Clarivate Reveals Citation Laureates 2024

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Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT) has unveiled its Citation Laureates™ 2024 list, recognizing 22 exceptional scientists and economists from six countries whose work is considered of Nobel stature. These individuals have made significant contributions in areas such as clean energy, nanotechnology, 3D protein structures, and quantum computing. The list includes 11 researchers from the US, six from the UK, two from Switzerland, and one each from Germany, Israel, and Japan.

Clarivate's Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)™ has successfully identified 75 Citation Laureates prior to their Nobel success. The selection process is based on publication and citation data from the Web of Science™, focusing on authors whose papers have been cited more than 2,000 times. This year's laureates span fields including Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, and Economics.

Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT) ha svelato la sua lista dei Citation Laureates™ 2024, che riconosce 22 scienziati ed economisti eccezionali provenienti da sei paesi, il cui lavoro è considerato di statura Nobel. Questi individui hanno dato un contributo significativo in aree come energia pulita, nanotecnologia, strutture proteiche 3D e calcolo quantistico. La lista include 11 ricercatori dagli Stati Uniti, sei dal Regno Unito, due dalla Svizzera e uno ciascuno dalla Germania, Israele e Giappone.

L'Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)™ di Clarivate ha identificato con successo 75 Citation Laureates prima del loro successo Nobel. Il processo di selezione si basa su dati di pubblicazione e citazione dal Web of Science™, focalizzandosi su autori le cui pubblicazioni sono state citate più di 2.000 volte. I premiati di quest'anno coprono campi che includono Fisiologia o Medicina, Fisica, Chimica ed Economia.

Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT) ha desvelado su lista de Citation Laureates™ 2024, reconociendo a 22 científicos y economistas excepcionales de seis países, cuyo trabajo es considerado de estatura Nobel. Estos individuos han hecho contribuciones significativas en áreas como energía limpia, nanotecnología, estructuras de proteínas 3D y computación cuántica. La lista incluye 11 investigadores de Estados Unidos, seis del Reino Unido, dos de Suiza y uno de Alemania, Israel y Japón.

El Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)™ de Clarivate ha identificado con éxito a 75 Citation Laureates antes de su éxito Nobel. El proceso de selección se basa en datos de publicación y citación del Web of Science™, enfocándose en autores cuyas publicaciones han sido citadas más de 2,000 veces. Los laureados de este año abarcan campos que incluyen Fisiología o Medicina, Física, Química y Economía.

Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT)가 2024년 Citation Laureates™ 목록을 발표했습니다. 이 목록에서는 여섯 개국에서 온 22명의 뛰어난 과학자 및 경제학자들이 노벨 수준의 업적을 인정받습니다. 이들은 청정 에너지, 나노기술, 3D 단백질 구조, 양자 컴퓨팅 분야에서 중요한 기여를 했습니다. 이 목록에는 미국 출신 연구자 11명, 영국 6명, 스위스 2명, 독일, 이스라엘, 일본 각각 1명이 포함되어 있습니다.

Clarivate의 과학 정보 연구소(ISI)™는 노벨 성공 이전에 75명의 Citation Laureates를 성공적으로 식별했습니다. 선정 과정은 Web of Science™의 출판 및 인용 데이터를 기반으로 하며, 논문이 2,000회 이상 인용된 저자에게 중점을 둡니다. 올해의 수상자는 생리학 또는 의학, 물리학, 화학 및 경제학 분야에 걸쳐 있습니다.

Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT) a dévoilé sa liste des Citation Laureates™ 2024, reconnaissant 22 scientifiques et économistes exceptionnels de six pays, dont le travail est considéré comme de stature Nobel. Ces individus ont apporté des contributions significatives dans des domaines tels que l'énergie propre, la nanotechnologie, les structures protéiques 3D et l'informatique quantique. La liste comprend 11 chercheurs des États-Unis, six du Royaume-Uni, deux de Suisse et un de chacun d'Allemagne, d'Israël et du Japon.

