Camino Provides Exploration Summary for the Maria Cecilia Copper Porphyry Project in Peru

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Camino Minerals has completed its summer drilling campaign at the Maria Cecilia porphyry project in Peru. The campaign included drilling one diamond drillhole (MC24-001) which revealed 234 meters of continuous low-grade mineralization with grades up to 0.16% copper, 0.053ppm gold, 5.1ppm silver, and 819ppm molybdenum. The project is part of a larger 5km mineralized system that includes Toropunto and Emmanuel resources. Surface sampling yielded 95 chip samples, with 35 samples showing greater than 0.1% Cu and grades up to 0.32% Cu. The drilling confirmed mineral zonation and multiple altered intrusions, though the company indicates that the main source of copper mineralization has not yet been reached.

Camino Minerals ha completato la sua campagna estiva di perforazione presso il progetto di porfido Maria Cecilia in Perù. La campagna ha incluso la perforazione di un foro diamantato (MC24-001) che ha rivelato 234 metri di mineralizzazione continua a bassa legge con gradi fino allo 0,16% di rame, 0,053 ppm di oro, 5,1 ppm di argento e 819 ppm di molibdeno. Il progetto fa parte di un sistema mineralizzato più ampio di 5 km che include le risorse di Toropunto ed Emmanuel. Il campionamento superficiale ha prodotto 95 campioni a chip, di cui 35 hanno mostrato valori superiori allo 0,1% di Cu e gradi fino allo 0,32% di Cu. La perforazione ha confermato la zonazione minerale e più intrusioni alterate, anche se la società indica che la principale sorgente di mineralizzazione di rame non è ancora stata raggiunta.

Camino Minerals ha completado su campaña de perforación de verano en el proyecto de pórfido Maria Cecilia en Perú. La campaña incluyó la perforación de un pozo de diamante (MC24-001) que reveló 234 metros de mineralización continua de baja ley con grados de hasta 0.16% de cobre, 0.053 ppm de oro, 5.1 ppm de plata y 819 ppm de molibdeno. El proyecto es parte de un sistema mineralizado más amplio de 5 km que incluye los recursos de Toropunto y Emmanuel. El muestreo en superficie arrojó 95 muestras a chip, de las cuales 35 mostraron más de 0.1% de Cu y grados de hasta 0.32% de Cu. La perforación confirmó la zonación mineral y múltiples intrusiones alteradas, aunque la empresa indica que aún no se ha alcanzado la principal fuente de mineralización de cobre.

카미노 미네랄스는 페루의 마리아 세실리아 광 맥 프로젝트에서 여름 채굴 캠페인을 완료했습니다. 이 캠페인에는 다이아몬드 드릴홀(MC24-001)의 채굴이 포함되었으며, 234미터의 연속적인 저급 광물화가 드러났습니다. 구리의 농도는 최대 0.16%, 금은 0.053ppm, 은은 5.1ppm, 몰리브덴은 819ppm에 달합니다. 이 프로젝트는 토로푸토와 엠마누엘 자원을 포함한 5km의 더 큰 광물화 시스템의 일부입니다. 표면 샘플링에서 95개의 칩 샘플이 수집되었고, 그 중 35개의 샘플은 0.1% Cu 이상의 농도를 보였으며 최대 0.32% Cu의 농도를 나타냈습니다. 이번 채굴은 광물의 주산지와 여러 변이체의 존재를 확인했지만, 회사는 아직 주요 구리 광물화의 출처에 도달하지 못했다고 밝혔습니다.

Camino Minerals a terminé sa campagne de forage estivale au projet porphyrique Maria Cecilia au Pérou. La campagne a inclus le forage d'un trou de forage diamanté (MC24-001) qui a révélé 234 mètres de minéralisation continue à basse teneur avec des teneurs allant jusqu'à 0,16 % de cuivre, 0,053 ppm d'or, 5,1 ppm d'argent et 819 ppm de molybdène. Le projet fait partie d'un système minéralisé plus vaste de 5 km qui inclut les ressources de Toropunto et d'Emmanuel. L'échantillonnage de surface a donné 95 échantillons de copeaux, dont 35 ont montré des teneurs supérieures à 0,1 % de Cu et des teneurs allant jusqu'à 0,32 % de Cu. Le forage a confirmé la zonation minérale et plusieurs intrusions altérées, bien que l'entreprise indique que la principale source de minéralisation de cuivre n'a pas encore été atteinte.

Camino Minerals hat seine Sommerbohrkampagne im Maria Cecilia-Porphyrprojekt in Peru abgeschlossen. Die Kampagne umfasste die Bohrung eines Diamantbohrlochs (MC24-001), das 234 Meter kontinuierlicher niedriggradiger Mineralisierung enthüllte, mit Gehalten von bis zu 0,16 % Kupfer, 0,053 ppm Gold, 5,1 ppm Silber und 819 ppm Molybdän. Das Projekt ist Teil eines größeren mineralisierten Systems von 5 km, das die Ressourcen Toropunto und Emmanuel beinhaltet. Die Oberflächenprobenahme lieferte 95 Gesteinsproben, von denen 35 Proben Gehalte von über 0,1 % Cu und bis zu 0,32 % Cu aufwiesen. Das Bohren bestätigte die mineralische Zonierung und mehrere veränderte Intrusionen, obwohl das Unternehmen angibt, dass die Hauptquelle der Kupfermineralisierung noch nicht erreicht wurde.

