Viridien wins contract to supply 30,000 Sercel WiNG land nodes to DMT

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Viridien's Sensing & Monitoring business, marketed under the Sercel brand, has sold and delivered 30,000 Sercel WiNG land seismic nodes to DMT GmbH & Co. KG, a global engineering services company based in Germany. DMT plans to use these innovative nodes for large-scale seismic surveys in urban areas, targeting energy resources, including geothermal.

The WiNG nodes feature the ultra-sensitive QuietSeis® sensor, providing optimal data quality for subsurface imaging. They also include Pathfinder transmission management technology for real-time monitoring of the acquisition spread. This contract highlights Viridien's commitment to providing advanced, reliable, and sustainable solutions for seismic surveys in various conditions.

Il business di Sensing & Monitoring di Viridien, commercializzato con il marchio Sercel, ha venduto e consegnato 30.000 nodi sismici WiNG Sercel a DMT GmbH & Co. KG, una compagnia globale di servizi ingegneristici con sede in Germania. DMT prevede di utilizzare questi nodi innovativi per sondaggi sismici su larga scala in aree urbane, mirando a risorse energetiche, incluso il geotermico.

I nodi WiNG sono dotati del sensore QuietSeis® ultra-sensibile, che garantisce una qualità dei dati ottimale per l'imaging sotterraneo. Includono anche tecnologia di gestione della trasmissione Pathfinder per il monitoraggio in tempo reale della dispersione di acquisizione. Questo contratto sottolinea l'impegno di Viridien nel fornire soluzioni avanzate, affidabili e sostenibili per sondaggi sismici in varie condizioni.

El negocio de Sensing & Monitoring de Viridien, comercializado bajo la marca Sercel, ha vendido y entregado 30,000 nodos sísmicos en tierra Sercel WiNG a DMT GmbH & Co. KG, una empresa global de servicios de ingeniería con sede en Alemania. DMT planea utilizar estos nodos innovadores para estudios sísmicos a gran escala en áreas urbanas, enfocándose en recursos energéticos, incluida la geotermia.

Los nodos WiNG cuentan con el sensor QuietSeis® ultra-sensible, que proporciona una calidad de datos óptima para la imagen subterránea. También incluyen tecnología de gestión de transmisión Pathfinder para el monitoreo en tiempo real de la dispersión de adquisición. Este contrato resalta el compromiso de Viridien de proporcionar soluciones avanzadas, confiables y sostenibles para estudios sísmicos en diversas condiciones.

Viridien의 감지 및 모니터링 사업부는 Sercel 브랜드로 판매되며, DMT GmbH & Co. KG에 30,000개의 Sercel WiNG 육상 지진 노드를 판매 및 배송하였습니다. DMT는 이러한 혁신적인 노드를 사용하여 도시 지역에서 대규모 지진 조사를 수행할 계획입니다, 에너지원, 특히 지열을 타겟으로 하고 있습니다.

WiNG 노드는 최고 감도 QuietSeis® 센서를 채택하여 지하 이미지를 위한 최적의 데이터 품질을 제공합니다. 또한 Pathfinder 전송 관리 기술를 통해 실시간으로 데이터 수집 분포를 모니터링할 수 있습니다. 이 계약은 Viridien이 다양한 조건에서 지진 조사에 대한 고급, 신뢰할 수 있으며 지속 가능한 솔루션을 제공하는 데 헌신하고 있음을 강조합니다.

L'activité de détection et de surveillance de Viridien, commercialisée sous la marque Sercel, a vendu et livré 30 000 nœuds sismiques terrestres Sercel WiNG à DMT GmbH & Co. KG, une entreprise mondiale de services d'ingénierie basée en Allemagne. DMT prévoit d'utiliser ces nœuds innovants pour des études sismiques à grande échelle dans des zones urbaines, en ciblant les ressources énergétiques, y compris la géothermie.

Les nœuds WiNG sont équipés du capteur ultra-sensible QuietSeis®, offrant une qualité de données optimale pour l'imagerie souterraine. Ils incluent également la technologie de gestion de transmission Pathfinder pour le suivi en temps réel de la dispersion des acquisitions. Ce contrat souligne l'engagement de Viridien à fournir des solutions avancées, fiables et durables pour les études sismiques dans diverses conditions.

Viridiens Geschäft für Sensorik und Überwachung, das unter der Marke Sercel vermarktet wird, hat 30.000 Sercel WiNG Erdbebenmessknoten an DMT GmbH & Co. KG verkauft und geliefert, einem globalen Ingenieurdienstleistungsunternehmen mit Sitz in Deutschland. DMT plant, diese innovativen Knoten für großangelegte seismische Erhebungen in städtischen Gebieten zu verwenden, mit dem Ziel, Energieressourcen, einschließlich Geothermie, zu erschließen.

