro, con un valore rispettivo di 50 yen e 0,50 dollari, espanderanno la gamma di contratti futures Nikkei 225 del CME Group. L'aggiunta mira a fornire ai partecipanti al mercato globale un accesso più efficiente al mercato azionario giapponese, a mitigare l'esposizione valutaria e a consentire capacità di trading più dettagliate.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Quasi il 75% delle negoziazioni nei futures Nikkei del CME si è svolto al di fuori dell'orario di negoziazione di Tokyo fino ad oggi
  • 220 milioni di contratti futures Nikkei scambiati dal 2004
  • Un volume medio giornaliero dall'inizio dell'anno di 41.000 contratti, in aumento del 9% rispetto all'anno precedente
  • Un interesse aperto dall'inizio dell'anno di 67.000 contratti, in aumento del 2% rispetto all'anno precedente

Il lancio coincide con il 20° anniversario della prima quotazione dei contratti futures Nikkei su CME Globex nel 2004.

CME Group, el principal mercado de derivados del mundo, ha anunciado el lanzamiento de futuros Micro Nikkei denominados en yenes y dólares estadounidenses el 28 de octubre de 2024, sujeto a revisión regulatoria. Estos nuevos contratos de tamaño micro, con un tamaño de 50 yenes y $0.50 respectivamente, ampliarán la oferta de contratos de futuros Nikkei 225 de CME Group. La adición tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los participantes del mercado global un acceso más eficiente al mercado de valores japonés, mitigar la exposición a divisas y permitir capacidades de trading más detalladas.

Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

  • Casi el 75% de las transacciones en los futuros Nikkei de CME se realizaron fuera del horario de negociación en Tokio hasta la fecha
  • 220 millones de contratos de futuros Nikkei negociados desde 2004
  • Un volumen diario promedio hasta la fecha de 41,000 contratos, un aumento del 9% en comparación con el año anterior
  • Un interés abierto hasta la fecha de 67,000 contratos, un aumento del 2% en comparación con el año anterior

El lanzamiento coincide con el 20.º aniversario de la primera cotización de contratos futuros Nikkei en CME Globex en 2004.

세계 최고의 파생상품 거래소인 CME Group은 규제 검토를 거쳐 2024년 10월 28일에 엔화 및 미국 달러로 표시된 마이크로 니케이 선물을 출시한다고 발표했습니다. 각각 50엔과 0.50달러의 크기로 설정된 이 새로운 마이크로 계약은 CME Group의 니케이 225 선물 계약의 범위를 확장합니다. 이 추가는 글로벌 시장 참여자에게 일본 주식 시장에 보다 효율적으로 접근할 수 있도록 하고, 외환 노출을 완화하며, 보다 세분화된 거래 능력을 허용하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • CME의 니케이 선물 거래의 거의 75%가 올해 현재 도쿄 거래 시간 외에 발생했습니다.
  • 2004년 이래로 2억 2000만 개의 니케이 선물 계약이 거래되었습니다.
  • 올해 현재 일일 평균 거래량은 41,000 계약으로, 전년 대비 9% 증가했습니다.
  • 올해 현재 미결제약정은 67,000 계약으로, 전년 대비 2% 증가했습니다.

이번 출시는 2004년 CME Globex에서 첫 니케이 선물 계약이 상장된 지 20주년을 맞이합니다.

CME Group, le principal marché de dérivés au monde, a annoncé le lancement de contrats futures Micro Nikkei libellés en yen et en dollars américains le 28 octobre 2024, sous réserve d'examen réglementaire. Ces nouveaux contrats de petite taille, d'une taille de 50 yen et de 0,50 dollar respectivement, viendront étoffer la gamme de contrats à terme Nikkei 225 de CME Group. Cette addition vise à offrir aux acteurs du marché mondial un accès plus efficace au marché boursier japonais, à atténuer l'exposition aux devises et à permettre des capacités de négociation plus granulaires.

