Crown Castle Announces CEO Transition
Crown Castle (NYSE: CCI) announced immediate leadership changes with Daniel Schlanger, current EVP and CFO, appointed as interim CEO following Steven Moskowitz's termination. The Board has initiated a search for a permanent CEO successor.
Schlanger will serve as CFO until April 1, 2025, when Sunit Patel takes over as EVP and CFO. After a permanent CEO is appointed, Schlanger will transition to Chief Transformation Officer, overseeing the previously announced sale of the company's small cells and fiber solutions businesses, expected to close in first half 2026.
The Board, led by Chair P. Robert Bartolo, emphasized this transition aligns with Crown Castle's transformation into a pure-play U.S. tower business. The company reaffirmed all recently announced financial guidance, capital allocation policies, and details regarding the fiber segment sale to EQT and Zayo. Moskowitz's termination was not related to any disagreement, ethical concerns, or company performance.
Crown Castle (NYSE: CCI) ha annunciato cambiamenti immediati nella leadership con Daniel Schlanger, attuale EVP e CFO, nominato CEO ad interim dopo il licenziamento di Steven Moskowitz. Il Consiglio ha avviato una ricerca per un successore permanente del CEO.
Schlanger continuerà a ricoprire il ruolo di CFO fino al 1° aprile 2025, quando Sunit Patel assumerà il ruolo di EVP e CFO. Dopo la nomina di un CEO permanente, Schlanger passerà a Chief Transformation Officer, supervisionando la vendita precedentemente annunciata delle attività di piccole celle e soluzioni in fibra dell'azienda, prevista per la chiusura nella prima metà del 2026.
Il Consiglio, guidato dal Presidente P. Robert Bartolo, ha sottolineato che questa transizione è in linea con la trasformazione di Crown Castle in un'azienda di torri esclusivamente statunitense. L'azienda ha confermato tutte le recenti linee guida finanziarie annunciate, le politiche di allocazione del capitale e i dettagli riguardanti la vendita del segmento fibra a EQT e Zayo. Il licenziamento di Moskowitz non è stato legato a disaccordi, preoccupazioni etiche o performance aziendale.
Crown Castle (NYSE: CCI) anunció cambios inmediatos en el liderazgo, con Daniel Schlanger, actual EVP y CFO, designado como CEO interino tras la destitución de Steven Moskowitz. La Junta ha iniciado la búsqueda de un sucesor permanente para el CEO.
Schlanger seguirá como CFO hasta el 1 de abril de 2025, cuando Sunit Patel asumirá el cargo de EVP y CFO. Después de que se designe un CEO permanente, Schlanger pasará a ser Chief Transformation Officer, supervisando la venta previamente anunciada de las unidades de pequeñas celdas y soluciones de fibra de la empresa, que se espera cerrar en la primera mitad de 2026.
La Junta, encabezada por el Presidente P. Robert Bartolo, enfatizó que esta transición está alineada con la transformación de Crown Castle en un negocio de torres puramente estadounidense. La empresa reafirmó todas las orientaciones financieras recientemente anunciadas, las políticas de asignación de capital y los detalles sobre la venta del segmento de fibra a EQT y Zayo. La destitución de Moskowitz no estuvo relacionada con desacuerdos, preocupaciones éticas o el rendimiento de la empresa.
Crown Castle (NYSE: CCI)는 Steven Moskowitz의 해임 이후 Daniel Schlanger, 현재 EVP이자 CFO를 임시 CEO로 임명하며 즉각적인 리더십 변화를 발표했습니다. 이사회는 영구 CEO 후임자를 찾기 시작했습니다.
Schlanger는 2025년 4월 1일까지 CFO로 재직하며, 그때 Sunit Patel이 EVP 및 CFO로 취임합니다. 영구 CEO가 임명된 후, Schlanger는 Chief Transformation Officer로 전환하여 회사의 소형 셀 및 섬유 솔루션 사업의 판매를 감독할 예정이며, 이는 2026년 상반기 내에 마감될 것으로 예상됩니다.
P. Robert Bartolo 의장이 이끄는 이사회는 이 전환이 Crown Castle의 순수 미국 타워 사업으로의 변모와 일치한다고 강조했습니다. 회사는 최근 발표된 모든 재무 지침, 자본 배분 정책 및 EQT와 Zayo에 대한 섬유 부문 판매에 대한 세부 사항을 재확인했습니다. Moskowitz의 해임은 불일치, 윤리적 우려 또는 회사 성과와 관련이 없었습니다.
Crown Castle (NYSE: CCI) a annoncé des changements de direction immédiats, avec Daniel Schlanger, actuel EVP et CFO, nommé PDG par intérim suite au licenciement de Steven Moskowitz. Le Conseil a lancé une recherche pour un successeur permanent au poste de PDG.
Schlanger continuera en tant que CFO jusqu'au 1er avril 2025, date à laquelle Sunit Patel prendra ses fonctions d'EVP et CFO. Après la nomination d'un PDG permanent, Schlanger passera au poste de Chief Transformation Officer, supervisant la vente précédemment annoncée des activités de petites cellules et de solutions en fibre de l'entreprise, qui devrait être conclue au cours de la première moitié de 2026.
Le Conseil, dirigé par le Président P. Robert Bartolo, a souligné que cette transition s'aligne avec la transformation de Crown Castle en une entreprise de tours exclusivement américaine. L'entreprise a réaffirmé toutes les orientations financières récemment annoncées, les politiques d'allocation de capital et les détails concernant la vente du segment fibre à EQT et Zayo. Le licenciement de Moskowitz n'était pas lié à des désaccords, des préoccupations éthiques ou des performances de l'entreprise.