Die WiNG-Knoten verfügen über den ultrasensiblen QuietSeis®-Sensor, der optimale Datenqualität für die Untergrundabbildung bietet. Sie beinhalten auch Pathfinder-Übertragungsmanagementtechnologie für die Echtzeitüberwachung der Akquisitionsverbreitung. Dieser Vertrag unterstreicht Viridiens Engagement, fortschrittliche, zuverlässige und nachhaltige Lösungen für seismische Erhebungen unter verschiedenen Bedingungen bereitzustellen.

  • Secured a significant contract for 30,000 Sercel WiNG land seismic nodes
  • Expanding market presence in the geothermal energy exploration sector
  • Demonstrating technological leadership with advanced QuietSeis® sensor and Pathfinder technology
  • None.

The acquisition of 30,000 Sercel WiNG land seismic nodes by DMT marks a significant advancement in urban seismic surveying capabilities. The QuietSeis® sensor technology in these nodes is particularly noteworthy for its ability to deliver high-quality data in noise-prone urban environments. This is important for geothermal exploration, which requires precise subsurface imaging.

The real-time monitoring capability provided by the Pathfinder technology is a game-changer for operational efficiency. It allows for immediate quality control, potentially reducing survey time and costs. For investors, this deal signifies Viridien's strong position in the seismic technology market, especially in the growing field of urban geothermal exploration. The focus on sustainable energy resources aligns with global trends, potentially opening up new market opportunities for Viridien in the future.

This contract win for Viridien's Sercel brand is strategically significant. It positions the company at the forefront of the energy transition, particularly in urban geothermal exploration. The deal with DMT, a respected engineering services group, validates the quality and efficiency of Viridien's technology.

The focus on urban areas is particularly noteworthy. As cities seek sustainable energy solutions, geothermal resources are becoming increasingly attractive. This contract could be a precursor to similar deals in other urban centers globally. For investors, this signals Viridien's potential for growth in the renewable energy sector, diversifying its revenue streams beyond traditional oil and gas exploration. The company's ability to adapt its technology for emerging energy needs demonstrates its resilience and innovation in a rapidly evolving market.

Viridien wins contract to supply 30,000 Sercel WiNG land nodes to DMT

Paris, France – August 29, 2024

Viridien announced today that its Sensing & Monitoring business line, marketed under the Sercel brand, has sold and delivered a total of 30,000 Sercel WiNG land seismic nodes to DMT GmbH & Co. KG, a global engineering services and consultancy group headquartered in Essen, Germany. DMT will deploy the innovative and highly efficient WiNG nodes on a campaign of large-scale seismic surveys planned in urban areas to target energy resources, including geothermal.

Featuring the ultra-sensitive broadband digital MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) QuietSeis® sensor, the Sercel WiNG node delivers optimal data quality for outstanding subsurface imaging. With its field-proven Pathfinder transmission management technology, the crew can view and monitor the entire acquisition spread in real time, ensuring the most comprehensive and efficient quality control of operations.

Jérôme Denigot, Executive Vice President, Sensing & Monitoring, said: "We are delighted that DMT has selected our next-generation Sercel WiNG solution to ensure delivery of the most accurate seismic data to help meet the energy challenges of today and tomorrow. By selecting our WiNG nodes, DMT is partnering with an advanced technology company that is committed to providing its customers with the most innovative, reliable and sustainable solutions for use in all survey conditions.”

About Viridien:

Viridien ( is an advanced technology, digital and Earth data company that pushes the boundaries of science for a more prosperous and sustainable future. With our ingenuity, drive and deep curiosity we discover new insights, innovations, and solutions that efficiently and responsibly resolve complex natural resource, digital, energy transition and infrastructure challenges. Viridien employs around 3,500 people worldwide and is listed as VIRI on the Euronext Paris SA (ISIN: FR001400PVN6).


Investor Relations
Jean Baptiste Roussille
Tel: + 33 06 14 51 09 88




What is the significance of Viridien's contract with DMT for Sercel WiNG nodes?

The contract is significant as it involves the sale and delivery of 30,000 Sercel WiNG land seismic nodes to DMT, showcasing Viridien's technological capabilities and expanding its market presence in energy resource exploration, particularly in urban areas and geothermal projects.

What are the key features of Sercel WiNG nodes that make them suitable for DMT's seismic surveys?

Sercel WiNG nodes feature the ultra-sensitive QuietSeis® sensor for optimal data quality and Pathfinder transmission management technology for real-time monitoring. These features make them ideal for large-scale seismic surveys in urban areas, targeting various energy resources including geothermal.

How does this contract with DMT align with Viridien's business strategy?

This contract aligns with Viridien's strategy to provide innovative, reliable, and sustainable solutions for seismic surveys. It demonstrates the company's commitment to advancing technology in the energy exploration sector and its ability to secure significant contracts with global engineering firms.



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