CME Group Announces Winners of the 21st Annual University Trading Challenge

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CME Group announced the winners of its 21st annual University Trading Challenge, with Indiana University securing first place. The competition saw record participation with nearly 570 teams from 180 universities across 24 countries. Teams traded various futures contracts using CQG's simulated trading platform with access to Dow Jones newsfeeds. The top five included teams from Mexico, France, and Italy. Students received hands-on experience trading agriculture, energy, metals, equity indices, interest rates, and forex futures. Winners will receive cash prizes and all participants are invited to an exclusive market education event on December 9.

CME Group ha annunciato i vincitori della sua 21esima sfida annuale di trading universitario, con l'Università dell'Indiana che ha conquistato il primo posto. La competizione ha registrato un numero record di partecipanti, con quasi 570 squadre provenienti da 180 università in 24 paesi. Le squadre hanno scambiato vari contratti futures utilizzando la piattaforma di trading simulata di CQG, con accesso ai feed di notizie di Dow Jones. Le prime cinque posizioni includevano squadre provenienti da Messico, Francia e Italia. Gli studenti hanno ricevuto esperienza pratica nel trading di futures su agricoltura, energia, metalli, indici azionari, tassi di interesse e forex. I vincitori riceveranno premi in denaro e tutti i partecipanti sono invitati a un esclusivo evento di formazione sui mercati il 9 dicembre.

CME Group anunció a los ganadores de su 21ª competencia anual de trading universitario, con la Universidad de Indiana ocupando el primer lugar. La competencia tuvo una participación récord, con casi 570 equipos de 180 universidades en 24 países. Los equipos comerciaron varios contratos de futuros utilizando la plataforma de trading simulada de CQG, con acceso a los feeds de noticias de Dow Jones. Los cinco primeros incluyeron equipos de México, Francia e Italia. Los estudiantes recibieron experiencia práctica en trading de futuros de agricultura, energía, metales, índices de acciones, tasas de interés y forex. Los ganadores recibirán premios en efectivo y todos los participantes están invitados a un evento exclusivo de educación sobre mercados el 9 de diciembre.

CME Group은 제21회 연례 대학 트레이딩 챌린지의 수상자를 발표했으며, 인디애나 대학교가 1위를 차지했습니다. 이번 대회는 24개국 180개 대학에서 거의 570개 팀이 참가하여 기록적인 참여를 보였습니다. 팀들은 CQG의 시뮬레이션 트레이딩 플랫폼을 이용해 다양한 선물 계약을 거래하며 다우 존스 뉴스피드에 접근할 수 있었습니다. 상위 5개 팀에는 멕시코, 프랑스, 이탈리아 팀이 포함되었습니다. 학생들은 농산물, 에너지, 금속, 주식 지수, 이자율 및 외환 선물 거래를 통해 실무 경험을 쌓았습니다. 수상자들은 현금 보상을 받고 모든 참가자는 12월 9일에 열리는 독점적인 시장 교육 행사에 초대됩니다.

CME Group a annoncé les gagnants de son 21e défi annuel de trading universitaire, avec l'Université de l'Indiana en première position. La compétition a connu une participation record avec près de 570 équipes provenant de 180 universités dans 24 pays. Les équipes ont échangé divers contrats à terme en utilisant la plateforme de trading simulée de CQG avec accès aux flux d'actualités de Dow Jones. Les cinq premières places comprenaient des équipes du Mexique, de France et d'Italie. Les étudiants ont acquis une expérience pratique en trading de contrats à terme sur l'agriculture, l'énergie, les métaux, les indices boursiers, les taux d'intérêt et le forex. Les gagnants recevront des prix en espèces et tous les participants sont invités à un événement exclusif de formation sur les marchés le 9 décembre.

CME Group hat die Gewinner seiner 21. jährlichen Hochschulhandels-Challenge bekannt gegeben, wobei die Indiana University den ersten Platz belegte. Der Wettbewerb verzeichnete eine Rekordteilnahme mit fast 570 Teams von 180 Universitäten aus 24 Ländern. Die Teams handelten mit verschiedenen Terminkontrakten über die simulierte Handelsplattform von CQG mit Zugang zu den Dow Jones-Nachrichtendiensten. Die Top fünf umfassten Teams aus Mexiko, Frankreich und Italien. Die Studenten erhielten praktische Erfahrungen im Handel mit Agrar-, Energie-, Metall-, Aktienindex-, Zins- und Forex-Futures. Die Gewinner erhalten Geldpreise, und alle Teilnehmer sind zu einer exklusiven Marktausbildungsveranstaltung am 9. Dezember eingeladen.