  • Continuous mineralization intercepted over 234 meters
  • Project is part of a larger 5km mineralized system
  • 35 out of 95 surface samples showed >0.1% Cu content
  • Low-grade copper mineralization (0.08% Cu average)
  • Main source of copper mineralization not yet reached
  • Further drilling postponed until copper market conditions improve

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 28, 2024 / Camino Minerals Corporation (TSXV:COR)(OTC PINK:CAMZF) ("Camino" or the "Company") is pleased to provide a summary of the summer drilling and exploration campaign at its Maria Cecilia porphyry project ("Maria Cecilia" or the "Project") in Ancash, Peru.

The 2024 summer campaign included the construction of access roads and the drilling of one diamond drillhole (MC24-001) at Porphyry 1. Geochemical assays indicate low grades of copper, molybdenum, silver, and gold intercepts over significant intervals, including 234 meters of continuous low-grade copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum mineralization. In addition, mineral zoning, multiple altered intrusions, areas of widespread multi-vein stock work, pervasive potassic alteration, as well the potential for copper mineralization in surrounding reactive sedimentary host rocks were observed. The drilling campaign was successful at identifying zonation in the porphyry stock for further follow-up drilling.

Over 30,000 meters of drilling, as well as a NI43-101 compliant resource, have been completed at the adjacent mountains, Toropunto, and Emmanuel. The entire porphyry complex within Camino's claims spans over 5 kilometers, and the current drilling target, Maria Cecilia, is at the centre of the complex.


  • Continuity of mineralization at depth in drillhole MC24-001 with grades up to 0.16% copper, 0.053ppm gold, 5.1ppm silver, and 819ppm molybdenum. A continuous drilling intercept over the first 234 m graded 0.08% Cu, 0.007ppm Au, 0.51ppm Ag, 57ppm Mo.

  • Drilling confirms mineral zonation of a porphyry system at Maria Cecilia located at the centre of a 5 km mineralized system spanning from Camino's Toropunto copper-molybdenum-gold high-sulphidation epithermal resources to Camino's Emmanuel porphyry copper-molybdenum resources.

"During the summer of 2024, Camino focused its efforts on acquiring the Puquios copper production asset in Chile and advancing its joint venture exploration activities at Los Chapitos in Peru with Nittetsu Mining," said Jay Chmelauskas, CEO of Camino. "At the same time, we drill tested Maria Cecilia and evaluated exploration priorities. Maria Cecilia is proving to be a very large porphyry system that is worthy of follow-up drilling when the copper market conditions improve or after we advance our production and exploration assets at Puquios and Los Chapitos. While we intercepted 234 metres of continuous copper mineralization, the grades at Maria Cecilia still do not explain the metal content in the ground, either pyrite or chalcopyrite, generating a significant geophysical anomaly."

Camino Geological consultant Jose Bassan stated: "Three styles of mineralization are recognized at Maria Cecilia: Polymetallic (Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag) skarn mineralization, hydrothermal high-sulphidation (Cu-Au) epithermal deposit related to porphyry systems, and finally, a copper and gold porphyry, like we see at Maria Cecilia and the adjacent Emmanuel resource. The hornfels package that exhibits better copper and gold grades than the other porphyry-sills implies that the main source of copper mineralization has not yet been reached."

The package of sedimentary rocks of Goyllarisquizga group and hornfels sequence has N335 azimuth and subvertical dips, observed with geological mapping at 1:1,000.

At Maria Cecilia 99% of the area is covered by colluvium, new road access has provided new exposures. A total of 95 chip samples were taken at the road openings for over 2.5 km towards the new drill pads. All samples were anomalous in copper, mainly in copper oxides (tenorite) in fractures and veinlets, with 35 of these samples greater than 0.1% Cu with grades up to 0.32% Cu. There were also 11 samples greater than 0.01ppm gold with grades up to 0.061ppm. There were 7 samples greater than 100ppm molybdenum and graded up to 222ppm (Figure 3).

The first exploration hole in Maria Cecilia MC24-001 is located in an outcrop zone of copper oxides with grades up to 0.7% Cu. The drillhole was oriented towards the NW edge of the geophysical magnetic anomaly, Porphyry 1, reaching a total depth of 696 meters, including anomalous copper continuity over 234 m from surface with grades of 0.08% Cu mainly in veinlets with chalcopyrite and disseminated after the first 40m of drilling. Drilling at surface initially intercepted black copper oxides (tenorite) (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Long section of the Maria Cecilia porphyry - skarn system.

