Chubb Report Reveals Cybersecurity as Leading Risk Threatening Business Growth, with Technology Disruption Following Closely Behind
Chubb's Risk Decisions 360° report, based on a Harris Poll survey of 500 business leaders, reveals cybersecurity and technology disruption as the primary threats to business growth. Cybersecurity breaches and data leaks were cited by 40% of executives as the top man-made growth disruptors, while 60% identified cybersecurity as the leading geopolitical risk.
The study shows that 86% of companies either have or plan to adopt business interruption coverage, with 53% already having coverage in place. In terms of technological disruption, 79% of companies are implementing AI in risk management, though over 50% report being impacted by AI-related risks like deepfakes.
Financial risks are also significant, with 59% of executives citing cash flow and 56% pointing to inflation and interest rates as growth obstacles. The report highlights that over 89% of executives plan to expand their cyber insurance coverage to address increasing technological vulnerabilities.
Il rapporto sulle decisioni di rischio 360° di Chubb, basato su un sondaggio Harris Poll condotto su 500 leader aziendali, rivela che la cybersecurity e le interruzioni tecnologiche rappresentano le principali minacce alla crescita aziendale. Le violazioni della cybersecurity e le perdite di dati sono state citate dal 40% dei dirigenti come i principali fattori di disturbo della crescita causati dall'uomo, mentre il 60% ha identificato la cybersecurity come il rischio geopolitico principale.
Lo studio mostra che l'86% delle aziende ha o prevede di adottare una copertura per interruzione dell'attività, con il 53% che ha già una copertura in atto. Per quanto riguarda l'interruzione tecnologica, il 79% delle aziende sta implementando l'IA nella gestione del rischio, anche se oltre il 50% riferisce di essere colpito da rischi legati all'IA, come i deepfake.
I rischi finanziari sono anch'essi significativi, con il 59% dei dirigenti che cita il flusso di cassa e il 56% che indica l'inflazione e i tassi d'interesse come ostacoli alla crescita. Il rapporto mette in evidenza che oltre l'89% dei dirigenti prevede di ampliare la propria copertura assicurativa per la cybersecurity per affrontare le crescenti vulnerabilità tecnologiche.
El informe sobre decisiones de riesgo 360° de Chubb, basado en una encuesta de Harris Poll a 500 líderes empresariales, revela que la ciberseguridad y las interrupciones tecnológicas son las principales amenazas al crecimiento empresarial. Las violaciones de seguridad cibernética y las filtraciones de datos fueron citadas por el 40% de los ejecutivos como los principales factores de interrupción del crecimiento provocados por el hombre, mientras que el 60% identificó la ciberseguridad como el principal riesgo geopolítico.
El estudio muestra que el 86% de las empresas tiene o planea adoptar una cobertura por interrupción del negocio, con el 53% ya teniendo cobertura activa. En términos de interrupción tecnológica, el 79% de las empresas está implementando IA en la gestión de riesgos, aunque más del 50% informa que está siendo afectado por riesgos relacionados con IA, como los deepfakes.
Los riesgos financieros también son significativos, con el 59% de los ejecutivos citando el flujo de caja y el 56% señalando la inflación y las tasas de interés como obstáculos para el crecimiento. El informe destaca que más del 89% de los ejecutivos planea expandir su cobertura de seguro cibernético para abordar las crecientes vulnerabilidades tecnológicas.
Chubb의 리스크 결정 360° 보고서는 500명의 비즈니스 리더들을 대상으로 한 Harris Poll 조사에 기반하여 사이버 보안 및 기술 중단이 비즈니스 성장에 대한 주요 위협으로 나타났습니다. 사이버 보안 침해와 데이터 유출은 40%의 경영진이 인간이 초래한 주요 성장 방해 요소로 언급했으며, 60%는 사이버 보안을 주요 지정학적 위험으로 지적했습니다.
