Check Point Software Named a Leader in GigaOm Radar for Security Policy as Code

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Check Point Software Technologies (NASDAQ: CHKP) has been named a Leader in the GigaOm Radar Report for Security Policy as Code. The company's CloudGuard solution, part of the Infinity Platform, offers robust code security capabilities to protect cloud infrastructures. Key features include:

  • Integrated security across CI/CD pipelines
  • Automated DevSecOps practices
  • Advanced threat detection and prevention
  • Actionable remediation and continuous improvement

According to Check Point's 2024 Cloud Security Report, only 21% of organizations focus on preventive measures to stop attacks before they happen, highlighting a significant gap in current cloud security strategies. CloudGuard addresses this by enabling proactive security measures and streamlining security management in cloud environments.

Check Point Software Technologies (NASDAQ: CHKP) è stata designata come Leader nel GigaOm Radar Report per la Sicurezza delle Politiche come Codice. La soluzione CloudGuard dell'azienda, parte della Infinity Platform, offre robuste capacità di sicurezza del codice per proteggere le infrastrutture cloud. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Sicurezza integrata attraverso i pipeline CI/CD
  • Pratiche DevSecOps automatizzate
  • Rilevamento e prevenzione avanzati delle minacce
  • Rimedi attuabili e miglioramento continuo

Secondo il Rapporto sulla Sicurezza Cloud di Check Point del 2024, solo il 21% delle organizzazioni si concentra su misure preventive per fermare gli attacchi prima che accadano, evidenziando un significativo divario nelle attuali strategie di sicurezza cloud. CloudGuard affronta questo problema abilitando misure di sicurezza proattive e semplificando la gestione della sicurezza negli ambienti cloud.

Check Point Software Technologies (NASDAQ: CHKP) ha sido nombrada Líder en el Informe GigaOm Radar para Política de Seguridad como Código. La solución CloudGuard de la compañía, parte de la Plataforma Infinity, ofrece robustas capacidades de seguridad del código para proteger las infraestructuras en la nube. Las características clave incluyen:

  • Seguridad integrada a través de pipelines CI/CD
  • Prácticas automatizadas de DevSecOps
  • Detección y prevención avanzada de amenazas
  • Remediación accionable y mejora continua

Según el Informe de Seguridad en la Nube de Check Point 2024, solo el 21% de las organizaciones se centran en medidas preventivas para detener ataques antes de que ocurran, lo que destaca una brecha significativa en las estrategias actuales de seguridad en la nube. CloudGuard aborda esto permitiendo medidas de seguridad proactivas y optimizando la gestión de la seguridad en entornos en la nube.

체크 포인트 소프트웨어 테크놀로지스(NASDAQ: CHKP)는 보안 정책을 코드로 작성하는 분야에서 GigaOm 레이더 보고서의 리더로 선정되었습니다. 회사의 클라우드 가드 솔루션은 인피니티 플랫폼의 일환으로, 클라우드 인프라를 보호하기 위한 강력한 코드 보안 기능을 제공합니다. 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • CI/CD 파이프라인 전반에 걸친 통합 보안
  • 자동화된 DevSecOps 관행
  • 진화된 위협 탐지 및 방지
  • 실행 가능한 수정 및 지속적인 개선

체크 포인트의 2024 클라우드 보안 보고서에 따르면, 조직의 21%만이 공격이 발생하기 전에 이를 막기 위한 예방 조치에 집중하고 있으며, 이는 현재 클라우드 보안 전략의 중요한 격차를 강조합니다. 클라우드 가드는 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 사전 보안 조치를 가능하게 하고 클라우드 환경에서의 보안 관리 흐름을 간소화합니다.

Check Point Software Technologies (NASDAQ: CHKP) a été désigné Leader dans le rapport GigaOm Radar pour la sécurité des politiques en tant que code. La solution CloudGuard de l'entreprise, qui fait partie de la plateforme Infinity, offre des capacités de sécurité du code robustes pour protéger les infrastructures cloud. Les principales caractéristiques comprennent :

  • Sécurité intégrée à travers les pipelines CI/CD
  • Pratiques DevSecOps automatisées
  • Détection et prévention avancées des menaces
  • Remédiation actionable et amélioration continue

Selon le rapport de sécurité cloud 2024 de Check Point, seulement 21 % des organisations se concentrent sur des mesures préventives pour arrêter les attaques avant qu'elles ne se produisent, mettant en évidence un écart significatif dans les stratégies de sécurité cloud actuelles. CloudGuard répond à cela en permettant des mesures de sécurité proactives et en rationalisant la gestion de la sécurité dans les environnements cloud.

Check Point Software Technologies (NASDAQ: CHKP) wurde im GigaOm Radar Report für Security Policy as Code als führend ausgezeichnet. Die CloudGuard-Lösung des Unternehmens, Teil der Infinity-Plattform, bietet robuste Sicherheitsfunktionen für den Code zum Schutz von Cloud-Infrastrukturen. Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:

  • Integrierte Sicherheit über CI/CD-Pipelines
  • Automatisierte DevSecOps-Praktiken
  • Erweiterte Bedrohungserkennung und -verhütung
  • Umsetzbare Abhilfemaßnahmen und kontinuierliche Verbesserung

Laut dem Cloud-Sicherheitsbericht 2024 von Check Point konzentrieren sich nur 21 % der Organisationen auf präventive Maßnahmen, um Angriffe zu stoppen, bevor sie stattfinden. Dies zeigt eine erhebliche Lücke in den aktuellen Cloud-Sicherheitsstrategien auf. CloudGuard begegnet diesem Problem, indem es proaktive Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ermöglicht und das Sicherheitsmanagement in Cloud-Umgebungen optimiert.

