L&T Technology Services Wins Prestigious Excellence Award from Caterpillar Inc.
L&T Technology Services (LTTS) has been awarded the Caterpillar Supplier Excellence Award 2024 at an event in Grapevine, Texas. The award recognizes LTTS' outstanding performance as a key supplier of high-end engineering services for Caterpillar (CAT) in Mobility and Sustainability segments. LTTS has been instrumental in supporting Caterpillar's sustainability initiatives across multiple sectors globally.
During the ceremony, Pam Heminger, Senior VP for Strategic Procurement and Planning, emphasized the importance of a strong supply network in manufacturing. Alind Saxena, Executive Director at LTTS, highlighted their role in helping Caterpillar reduce carbon footprint and achieve sustainability goals.
L&T Technology Services (LTTS) ha ricevuto il Caterpillar Supplier Excellence Award 2024 durante un evento a Grapevine, in Texas. Questo premio riconosce l'eccellente performance di LTTS come fornitore chiave di servizi di ingegneria di alta qualità per Caterpillar (CAT) nei segmenti della Mobilità e della Sostenibilità. LTTS è stato fondamentale nel supportare le iniziative di sostenibilità di Caterpillar in diversi settori a livello globale.
Durante la cerimonia, Pam Heminger, VP Senior per gli Acquisti Strategici e la Pianificazione, ha sottolineato l'importanza di una rete di fornitori solida nella produzione. Alind Saxena, Direttore Esecutivo di LTTS, ha evidenziato il loro ruolo nell'aiutare Caterpillar a ridurre l'impatto ambientale e raggiungere obiettivi di sostenibilità.
L&T Technology Services (LTTS) ha sido galardonada con el Caterpillar Supplier Excellence Award 2024 en un evento en Grapevine, Texas. Este premio reconoce el desempeño excepcional de LTTS como proveedor clave de servicios de ingeniería de alta gama para Caterpillar (CAT) en los segmentos de Movilidad y Sostenibilidad. LTTS ha sido fundamental en el apoyo a las iniciativas de sostenibilidad de Caterpillar en múltiples sectores a nivel global.
Durante la ceremonia, Pam Heminger, Vicepresidenta Senior de Compras Estratégicas y Planificación, enfatizó la importancia de una red de suministro sólida en la fabricación. Alind Saxena, Director Ejecutivo de LTTS, destacó su papel en ayudar a Caterpillar a reducir su huella de carbono y alcanzar sus objetivos de sostenibilidad.
L&T 기술 서비스 (LTTS)는 텍사스 그래이프바인에서 열린 행사에서 캐터필러 공급업체 우수상 2024을 수상했습니다. 이번 상은 LTTS가 캐터필러 (CAT)의 이동성 및 지속 가능성 분야에서 고급 엔지니어링 서비스의 주요 공급업체로서 뛰어난 성과를 인정받은 것입니다. LTTS는 전 세계 여러 산업 분야에서 캐터필러의 지속 가능성 이니셔티브를 지원하는 데 중요한 역할을 해왔습니다.
행사 중에, Pam Heminger, 전략 구매 및 계획 담당 선임 부사장은 제조에서 강력한 공급망의 중요성을 강조했습니다. LTTS의 전무 이사인 Alind Saxena는 캐터필러가 탄소 발자국을 줄이고 지속 가능성 목표를 달성하는 데 도움을 주는 역할에 대해 강조했습니다.
L&T Technology Services (LTTS) a reçu le Caterpillar Supplier Excellence Award 2024 lors d'un événement à Grapevine, Texas. Ce prix reconnaît l'excellence de LTTS en tant que fournisseur clé de services d'ingénierie de haute qualité pour Caterpillar (CAT) dans les segments de la Mobilité et de la Durabilité. LTTS a joué un rôle essentiel dans le soutien aux initiatives de durabilité de Caterpillar dans divers secteurs à l'échelle mondiale.
Lors de la cérémonie, Pam Heminger, VP Senior pour les Achats Stratégiques et la Planification, a souligné l'importance d'un réseau d'approvisionnement solide dans la fabrication. Alind Saxena, Directeur Exécutif chez LTTS, a mis en avant leur rôle dans l'aide à Caterpillar pour réduire son empreinte carbone et atteindre ses objectifs de durabilité.
L&T Technology Services (LTTS) wurde beim Caterpillar Supplier Excellence Award 2024 in Grapevine, Texas, ausgezeichnet. Der Preis würdigt die herausragende Leistung von LTTS als Schlüsselzulieferer von hochwertigen Ingenieurdienstleistungen für Caterpillar (CAT) in den Bereichen Mobilität und Nachhaltigkeit. LTTS war maßgeblich daran beteiligt, Caterpillars Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen in verschiedenen Sektoren weltweit zu unterstützen.
Während der Zeremonie betonte Pam Heminger, Senior VP für strategische Beschaffung und Planung, die Bedeutung eines starken Lieferantennetzwerks in der Fertigung. Alind Saxena, Executive Director bei LTTS, hoben ihre Rolle hervor, Caterpillar dabei zu helfen, den CO2-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren und Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen.
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LTTS is a key supplier for Caterpillar Inc., delivering high end engineering services for Caterpillar and its customers across the globe. Leveraging expertise across multiple sectors, LTTS has been a valued partner in supporting Caterpillar's sustainability initiatives.
During the award ceremony, Pam Heminger, Senior Vice President for the Strategic Procurement and Planning Division said, “Caterpillar’s ability to manufacture is dependent on the strength, efficiency and effectiveness of the entire supply network, end-to-end. Our customers build a better, more sustainable world when our strong supply network helps ensure we provide our customers the products they need at the right time, the right place and at the right cost.”
“The world is relying on Caterpillar and companies like LTTS to reduce carbon footprint and lower greenhouse gas emissions while setting new benchmarks for Mobility. We are very proud to be recognized as a leader in helping Caterpillar achieve its Sustainability and Mobility goals, providing products and services that make a real difference in the world,” said Alind Saxena, Executive Director and President, Mobility & Tech at L&T Technology Services.
About L&T Technology Services Ltd
L&T Technology Services (LTTS) is a global leader in engineering and technology services. A listed subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro (L&T), we offer design, development, testing, and sustenance services across products and processes.
Purposeful. Agile. Innovation. is how we drive growth across the Mobility, Sustainability, and Tech segments. Our customer base includes 69 Fortune 500 companies and 57 top ER&D companies across industrial products, medical devices, transportation, telecom & hi-tech, and process industries. Headquartered in
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Media Contact:
Aniruddha Basu
L&T Technology Services Limited
E: Aniruddha.Basu@LTTS.com
Source: L&T Technology Services Ltd