Carrier Announces Early Results of its Cash Tender Offers for its Outstanding Debt Securities and Upsize of Aggregate Purchase Price

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Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) announced the early results of its cash tender offers for outstanding debt securities. The company increased the Aggregate Purchase Price from $800 million to $1 billion. As of the Early Tender Date on August 8, 2024:

  • 5.900% Notes due 2034: $732,473,000 tendered (73.25% of outstanding)
  • 6.200% Notes due 2054: $692,787,000 tendered (69.28% of outstanding)
  • 3.577% Notes due 2050: $906,891,000 tendered (45.34% of outstanding)

Due to oversubscription, not all tendered Securities will be accepted. The company does not expect to accept any 3.377% Notes due 2040 or 2.242% Notes due 2025. The settlement date for accepted Securities is anticipated to be August 13, 2024.

Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) ha annunciato i risultati preliminari delle sue offerte di acquisto per titoli di debito in circolazione. L'azienda ha aumentato il Prezzo Aggregato di Acquisto da 800 milioni a 1 miliardo di dollari. Alla Data di Offerta Anticipata del 8 agosto 2024:

  • Obbligazioni al 5.900% con scadenza nel 2034: 732.473.000 dollari offerti (73,25% del totale in circolazione)
  • Obbligazioni al 6.200% con scadenza nel 2054: 692.787.000 dollari offerti (69,28% del totale in circolazione)
  • Obbligazioni al 3.577% con scadenza nel 2050: 906.891.000 dollari offerti (45,34% del totale in circolazione)

A causa dell'overbooking, non tutti i titoli offerti saranno accettati. L'azienda non prevede di accettare alcuna Obbligazione al 3.377% con scadenza nel 2040 o Obbligazioni al 2.242% con scadenza nel 2025. La data di regolamento per i titoli accettati è prevista per il 13 agosto 2024.

Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) anunció los resultados preliminares de sus ofertas de compra en efectivo para valores de deuda en circulación. La compañía aumentó el Precio Agregado de Compra de 800 millones a 1 mil millones de dólares. Hasta la Fecha de Oferta Temprana el 8 de agosto de 2024:

  • Notas al 5.900% con vencimiento en 2034: 732,473,000 dólares ofrecidos (73.25% de lo pendiente)
  • Notas al 6.200% con vencimiento en 2054: 692,787,000 dólares ofrecidos (69.28% de lo pendiente)
  • Notas al 3.577% con vencimiento en 2050: 906,891,000 dólares ofrecidos (45.34% de lo pendiente)

Debido a la sobre-suscripción, no todos los valores ofrecidos serán aceptados. La compañía no espera aceptar ninguna Nota al 3.377% con vencimiento en 2040 o Nota al 2.242% con vencimiento en 2025. La fecha de liquidación para los valores aceptados se anticipa para el 13 de agosto de 2024.

캐리어 글로벌(NYSE: CARR)은 유통되는 채무 증권에 대한 현금 공개매수의 조기 결과를 발표했습니다. 회사는 총매입가를 8억 달러에서 10억 달러로 늘렸습니다. 조기 제안 마감일인 2024년 8월 8일 기준:

  • 2034년 만기 5.900% 채권: 732,473,000달러가 제안됨 (발행총액의 73.25%)
  • 2054년 만기 6.200% 채권: 692,787,000달러가 제안됨 (발행총액의 69.28%)
  • 2050년 만기 3.577% 채권: 906,891,000달러가 제안됨 (발행총액의 45.34%)

과도한 신청으로 인해 모든 제안된 증권이 수락되는 것은 아닙니다. 회사는 2040년 만기 3.377% 채권이나 2025년 만기 2.242% 채권을 수락할 것으로 예상하지 않습니다. 수락된 증권의 정산일은 2024년 8월 13일로 예상됩니다.

Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) a annoncé les résultats préliminaires de ses offres d'achat en espèces pour des titres de créance en circulation. L'entreprise a augmenté le Prix d'Achat Global de 800 millions à 1 milliard de dollars. À la Date de l'Offre Anticipée du 8 août 2024 :

  • Obligations à 5,900% arrivant à échéance en 2034 : 732 473 000 dollars proposés (73,25 % du total en circulation)
  • Obligations à 6,200% arrivant à échéance en 2054 : 692 787 000 dollars proposés (69,28 % du total en circulation)
  • Obligations à 3,577% arrivant à échéance en 2050 : 906 891 000 dollars proposés (45,34 % du total en circulation)

En raison d'une sursouscription, tous les titres offerts ne seront pas acceptés. L'entreprise ne s'attend pas à accepter d'obligations à 3,377% arrivant à échéance en 2040 ni d'obligations à 2,242% arrivant à échéance en 2025. La date de règlement des titres acceptés est prévue pour le 13 août 2024.

Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) hat die vorläufigen Ergebnisse seiner Barangebote für ausstehende Schuldverschreibungen bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen hat den Gesamtankaufpreis von 800 Millionen auf 1 Milliarde Dollar erhöht. Zum Frühzeitigen Angebotsdatum am 8. August 2024:

  • 5,900%-Anleihen fällig 2034: 732.473.000 Dollar angeboten (73,25% des ausstehenden Betrags)
  • 6,200%-Anleihen fällig 2054: 692.787.000 Dollar angeboten (69,28% des ausstehenden Betrags)
  • 3,577%-Anleihen fällig 2050: 906.891.000 Dollar angeboten (45,34% des ausstehenden Betrags)

Wegen Überzeichnung werden nicht alle angebotenen Wertpapiere akzeptiert. Das Unternehmen rechnet nicht damit, dass 3,377%-Anleihen fällig 2040 oder 2,242%-Anleihen fällig 2025 akzeptiert werden. Das Abschlussdatum der akzeptierten Wertpapiere wird voraussichtlich der 13. August 2024 sein.

  • Increased Aggregate Purchase Price from $800 million to $1 billion, potentially allowing for more debt repurchase
  • High tender participation rates for 2034 and 2054 Notes (73.25% and 69.28% respectively)
  • Potential reduction in long-term debt obligations
  • Oversubscription may lead to pro-rata acceptance, potentially disappointing some bondholders
  • Increased cash outlay for debt repurchase may impact short-term liquidity

Carrier's upsize of its cash tender offers from $800 million to $1 billion is a significant move that reflects strong investor interest and the company's robust financial position. This action could potentially reduce Carrier's debt burden and improve its balance sheet.

The high tender rates, particularly for the 2034 (73.25%) and 2054 (69.28%) notes, indicate investors' willingness to cash out, possibly due to attractive pricing or expectations of rising interest rates. This could result in lower interest expenses for Carrier in the long term, potentially boosting profitability.

However, investors should note that while this move may strengthen Carrier's financial position, it also represents a significant cash outlay. The impact on the company's liquidity and future capital allocation strategies should be closely monitored.

The oversubscription of Carrier's tender offers, particularly for the 2034 and 2054 notes, signals strong demand in the debt markets. This could be driven by investors seeking to lock in gains or reposition their portfolios in anticipation of changing market conditions.

The company's decision to increase the aggregate purchase price by $200 million demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness to market demand. This could potentially enhance Carrier's reputation in the debt markets, possibly leading to more favorable terms in future debt issuances.

However, the tiered acceptance priority structure means that holders of lower-priority notes (2040 and 2025) may not have their tenders accepted. This could lead to some investor disappointment and potentially impact the trading of these notes in the secondary market.

Carrier's aggressive debt repurchase strategy suggests a proactive approach to capital structure management. By targeting longer-dated notes (2034 and 2054), the company is likely aiming to reduce its long-term debt obligations and potentially create more financial flexibility for future strategic initiatives.

The high tender rates across all note series indicate that investors view the offer prices as attractive. This could be seen as a win-win situation, allowing Carrier to optimize its debt profile while providing liquidity to bondholders.

However, investors should consider the opportunity cost of this large cash deployment. It's important to assess whether this debt reduction aligns with Carrier's growth strategy and if it might limit resources for potential investments or acquisitions in the near term.

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla., Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Carrier Global Corporation (NYSE: CARR) (the "Company") today announced the early tender results for its previously announced cash tender offers (the "Tender Offers"), in the order of priority set forth in the table below, for the outstanding notes listed in the table below (collectively, the "Securities" and each, a "series") such that (i) the aggregate purchase price (excluding accrued and unpaid interest) for all Securities purchased in the Tender Offers does not exceed $800,000,000 (the "Aggregate Purchase Price") and (ii) the aggregate principal amount of (x) the Company's 5.900% Notes due 2034 (the "Notes due 2034") purchased in the Tender Offers does not exceed $125,000,000 and (y) the Company's 6.200% Notes due 2054 (the "Notes due 2054") purchased in the Tender Offers does not exceed $350,000,000 (each of (x) and (y), a "Series Tender Cap" and, collectively, the "Series Tender Caps"). 

Additionally, the Company announced an increase in the Aggregate Purchase Price to $1.0 billion aggregate purchase price (excluding accrued and unpaid interest) for all Securities purchased in the Tender Offers. Except as described in this press release, the terms and conditions of the Tender Offers set forth in the Offer to Purchase (as defined below) remain unchanged.

