CIBC donates US$100,000 to support Hurricane Helene relief efforts

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CIBC has announced a US$100,000 donation to the American Red Cross to support Hurricane Helene relief efforts. Shawn Beber, Senior Executive Vice-President and Group Head, CIBC US Region and President and CEO, CIBC Bank USA, expressed solidarity with clients and team members across North America in supporting those impacted by the hurricane.

The bank is encouraging individuals and companies to contribute to the American Red Cross for ongoing disaster relief efforts. Funds raised will enable the Red Cross to provide immediate and ongoing relief activities in response to the widespread disaster caused by Hurricane Helene.

CIBC ha annunciato una donazione di 100.000 USD alla Croce Rossa Americana per sostenere gli sforzi di soccorso per l'uragano Helene. Shawn Beber, Vicepresidente Esecutivo Senior e Capo del Gruppo della Regione CIBC US e Presidente e CEO di CIBC Bank USA, ha espresso solidarietà con i clienti e i membri del team in tutto il Nord America nel sostenere coloro che sono stati colpiti dall'uragano.

La banca incoraggia individui e aziende a contribuire alla Croce Rossa Americana per gli sforzi continuativi di aiuto in caso di calamità. I fondi raccolti consentiranno alla Croce Rossa di fornire attività di soccorso immediate e continuative in risposta alla vasta calamità causata dall'uragano Helene.

CIBC ha anunciado una a la Cruz Roja Americana para apoyar los esfuerzos de ayuda para el huracán Helene. Shawn Beber, Presidente Ejecutivo Senior y Jefe del Grupo de la Región CIBC US y Presidente y CEO de CIBC Bank USA, expresó su solidaridad con los clientes y miembros del equipo en todo América del Norte al apoyar a aquellos impactados por el huracán.

El banco está alentando a individuos y empresas a contribuir a la Cruz Roja Americana para los esfuerzos continuos de ayuda en desastres. Los fondos recaudados permitirán que la Cruz Roja brinde actividades de ayuda inmediatas y continuas en respuesta a la amplia calamidad causada por el huracán Helene.

CIBC는 미국 적십자에 100,000달러 기부를 발표하여 허리케인 헬렌 구호 활동을 지원합니다. CIBC 미국 지역 수석 부사장이자 CIBC Bank USA의 회장 및 CEO인 Shawn Beber는 허리케인으로 영향을 받은 이들을 지원하며 북미 전역의 고객과 팀원들과 연대감을 표현했습니다.

은행은 개인과 기업이 지속적인 재해 구호 활동을 위해 미국 적십자에 기여할 것을 권장하고 있습니다. 모금된 기금은 적십자가 허리케인 헬렌으로 인한 광범위한 재해에 대응하여 즉각적이고 지속적인 구호 활동을 제공할 수 있도록 할 것입니다.

CIBC a annoncé un don de 100 000 USD à la Croix-Rouge américaine pour soutenir les efforts de secours liés à l'ouragan Helene. Shawn Beber, vice-président exécutif senior et chef de groupe de la région CIBC des États-Unis et président et CEO de CIBC Bank USA, a exprimé sa solidarité avec les clients et les membres de l'équipe à travers l'Amérique du Nord pour soutenir ceux qui ont été touchés par l'ouragan.

La banque encourage les particuliers et les entreprises à contribuer à la Croix-Rouge américaine pour les efforts de secours continus. Les fonds recueillis permettront à la Croix-Rouge de fournir des activités de secours immédiates et continues en réponse à la catastrophe généralisée causée par l'ouragan Helene.

CIBC hat eine Spende in Höhe von 100.000 US-Dollar an das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz angekündigt, um die Hilfsmaßnahmen für den Hurrikan Helene zu unterstützen. Shawn Beber, Senior Executive Vice President und Gruppenleiter der CIBC US Region sowie Präsident und CEO der CIBC Bank USA, äußerte seine Solidarität mit den Kunden und Teammitgliedern in Nordamerika zur Unterstützung der von dem Hurrikan betroffenen Personen.

Die Bank ermutigt Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen, einen Beitrag an das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz für die laufenden Katastrophenhilfsmaßnahmen zu leisten. Die gesammelten Mittel werden dem Roten Kreuz ermöglichen, umgehend und fortlaufend Hilfsaktionen als Reaktion auf die weitreichenden Katastrophen, die durch den Hurrikan Helene verursacht wurden, bereitzustellen.

  • None.
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TORONTO and CHICAGO, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CIBC today announced it is donating US$100,000 to the American Red Cross to support Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

"We join our clients and team members across North America in supporting efforts to help those impacted by Hurricane Helene," said Shawn Beber, Senior Executive Vice-President and Group Head, CIBC US Region and President and CEO, CIBC Bank USA. "Our thoughts are with the communities that have been affected by this widespread disaster."

Individuals and companies that wish to help with ongoing disaster relief efforts are invited to donate to the American Red Cross. Money raised will enable the Red Cross to provide immediate and ongoing relief activities in response to the disaster.

About CIBC
CIBC is a leading North American financial institution with 14 million personal banking, business, public sector and institutional clients. Across Personal and Business Banking, Commercial Banking and Wealth Management, and Capital Markets, CIBC offers a full range of advice, solutions and services through its leading digital banking network, and locations across Canada, in the United States and around the world. Ongoing news releases and more information about CIBC can be found at

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How much did CIBC (CM) donate for Hurricane Helene relief efforts?

CIBC (CM) donated US$100,000 to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

When did CIBC (CM) announce its donation for Hurricane Helene relief?

CIBC (CM) announced its donation for Hurricane Helene relief on October 2, 2024.

Who can donate to support Hurricane Helene relief efforts according to CIBC (CM)?

According to CIBC (CM), both individuals and companies can donate to the American Red Cross to support ongoing Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

What will the donations to the American Red Cross be used for in relation to Hurricane Helene?

Donations to the American Red Cross will be used to provide immediate and ongoing relief activities in response to the disaster caused by Hurricane Helene.

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