With SmartTown Alliance, Calix Unites Broadband Providers To Share Network Access and Connect Subscribers Traveling Outside Their Markets

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Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) announced the SmartTown Alliance at Calix ConneXions. This initiative allows subscribers to securely connect to participating broadband service provider (BSP) networks across different regions. Powered by Calix SmartTown on the Calix Broadband Platform, the Alliance unites BSPs to deliver secure online experiences as subscribers travel.

Charter members include Tombigbee Fiber in Mississippi and SCTelcom in Kansas. The Alliance leverages Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint® for streamlined, secure access without repeated authentication. It extends BSPs' value and reach, matching subscribers' lifestyles and strengthening brand loyalty.

SmartTown deployments have nearly quadrupled over the past year across 13 U.S. states, connecting public spaces and events. The Alliance aims to provide consistent broadband experiences for subscribers traveling for work or leisure, even during natural disasters.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) ha annunciato l'SmartTown Alliance durante il Calix ConneXions. Questa iniziativa consente agli abbonati di connettersi in modo sicuro alle reti dei provider di servizi broadband (BSP) partecipanti in diverse regioni. Supportata da Calix SmartTown sulla Calix Broadband Platform, l'Alleanza unisce i BSP per offrire esperienze online sicure mentre gli abbonati viaggiano.

I membri fondatori includono Tombigbee Fiber nel Mississippi e SCTelcom nel Kansas. L'Alleanza sfrutta il Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint® per un accesso semplificato e sicuro senza dover effettuare ripetutamente l'autenticazione. Estende il valore e la portata dei BSP, adattandosi agli stili di vita degli abbonati e rafforzando la fedeltà al marchio.

Le implementazioni di SmartTown sono quasi quadratruple nel corso dell'anno passato in 13 stati americani, collegando spazi pubblici ed eventi. L'Alleanza ha l'obiettivo di fornire esperienze broadband coerenti per gli abbonati che viaggiano per lavoro o svago, anche durante disastri naturali.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) anunció la SmartTown Alliance en Calix ConneXions. Esta iniciativa permite a los suscriptores conectarse de forma segura a las redes de los proveedores de servicios de banda ancha (BSP) participantes en diferentes regiones. Impulsada por Calix SmartTown en la Calix Broadband Platform, la Alianza une a los BSP para ofrecer experiencias en línea seguras mientras los suscriptores viajan.

Los miembros fundadores incluyen a Tombigbee Fiber en Mississippi y SCTelcom en Kansas. La Alianza aprovecha Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint® para un acceso simplificado y seguro sin repetidas autenticaciones. Amplía el valor y el alcance de los BSP, adaptándose a los estilos de vida de los suscriptores y fortaleciendo la lealtad a la marca.

Las implementaciones de SmartTown casi se han cuadruplicado en el último año en 13 estados de EE. UU., conectando espacios públicos y eventos. La Alianza tiene como objetivo proporcionar experiencias de banda ancha consistentes para los suscriptores que viajan por trabajo o placer, incluso durante desastres naturales.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX)는 Calix ConneXions에서 스마트타운 얼라이언스를 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 가입자들이 서로 다른 지역에 참여하는 브로드밴드 서비스 제공업체(BSP) 네트워크에 안전하게 연결할 수 있도록 합니다. Calix SmartTown에 의해 지원되는 이 얼라이언스는 BSP를 결합하여 가입자들이 여행하는 동안 안전한 온라인 경험을 제공합니다.

초기 회원에는 미시시피의 Tombigbee Fiber와 캔자스의 SCTelcom이 포함됩니다. 이 얼라이언스는 반복 인증 없이 간소화된 안전한 액세스를 위한 Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint®를 활용합니다. 가입자들의 라이프스타일에 맞게 BSP의 가치와 도달 범위를 확장하며 브랜드 충성도를 강화합니다.