L'Institut for Scientific Information (ISI)™ de Clarivate a réussi à identifier 75 Citation Laureates avant leur succès au Prix Nobel. Le processus de sélection est basé sur les données de publication et de citation du Web of Science™, en se concentrant sur les auteurs dont les articles ont été cités plus de 2 000 fois. Les lauréats de cette année couvrent des domaines tels que la physiologie ou la médecine, la physique, la chimie et l'économie.

Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT) hat seine Liste der Citation Laureates™ 2024 veröffentlicht und anerkennt 22 außergewöhnliche Wissenschaftler und Ökonomen aus sechs Ländern, deren Arbeit als Nobelwürdig gilt. Diese Individuen haben bedeutende Beiträge in Bereichen wie saubere Energie, Nanotechnologie, 3D-Proteinstrukturen und Quantencomputing geleistet. Die Liste umfasst 11 Forscher aus den USA, sechs aus dem Vereinigten Königreich, zwei aus der Schweiz und jeweils einen aus Deutschland, Israel und Japan.

Das Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)™ von Clarivate hat erfolgreich 75 Citation Laureates vor ihrem Nobel-Erfolg identifiziert. Der Auswahlprozess basiert auf Publikations- und Zitationsdaten aus dem Web of Science™ und konzentriert sich auf Autoren, deren Arbeiten mehr als 2.000 Mal zitiert wurden. Die diesjährigen Laureaten repräsentieren Bereiche wie Physiologie oder Medizin, Physik, Chemie und Wirtschaft.

  • Clarivate's Citation Laureates program has accurately predicted 75 future Nobel Prize recipients
  • The company's Web of Science database provides valuable insights for identifying highly influential researchers
  • Recognition of Clarivate's expertise in analyzing scientific impact and predicting future Nobel laureates
  • None.

Annual recognition highlights researchers with extraordinary citation records and societal impact, poised for Nobel recognition

LONDON, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today unveiled the Citation Laureates™ 2024 list – used to forecast future Nobel Prize recipients. These 22 exceptional scientists and economists spanning six countries have demonstrated such groundbreaking impact in their fields that their work is considered of Nobel stature. Experts at the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)™ at Clarivate™ have identified 75 Citation Laureates prior to their Nobel success – often several years before they received Nobel honors.

This year's Citation Laureates have made significant contributions to advancing key areas, including clean energy, nanotechnology, 3D protein structures, the economic impact of corruption, heart disease, molecular dynamics, quantum computing, genetic imprinting and condensed matter physics.

The list highlights 22 individuals based at leading academic institutions and corporate organizations. This year, 11 are based in the United States, six in the United Kingdom, two in Switzerland, and one each in Germany, Israel and Japan. These individuals have authored foundational research papers in their fields that are exceptionally highly cited and have had a broad societal impact.

John M. Jumper, Director at Google DeepMind and a Citation Laureate 2024, said: "Being named a Citation Laureate is a recognition of the impact our work has had – it's not just about our discovery, but about the groundbreaking science being done on top of our discovery. This award recognizes that we are the shoulders on which other researchers are standing to see further. I'm deeply passionate that we're able to make the work of scientists faster so medicine and science can work better for society."

Demis Hassabis, CEO and Co-Founder at Google DeepMind and a Citation Laureate 2024, said: "I'm deeply honored to be named a Citation Laureate for 2024. I've dedicated my career to AI because of its potential to advance science and improve billions of lives, and AlphaFold is the first proof point of this promise. AlphaFold has been used by over 2 million researchers to advance critical work, from enzyme design to drug discovery. I believe AI will be one of the most beneficial technologies ever, enabling cures for devastating diseases, delivering truly personalized medicine, and powering 'science at digital speed'."

Emmanuel Thiveaud, Senior Vice President for Research & Analytics, Academia & Government at Clarivate said: "The Citation Laureates program is a tribute to the visionary minds driving innovation and societal impact across diverse fields of research. Their influence, evidenced by their extensive citation records, highlights the significant impact of their work on shaping future discoveries and contributions to societal progress. At Clarivate, we are proud to spotlight these pioneering individuals whose work offers transformative potential."

