The Cigna Group Issues 2024 Vitality In America Report, Revealing Increased Optimism Among Young Americans and Offering Insights on Workforce Health and Engagement

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The Cigna Group's 2024 Vitality In America Report reveals a 2% increase in high vitality among Americans, the first improvement since 2022. Key findings include:

1. Gen Z adults show the lowest vitality but significant improvements in autonomy and competence.
2. Sleep quality is strongly linked to vitality, with high vitality individuals 5x more likely to feel well-rested.
3. High vitality workers demonstrate greater job satisfaction and performance.
4. Manager relationships significantly impact worker mental health and vitality.
5. Prolonged sitting during work hours negatively affects vitality.

The report suggests opportunities for employers to enhance workforce vitality through improved workplace connections, manager-employee discussions, and promotion of health benefits.

aumento del 2% nella vitalità alta tra gli americani, il primo miglioramento dal 2022. I risultati chiave includono:

1. Gli mostrano la vitalità più bassa, ma con miglioramenti significativi in autonomia e competenza.
2. La qualità del sonno è fortemente collegata alla vitalità, con individui ad alta vitalità che hanno 5 volte più probabilità di sentirsi riposati.
3. I lavoratori ad alta vitalità dimostrano maggiore soddisfazione e performance lavorativa.
4. Le relazioni con i manager impattano significativamente sulla salute mentale e vitalità dei lavoratori.
5. Il sitting prolungato durante le ore lavorative influisce negativamente sulla vitalità.

Il rapporto suggerisce opportunità per i datori di lavoro di migliorare la vitalità della forza lavoro attraverso migliori connessioni sul posto di lavoro, discussioni tra manager e dipendenti e promozione dei benefici per la salute.

El Informe Vitality In America 2024 del Cigna Group revela un aumento del 2% en la alta vitalidad entre los estadounidenses, la primera mejora desde 2022. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Los adultos de la Generación Z muestran la vitalidad más baja, pero han tenido mejoras significativas en autonomía y competencia.
2. La calidad del sueño está fuertemente relacionada con la vitalidad, siendo los individuos con alta vitalidad 5 veces más propensos a sentirse descansados.
3. Los trabajadores de alta vitalidad demuestran una mayor satisfacción y rendimiento laboral.
4. Las relaciones con los gerentes impactan significativamente la salud mental y vitalidad de los trabajadores.
5. El sentarse prolongadamente durante las horas de trabajo afecta negativamente la vitalidad.

El informe sugiere oportunidades para que los empleadores mejoren la vitalidad de su fuerza laboral a través de mejores conexiones en el lugar de trabajo, discusiones entre gerentes y empleados, y promoción de beneficios de salud.

Cigna 그룹의 2024 Vitality In America 리포트는 미국인들 사이에서 2%의 높은 활력 증가를 보여주며, 이는 2022년 이후 첫 개선입니다. 주요 발견은 다음과 같습니다:

1. Z세대 성인은 가장 낮은 활력을 보이지만 자율성과 능력에서 유의미한 개선이 있습니다.
2. 수면의 질이 활력과 밀접한 관련이 있으며, 높은 활력을 가진 사람들이 5배 더 잘 쉬었다고 생각합니다.
3. 높은 활력의 근로자는 직무 만족도와 성과가 더 높습니다.
4. 매니저와의 관계가 근로자의 정신 건강과 활력에 유의미한 영향을 미칩니다.
5. 근무 시간 중에 오래 앉아 있는 것이 활력에 부정적인 영향을 미칩니다.

이 리포트는 고용주가 직장 내 연결을 개선하고, 매니저-직원 간의 논의를 진행하며, 건강 혜택을 홍보함으로써 근로자의 활력을 높일 수 있는 기회를 제안합니다.

Le rapport Vitality In America 2024 du groupe Cigna révèle une augmentation de 2% de la haute vitalité parmi les Américains, la première amélioration depuis 2022. Les résultats clés comprennent :

1. Les adultes de la Génération Z montrent la plus basse vitalité, mais des améliorations significatives en autonomie et compétence.
2. La qualité du sommeil est fortement liée à la vitalité, les individus ayant une haute vitalité étant 5 fois plus enclins à se sentir bien reposés.
3. Les travailleurs à haute vitalité démontrent une plus grande satisfaction au travail et performance.
4. Les relations avec les managers ont un impact significatif sur la santé mentale des travailleurs et leur vitalité.
5. Le sommeil prolongé au travail affecte négativement la vitalité.