스마트타운 배포는 지난 1년 동안 거의 4배 증가했습니다, 미국 13개 주에서 공공 장소와 이벤트를 연결하고 있습니다. 이 얼라이언스는 가입자들이 업무나 여가를 위해 여행할 때 일관된 브로드밴드 경험을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하며, 자연 재해 중에도 가능합니다.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) a annoncé l'Alliance SmartTown lors de Calix ConneXions. Cette initiative permet aux abonnés de se connecter de manière sécurisée aux réseaux des prestataires de services de large bande (BSP) participants dans différentes régions. Propulsée par Calix SmartTown sur la Calix Broadband Platform, l'Alliance réunit les BSP pour offrir des expériences en ligne sécurisées pendant que les abonnés voyagent.

Les membres fondateurs incluent Tombigbee Fiber dans le Mississippi et SCTelcom au Kansas. L'Alliance tire parti du Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint® pour un accès simplifié et sécurisé sans authentification répétée. Elle étend la valeur et la portée des BSP, s'adaptant aux modes de vie des abonnés et renforçant la fidélité à la marque.

Les déploiements de SmartTown ont presque quintuplé au cours de l'année passée dans 13 États américains, connectant des espaces publics et des événements. L'Alliance vise à fournir des expériences de large bande cohérentes pour les abonnés voyageant pour le travail ou les loisirs, même en cas de catastrophes naturelles.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) hat die SmartTown Alliance auf der Calix ConneXions angekündigt. Diese Initiative ermöglicht es Abonnenten, sich sicher mit den Netzwerken der teilnehmenden Breitbanddienstanbieter (BSP) in verschiedenen Regionen zu verbinden. Durch Calix SmartTown auf der Calix Broadband Platform unterstützt, vereint die Allianz die BSPs, um sichere Online-Erlebnisse zu bieten, während die Abonnenten reisen.

Zu den Gründungsmitgliedern gehören Tombigbee Fiber in Mississippi und SCTelcom in Kansas. Die Allianz nutzt Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint® für einen vereinfachten, sicheren Zugang ohne wiederholte Authentifizierung. Sie erweitert den Wert und die Reichweite der BSPs, passt sich den Lebensstilen der Abonnenten an und stärkt die Markenloyalität.

Die Implementierungen von SmartTown haben sich in den letzten fast vervierfacht in 13 US-Bundesstaaten, indem öffentliche Plätze und Veranstaltungen verbunden werden. Das Ziel der Allianz ist es, konsistente Breitband-Erlebnisse für Abonnenten zu bieten, die beruflich oder privat reisen, selbst während Naturkatastrophen.

  • SmartTown customer growth nearly quadrupled over the past year
  • Tombigbee Fiber earned a 92 Net Promoter Score (NPS) after launching SmartTown
  • SCTelcom boosted outdoor connectivity by 75% in Attica, Kansas with SmartTown
  • SCTelcom increased ARPU by 3% by adding community-wide Wi-Fi to residential services
  • None.


Calix's SmartTown Alliance represents a significant advancement in broadband connectivity, offering a competitive edge to providers. This initiative extends secure Wi-Fi experiences beyond local markets, addressing a important need in today's mobile society. The alliance's ability to provide seamless, secure connectivity across multiple regions without repeated authentication is a notable technological achievement. It leverages Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint®, enhancing user experience and security simultaneously. The platform's efficiency in deployment and operations is particularly impressive, as it utilizes existing infrastructure and processes. This could lead to faster adoption and expansion of the alliance. The potential for increased subscriber retention and ARPU growth, as demonstrated by SCTelcom's 3% increase, indicates positive financial implications for participating BSPs. However, the success of this initiative will largely depend on how quickly and broadly the alliance can expand beyond its charter members.