Drill hole MC24-001 exhibited potassic alteration characterized by secondary biotite and minor secondary feldspar. The identified sulphides consist of finely-grained pyrite and chalcopyrite, present in micro-veins and as random disseminations. Quartz veinlets primarily contain molybdenite, and the porphyries encountered in the drill hole follow the stratification. The geological logging of drill hole MC24-001 highlights the significance of the hornfels host rock within the mineralized system of the Maria Cecilia project. The hornfels demonstrates higher copper and molybdenum grades compared to other rock types, accompanied by strong potassic alteration and a stockwork of early veinlet types, including EB (biotite-quartz), A (quartz with K-spar), and B veinlets (quartz-sulphides). Disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite sulphides, along with quartz-molybdenite veinlets, are observed in contact with the Plg-Hb porphyry (hornblende porphyry).

At greater depths, porphyry sills ranging from 1 to 32 meters thick influence the alteration and veinlet patterns within the host rock. However, the copper and molybdenum grades remain higher within the hornfels package, suggesting that the primary source of copper mineralization has not yet been reached.

Figure 2. Geology and average grades Cu, Au, Ag, Mo descriptions from core pictures MC24-001, ppm grades. (The average Cu, Au, Ag, Mo grades of the porphyry are not included in the hornfels analysis).







Total Depth

Start Date

End date

MC24-001 (Porphyry 1)









Porphyry 2

Open roads, Geology mapping, Chip samples

Porphyry 3

Table 1. Summary of Drillholes location, Maria Cecilia Porphyry Copper Project, Peru

Figure 3. Plan view with copper surface rock chip samples, geophysical magnetic anomaly, and 2024 drilling at Maria Cecilia.

Final coordinates (East-North-Elevation, metric) taken at the end of the drillhole using GPS model (GPS MAP 64) and measurement of the drillhole trajectory with DeviGyro #4693 tool every 20m according to protocol.

Core has been logged and sampled for drillhole MC24-001 at the Company's facilities in the town of Caraz, 20 km from the Project. Industry standard chain of custody and QA/QC practices are followed with samples sent to Lima where they are analyzed by ICP-MS at ALS Chemex Labs' facility. The Camino geological team complied with the written internal QA/QC procedures, where the insertion of blank samples, certified international standards (pulps) and duplicates met the objectives and acceptable results.

About Camino

Camino is a discovery and development stage copper exploration company. On October 7, 2024, Camino signed a Definitive Agreement to purchase the construction-ready Puquios copper mine in Chile. Camino is focused on developing copper producing assets such as Puquios, and advancing its IOCG Los Chapitos copper project located in Peru through to resource delineation and development, and to add new discoveries. Camino has also permitted the Maria Cecilia copper porphyry project for exploration discovery drilling to add to its NI43-101 resources. In addition, Camino has increased its land position at its copper and silver Plata Dorada project. Camino seeks to acquire a portfolio of advanced copper assets that have the potential to deliver copper into an electrifying copper intensive global economy. For more information, please refer to Camino's website at

Jose A. Bassan, FAusIMM (CP) 227922, MSc. Geologist, an independent geologist and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this document. Mr. Bassan has reviewed and verified relevant data supporting the technical disclosure.


For further information, please contact:

/S/ "Jay Chmelauskas"

Camino Investor Relations

President and CEO

Tel: (604) 493-2058

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements: Certain disclosures in this release constitute forward-looking information. In making the forward-looking disclosures in this release, the Company has applied certain factors and assumptions that are based on the Company's current beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company. Forward-looking information in the release includes the prospectivity of future exploration work at Maria Cecilia, future planned drilling programs, prospectivity for copper exploration in new targets Porphyry 1, 2, 3; Although the Company considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to it, they may prove to be incorrect, and the forward-looking information in this release is subject to numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking information. Such risk factors include, among others, that actual results of the Company's exploration activities may be different than those expected by management, that the Company may not realize the benefits of joint ventures and/or strategic partnerships with respect to the Company's properties, that the Company may be unable to obtain or may experience delays in obtaining any required authorizations and approvals and the state of equity and commodity markets. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company does not intend, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to, update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

SOURCE: Camino Minerals Corp

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What were the drilling results from Maria Cecilia for CAMZF in 2024?

The 2024 drilling at Maria Cecilia revealed 234 meters of continuous low-grade mineralization with grades up to 0.16% copper, 0.053ppm gold, 5.1ppm silver, and 819ppm molybdenum.

How many surface samples were collected at Maria Cecilia by CAMZF?

A total of 95 chip samples were collected during the 2024 campaign, with 35 samples showing copper content greater than 0.1% Cu, with grades up to 0.32% Cu.

What is the size of the mineralized system at CAMZF's Maria Cecilia project?

The entire porphyry complex within Camino's claims spans over 5 kilometers, with Maria Cecilia located at the center of the complex.

Camino Minerals


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