ChromaDex Appoints Carlos Lopez as Senior Vice President, General Counsel

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ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC) has appointed Carlos Lopez as Senior Vice President, General Counsel, effective July 22, 2024. Lopez, a distinguished legal professional with expertise in the dietary supplements industry, will oversee the organization's legal function, including corporate governance, securities, intellectual property, and litigation. He will report directly to CEO Rob Fried.

Prior to joining ChromaDex, Lopez served as Vice President, General Counsel at The Vitamin Shoppe and has been on the board of The Natural Products Association. CEO Rob Fried expressed confidence in Lopez's expertise to help achieve ChromaDex's ambitious plans. Lopez stated his excitement to join ChromaDex, recognizing it as the gold-standard company pioneering NAD+ research and innovation.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC) ha nominato Carlos Lopez come Vice Presidente Senior e Consigliere Generale, con effetto dal 22 luglio 2024. Lopez, un professionista legale di spicco con esperienza nel settore degli integratori alimentari, supervisionerà la funzione legale dell'organizzazione, inclusi governance aziendale, titoli, proprietà intellettuale e contenzioso. Riporterà direttamente al CEO Rob Fried.

Prima di unirsi a ChromaDex, Lopez ha ricoperto il ruolo di Vice Presidente e Consigliere Generale presso The Vitamin Shoppe ed è stato membro del consiglio della Natural Products Association. Il CEO Rob Fried ha espresso fiducia nell'expertise di Lopez per contribuire a realizzare i piani ambiziosi di ChromaDex. Lopez ha dichiarato di essere entusiasta di unirsi a ChromaDex, riconoscendola come l'azienda di riferimento che guida la ricerca e l'innovazione nel campo dell'NAD+.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC) ha nombrado a Carlos Lopez como Vicepresidente Senior y Asesor General, con efecto a partir del 22 de julio de 2024. Lopez, un destacado profesional legal con experiencia en la industria de suplementos dietéticos, supervisará la función legal de la organización, incluyendo gobernanza corporativa, valores, propiedad intelectual y litigios. Reportará directamente al CEO Rob Fried.

Antes de unirse a ChromaDex, Lopez se desempeñó como Vicepresidente y Asesor General en The Vitamin Shoppe y ha sido miembro de la junta de la Asociación de Productos Naturales. El CEO Rob Fried expresó confianza en la experiencia de Lopez para ayudar a lograr los ambiciosos planes de ChromaDex. Lopez manifestó su entusiasmo por unirse a ChromaDex, reconociéndola como la empresa líder que está a la vanguardia de la investigación y la innovación en NAD+.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC)는 Carlos Lopez를 수석 부사장 겸 법률 고문으로 임명했으며, 이는 2024년 7월 22일부터 효력이 발생합니다. Lopez는 건강 보조 식품 산업 분야에서 전문성을 가진 저명한 법률 전문가로서, 조직의 법률 업무를 총괄하며 기업 거버넌스, 증권, 지적 재산 및 소송을 포함합니다. 그는 CEO Rob Fried에게 직접 보고할 것입니다.

ChromaDex에 합류하기 전, Lopez는 The Vitamin Shoppe에서 부사장 겸 법률 고문으로 재직했으며, Natural Products Association의 이사회에도 참여했습니다. CEO Rob Fried는 ChromaDex의 야심찬 계획을 달성하는 데 Lopez의 전문성에 대한 신뢰를 표명했습니다. Lopez는 ChromaDex에 합류하게 되어 기대감을 표하며, 이를 NAD+ 연구와 혁신을 선도하는 기준이 되는 기업으로 인식하고 있습니다.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC) a nommé Carlos Lopez au poste de Vice-Président Senior et Conseiller Général, avec effet à partir du 22 juillet 2024. Lopez, un professionnel du droit distingué avec une expertise dans l'industrie des suppléments alimentaires, supervisera la fonction juridique de l'organisation, y compris la gouvernance d'entreprise, les titres, la propriété intellectuelle et le contentieux. Il rendra compte directement au CEO Rob Fried.

Avant de rejoindre ChromaDex, Lopez a été Vice-Président et Conseiller Général chez The Vitamin Shoppe et a été membre du conseil d'administration de la Natural Products Association. Le CEO Rob Fried a exprimé sa confiance dans l'expertise de Lopez pour aider à réaliser les plans ambitieux de ChromaDex. Lopez a déclaré être enthousiaste à l'idée de rejoindre ChromaDex, la reconnaissant comme l'entreprise de référence qui est à la pointe de la recherche et de l'innovation sur le NAD+.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC) hat Carlos Lopez zum Senior Vice President und General Counsel ernannt, wirksam ab dem 22. Juli 2024. Lopez, ein renommierter Jurist mit Expertise in der Nahrungsergänzungsmittelbranche, wird die Rechtsabteilung des Unternehmens leiten, einschließlich Unternehmensführung, Wertpapiere, geistiges Eigentum und Rechtsstreitigkeiten. Er wird direkt an CEO Rob Fried berichten.

