BrokerTec Sets New Single-Day Volume Record With Over $1 Trillion Notional Traded
CME Group's BrokerTec achieved a historic milestone on March 3, 2025, setting a new single-day volume record of $1.05 trillion in average daily notional volume (ADNV). This surpassed February 2025's ADNV of $909B, driven by record-breaking performance across multiple products.
Key volume highlights for March 3 included:
- U.S. Repo: $407B ADNV (second-largest U.S. Repo volume day)
- EU Repo: €350B ADNV
- U.S. Treasuries: $137B ADNV
John Edwards, Global Head of BrokerTec, attributed this success to increased client reliance during market uncertainty, particularly in cash Repo dealer-to-dealer CLOB trading. The record was further supported by growth in the dealer-to-client RFQ platform, BrokerTec Quote, and momentum in BrokerTec Stream offering.
BrokerTec di CME Group ha raggiunto un traguardo storico il 3 marzo 2025, stabilendo un nuovo record di volume per un singolo giorno di 1,05 trilioni di dollari in volume nominale medio giornaliero (ADNV). Questo ha superato l'ADNV di febbraio 2025 di 909 miliardi di dollari, grazie a performance record in diversi prodotti.
I principali punti salienti del volume per il 3 marzo includevano:
- Repo USA: 407 miliardi di dollari ADNV (secondo giorno di volume Repo USA più grande)
- Repo UE: 350 miliardi di euro ADNV
- Treasuries USA: 137 miliardi di dollari ADNV
John Edwards, Responsabile Globale di BrokerTec, ha attribuito questo successo all'aumento della fiducia dei clienti durante l'incertezza del mercato, in particolare nel trading CLOB tra dealer di cash Repo. Il record è stato ulteriormente supportato dalla crescita della piattaforma RFQ dealer-client, BrokerTec Quote, e dal slancio nell'offerta di BrokerTec Stream.
BrokerTec de CME Group alcanzó un hito histórico el 3 de marzo de 2025, estableciendo un nuevo récord de volumen diario de $1.05 billones en volumen nominal diario promedio (ADNV). Esto superó el ADNV de febrero de 2025 de $909 mil millones, impulsado por un rendimiento récord en múltiples productos.
Los aspectos más destacados del volumen del 3 de marzo incluyeron:
- Repo de EE. UU.: $407 mil millones de ADNV (segundo día de volumen de Repo de EE. UU. más grande)
- Repo de la UE: €350 mil millones de ADNV
- Bonos del Tesoro de EE. UU.: $137 mil millones de ADNV
John Edwards, Director Global de BrokerTec, atribuyó este éxito a la mayor confianza de los clientes durante la incertidumbre del mercado, particularmente en el trading CLOB de cash Repo entre dealers. El récord fue respaldado además por el crecimiento en la plataforma RFQ dealer-client, BrokerTec Quote, y el impulso en la oferta de BrokerTec Stream.
CME 그룹의 BrokerTec은 2025년 3월 3일 역사적인 이정표를 세우며 하루 평균 명목 거래량(ADNV)에서 1.05조 달러의 새로운 단일일 거래량 기록을 달성했습니다. 이는 2025년 2월의 ADNV인 9090억 달러를 초과하며, 여러 제품에서의 기록적인 성과에 의해 추진되었습니다.
3월 3일의 주요 거래량 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 미국 Repo: 4070억 달러 ADNV (두 번째로 큰 미국 Repo 거래량 날)
- EU Repo: 3500억 유로 ADNV
- 미국 재무부 채권: 1370억 달러 ADNV
John Edwards, BrokerTec의 글로벌 책임자는 시장 불확실성 속에서 고객의 의존도가 증가한 것, 특히 현금 Repo 딜러 간 CLOB 거래에서의 성공을 이 성과의 원인으로 꼽았습니다. 이 기록은 BrokerTec Quote의 딜러-클라이언트 RFQ 플랫폼의 성장과 BrokerTec Stream 제공의 모멘텀에 의해 더욱 지원받았습니다.
BrokerTec de CME Group a atteint un jalon historique le 3 mars 2025, établissant un nouveau record de volume quotidien de 1,05 trillion de dollars en volume nominal quotidien moyen (ADNV). Cela a surpassé l'ADNV de février 2025 de 909 milliards de dollars, grâce à des performances record dans plusieurs produits.