As of the previously announced early tender date and time of 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on August 8, 2024 (the "Early Tender Date"), according to information provided by D.F. King & Co, the tender and information agent for the Tender Offers, the aggregate principal amount of each series of Securities set forth in the table below under "Principal Amount Tendered" have been validly tendered and not validly withdrawn in the Tender Offers. Withdrawal rights for the Tender Offers expired at 5:00 p.m. New York City time on August 8, 2024, and, accordingly, Securities validly tendered in the Tender Offers may no longer be withdrawn except where additional withdrawal rights are required by law.

Because the aggregate purchase price (excluding accrued and unpaid interest) for the aggregate principal amount of Securities validly tendered and not validly withdrawn prior to the Early Tender Date would exceed the Aggregate Purchase Price, as well as the aggregate principal amounts of the Notes due 2034 and Notes due 2054 validly tendered and not validly withdrawn prior to the Early Tender Date would exceed their respective Series Tender Caps, the Company will not accept for purchase all Securities that have been validly tendered and not validly withdrawn by the Early Tender Date.

Title of

CUSIP Number / ISIN Number


Priority Level

Series Tender

Principal Amount

Percent Tendered
of Amount

5.900% Notes
due 2034

14448CBC7 / US14448CBC73 (SEC)

14448CAY0 / US14448CAY03 (144A)

U1453PAN1 / USU1453PAN16 (Reg S)





73.25 %

6.200% Notes
due 2054

14448CBD5 / US14448CBD56 (SEC)

14448CBA1 / US14448CBA18 (144A)

U1453PAQ4 / USU1453PAQ47 (Reg S)





69.28 %

3.577% Notes
due 2050

14448CAS3 / US14448CAS35 (SEC)

14448CAC8 / US14448CAC82 (144A)

U1453PAC5 / USU1453PAC50 (Reg S)





45.34 %

3.377% Notes
due 2040

14448CAR5 / US14448CAR51 (SEC)

14448CAB0 / US14448CAB00 (144A)

U1453PAB7 / USU1453PAB77 (Reg S)






2.242% Notes
due 2025

14448CAN4 / US14448CAN48 (SEC)

14448CAF1 / US14448CAF14 (144A)

U1453PAE1 / USU1453PAE17 (Reg S)







The offers with respect to the Securities are subject to the Aggregate Purchase Price and, in the case of the Notes due 2034 and the Notes due 2054, the applicable Series Tender Cap.  The Company will purchase an amount of Securities such that the aggregate purchase price (excluding accrued and unpaid interest) for all such Securities does not exceed the Aggregate Purchase Price, subject to the Acceptance Priority Levels as set forth in the table above (each, an "Acceptance Priority Level") and the applicable Series Tender Cap.  The Company reserves the right to increase, decrease or eliminate the Aggregate Purchase Price and/or either or both of the Series Tender Caps at any time, subject to compliance with applicable law.


Because the aggregate purchase price (excluding accrued and unpaid interest) for the aggregate principal amount of Notes due 2034, Notes due 2054 and 3.577% Notes due 2050 validly tendered and not validly withdrawn as of 5:00 p.m. New York City time on the Early Tender Date is expected to exceed the Aggregate Purchase Price, the Company does not expect to accept for purchase any 3.377% Notes due 2040 or 2.242% Notes due 2025.

The Tender Offers are being made pursuant to an offer to purchase, dated July 26, 2024 (as it may be amended or supplemented from time to time, the "Offer to Purchase"), which sets forth the terms and conditions of the Tender Offers. The Tender Offers will expire one minute after 11:59 p.m., New York City time, on August 22, 2024, or, in each case, any other date and time to which the Company extends the applicable Tender Offer (such date and time, as it may be extended with respect to a Tender Offer, the applicable "Expiration Date"), unless earlier terminated.

The applicable consideration (the "Total Consideration") offered per $1,000 principal amount of each series of Securities validly tendered and accepted for purchase pursuant to the applicable Tender Offer will be determined in the manner described in the Offer to Purchase by reference to the applicable "Fixed Spread" for such series of Securities specified in the table above plus the applicable yield based on the bid-side price of the applicable "U.S. Treasury Reference Security" specified in the table above as quoted on the applicable Bloomberg Reference Page specified in the table above at 10:00 a.m., New York City time, on August 9, 2024. The Company expects to issue a press release on August 9, 2024 to announce the Reference Yield and Total Consideration (each as defined in the Offer to Purchase) for each series of Securities that will be used in determining the Total Consideration payable in connection with the Tender Offers. It is anticipated that the settlement date for Securities that are validly tendered at or prior to the Early Tender Date and accepted for purchase will be August 13, 2024.