  • Record participation with 570 teams from 24 countries, indicating growing interest in CME's educational initiatives
  • Successful partnership with CQG providing real-time trading simulation platform
  • None.
  • Indiana University took first place, with the rest of the top five from outside the United States
  • Record participation from nearly 570 teams across 24 countries 

CHICAGO, Nov. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CME Group, the world's leading derivatives marketplace, today announced the winners of its 21th annual University Trading Challenge, led by Indiana University.

21st Annual CME Group University Trading Challenge Winners

Team Position

University Name


First Place

Indiana University

United States

Second Place

Tecnológico de Monterrey


Third Place

ESLSCA Business School in Paris


Fourth Place

ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara


Fifth Place

Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome


This year's four-week competition reached a new participation record, including nearly 570 teams of nearly 2,300 students from 24 countries. Participants represented 180 universities around the world.

Students learned hands-on techniques for trading agriculture, energy, metals, equity indices, interest rates and foreign exchange futures contracts using CQG's real-time simulated electronic trading platform. Throughout the challenge, students also received live market updates through Dow Jones newsfeeds and The Hightower Report.

"We are extremely pleased to have had a record number of schools from around the world compete in this year's University Trading Challenge and congratulate all the winners," said Anita Liskey, CME Group Senior Managing Director of Global Brand Marketing and Communications. "For more than two decades, CME Group has been introducing new generations to futures markets through this immersive, hands-on and fun trading experience." 

"Congratulations to all of the winners and participants in this year's University Trading Challenge," said Pat Kenny, SVP of Client Relations at CQG. "CQG remains committed to educating the next generation of derivatives traders. The competition offers students the unique opportunity to make trading decisions based on real-time CME Group data, CQG's analytics, commentary and real-time news feeds from Dow Jones, and executed with CQG's premier trade routing technology."

Students on the top five winning teams receive cash prizes, if eligible, and all participants from this year's trading challenge are invited to attend an exclusive one-day, in-person market education event on December 9.

CME Group provides a wide range of risk management education, including its CME Institute education hub, which offers detailed courses, webinars and videos on trading futures on options markets, as well as a trading simulator.

CME Group also partners with other industry organizations to offer educational tools, such as Futures Fundamentals, a one-stop educational resource to help learners of all levels understand futures markets and the role they play in everyday life.

As the world's leading derivatives marketplace, CME Group ( enables clients to trade futures, options, cash and OTC markets, optimize portfolios, and analyze data – empowering market participants worldwide to efficiently manage risk and capture opportunities. CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes based on interest ratesequity indexesforeign exchangeenergyagricultural products and metals.  The company offers futures and options on futures trading through the CME Globex platform, fixed income trading via BrokerTec and foreign exchange trading on the EBS platform.  In addition, it operates one of the world's leading central counterparty clearing providers, CME Clearing. 

CME Group, the Globe logo, CME, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Globex, and E-mini are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.  CBOT and Chicago Board of Trade are trademarks of Board of Trade of the City of Chicago, Inc.  NYMEX, New York Mercantile Exchange and ClearPort are trademarks of New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc.  COMEX is a trademark of Commodity Exchange, Inc. BrokerTec is a trademark of BrokerTec Americas LLC and EBS is a trademark of EBS Group LTD. The S&P 500 Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC ("S&P DJI"). "S&P®", "S&P 500®", "SPY®", "SPX®", US 500 and The 500 are trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC; Dow Jones®, DJIA® and Dow Jones Industrial Average are service and/or trademarks of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. These trademarks have been licensed for use by Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. Futures contracts based on the S&P 500 Index are not sponsored, endorsed, marketed, or promoted by S&P DJI, and S&P DJI makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in such products. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 



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Who won the 2024 CME Group University Trading Challenge?

Indiana University won first place in the 2024 CME Group University Trading Challenge.

How many teams participated in CME Group's 2024 University Trading Challenge?

Nearly 570 teams from 180 universities across 24 countries participated in the challenge.

What trading instruments were available in the 2024 CME Group Trading Challenge?

Participants could trade agriculture, energy, metals, equity indices, interest rates and foreign exchange futures contracts.

What platform was used for CME Group's 2024 University Trading Challenge?

The challenge used CQG's real-time simulated electronic trading platform with Dow Jones newsfeeds.

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