Le rapport suggère des opportunités pour les employeurs d'améliorer la vitalité de leur main-d'œuvre grâce à de meilleures connexions au travail, des discussions entre managers et employés, et la promotion des avantages de santé.

Der Vitality In America Bericht 2024 der Cigna Gruppe zeigt einen 2%igen Anstieg der hohen Vitalität unter den Amerikanern, die erste Verbesserung seit 2022. Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

1. Generation Z-Erwachsene zeigen die niedrigste Vitalität, jedoch signifikante Verbesserungen in Autonomie und Kompetenz.
2. Schlafqualität steht in starkem Zusammenhang mit Vitalität, wobei Personen mit hoher Vitalität 5-mal wahrscheinlicher gut ausgeruht sind.
3. Hochvitalarbeitnehmer zeigen eine höhere Arbeitszufriedenheit und Leistung.
4. Beziehungen zu Vorgesetzten haben einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die psychische Gesundheit und Vitalität der Mitarbeiter.
5. Verlängertes Sitzen während der Arbeitszeit wirkt sich negativ auf die Vitalität aus.

Der Bericht schlägt vor, dass Arbeitgeber Möglichkeiten haben, die Vitalität ihrer Mitarbeiter durch verbesserte Arbeitsplatzverbindungen, Gespräche zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern sowie die Förderung von Gesundheitsleistungen zu steigern.

  • 2% increase in people with high vitality, first improvement since 2022
  • Gen Z adults show double-digit improvements in vitality building blocks
  • 86% of high vitality employees are ready to work harder to help their workplace succeed
  • High vitality workers are more than 4x as likely to feel understood by their manager
  • Americans continue to report concerning levels of stress, poor mental health, and loneliness
  • Quality of sleep is declining, with only 45% waking up feeling rested compared to 53% in 2022
  • 1 in 6 workers are completely sedentary, spending the 8-hour workday sitting down
  • Workers who sit for 6+ hours daily have lower vitality, poorer health, and engage in fewer healthy behaviors


The Cigna Group's 2024 Vitality In America Report offers valuable insights for investors in the healthcare sector. The 2% increase in high vitality individuals signals a positive trend in overall health and wellbeing, which could translate to reduced healthcare costs and increased demand for preventive services.

The report's findings on Gen Z adults show promise for future market growth. Their improved autonomy and competence suggest a potential increase in engagement with health services and products tailored to this demographic. This presents opportunities for companies to develop targeted offerings.

The strong correlation between sleep quality and vitality highlights a potential market for sleep-related products and services. With 45% of people waking up feeling rested compared to 53% in 2022, there's a clear need for solutions in this area.

For Cigna, these insights could inform product development and marketing strategies, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue growth in the long term. Investors should monitor how Cigna leverages this data to enhance its service offerings and competitive position in the health insurance and healthcare services market.

While the Vitality In America Report doesn't provide direct financial figures, it offers valuable insights into potential revenue streams and cost-saving opportunities for Cigna and the broader healthcare sector.

The link between high vitality and job performance suggests that employers may be more willing to invest in comprehensive health plans that promote vitality. This could lead to increased demand for Cigna's corporate health solutions, potentially driving revenue growth.

The report's findings on prolonged sitting and its impact on vitality present an opportunity for Cigna to develop and market workplace wellness programs. This could open up a new revenue stream in the corporate wellness market, estimated to reach $93.4 billion globally by 2028.

Moreover, the focus on preventive care and vitality improvement could lead to reduced claims in the long term, positively impacting Cigna's profitability. Investors should watch for initiatives leveraging these insights and their impact on Cigna's financial performance in upcoming quarters.

  • Third annual Vitality In America study shows more people achieving high vitality, driven by improved sense of energy. 
  • While Gen Z adults continue to have the lowest overall vitality, they are feeling more confident, capable, and optimistic.
  • People with high vitality are more than 5X as likely to wake up feeling well-rested, underlining strong link between sleep quality and vitality.
  • Prolonged sitting during the workday is tied to low vitality, with one in 6 workers sitting for more than 8 hours per day.

BLOOMFIELD, Conn., Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Although Americans continue to report concerning levels of stress, poor mental health, and loneliness, they are feeling more energized and slightly less likely to report financial insecurity, according to new vitality research from global health company The Cigna Group (NYSE: CI). The third annual Vitality In America report shows a small, but significant 2% shift in people with medium vitality to high vitality – the first sign of improvement since 2022. This year, 1 in 5 people report high vitality, largely due to gains in people feeling energized (up 3% from 2022) and feeling alive and vital (up 4% from 2022).

