Cellebrite’s Generative AI Innovations Deliver a Powerful Assistant to Expedite Investigations
Cellebrite (NASDAQ: CLBT) announced the general availability of Generative AI (GenAI) capabilities within Guardian, its SaaS-based evidence management solution. The new features help public safety agencies process digital evidence more efficiently by:
- Summarizing chat threads from smartphones containing an average of 60,000 text messages
- Providing relationship insights for investigating complex crime networks
- Analyzing browsing history by breaking down complex URLs and contextualizing searches
Detective Sergeant Aaron Osman from Susquehanna Township Police Department reported that the GenAI capabilities helped translate and summarize chats between suspects, leading to the discovery of an international organized crime ring involved in porch package thefts. According to Cellebrite's industry survey, while 30% of respondents noticed increased AI-related criminal activity, 64% believe AI technology can help reduce crime.
Cellebrite (NASDAQ: CLBT) ha annunciato la disponibilità generale delle capacità di Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa (GenAI) all'interno di Guardian, la sua soluzione di gestione delle prove basata su SaaS. Le nuove funzionalità assistono le agenzie di pubblica sicurezza nel trattare le prove digitali in modo più efficiente attraverso:
- Riassunti delle conversazioni via chat da smartphone contenenti una media di 60.000 messaggi di testo
- Fornire analisi delle relazioni per indagare su reti criminali complesse
- Analisi della cronologia di navigazione, suddividendo URL complessi e contestualizzando le ricerche
Il Sergente Investigatore Aaron Osman del Dipartimento di Polizia di Susquehanna Township ha riportato che le capacità di GenAI hanno aiutato a tradurre e riassumere le chat tra i sospetti, portando alla scoperta di un'anello criminale organizzato internazionale coinvolto nei furti di pacchi sulla veranda. Secondo un'indagine di settore condotta da Cellebrite, mentre il 30% degli intervistati ha notato un aumento delle attività criminali legate all'IA, il 64% ritiene che la tecnologia AI possa contribuire a ridurre il crimine.
Cellebrite (NASDAQ: CLBT) anunció la disponibilidad general de las capacidades de Inteligencia Artificial Generativa (GenAI) dentro de Guardian, su solución de gestión de evidencias basada en SaaS. Las nuevas funciones ayudan a las agencias de seguridad pública a procesar evidencia digital de manera más eficiente mediante:
- Resumir hilos de chat desde teléfonos inteligentes que contienen un promedio de 60,000 mensajes de texto
- Proporcionar información sobre relaciones para investigar redes criminales complejas
- Analizar el historial de navegación desglosando URL complejas y contextualizando búsquedas
El Sargento Detective Aaron Osman del Departamento de Policía de Susquehanna Township informó que las capacidades de GenAI ayudaron a traducir y resumir chats entre sospechosos, lo que llevó al descubrimiento de una red de crimen organizado internacional involucrada en el robo de paquetes en las veredas. Según una encuesta de la industria realizada por Cellebrite, mientras que el 30% de los encuestados notó un aumento en la actividad criminal relacionada con la IA, el 64% cree que la tecnología de IA puede ayudar a reducir el crimen.
셀레브라이트 (NASDAQ: CLBT)는 Guardian이라는 SaaS 기반 증거 관리 솔루션에 생성적 인공지능(GenAI) 기능을 일반에 제공한다고 발표했습니다. 새로운 기능은 공공 안전 기관이 디지털 증거를 보다 효율적으로 처리하는 데 도움을 줍니다:
- 평균 60,000개의 문자 메시지를 포함하는 스마트폰의 채팅 스레드 요약
- 복잡한 범죄 네트워크를 조사하는 데 필요한 관계 통찰 제공
- 복잡한 URL을 분석하고 검색을 맥락화하여 탐색 기록 분석
Susquehanna 타운십 경찰서의 아론 오스만 경위는 GenAI 기능이 용의자 간의 채팅을 번역하고 요약하는 데 도움을 주어, 현관에서의 소포 도난에 연루된 국제 조직범죄단을 발견하는 데 기여했다고 보고했습니다. 셀레브라이트의 산업 조사에 따르면, 응답자의 30%가 AI 관련 범죄 활동 증가를 인지한 반면, 64%는 AI 기술이 범죄를 줄이는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다고 믿고 있습니다.
Cellebrite (NASDAQ: CLBT) a annoncé la disponibilité générale des capacités d'Intelligence Artificielle Générative (GenAI) au sein de Guardian, sa solution de gestion des preuves basée sur le SaaS. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités aident les agences de sécurité publique à traiter les preuves numériques de manière plus efficace en :
- Résumant les fils de conversation des smartphones contenant en moyenne 60 000 messages texte
- Fournissant des analyses de relations pour enquêter sur des réseaux criminels complexes
- Analysant l'historique de navigation en décomposant des URL complexes et en contextualisant les recherches
Le Sergent Détective Aaron Osman du Département de Police de Susquehanna Township a rapporté que les capacités de GenAI ont aidé à traduire et à résumer des discussions entre suspects, conduisant à la découverte d'un réseau de crime organisé international impliqué dans le vol de colis sur les porches. Selon une enquête sectorielle réalisée par Cellebrite, bien que 30 % des répondants aient remarqué une augmentation de l'activité criminelle liée à l'IA, 64 % estiment que la technologie de l'IA peut aider à réduire la criminalité.