Vor seinem Eintritt bei ChromaDex war Lopez als Vice President und General Counsel bei The Vitamin Shoppe tätig und war im Vorstand der Natural Products Association. CEO Rob Fried äußerte sich zuversichtlich über Lopez' Expertise, um die ehrgeizigen Pläne von ChromaDex zu verwirklichen. Lopez erklärte, er sei begeistert, zu ChromaDex zu kommen, und erkenne das Unternehmen als den Goldstandard für Forschung und Innovation im Bereich NAD+ an.

  • Appointment of an experienced legal professional with industry-specific expertise
  • Potential for improved legal strategy and corporate governance
  • None.

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC), the global authority on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) research with a focus on healthy aging, announces the appointment of Carlos Lopez as Senior Vice President, General Counsel.

Mr. Lopez will oversee the organization's legal function, including corporate governance, securities, intellectual property, and litigation. Effective today, July 22, 2024, he will report directly to Rob Fried, CEO of ChromaDex and Founder of Tru Niagen®.

Carlos Lopez is a distinguished legal professional and executive leader with expertise in the dietary supplements industry. Prior to joining ChromaDex, he served as the Vice President, General Counsel at The Vitamin Shoppe, where he provided strategic legal guidance and management of corporate legal affairs. Additionally, Lopez has served on the board of The Natural Products Association, the largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to the natural products industry.

"We are pleased to welcome Carlos to the ChromaDex team. His expertise in the dietary supplements industry and legal and business acumen will help us achieve our ambitious plans," commented Mr. Fried.

Mr. Lopez expressed his enthusiasm for joining ChromaDex, stating, "I am excited to join ChromaDex, the gold-standard company pioneering NAD+ research and innovation. I look forward to working with the talented team at ChromaDex to support our growth and contribute to our mission of improving health and wellness globally."

For additional information on ChromaDex, visit

About ChromaDex:

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC) is the global authority on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), with a focus on the science of healthy aging. The ChromaDex team, composed of world-renowned scientists, works with independent investigators from esteemed universities and research institutions around the globe to uncover the full potential of NAD+. A vital coenzyme found in every cell of the human body, NAD+ declines with age and exposure to other everyday stressors. NAD+ depletion is a contributor to age-related changes in health and vitality.

Setting the benchmark as the gold standard in scientific rigor, safety, quality, and transparency, ChromaDex is the innovator behind its clinically proven flagship ingredient, Niagen® (patented nicotinamide riboside, or NR), the most efficient and superior-quality NAD+ booster available.

Niagen is the active ingredient in ChromaDex’s consumer products, sold as the brand Tru Niagen®, the number one healthy-aging NAD+ supplement in the United States. Clinically proven to increase NAD+ levels, Tru Niagen is helping people around the world transform the way they age (available at

ChromaDex’s robust patent portfolio protects NR and other NAD+ precursors. ChromaDex maintains a website at, where copies of press releases, news, and financial information are regularly published.

Based on the top-selling dietary supplement brands by revenue per the largest U.S. e-commerce marketplace (as of 3/1/2023-2/29/2024).

ChromaDex Media Contact:

Kendall Knysch, Senior Director of Media Relations & Partnerships

310-388-6706 ext. 689

ChromaDex Investor Relations Contact:

Ben Shamsian

Lytham Partners


Source: ChromaDex Corporation


Who is Carlos Lopez and what is his new role at ChromaDex (NASDAQ:CDXC)?

Carlos Lopez has been appointed as Senior Vice President, General Counsel at ChromaDex (NASDAQ:CDXC), effective July 22, 2024. He will oversee the organization's legal function, including corporate governance, securities, intellectual property, and litigation.

What is Carlos Lopez's background before joining ChromaDex (NASDAQ:CDXC)?

Before joining ChromaDex, Carlos Lopez served as the Vice President, General Counsel at The Vitamin Shoppe. He also has experience serving on the board of The Natural Products Association, showcasing his expertise in the dietary supplements industry.

When does Carlos Lopez's appointment at ChromaDex (NASDAQ:CDXC) take effect?

Carlos Lopez's appointment as Senior Vice President, General Counsel at ChromaDex (NASDAQ:CDXC) takes effect on July 22, 2024.

Who will Carlos Lopez report to at ChromaDex (NASDAQ:CDXC)?

Carlos Lopez will report directly to Rob Fried, CEO of ChromaDex and Founder of Tru Niagen®.

ChromaDex Corporation


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