이번 연구는 86%의 기업이 사업 중단 보험을 보유하거나 계획하고 있으며, 53%는 이미 이 보험을 갖추고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 기술 중단을 고려할 때, 79%의 기업이 리스크 관리에 AI를 도입하고 있지만, 50% 이상이 딥페이크와 같은 AI 관련 리스크에 영향을 받고 있다고 보고하고 있습니다.
재무 리스크 또한 상당하며, 59%의 경영진이 현금 흐름을, 56%가 성장의 장애물로 인플레이션과 금리를 지적했습니다. 이 보고서는 89% 이상의 경영진이 증가하는 기술적 취약점을 해결하기 위해 사이버 보험 커버리지를 확장할 계획이라고 강조하고 있습니다.
Le rapport sur les décisions de risque 360° de Chubb, basé sur une enquête Harris Poll réalisée auprès de 500 leaders d'entreprise, révèle que la cybersécurité et les disruptions technologiques sont les principales menaces pour la croissance des entreprises. Les violations de la cybersécurité et les fuites de données ont été citées par 40% des dirigeants comme les principaux perturbateurs de croissance de nature humaine, tandis que 60% ont identifié la cybersécurité comme le principal risque géopolitique.
L'étude montre que 86% des entreprises possèdent ou prévoient d'adopter une couverture contre les interruptions d'activité, avec 53% ayant déjà une couverture en place. En ce qui concerne les disruptions technologiques, 79% des entreprises mettent en œuvre l'IA dans la gestion des risques, bien que plus de 50% rapportent avoir été impactés par des risques liés à l'IA, tels que les deepfakes.
Les risques financiers sont également significatifs, 59% des dirigeants citant le flux de trésorerie et 56% pointant l'inflation et les taux d'intérêt comme des obstacles à la croissance. Le rapport souligne que plus de 89% des dirigeants prévoient d'étendre leur couverture d'assurance cybernétique pour faire face aux vulnérabilités technologiques croissantes.
Chubbs Risikobericht 360°, basierend auf einer Umfrage von Harris Poll unter 500 Führungskräften, zeigt, dass Cybersecurity und technologische Störungen die Hauptbedrohungen für das Unternehmenswachstum sind. Sicherheitsverletzungen und Datenlecks wurden von 40% der Führungskräfte als die größten vom Menschen verursachten Wachstumsstörer angeführt, während 60% die Cybersecurity als das wichtigste geopolitische Risiko identifizierten.
Die Studie zeigt, dass 86% der Unternehmen entweder eine Unterbrechungsversicherung haben oder planen, eine solche abzuschließen, wobei 53% bereits über eine Versicherung verfügen. Hinsichtlich der technologischen Störungen setzen 79% der Unternehmen KI im Risikomanagement ein, obwohl über 50% berichten, von KI-bezogenen Risiken wie Deepfakes betroffen zu sein.
Auch finanzielle Risiken sind erheblich, wobei 59% der Führungskräfte den Cashflow und 56% die Inflation und Zinssätze als Wachstumshemmnisse anführen. Der Bericht hebt hervor, dass über 89% der Führungskräfte planen, ihren Cyber-Versicherungsschutz auszuweiten, um den zunehmenden technologischen Verwundbarkeiten zu begegnen.
- 86% of companies have or will soon adopt business interruption coverage
- 89% of executives plan to expand cyber insurance coverage
- 84% of companies actively monitor cyber incidents as a risk mitigation tool
- 40% report cyber breaches and data leaks as most disruptive financial threats
- Over 50% of companies report being impacted by AI-related risks
- 59% cite cash flow problems as significant growth obstacles
- One-third of executives believe their company isn't effective at mitigating risk
The survey's findings reveal a critical shift in the risk landscape, with 74% of large companies identifying cybersecurity as their primary growth threat. The 40% occurrence rate of cyber breaches and data leaks significantly overshadowing other risks signals a fundamental transformation in corporate vulnerability. The planned expansion of cyber insurance coverage by 89% of executives reflects a growing recognition of cyber threats' financial implications.