Cellebrite (NASDAQ: CLBT) hat die allgemeine Verfügbarkeit von Generativen KI (GenAI) Fähigkeiten innerhalb von Guardian, seiner SaaS-basierten Lösung zur Verwaltung von Beweisen, angekündigt. Die neuen Funktionen helfen den Behörden für öffentliche Sicherheit, digitale Beweise effizienter zu verarbeiten, indem sie:
- Unterhaltungen aus Smartphones zusammenfassen, die im Durchschnitt 60.000 Textnachrichten enthalten
- Beziehungsanalysen für die Untersuchung komplexer Kriminalnetzwerke bereitstellen
- Die Verlaufsdaten analysieren, indem sie komplexe URLs aufschlüsseln und Suchanfragen kontextualisieren
Detektivsergeant Aaron Osman von der Polizei Susquehanna Township berichtete, dass die GenAI-Funktionen dabei halfen, Chats zwischen Verdächtigen zu übersetzen und zusammenzufassen, was zur Entdeckung eines internationalen organisierten Verbrecherrings führte, der in Diebstähle von Paketen auf Veranden verwickelt war. Laut einer Branchenumfrage von Cellebrite bemerkten 30 % der Befragten eine Zunahme von KI-bezogenen kriminellen Aktivitäten, während 64 % glauben, dass KI-Technologie dazu beitragen kann, Kriminalität zu reduzieren.
- Integration of GenAI capabilities into existing SaaS solution enhances product offering
- Successful pilot implementation led to uncovering international crime network
- 64% of survey respondents believe AI technology can help reduce crime
- 30% of respondents report increase in AI-related criminal activity
Cellebrite's rollout of GenAI capabilities in Guardian represents a strategic evolution in the digital forensics market. This development is particularly significant for three key reasons:
- The solution addresses a critical market need: With smartphones containing an average of 60,000 text messages, the ability to rapidly analyze and contextualize this data can dramatically reduce investigation time and costs for law enforcement agencies.
- The SaaS-based delivery model positions Cellebrite for recurring revenue growth. By integrating GenAI into their existing Guardian platform, they've created a compelling upgrade opportunity for their installed base while potentially increasing customer retention.
- The technology's ability to handle multilingual content and complex relationship mapping significantly expands its utility across international markets, opening new growth vectors.
What's particularly compelling is the solution's demonstrated capability to uncover complex criminal networks, as evidenced in the Susquehanna Township case study. This suggests potential for higher-value enterprise contracts, especially with agencies handling cross-jurisdictional investigations.
The timing is especially strategic, with 64% of surveyed agencies viewing AI as a crime reduction tool. This positive sentiment could accelerate adoption rates, particularly as agencies face increasing digital evidence volumes and resource constraints.
From a competitive standpoint, this positions Cellebrite ahead in the race to integrate advanced AI capabilities into digital forensics platforms. The focus on ethical AI integration and rigorous testing throughout 2024 also addresses potential concerns about AI reliability in legal contexts, which is important for maintaining market leadership in the judicial sector.
TYSONS CORNER, Va. and PETAH TIKVA, Israel, Feb. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cellebrite (NASDAQ: CLBT), a global leader in premier Digital Investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced the general availability of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) capabilities within Guardian, the Company’s SaaS-based evidence management solution.
By incorporating GenAI into Guardian, public safety agencies benefit from AI-driven productivity. Users can now form a more complete picture by quickly summarizing and contextualizing vast amounts of data, such as hours of audio messages or lengthy text message strings. Keywords and thematic direction accelerate an agency’s mission and empowers investigators who are reading, analyzing and validating the data with more insight on where to look next, including:
- Chat thread summarization – With today’s smartphones containing 60,000 text messages on average, investigators save time reviewing the context of the messages, even if in a foreign language, to help prioritize which threads may be most relevant.
- Relationship insight – Quickly understanding relationships between people is critical in investigations and this feature is a real value-add when investigating complex crime networks.
- Browsing history analysis – Often buried and hard to decipher, this component breaks down complex URLs and contextualizes exactly what was searched and when the search was conducted.
“It is impossible to calculate the hours it would have taken to link a series of porch package thefts to an international organized crime ring,” said Detective Sergeant Aaron Osman with Susquehanna Township, Pennsylvania Police Department, who recently piloted the solution. “The GenAI capabilities within Guardian helped us translate and summarize the chats between suspects, which gave us immediate insights into the large criminal network we were dealing with.”
“This innovation marks a significant and tangible milestone in our efforts to accelerate the speed of investigations,” said Ronnen Armon, Cellebrite chief products and technologies officer. “Rather than trying to manually find the proverbial needle in a haystack, the GenAI acts as an assistant and guide to help law enforcement professionals identify powerful digital evidence that can advance an investigation and make communities safer.”
Cellebrite’s annual Industry Trends survey showed that while three in 10 respondents have seen an uptick in AI-related criminal activity,
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About Cellebrite
Cellebrite’s (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Investigation platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more, visit us at www.cellebrite.com, https://investors.cellebrite.com, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite.
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