Les points clés incluent :

  • Près de 75 % des transactions sur les contrats à terme Nikkei du CME ont eu lieu en dehors des heures de trésorerie de Tokyo depuis le début de l'année.
  • 220 millions de contrats à terme Nikkei ont été négociés depuis 2004.
  • Le volume quotidien moyen depuis le début de l'année s'élève à 41 000 contrats, soit une augmentation de 9 % par rapport à l'année précédente.
  • Le nombre d'intérêts ouverts depuis le début de l'année est de 67 000 contrats, soit une augmentation de 2 % par rapport à l'année précédente.

Le lancement coïncide avec le 20e anniversaire de la première cotation des contrats futurs Nikkei sur CME Globex en 2004.

CME Group, der weltweit führende Derivatemarkt, hat die Einführung von Mikro Nikkei-Futures, die in Yen und US-Dollar denominiert sind, für den 28. Oktober 2024 angekündigt, vorbehaltlich der behördlichen Prüfung. Diese neuen mikro-großen Verträge mit einer Größe von 50 Yen und 0,50 Dollar erweitern das Angebot an Nikkei 225 Futures des CME Group. Die Ergänzung zielt darauf ab, globalen Marktteilnehmern einen effizienteren Zugang zum japanischen Aktienmarkt zu ermöglichen, das Währungsrisiko zu mindern und detailliertere Handelsmöglichkeiten zu bieten.

Die wichtigsten Höhepunkte umfassen:

  • Fast 75% der Handelsaktivitäten in den Nikkei Futures des CME fanden bisher in diesem Jahr außerhalb der Handelszeiten in Tokio statt.
  • Seit 2004 wurden 220 Millionen Nikkei Futures Verträge gehandelt.
  • Das durchschnittliche tägliche Volumen in diesem Jahr beträgt 41.000 Verträge, was einem Anstieg von 9% im Jahresvergleich entspricht.
  • Das offene Interesse im Jahr bis heute beträgt 67.000 Verträge, was einem Anstieg von 2% im Jahresvergleich entspricht.

Der Launch fällt mit dem 20. Jahrestag der ersten Notierung von Nikkei Futures auf CME Globex im Jahr 2004 zusammen.

  • Launch of new Micro Nikkei futures contracts, expanding product offerings
  • 9% year-over-year increase in average daily trading volume
  • 2% year-over-year increase in open interest
  • Potential for greater capital and margin efficiency with smaller-sized contracts
  • None.


The launch of Micro Nikkei futures by CME Group represents a significant expansion of their equity index product offerings. These new micro-sized contracts, denominated in both yen and U.S. dollars, will provide traders with more precise tools for capturing opportunities in the Japanese stock market benchmark.

Key points to consider:

  • The 50 yen and $0.50 contract sizes offer greater granularity in trading, potentially attracting a broader range of market participants.
  • The 75% of Nikkei futures trades occurring outside Tokyo cash hours highlights the global demand for these products.
  • Year-to-date average daily volume of 41,000 contracts, up 9% year-over-year, indicates growing interest in Nikkei-based derivatives.
  • The potential for capital and margin efficiency could make these products attractive to both retail and institutional traders.

This launch aligns with CME's strategy of offering micro-sized versions of popular contracts, which have seen significant adoption with over 2.9 billion micro equity futures contracts traded to date. The timing, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of Nikkei futures on CME Globex, underscores the exchange's commitment to innovation in global equity index products.

The introduction of Micro Nikkei futures by CME Group is a strategic move that could have several implications for investors and traders:

  • Increased accessibility: The smaller contract sizes lower the barrier to entry for retail traders interested in Japanese equity exposure.
  • Enhanced risk management: The micro contracts allow for more precise hedging and risk adjustment strategies.
  • Global market integration: With 75% of trades occurring outside Tokyo hours, these products facilitate 24-hour access to Japanese market exposure.
  • Potential volume growth: The 9% year-over-year increase in average daily volume suggests growing interest, which could be further amplified by the new micro contracts.

For CME Group (NYSE: CME), this product launch could lead to increased trading volumes and revenue from fees. It also strengthens their position in the Asian derivatives market and global equity index products. Investors in CME Group may view this as a positive development, potentially driving growth in the company's equity index segment.