The Company's obligation to accept for payment and to pay for the Securities validly tendered in the Tender Offers is not subject to any minimum tender condition, but is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions described in the Offer to Purchase. The Company reserves the right, subject to applicable law, at any time to (i) waive any and all conditions to any of the Tender Offers, (ii) extend or terminate any of the Tender Offers, (iii) increase, decrease or eliminate the Aggregate Purchase Price, (iv) increase, decrease or eliminate either or both of the Series Tender Caps, or (v) otherwise amend any of the Tender Offers in any respect.

Information Relating to the Tender Offers

The Offer to Purchase is being distributed to holders beginning today. Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan and Wells Fargo Securities are the lead dealer managers for the tender offers and Deutsche Bank Securities and Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC are the co-dealer managers for the tender offers. Investors with questions regarding the tender offers may contact Morgan Stanley at (800) 624-1808 (toll free), J.P. Morgan at (866) 834-4666 (toll free) or (212) 834-4045 (collect) or Wells Fargo Securities at (866) 309-6316 (toll-free) or (704) 410-4759 (collect). D.F. King & Co., Inc. is the tender and information agent for the tender offers (the "Tender and Information Agent") and can be contacted at (866) 342-4882 (bankers and brokers can call collect at (212) 269-5550) or by email at

None of the Company or its affiliates, their respective boards of directors, the dealer managers, the tender and information agent or the trustee with respect to any Securities is making any recommendation as to whether holders should tender any Securities in response to any of the tender offers, and neither the Company nor any such other person has authorized any person to make any such recommendation. Holders must make their own decision as to whether to tender any of their Securities, and, if so, the principal amount of Securities to tender.

This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy or an offer to purchase or sell any securities. The Tender Offers are being made only pursuant to the Offer to Purchase and only in such jurisdictions as is permitted under applicable law.

The full details of the tender offers, including complete instructions on how to tender Securities, are included in the Offer to Purchase. Holders are strongly encouraged to read carefully the Offer to Purchase, including materials incorporated by reference therein, because they will contain important information. The Offer to Purchase may be obtained from D.F. King & Co., Inc., free of charge, by calling toll-free at (866) 342-4882 (bankers and brokers can call collect at (212) 269-5550) or by email at

About Carrier

Carrier Global Corporation, global leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions, is committed to creating solutions that matter for people and our planet for generations to come. From the beginning, we've led in inventing new technologies and entirely new industries. Today, we continue to lead because we have a world-class, diverse workforce that puts the customer at the center of everything we do.

Forward-Looking Statements

This communication contains statements which, to the extent they are not statements of historical or present fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" under the securities laws.  These forward-looking statements are intended to provide management's current expectations or plans for Carrier's future operating and financial performance, based on assumptions currently believed to be valid.  Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "believe," "expect," "expectations," "plans," "strategy," "prospects," "estimate," "project," "target," "anticipate," "will," "should," "see," "guidance," "outlook," "confident," "scenario" and other words of similar meaning in connection with a discussion of future operating or financial performance.  Forward-looking statements may include, among other things, statements relating to the planned completion of the tender offers, future sales, earnings, cash flow, results of operations, uses of cash, share repurchases, tax rates and other measures of financial performance or potential future plans, strategies or transactions of Carrier, Carrier's plans with respect to its indebtedness and other statements that are not historical facts.  All forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements.  For additional information on identifying factors that may cause actual results to vary materially from those stated in forward-looking statements, see Carrier's reports on Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K filed with or furnished to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time.  Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made, and Carrier assumes no obligation to update or revise such statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.


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SOURCE Carrier Global Corporation


What is the new Aggregate Purchase Price for Carrier's tender offers announced on August 8, 2024?

Carrier increased the Aggregate Purchase Price for its tender offers from $800 million to $1 billion on August 8, 2024.

What percentage of Carrier's 5.900% Notes due 2034 were tendered by the Early Tender Date?

73.25% of Carrier's 5.900% Notes due 2034, representing $732,473,000 in principal amount, were tendered by the Early Tender Date.

When is the expected settlement date for Carrier's tender offers announced in August 2024?

The expected settlement date for Carrier's tender offers is August 13, 2024, for Securities validly tendered and accepted for purchase by the Early Tender Date.

Will Carrier (CARR) accept all tendered Securities in its August 2024 tender offers?

No, due to oversubscription, Carrier will not accept all tendered Securities. The company does not expect to accept any 3.377% Notes due 2040 or 2.242% Notes due 2025.

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