Cross Country Survey Reveals Digital Workforce Solutions as Key to Overcoming Healthcare Staffing Crisis

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Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) has released a survey highlighting the urgent need for healthcare providers to adopt digital solutions to address ongoing staffing challenges. The survey, conducted with Healthcare Innovation, reveals insights from healthcare leaders across the US on staff shortages, burnout, and the potential of technology-driven workforce management strategies.

Key findings include:

  • Nearly 90% of respondents are concerned about high turnover and burnout
  • 38% spend over 20 hours weekly on recruiting
  • 91% find scheduling and staff planning tools helpful
  • Digital staffing solutions are important for controlling costs and optimizing resources

The survey emphasizes the importance of integrated digital platforms for streamlining workforce management across all aspects, from recruitment to retention. Cross Country is leading this digital transformation, offering innovative solutions to help healthcare providers build a more resilient and adaptive workforce.

Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) ha rilasciato un sondaggio che evidenzia l'urgente necessità per i fornitori di assistenza sanitaria di adottare soluzioni digitali per affrontare le sfide attuali in materia di assunzioni. Il sondaggio, condotto con Healthcare Innovation, rivela le opinioni dei leader del settore sanitario negli Stati Uniti riguardo le carenze di personale, il burnout e il potenziale delle strategie di gestione della forza lavoro basate sulla tecnologia.

Le principali scoperte includono:

  • Quasi il 90% degli intervistati è preoccupato per l'alto turnover e il burnout
  • Il 38% impiega oltre 20 ore settimanali nel reclutamento
  • Il 91% ritiene utili gli strumenti di programmazione e pianificazione del personale
  • Le soluzioni digitali per il personale sono importanti per controllare i costi e ottimizzare le risorse

Il sondaggio sottolinea l'importanza delle piattaforme digitali integrate per semplificare la gestione della forza lavoro in tutti gli aspetti, dal reclutamento alla fidelizzazione. Cross Country sta guidando questa trasformazione digitale, offrendo soluzioni innovative per aiutare i fornitori di assistenza sanitaria a costruire una forza lavoro più resiliente e adattabile.

Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) ha publicado una encuesta que resalta la urgente necesidad de que los proveedores de atención médica adopten soluciones digitales para abordar los desafíos de personal actuales. La encuesta, realizada en colaboración con Healthcare Innovation, revela las opiniones de líderes del sector salud en EE. UU. sobre las escasez de personal, el agotamiento y el potencial de las estrategias de gestión de la fuerza laboral impulsadas por la tecnología.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Casi el 90% de los encuestados están preocupados por la alta rotación y el agotamiento
  • El 38% gasta más de 20 horas a la semana en reclutamiento
  • El 91% encuentra útiles las herramientas de programación y planificación de personal
  • Las soluciones digitales de personal son importantes para controlar costos y optimizar recursos

La encuesta enfatiza la importancia de las plataformas digitales integradas para agilizar la gestión de la fuerza laboral en todos los aspectos, desde el reclutamiento hasta la retención. Cross Country está liderando esta transformación digital, ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras para ayudar a los proveedores de atención médica a construir una fuerza laboral más resiliente y adaptable.

크로스 카운티 헬스케어 (NASDAQ: CCRN)가 현재 인력 관리의 문제를 해결하기 위해 의료 제공자가 디지털 솔루션을 도입할 필요성을 강조하는 설문조사를 발표했습니다. Healthcare Innovation과 함께 진행된 이 설문조사는 미국의 의료 리더들로부터 인력 부족, 소진 및 기술 기반 인력 관리 전략의 잠재성에 대한 통찰을 제공합니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 응답자의 거의 90%가 높은 이직률과 소진에 대해 우려하고 있습니다.
  • 38%는 채용에 매주 20시간 이상을 소비합니다.
  • 91%는 일정 관리 및 직원 계획 도구가 유용하다고 생각합니다.
  • 디지털 인력 솔루션은 비용 통제와 자원 최적화에 중요합니다.

이번 설문조사는 채용에서 유지 관리에 이르기까지 모든 측면에서 인력 관리의 간소화를 위해 통합된 디지털 플랫폼의 중요성을 강조합니다. 크로스 카운티는 이 디지털 혁신을 선도하며, 의료 제공자가 더 회복력 있고 적응력 있는 인력을 구축할 수 있도록 돕는 혁신적인 솔루션을 제공합니다.

Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) a publié une enquête soulignant le besoin urgent pour les prestataires de santé d'adopter des solutions numériques afin de faire face aux défis actuels en matière de personnel. L'enquête, réalisée en collaboration avec Healthcare Innovation, révèle les points de vue des leaders du secteur de la santé aux États-Unis concernant les pénuries de personnel, le burnout et le potentiel des stratégies de gestion de la main-d'œuvre basées sur la technologie.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Près de 90 % des répondants sont préoccupés par le fort turnover et le burnout
  • 38 % passent plus de 20 heures par semaine à recruter
  • 91 % trouvent les outils de planification et d'organisation du personnel utiles
  • Les solutions de personnel numériques sont importantes pour contrôler les coûts et optimiser les ressources

L'enquête souligne l'importance des plateformes numériques intégrées pour rationaliser la gestion de la main-d'œuvre dans tous les aspects, de la recrute à la fidélisation. Cross Country est à la pointe de cette transformation numérique, offrant des solutions innovantes pour aider les prestataires de santé à bâtir une main-d'œuvre plus résiliente et adaptable.

Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) hat eine Umfrage veröffentlicht, die den dringenden Bedarf der Gesundheitsdienstleister an digitalen Lösungen zur Bewältigung der aktuellen Personalprobleme hervorhebt. Die Umfrage, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Healthcare Innovation durchgeführt wurde, liefert Einblicke von Führungskräften des Gesundheitswesens in den USA zu Personalmangel, Burnout und dem Potenzial technologiegestützter Strategien zur Personalverwaltung.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

  • Fast 90% der Befragten sind besorgt über hohe Fluktuation und Burnout
  • 38% verbringen wöchentlich über 20 Stunden mit Rekrutierung
  • 91% finden Planungs- und Personalanagement-Tools hilfreich
  • Digitale Personallösungen sind wichtig für die Kostenkontrolle und die Optimierung der Ressourcen

Die Umfrage betont die Bedeutung integrierter digitaler Plattformen zur Rationalisierung des Personalmanagements in allen Bereichen, von der Rekrutierung bis zur Bindung. Cross Country führt diese digitale Transformation an und bietet innovative Lösungen, um Gesundheitsdienstleistern zu helfen, eine widerstandsfähigere und anpassungsfähigere Belegschaft aufzubauen.

  • None.
  • None.

BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN), a leading provider of workforce solutions and tech-enabled staffing, recruitment, and advisory services, has unveiled a comprehensive survey underscoring the critical need for healthcare providers to embrace digital solutions to tackle the unprecedented and ongoing staffing challenges. In partnership with the industry publication Healthcare Innovation, the survey "Transforming Healthcare: Strategies for Building a Resilient and Adaptive Workforce," captures insights from healthcare leaders across the United States, delving into the critical issues of staff shortages, burnout, and the transformative potential of technology-driven workforce management strategies.

John A. Martins, President & CEO of Cross Country, said: “The future of healthcare staffing lies in embracing whole-house technologies that elevate operational efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance security. By integrating advanced digital platforms, we can unify every aspect of workforce management, providing real-time data insights that drive smarter decision-making. This transformation is not just about filling positions—it's about building a resilient, adaptive workforce that positions healthcare providers to thrive in an increasingly complex environment. At Cross Country, we're leading this evolution, empowering healthcare systems to operate at their highest potential."

Key Findings:

  • Nearly 9 out of 10 respondents expressed concern over high turnover and burnout. Integrated technology solutions are crucial to help fill positions and enhance quality care through efficient staff management.
  • A striking 38% of respondents spend over 20 hours a week on recruiting, while 13% dedicate the same amount to compliance-related tasks. Streamlining these administrative tasks through automation and integrated systems is vital for improving efficiency.
  • Digital staffing solutions like AI, machine learning, and real-time analytics emerged as critical for controlling healthcare costs and optimizing resources, offering a path to more sustainable healthcare operations.
  • The survey underscores the ineffectiveness of fragmented staffing methods, advocating for integrated digital platforms that streamline workforce management across all facets—from recruitment and onboarding to scheduling and retention.
  • Respondents highlighted the need for real-time staffing updates, access to accurate candidate data, and automated onboarding processes as part of their digital “wish list.” These desires reflect a pressing need for intuitive, integrated tools capable of real-time data processing.
  • Ninety-one percent of respondents found scheduling and staff planning tools to be very or somewhat helpful, indicating the significant role digital solutions can play in workforce optimization.
  • While 40% of respondents cited implementation difficulties and 33% noted financial constraints as barriers to implementation, nearly half agreed that vendor management systems could streamline workforce management once fully integrated.

Martins further commented: "Staff shortages and burnout are at a crisis point, threatening the quality of care and the well-being of our healthcare professionals. Technology isn't just a solution—it's a lifeline. By implementing advanced digital platforms, we can streamline staffing processes, alleviate administrative burdens, and create more flexible, supportive work environments. This approach allows healthcare providers to focus on what matters most: delivering exceptional patient care. Cross Country is dedicated to supporting our partners in this critical transformation, ensuring they have the tools to build a more resilient and compassionate workforce."

Cross Country is at the forefront of digital transformation in healthcare, offering innovative solutions to guide providers through these persistent and pressing challenges. Download the full guide here to explore detailed insights and strategies for building a resilient and adaptive workforce.

About Cross Country Healthcare

Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. is a market-leading, tech-enabled workforce solutions and advisory firm with 38 years of industry experience and insight. We help clients tackle complex labor-related challenges and achieve high-quality outcomes while reducing complexity and improving visibility through data-driven insights. Diversity, equality, and inclusion are at the heart of the organization’s overall corporate social responsibility program. It is closely aligned with our core values to create a better future for its people, communities, and stockholders.

Karen Varga-Sinka, Cross Country


Source: Cross Country Healthcare, Inc.


What are the key findings of Cross Country Healthcare's survey on healthcare staffing?

The survey found that nearly 90% of respondents are concerned about high turnover and burnout, 38% spend over 20 hours weekly on recruiting, 91% find scheduling and staff planning tools helpful, and digital staffing solutions are important for controlling costs and optimizing resources in healthcare.

How can digital workforce solutions help address the healthcare staffing crisis according to CCRN?

According to Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN), digital workforce solutions can streamline staffing processes, alleviate administrative burdens, and create more flexible work environments. These solutions include integrated platforms for recruitment, onboarding, scheduling, and retention, as well as AI, machine learning, and real-time analytics for optimizing resources.

What percentage of survey respondents spend over 20 hours a week on recruiting?

According to the survey by Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN), 38% of respondents spend over 20 hours a week on recruiting activities.

What are the main barriers to implementing digital staffing solutions in healthcare?

The survey by Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN) identified two main barriers to implementing digital staffing solutions: 40% of respondents cited implementation difficulties, and 33% noted financial constraints as obstacles.

How many respondents found scheduling and staff planning tools helpful in the CCRN survey?

In the Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN) survey, 91% of respondents found scheduling and staff planning tools to be very or somewhat helpful for workforce optimization.

Cross Country Healthcare Inc


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Medical Care Facilities
Services-help Supply Services
United States of America