However, the impact on CME's stock price may be in the short term, as the success of these new products will take time to materialize. Long-term investors should monitor the adoption rates and volume trends of these micro contracts as indicators of CME's expanding market share in global equity derivatives.

CHICAGO, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CME Group, the world's leading derivatives marketplace, today announced it will expand its suite of Nikkei 225 futures contracts with the addition of yen- and U.S. dollar-denominated Micro Nikkei futures on October 28, pending regulatory review.

Sized at 50 yen and $0.50, respectively, these new micro-sized contracts will allow traders to capture Japanese benchmark trading opportunities with greater precision and will add to CME Group's existing suite of standard and E-mini Nikkei contracts.

"The addition of micro-sized yen- and U.S. dollar-denominated Nikkei futures contracts will allow global market participants to gain efficient access to the broader Japanese stock market, while also mitigating FX exposure and allowing more granular trading capabilities," said Paul Woolman, Global Head of Equity Index Products at CME Group. "Year-to-date, nearly 75% of trades in our Nikkei futures occurred outside of Tokyo cash hours, underscoring the need for around-the-clock liquidity for global market participants to manage their equity risk. Similar to their larger parent contacts, the smaller size futures contracts will also offer greater potential capital and margin efficiency."

Micro Nikkei futures will join CME Group's growing suite of micro equity futures contracts, which have traded more than 2.9 billion contracts to date. The launch of Micro Nikkei futures also marks 20 years since the listing of the first Nikkei futures contracts on CME Globex in 2004. Recent trading highlights include:

  • 220 million cumulative Nikkei futures contracts traded since 2004
  • Year-to-date average daily volume of 41,000 contracts, up 9% year-over-year
  • Year-to-date open interest of 67,000 contracts, up 2% year-over-year

For more information on these products, please visit

As the world's leading derivatives marketplace, CME Group ( enables clients to trade futures, options, cash and OTC markets, optimize portfolios, and analyze data – empowering market participants worldwide to efficiently manage risk and capture opportunities. CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes based on interest ratesequity indexesforeign exchangeenergyagricultural products and metals.  The company offers futures and options on futures trading through the CME Globex platform, fixed income trading via BrokerTec and foreign exchange trading on the EBS platform.  In addition, it operates one of the world's leading central counterparty clearing providers, CME Clearing. 

CME Group, the Globe logo, CME, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Globex, and E-mini are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.  CBOT and Chicago Board of Trade are trademarks of Board of Trade of the City of Chicago, Inc.  NYMEX, New York Mercantile Exchange and ClearPort are trademarks of New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc.  COMEX is a trademark of Commodity Exchange, Inc. BrokerTec is a trademark of BrokerTec Americas LLC and EBS is a trademark of EBS Group LTD. The S&P 500 Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC ("S&P DJI"). "S&P®", "S&P 500®", "SPY®", "SPX®", US 500 and The 500 are trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC; Dow Jones®, DJIA® and Dow Jones Industrial Average are service and/or trademarks of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. These trademarks have been licensed for use by Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. Futures contracts based on the S&P 500 Index are not sponsored, endorsed, marketed, or promoted by S&P DJI, and S&P DJI makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in such products. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 



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When will CME Group launch the Micro Nikkei futures contracts?

CME Group plans to launch the yen- and U.S. dollar-denominated Micro Nikkei futures contracts on October 28, 2024, pending regulatory review.

What is the size of the new Micro Nikkei futures contracts (CME)?

The new Micro Nikkei futures contracts will be sized at 50 yen for the yen-denominated contract and $0.50 for the U.S. dollar-denominated contract.

How many Nikkei futures contracts have been traded on CME since 2004?

CME Group reports that 220 million cumulative Nikkei futures contracts have been traded since their introduction in 2004.

What is the year-to-date average daily volume for CME's Nikkei futures contracts?

The year-to-date average daily volume for CME's Nikkei futures contracts is 41,000 contracts, which represents a 9% increase year-over-year.

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