Since 2002, analysts at the Institute for Scientific Information have drawn on publication and citation data from trusted journals in the Web of Science™ to identify potential Nobel Prize recipients in the fields of Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry and Economics. Out of nearly 61 million articles and proceedings indexed in the Web of Science since 1970, only 0.01% have been cited more than 2,000 times. Citation Laureates are selected from the authors of this group of papers.

The Citation Laureates 2024 are:

Physiology or Medicine

Jonathan C. Cohen, C. Vincent Prothro Distinguished Chair in Human Nutrition Research, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United States, and

Helen H. Hobbs, Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Professor of Internal Medicine and Molecular Genetics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United States

For research on the genetics of lipid metabolism, which has led to new drugs to treat cardiovascular diseases

Ann M. Graybiel, Institute Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and Investigator, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, and

Okihide Hikosaka, NIH Distinguished Investigator, Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, and

Wolfram Schultz, Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience, and Professorial Fellow, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Associate, Division of Human & Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, United States

For physiological studies of the basal ganglia, central to motor control and behavior including learning

Davor Solter, Emeritus Director and Member, Department of Developmental Biology, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany, and

Azim Surani, Director of Germline and Epigenetics Research, Gurdon Institute; and Affiliated Professor, Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

For the discovery of genomic imprinting, advancing our understanding of epigenetics and mammalian development


Rafi Bistritzer, Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, and

Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, and

Allan H. MacDonald, Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair in Physics, Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States

For pioneering theoretical and experimental contributions to the physics of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene and related moiré quantum devices

David Deutsch, Visiting Professor of Physics, Centre for Quantum Computation, Clarendon Laboratory, and Honorary Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, and

Peter W. Shor, Henry Adams Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

For revolutionary contributions to quantum algorithms and computing

Christoph Gerber, Professor, Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI), Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

For invention and application of atomic force microscopy


David Baker, Professor of Biochemistry, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, and Director of the Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington, United States, and

John M. Jumper, Director, Google DeepMind, London, United Kingdom, and

Demis Hassabis, CEO and Co-Founder, Google DeepMind, London, United Kingdom

For contributions to the prediction and design of three-dimensional protein structures and functions

Kazunari Domen, Special Contract Professor, Institute for Aqua Regeneration, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan; University Professor, Office of University Professors, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

For fundamental research on photocatalysts for water splitting and the construction of solar hydrogen production systems

Roberto Car, Ralph W. *31 Dornte Professor in Chemistry, Professor of Chemistry and the Princeton Materials Institute; Director, Chemistry in Solution and at Interfaces Computational Chemical Science Center; Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States, and

Michele Parrinello, Professor Emeritus of Computational Science at the Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland; Professor Emeritus at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

For the Car-Parrinello method for calculating ab-initio molecular dynamics, a revolution in computational chemistry


Janet Currie, Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States

For pioneering economic analysis of child development

Partha Dasgupta, Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

For integrating nature and its resources in the human economy

Paolo Mauro, Director, Economic and Market Research Department, International Finance Corporation, Washington, D.C., United States

For empirical studies of the effects of corruption on investment and economic growth

Notes to editors:
To learn more about the list's methodology and view our full list of Citation Laureates named since 2002, visit the Hall of Citation Laureates.

David Pendlebury, Head of Research Analysis at the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate is available for interview.

This year's Nobel Prize announcements will take place 7–14 October. All the announcements will be streamed live at

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SOURCE Clarivate Plc


How many Citation Laureates did Clarivate (CLVT) name for 2024?

Clarivate named 22 Citation Laureates for 2024, spanning six countries and various fields of research.

What is the success rate of Clarivate's (CLVT) Citation Laureates program in predicting Nobel Prize winners?

Clarivate's Institute for Scientific Information has successfully identified 75 Citation Laureates prior to their Nobel success.

How does Clarivate (CLVT) select Citation Laureates?

Clarivate selects Citation Laureates based on publication and citation data from the Web of Science, focusing on authors whose papers have been cited more than 2,000 times.

Which research fields are represented in Clarivate's (CLVT) 2024 Citation Laureates list?

The 2024 Citation Laureates list includes researchers in Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, and Economics.

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