The SmartTown Alliance initiative by Calix presents a compelling value proposition in the competitive broadband market. It addresses a growing consumer demand for consistent, secure connectivity beyond home networks. This could significantly enhance customer loyalty and potentially reduce churn for participating BSPs. The alliance's ability to differentiate services and extend reach aligns well with evolving subscriber needs, particularly in an increasingly mobile workforce. The rapid growth in SmartTown deployments, nearly quadrupling over the past year, suggests strong market acceptance. Tombigbee Fiber's impressive 92% Net Promoter Score indicates high customer satisfaction, which could translate to word-of-mouth marketing and organic growth for alliance members. The initiative's potential to increase ARPU, as seen with SCTelcom, is a positive indicator for investors. However, the long-term success will depend on the alliance's ability to scale and include a diverse range of BSPs across different regions.

Calix SmartTown Alliance will offer a competitive advantage for broadband providers of all sizes, extending secure Wi-Fi experiences beyond their footprints so subscribers can safely connect to reliable networks as they visit different counties, regions, and states

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today at Calix ConneXions, Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) announced SmartTown® Alliance. With charter members in Mississippi and Kansas, the Alliance will allow subscribers to securely connect to participating broadband service provider (BSP) networks. Powered by Calix SmartTown on the Calix Broadband Platform, the Alliance will expand to unite BSPs of all sizes to deliver secure and content-safe online experiences as subscribers visit other counties, regions, states, and beyond. When subscribers enter a participating BSP’s coverage area, they will automatically and securely connect to a SmartTown Wi-Fi network as if they are home.

Calix customers across 13 U.S. states have successfully deployed SmartTown community-wide Wi-Fi. Momentum continues to increase, with customer growth nearly quadrupling over the past year. These deployments have established independent regions where Calix GigaSpire® and GigaPro® systems power public Wi-Fi hotspots, connecting parks, town squares, high school football fields, and events like rodeos and state fairs. With SmartTown Alliance, subscribers will benefit from safe and secure community-wide Wi-Fi not just from their own BSP but from all Alliance members, starting with Tombigbee Fiber in Mississippi and SCTelcom in Kansas.

“We’ve leveraged Calix innovation to transform broadband in northern Mississippi since our founding in 2019,” said Scott Hendrix, chief executive officer at Tombigbee Fiber and Tombigbee Electric Power Association. “In the past year, we launched SmartTown across our entire footprint, provided broad-ranging access to our customers, free access to first responders, and earned a 92 Net Promoter Score℠ (NPS®). With SmartTown Alliance, we can take the next step to extend our customers' experiences far outside our footprint. Calix has been with us every step, ensuring successful deployment. We’re excited to grow SmartTown Alliance in Mississippi and beyond.”

SmartTown Alliance helps BSPs stand out by enhancing their residential broadband offerings through the ability to:

  • Provide a secure experience via an extensive, authenticated Wi-Fi network. Unlike open public Wi-Fi, SmartTown Alliance enables BSPs to offer secure connectivity without requiring repeated authentication. SmartTown uses Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint®, an industry standard that streamlines secure access to hotspots, eliminating splash pages or sign-in screens. Once connected, subscribers can roam seamlessly across Alliance member networks without interruption.
  • Extend their value and reach to match their subscribers’ lifestyles. Joining the Alliance allows BSPs to differentiate their services with consistent, secure Wi-Fi experiences. This Alliance will expand BSPs' reach and further enable them to meet evolving subscriber needs, strengthening brand loyalty. The SmartTown Alliance will be available to subscribers of Alliance members using Calix SmartHome™ managed services, extending the home broadband experience to the towns, regions, and states they visit.
  • Run incredibly efficient operations while deploying expanded Wi-Fi experiences. Since SmartTown leverages the Calix Platform, BSPs can deploy it with minimal additional training, using the same workflows and processes already in place for residential and business services. With all Alliance members on the same platform, authentication is streamlined, ensuring uniform quality, security, and simplified troubleshooting—key benefits of the Calix Platform.

Calix customers deploying SmartTown have access to Calix Success. The Success team offers help with everything from network design and optimization (Success Delivery) to tailored guidance that reduces time-to-revenue for new service launches (Success Guidance). Customers also benefit from 24/7 support for network and service availability (Success Support) and access to top-tier training and certification (Success Education).