The integration of cyber incident monitoring as a core function in 84% of organizations demonstrates a maturing approach to cyber risk management. However, the emergence of AI-related threats, particularly deepfakes affecting over 50% of companies, introduces a new dimension of cyber vulnerability that traditional security measures may not adequately address.
The report unveils a concerning gap in risk management effectiveness, with over one-third of companies acknowledging suboptimal risk mitigation capabilities. The 86% adoption rate of business interruption coverage, with 53% currently holding coverage and an additional third planning to secure it, indicates a strategic shift toward comprehensive risk transfer solutions.
The financial impact is particularly pronounced in the small business segment, where 70% report cash flow challenges. The convergence of technological and financial risks, coupled with 56% of executives citing inflation and interest rates as growth obstacles, presents a complex risk environment requiring sophisticated mitigation strategies.
The 79% AI implementation rate in risk management operations represents a double-edged sword. While AI enhances risk detection and management capabilities, it simultaneously introduces new vulnerabilities. The emphasis on data integrity concerns by 56% of executives, particularly among middle-market businesses at 60%, highlights the intricate balance between digital transformation and security.
The report's findings suggest that technological disruption, especially through malicious AI manipulation, has evolved from a peripheral concern to a central business risk, fundamentally altering the risk management landscape for insurers and their clients.
Harris Poll survey of business leaders also discloses leading strategies to mitigate these and other growth risks, identifying cyber, tech and financial risk as top three disruptors requiring greatest investment and labor to mitigate, and where insurance is most effective.
Cyber breaches and data leaks -- cited by
"Chubb's 'Risk Decisions 360°' report provides critical insights into the evolving risk landscape, empowering businesses of all sizes to make informed decisions and achieve sustainable growth," said Juan Luis Ortega, President, North America Insurance at Chubb.
Chubb's report established that
Executives surveyed acknowledge the challenge of effectively managing the breadth of emerging and evolving risks, with more than one-third believing that their company isn't either extremely or very effective at mitigating risk.
Additional Key Findings
74% of executives at large companies cite cybersecurity as the top risk to growth, with40% reporting that cyber breaches and data leaks have been the most disruptive and financially burdensome man-made threats.- Monitoring cyber incidents and events is the most commonly deployed risk mitigation tool in the arsenal of businesses with
84% of executives telling Chubb it is either a fully-integrated/essential function in their organization (41% ) or used regularly (43% ) with another14% using it in some situations
Technological Disruption:
79% of companies are implementing AI within their risk management, though most express concern about AI-related risks, such as deepfakes, with over50% stating their company has been impacted.- For executives prioritizing technology, data integrity (
56% ) and digital transformation challenges (53% ) were the top concerns, especially among middle-market businesses (60% ).
Financial Risks:
59% of executives point to cash flow and (56% ) cite inflation and interest rates as significant obstacles to growth, with cash flow problems (70% ) particularly impacting small businesses.
The Role of Insurance:
- The report underscores the growing importance of insurance in mitigating today's business risks. Over
89% of executives plan to expand their cyber insurance coverage to address the increasing threat of technological vulnerabilities.
Emerging Threats:
- Risks that are reported on regularly today – especially those related to cyber security, artificial intelligence, climate change and reputational damage as a result of viral social media events – were either previously non-existent or have intensified greatly over the last 10 years.
The Risk Decisions 360°: Emerging Risks That Can Impede Sustainable Company Growth report is based on a Harris Poll of 517 executives across various industries and a cross-section of three business sizes - small businesses (
About Chubb
Chubb is a world leader in insurance. With operations in 54 countries and territories, Chubb provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental health insurance, reinsurance and life insurance to a diverse group of clients. The company is defined by its extensive product and service offerings, broad distribution capabilities, exceptional financial strength and local operations globally. Parent company Chubb Limited is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CB) and is a component of the S&P 500 index. Chubb employs approximately 40,000 people worldwide. Additional information can be found at:
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