Les principaux points forts du volume du 3 mars comprenaient:
- Repo américain: 407 milliards de dollars ADNV (deuxième plus grand jour de volume Repo américain)
- Repo européen: 350 milliards d'euros ADNV
- Obligations du Trésor américain: 137 milliards de dollars ADNV
John Edwards, Responsable Mondial de BrokerTec, a attribué ce succès à la confiance accrue des clients en période d'incertitude sur le marché, en particulier dans le trading CLOB de cash Repo entre dealers. Ce record a été soutenu par la croissance de la plateforme RFQ dealer-client, BrokerTec Quote, et l'élan de l'offre BrokerTec Stream.
BrokerTec der CME Group erreichte am 3. März 2025 einen historischen Meilenstein, indem sie einen neuen Rekord für das tägliche Handelsvolumen von 1,05 Billionen Dollar im durchschnittlichen täglichen nominalen Volumen (ADNV) aufstellten. Dies übertraf das ADNV von Februar 2025 von 909 Milliarden Dollar, angetrieben durch rekordverdächtige Leistungen in mehreren Produkten.
Die wichtigsten Volumen-Höhepunkte für den 3. März umfassten:
- US Repo: 407 Milliarden Dollar ADNV (zweiter größter Tag für US Repo-Volumen)
- EU Repo: 350 Milliarden Euro ADNV
- US-Staatsanleihen: 137 Milliarden Dollar ADNV
John Edwards, Global Head von BrokerTec, führte diesen Erfolg auf das gestiegene Vertrauen der Kunden während der Marktunsicherheit zurück, insbesondere im Cash Repo Dealer-zu-Dealer CLOB-Handel. Der Rekord wurde zudem durch das Wachstum der Dealer-zu-Client RFQ-Plattform, BrokerTec Quote, und den Schwung im Angebot von BrokerTec Stream unterstützt.
- Record-breaking $1.05T single-day trading volume
- Second-highest U.S. Repo volume day ($407B)
- Strong EU Repo performance (€350B)
- Growth in dealer-to-client RFQ platform
- None.
CME Group's BrokerTec division has achieved a significant operational milestone with its record-breaking $1.05 trillion in single-day notional trading volume on March 3. This represents a
This record was driven by impressive performance across multiple product categories:
What makes this particularly noteworthy is the broad-based nature of the record across multiple trading platforms - their dealer-to-dealer central limit order book, dealer-to-client RFQ platform (BrokerTec Quote), and streaming offerings. This demonstrates the effectiveness of CME's multi-channel strategy in capturing trading flow across different market segments.
The timing of this volume spike during what management described as "market uncertainty" highlights BrokerTec's standing as a preferred liquidity venue during periods of volatility. This flight-to-quality behavior among institutional traders reinforces CME's position as a critical infrastructure provider in fixed income markets, particularly for short-term funding and risk management needs.
Additional March 3 volumes included:
U.S. Repo: ADNV, the second largest$407B U.S. Repo volume day ever;- EU Repo:
€350B ADNV; and U.S. Treasuries: ADNV.$137B
"During periods of market uncertainty, clients rely on BrokerTec's highly liquid benchmark cash Treasuries and Repo markets," said John Edwards, Global Head of BrokerTec. "Our record volume was driven by trading activity in our cash Repo dealer-to-dealer CLOB, which enables clients to secure short-term funding, manage collateral efficiently, and mitigate risk in volatile times. Ongoing growth in our dealer-to-client RFQ platform, BrokerTec Quote, and momentum in our BrokerTec Stream offering also contributed to this all-time record."
For more information, visit
As the world's leading derivatives marketplace, CME Group ( enables clients to trade futures, options, cash and OTC markets, optimize portfolios, and analyze data – empowering market participants worldwide to efficiently manage risk and capture opportunities. CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agricultural products and metals. The company offers futures and options on futures trading through the CME Globex platform, fixed income trading via BrokerTec and foreign exchange trading on the EBS platform. In addition, it operates one of the world's leading central counterparty clearing providers, CME Clearing.
CME Group, the Globe logo, CME, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Globex, and E-mini are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. CBOT and
BrokerTec Americas LLC. ("BAL") is a registered broker-dealer with the
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What record did BrokerTec achieve on March 3, 2025?
How much was CME's BrokerTec U.S. Repo trading volume on March 3, 2025?
What drove BrokerTec's record-breaking trading volume in March 2025?