  • Recognition as a Leader in GigaOm Radar Report for Security Policy as Code
  • CloudGuard offers robust code security capabilities for cloud infrastructure protection
  • Seamless integration with the Infinity platform for advanced threat prevention
  • Automated DevSecOps practices for uniform security policies and regulatory compliance
  • Precise remediation steps provided for security issues
  • None.

Built for the Modern CISO, Check Point's CloudGuard is recognized for delivering a cohesive approach to protecting cloud infrastructures, from code to cloud

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHKP), a leading cyber security platform provider of AI-powered, cloud-delivered solutions, has been recognized as a Leader in the latest GigaOm Radar Report for Security Policy as Code. As part of the Infinity Platform to secure the cloud, Check Point CloudGuard offers robust code security capabilities that fortify businesses against evolving cyber threats.

"At Check Point, we understand the challenges that come with ensuring the safety and integrity of your digital assets in the cloud. That's why we are thrilled to announce our positioning as a Leader in GigaOm's Security Policy as Code report,” said Paul Barbosa, VP of Cloud Security at Check Point Software Technologies. “This recognition highlights our innovative CloudGuard solution, which enables organizations to seamlessly integrate security into their development processes, ensuring robust protection from the start."

As businesses increasingly rely on advanced software for their daily operations, securing this code becomes crucial for protecting sensitive information and ensuring seamless operations. Cloud practitioners require dependable security solutions, such as code security, part of the Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP), to meet this need. According to Check Point's 2024 Cloud Security Report, a mere 21% of organizations focus on preventive measures to stop attacks before they happen, highlighting a significant gap in current cloud security strategies. By adopting Security Policy as Code, companies can prioritize proactive security measures, streamline security management, reduce errors, and empower teams to quickly address threats, as early as development, thereby securing cloud environments.

“CloudGuard benefits from Check Point’s deep cybersecurity expertise and integrates seamlessly with the Infinity platform, providing advanced threat prevention and security management capabilities across diverse environments,” said Whit Walters, analyst at GigaOm. “CloudGuard is well-suited for organizations operating in complex multicloud or hybrid environments, particularly those with a strong DevOps culture.”

Additional features of CloudGuard Code Security include:

  • Integrated Security Across CI/CD Pipelines: offers seamless, language-agnostic security scanning, enabling early detection and resolution of vulnerabilities and exposed secrets to mitigate production security risks
  • Automated DevSecOps Practices: Enforces uniform security policies and regulatory compliance while optimizing security operations, seamlessly integrating with DevOps to enable rapid development without sacrificing security
  • Advanced Threat Detection and Prevention: Provides robust detection of vulnerabilities, malware, and weak security practices, reducing the likelihood of costly security incidents
  • Actionable Remediation and Continuous Improvement: Offers precise remediation steps for security issues, empowering developers to swiftly address vulnerabilities and continually enhance their security practices

Explore how Check Point CloudGuard enabled a premier European investment bank to protect its development environments. By integrating security into every phase of the development lifecycle, the solution safeguarded their code and infrastructure, identified vulnerabilities, and strengthened their overall security posture.

Read a complimentary copy of the GigaOm Radar for Security Policy as Code here.

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About Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. 
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. ( is a leading AI-powered, cloud-delivered cyber security platform provider protecting over 100,000 organizations worldwide. Check Point leverages the power of AI everywhere to enhance cyber security efficiency and accuracy through its Infinity Platform, with industry-leading catch rates enabling proactive threat anticipation and smarter, faster response times. The comprehensive platform includes cloud-delivered technologies consisting of Check Point Harmony to secure the workspace, Check Point CloudGuard to secure the cloud, Check Point Quantum to secure the network, and Check Point Infinity Platform Services for collaborative security operations and services.

Ana Perez
Check Point Software Technologies
Kip E. Meintzer

Check Point Software Technologies


What recognition did Check Point Software receive in the GigaOm Radar Report?

Check Point Software Technologies (NASDAQ: CHKP) was recognized as a Leader in the GigaOm Radar Report for Security Policy as Code for its CloudGuard solution.

What are the key features of Check Point's CloudGuard Code Security?

Key features of CloudGuard Code Security include integrated security across CI/CD pipelines, automated DevSecOps practices, advanced threat detection and prevention, and actionable remediation with continuous improvement.

What percentage of organizations focus on preventive measures according to Check Point's 2024 Cloud Security Report?

According to Check Point's 2024 Cloud Security Report, only 21% of organizations focus on preventive measures to stop attacks before they happen.

How does CloudGuard address the gap in current cloud security strategies?

CloudGuard addresses the gap by enabling proactive security measures, streamlining security management, reducing errors, and empowering teams to quickly address threats as early as the development stage.

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd


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