"Vitality is a measure of overall health and wellbeing and, ultimately, human performance. As a health care company, we are deeply committed to both understanding vitality and helping people, employers, and communities improve it," said David M. Cordani, chairman and CEO of The Cigna Group. "While most of our health care dollars are spent on fixing things after they break, vitality presents an opportunity to look more broadly and identify ways to keep people healthy in the first place. Focusing on vitality offers a sustainable guidepost to make our employment landscape, and our communities, better."

The Vitality In America report is available here. Key findings include:

Gen Z adults still report the lowest levels of vitality but show double-digit improvements in vitality building blocks. Gen Z adults indicate positive changes in their autonomy and competence, which are foundational for vitality. They're steadily acquiring skills for a healthy life, feeling more in control during stressful times, gaining confidence in health goals, and becoming more optimistic since 2022.

The Cigna Group Issues 2024 Vitality In America Report

Sleep quality is highly connected to vitality. Although people report getting the same amount of sleep since 2022, the quality is declining, with 45% waking up feeling rested compared to 53% in 2022. People with high vitality are more than 5x times as likely to say they wake up feeling well-rested.

The Cigna Group Issues 2024 Vitality In America Report

High vitality is linked to higher job satisfaction and better job performance. Workers with high vitality are more engaged and willing to put in extra effort. For example, 86% of high vitality employees are ready to work harder to help their workplace succeed, compared to 43% of low vitality workers.

The Cigna Group Issues 2024 Vitality In America Report

Manager relationships impact worker mental health and vitality. People with high vitality report significantly more positive relationships with their managers. For example, high vitality workers are more than 4x as likely to feel understood by their manager.

The Cigna Group Issues 2024 Vitality In America Report

Prolonged sitting during the workday significantly impacts vitality. Workers who sit for 6+ hours daily have lower vitality, poorer health, and engage in fewer healthy behaviors compared to those who sit less. The lowest vitality workers are the 1 in 6 individuals who are completely sedentary, spending the 8-hour workday sitting down.

The Cigna Group Issues 2024 Vitality In America Report

"These findings offer some actionable insights for both individuals and employers," said Dr. Stuart Lustig, National Medical Executive for Behavioral Health Strategy and Product Design, Cigna Healthcare. "Employers have an opportunity to address workforce vitality by helping employees build and enhance meaningful workplace connections, and managers at every level of an organization can initiate discussions with their team members. Employers can also encourage their colleagues to take full advantage of their health benefits, which often include no-cost mental health care, nutrition and fitness support and can encourage healthier habits."

More insights for employers seeking to improve the vitality of their workforce are available here.

The Vitality In America survey uses the Evernorth Vitality Index to measure an individual's sense of competency, autonomy, and relatedness across eight dimensions of health: emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, purpose, and social. Read the report here.

About The Cigna Group
The Cigna Group (NYSE:CI) is a global health company committed to creating a better future built on the vitality of every individual and every community. We relentlessly challenge ourselves to partner and innovate solutions for better health. The Cigna Group includes products and services marketed under Cigna Healthcare, Evernorth Health Services, or its subsidiaries. The Cigna Group maintains sales capabilities in more than 30 countries and jurisdictions and has more than 189 million customer relationships around the world. Learn more at

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(313) 510-4173

The Cigna Group (PRNewsfoto/The Cigna Group)


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SOURCE The Cigna Group


What is the main finding of The Cigna Group's 2024 Vitality In America Report?

The main finding is a 2% increase in people with high vitality, marking the first improvement since 2022. This shift is largely due to gains in people feeling energized and alive.

How does sleep quality relate to vitality according to the Cigna Group (CI) report?

The report shows a strong connection between sleep quality and vitality. People with high vitality are more than 5 times as likely to wake up feeling well-rested compared to those with low vitality.

What does the 2024 Vitality In America Report reveal about Gen Z adults?

Gen Z adults still report the lowest levels of vitality but show double-digit improvements in vitality building blocks such as autonomy and competence. They're feeling more confident, capable, and optimistic since 2022.

How does prolonged sitting affect vitality according to the Cigna Group (CI) study?

The study found that prolonged sitting during the workday significantly impacts vitality. Workers who sit for 6+ hours daily have lower vitality, poorer health, and engage in fewer healthy behaviors compared to those who sit less.

The Cigna Group


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