Crown Castle (NYSE: CCI) gab sofortige Veränderungen in der Führung bekannt, wobei Daniel Schlanger, derzeit EVP und CFO, nach der Entlassung von Steven Moskowitz als Interim-CEO ernannt wurde. Der Vorstand hat die Suche nach einem dauerhaften Nachfolger für den CEO eingeleitet.
Schlanger wird bis zum 1. April 2025 als CFO tätig sein, wenn Sunit Patel die Position des EVP und CFO übernimmt. Nach der Ernennung eines permanenten CEOs wird Schlanger zum Chief Transformation Officer wechseln und die zuvor angekündigte Veräußertung der kleinen Zellen und Glasfaserlösungen des Unternehmens überwachen, die voraussichtlich in der ersten Hälfte von 2026 abgeschlossen wird.
Der Vorstand, geleitet von Vorsitzendem P. Robert Bartolo, betonte, dass dieser Übergang mit der Transformation von Crown Castle in ein reines US-Turmgeschäft übereinstimmt. Das Unternehmen bestätigte alle kürzlich angekündigten finanziellen Vorgaben, Kapitalallokationsrichtlinien und Einzelheiten zum Verkauf des Glasfasersegments an EQT und Zayo. Die Entlassung von Moskowitz stand nicht im Zusammenhang mit Meinungsverschiedenheiten, ethischen Bedenken oder der Unternehmensleistung.
- Strategic transformation into focused pure-play US tower company
- Reaffirmation of financial guidance and capital allocation policies
- Planned sale of small cells and fiber solutions businesses proceeding as scheduled
- Unexpected CEO termination creating leadership uncertainty
- Extended transition period with interim CEO until permanent replacement found
- Complex organizational restructuring through 2026
Crown Castle's CEO transition comes at a pivotal moment as the company executes its transformation into a pure-play US tower company through the previously announced sale of its small cells and fiber solutions businesses. The immediate appointment of CFO Daniel Schlanger as interim CEO, with the board actively searching for a permanent replacement, suggests a deliberate leadership shift rather than an emergency situation.
The company's explicit reaffirmation of financial guidance and capital allocation policies signals continuity in financial strategy despite the leadership change. This suggests the board is primarily focused on execution of the already-established strategic direction rather than implementing a new vision. The assertion that Moskowitz's termination was not related to financial performance, compliance issues, or disagreements about company policy further supports this assessment.
The planned leadership structure post-transition is noteworthy - Schlanger will eventually move to Chief Transformation Officer once a permanent CEO is appointed, focusing specifically on completing the fiber business sale expected to close in H1 2026. Meanwhile, Sunit Patel assumes the CFO role on April 1. This carefully orchestrated transition indicates board confidence in the company's strategic direction despite the abrupt CEO change.
For investors, this leadership transition appears more about optimizing execution of the already-announced transformation rather than signaling financial distress or strategic disagreements. The focus on becoming a "pure-play" tower company in what they describe as "the best market for wireless infrastructure in the world" remains the core investment thesis.
Daniel Schlanger, Current Executive Vice President and CFO, Appointed Interim President and CEO
Search Underway to Identify Successor CEO
Reaffirms All Recently Announced Financial Guidance and Capital Allocation Policies
Highly Confident in Value-Maximizing Transformation into a Pure-Play US Tower Company
HOUSTON, March 24, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Crown Castle Inc. (NYSE: CCI) (“Company” or “Crown Castle”) today announced that the Company’s Board of Directors (Board) has appointed Dan Schlanger, Executive Vice President (EVP) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), as interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective immediately. Steven Moskowitz has been terminated as President and CEO. The Board has initiated a search for a successor President and CEO and is in the process of retaining a leading executive search firm to assist in the process.
P. Robert Bartolo, Chair of the Crown Castle board of directors, said, “The Board determined that now is the right time to make this leadership transition to successfully complete the previously announced sale of the Company’s small cells and fiber solutions businesses and transform the company into a pure-play U.S. tower business. Looking ahead, Crown Castle will be well positioned to provide focused exposure to what we believe is the best market for wireless infrastructure in the world, and we are confident that installing new CEO leadership will put the Company on the best path forward to maximize long-term shareholder value. The Board thanks Steven for his contributions to the Company.”
As previously announced, Mr. Schlanger will continue to serve as the Company’s CFO until April 1, 2025, at which time Sunit Patel will assume the role of EVP and CFO. Mr. Schlanger will serve as interim CEO until a successor CEO is identified and appointed, at which time the Board intends to appoint him as Chief Transformation Officer, in which he will be responsible for overseeing the completion of the Company’s sale of its small cells and fiber solutions businesses, which is expected to close in the first half of 2026.
Mr. Bartolo continued, “Dan will leverage his in-depth knowledge of Crown Castle’s operations and his professional experience to complete the fiber transaction and ensure a smooth transition. He has been instrumental in helping shape Crown Castle’s strategy and is well equipped to lead the Company while the Board conducts a search for a CEO successor.”
Mr. Moskowitz’s termination was not a result of any disagreement regarding Crown Castle’s policies or financial performance and was not made for cause or related to any ethical or compliance concern. Crown Castle reaffirms all recently announced financial guidance, capital allocation policies and details regarding the sale of the fiber segment to EQT and Zayo.
Crown Castle owns, operates and leases more than 40,000 cell towers and approximately 90,000 route miles of fiber supporting small cells and fiber solutions across every major U.S. market. This nationwide portfolio of communications infrastructure connects cities and communities to essential data, technology and wireless service - bringing information, ideas and innovations to the people and businesses that need them. For more information on Crown Castle, please visit
Kris Hinson, VP Corp Finance & Treasurer
Crown Castle Inc.