Coeur Publishes 2023 ESG Report

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Coeur Mining, Inc. (NYSE: CDE) has published its 2023 ESG Report, emphasizing its commitment to environmental, social, and governance practices. The report highlights Coeur's focus on health and safety, transparent tailings management, biodiversity conservation, and climate resilience. Coeur aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2024 and lead in responsible mining practices.
Coeur Mining, Inc. (NYSE: CDE) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto ESG 2023, sottolineando il suo impegno per le pratiche ambientali, sociali e di governance. Il rapporto evidenzia l'attenzione di Coeur alla salute e sicurezza, alla gestione trasparente dei residui di estrazione, alla conservazione della biodiversità e alla resilienza climatica. Coeur mira a ridurre le emissioni di gas serra del 35% entro il 2024 e a essere leader nelle pratiche di estrazione responsabile.
Coeur Mining, Inc. (NYSE: CDE) ha publicado su Informe ESG 2023, enfatizando su compromiso con las prácticas ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza. El informe destaca el enfoque de Coeur en la salud y seguridad, la gestión transparente de los relaves, la conservación de la biodiversidad y la resiliencia climática. Coeur tiene como objetivo reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en un 35% para 2024 y liderar en prácticas de minería responsable.
Coeur Mining, Inc. (NYSE: CDE)은 2023년 ESG 보고서를 발표하여 환경, 사회, 그리고 거버넌스 실천에 대한 자사의 헌신을 강조했습니다. 이 보고서는 건강 및 안전에 대한 Coeur의 집중, 투명한 꼬리관리, 생물 다양성 보존 및 기후 복원력에 대해 강조합니다. Coeur는 2024년까지 온실 가스 배출을 35% 줄이고 책임 있는 채광 관행을 선도할 목표를 가지고 있습니다.
Coeur Mining, Inc. (NYSE: CDE) a publié son Rapport ESG 2023, mettant en avant son engagement envers les pratiques environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance. Le rapport souligne l'accent mis par Coeur sur la santé et la sécurité, la gestion transparente des résidus, la conservation de la biodiversité et la résilience climatique. Coeur vise à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 35% d'ici 2024 et à être leader dans les pratiques d'exploitation minière responsable.
Coeur Mining, Inc. (NYSE: CDE) hat seinen ESG-Bericht 2023 veröffentlicht, der sein Engagement für Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Praktiken betont. Der Bericht hebt Coeurs Fokus auf Gesundheit und Sicherheit, transparentes Tailingsmanagement, Biodiversitätsschutz und Klimaresilienz hervor. Coeur strebt an, die Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2024 um 35% zu reduzieren und eine führende Rolle in verantwortungsvollen Bergbaupraktiken einzunehmen.
  • Coeur achieved the lowest Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) among peers in 2023 at 0.46 according to MSHA standards.
  • The Company is implementing the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) to enhance transparency and governance in tailings management.
  • Coeur is committed to protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services through responsible development and environmental stewardship.
  • The Company is on track to reduce greenhouse gas net intensity emissions by 35% by the end of 2024.
  • Coeur's President and CEO, Mitchell J. Krebs, emphasizes the importance of ESG principles in maximizing long-term value and maintaining leadership in safe and responsible mining practices.
  • None.

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Coeur Mining, Inc. (“Coeur” or the “Company”) (NYSE: CDE) today published its 2023 ESG Report (the “Report”), highlighting the Company’s efforts to advance its environmental, social and governance strategy, priorities and practices and its responsible mining operations. The Report details Coeur’s public ESG targets, best-in-class corporate governance practices and positive environmental and social impacts that are aligned with generating long-term value for stockholders.

Report Highlights:

  • Health and safety – Coeur remained focused on total worker health and safety in 2023, resulting in the lowest Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) among peers according to MSHA standards, at 0.46.
  • Tailings management – To increase transparency into tailings management and to bolster existing management practices and governance systems, the Company is implementing the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM), among just 17% of non-ICMM companies in the industry to do so.
  • Biodiversity Management Standard – Coeur is committed to protecting, restoring, conserving and managing natural capital, biodiversity and ecosystem services through responsible development and environmental stewardship, as well as transparently reporting on performance and key nature-related metrics.
  • Climate resilience – The Company took further action to improve its climate resilience and reporting, including incorporating consideration of carbon emissions and the potential effects of climate change into long-term planning and remains on track to achieve Coeur’s goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) net intensity emissions by 35% by the end of 2024.