“We transformed daily life in Kansas by deploying SmartTown, boosting outdoor connectivity by 75 percent in Attica alone,” said Carla Shearer, chief executive officer and general manager at SCTelcom. “With SmartTown, we also provide secure connectivity for educators during school evacuations in areas with limited cell coverage. Adding community-wide Wi-Fi to our residential services increased ARPU by 3 percent. SmartTown Alliance will expand this value, offering seamless, secure Wi-Fi for subscribers beyond our footprint. Calix has been crucial in driving this growth and helping us stand out in a competitive market.”

“SmartTown Alliance will allow our customers to deliver a consistent broadband experience for subscribers as they visit family, travel for work, and more,” said Matt Collins, chief commercial operations officer at Calix. “Since its launch, SmartTown has enabled broadband service providers to deliver exceptional value, powering Wi-Fi that reaches across entire communities. Our customers connect public spaces, ensure students can access reliable connectivity beyond school grounds, and power Wi-Fi at local events like football games and rodeos. SmartTown also enables dedicated, secure networks for groups like first responders and municipal employees. The Alliance will extend this value beyond a single provider's network, even allowing individuals displaced by natural disasters to connect in other communities if they lose service at home. Thank you to charter members Tombigbee Fiber and SCTelcom for blazing a new path to create even more value for their subscribers and communities.”

SmartTown and SmartHome are part of the Calix SmartLife™ portfolio of purpose-built managed services, enabling BSPs to quickly and seamlessly deliver tailored Wi-Fi services for different subscriber segments using the same cloud-enabled broadband platform. The portfolio also includes SmartBiz™ (small business), and SmartMDU™ (multi-dwelling units).

Calix ConneXions attendees can stop by the SmartTown booth at the Wynn in Las Vegas, October 14 and 15.

Discover SmartTown on the Calix Broadband Platform.

About Calix

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX)—Calix is a platform, cloud, and managed services company. Broadband service providers leverage Calix’s broadband platform, cloud, and managed services to simplify their operations, subscriber engagement, and services; innovate for their consumer, business, and municipal subscribers; and grow their value for members, investors, and the communities they serve.

Our end-to-end platform and managed services democratize the use of data—enabling our customers of any size to operate efficiently, acquire subscribers, and deliver exceptional experiences. Calix is dedicated to driving continuous improvement in partnership with our growing ecosystem to support the transformation of our customers and their communities.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon management’s current expectations and are inherently uncertain. Forward-looking statements are based upon information available to us as of the date of this release, and we assume no obligation to revise or update any such forward-looking statement to reflect any event or circumstance after the date of this release, except as required by law. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from current expectations based on risks and uncertainties affecting Calix’s business. The reader is cautioned not to rely on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Additional information on potential factors that could affect Calix’s results and other risks and uncertainties are detailed in its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC and available at

Calix and the Calix logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Calix and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Calix’s trademarks can be found at Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

Press Inquiries:

Alison Crisci


Investor Inquiries:

Nancy Fazioli

Source: Calix, Inc.


What is the Calix SmartTown Alliance announced at Calix ConneXions?

The Calix SmartTown Alliance is an initiative that allows subscribers to securely connect to participating broadband service provider networks across different regions, powered by Calix SmartTown on the Calix Broadband Platform.

Who are the charter members of the Calix SmartTown Alliance (CALX)?

The charter members of the Calix SmartTown Alliance are Tombigbee Fiber in Mississippi and SCTelcom in Kansas.

How does the Calix SmartTown Alliance (CALX) benefit subscribers?

The Calix SmartTown Alliance benefits subscribers by providing secure, seamless Wi-Fi connectivity across participating networks without repeated authentication, extending their home broadband experience to other regions they visit.

What technology does the Calix SmartTown Alliance (CALX) use for secure connectivity?

The Calix SmartTown Alliance uses Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint®, an industry standard that streamlines secure access to hotspots without requiring splash pages or sign-in screens.



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