"Advancing ESG principles aligned with long-term value and maintaining Coeur’s position as a leader in safe and responsible mining remains our highest priority, reflecting our commitment to Pursue a Higher Standard, as highlighted in our 2023 ESG Report. As the global shift towards clean, renewable energy and increasing technological advancement gains momentum, we take pride in our role as a supplier of vital minerals for the future," stated Mitchell J. Krebs, President and CEO. "We are committed to continually improving and strengthening all aspects of ESG that are relevant to our business, with the aim of maximizing long-term value."

A copy of the Report and a separate document containing ESG data can be found on the Responsibility section of the Company’s website:

About Coeur

Coeur Mining, Inc. is a U.S.-based, well-diversified, growing precious metals producer with four wholly-owned operations: the Palmarejo gold-silver complex in Mexico, the Rochester silver-gold mine in Nevada, the Kensington gold mine in Alaska and the Wharf gold mine in South Dakota. In addition, the Company wholly-owns the Silvertip polymetallic exploration project in British Columbia.

Cautionary Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of securities legislation in the United States and Canada, including statements regarding the Company’s ESG goals, efforts, achievements and strategies. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause Coeur’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, the risk that anticipated ESG goals are not attained, the risks and hazards inherent in the mining business (including risks inherent in developing large-scale mining projects, environmental hazards, industrial accidents, weather or geologically-related conditions), changes in the market prices of gold, silver, zinc and lead and a sustained lower price or higher treatment and refining charge environment, the uncertainties inherent in Coeur’s production, exploratory and developmental activities, including risks relating to permitting and regulatory delays, changes in mining laws, ground conditions and, grade and recovery variability, any future labor disputes or work stoppages (involving the Company and its subsidiaries or third parties), the uncertainties inherent in the estimation of mineral reserves, changes that could result from Coeur’s future acquisition of new mining properties or businesses, the loss of access or insolvency of any third-party refiner or smelter to which Coeur markets its production, the potential effects of future pandemics, including impacts to the availability of our workforce, continued access to financing sources, government orders that may require temporary suspension of operations at one or more of our sites and effects on our suppliers or the refiners and smelters to whom the Company markets its production and on the communities where we operate, the effects of environmental and other governmental regulations and government shut-downs, the risks inherent in the ownership or operation of or investment in mining properties or businesses in foreign countries, Coeur’s ability to raise additional financing necessary to conduct its business, make payments or refinance its debt, as well as other uncertainties and risk factors set out in filings made from time to time with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Canadian securities regulators, including, without limitation, Coeur’s most recent report on Form 10-K. Actual results, developments and timetables could vary significantly from the estimates presented. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Coeur disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Additionally, Coeur undertakes no obligation to comment on analyses, expectations or statements made by third parties in respect of Coeur, its financial or operating results or its securities. This does not constitute an offer of any securities for sale.

Investor Contact

Jeff Wilhoit, Director, Investor Relations


Media Contact

Donna Sabido, Manager, Corporate Communications


Source: Coeur Mining


What is the focus of Coeur's 2023 ESG Report?

Coeur's 2023 ESG Report highlights the Company's efforts in advancing environmental, social, and governance practices, focusing on health and safety, transparent tailings management, biodiversity conservation, and climate resilience.

What is Coeur's goal regarding greenhouse gas emissions?

Coeur aims to reduce greenhouse gas net intensity emissions by 35% by the end of 2024.

Who is the President and CEO of Coeur?

The President and CEO of Coeur is Mitchell J. Krebs.

Where can the full 2023 ESG Report and ESG data be found?

The full 2023 ESG Report and ESG data can be found on the Responsibility section of Coeur's website:

Coeur Mining, Inc.


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Gold Ore Mining
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
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