Thanks to the Calix Broadband Platform, Service Providers Will Be Able To Seamlessly Integrate New Wi-Fi 7 Systems and 50G-PON

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Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) has announced significant updates to its Broadband Platform, enabling broadband service providers (BSPs) to integrate new Wi-Fi 7 systems and 50G-PON capabilities. The company is expanding its Wi-Fi systems portfolio with three new Wi-Fi 7 systems and introducing an outdoor solution for the industrial sector. Calix is also helping BSPs streamline network modernization with 50G-PON, laying the foundation for next-generation experiences across residential, business, and industrial services.

Key highlights include:

  • Expansion of Wi-Fi 7 portfolio with multi-gig systems
  • Introduction of GigaPro p6dlx with LoRaWAN® capabilities
  • Implementation of 50G-PON for enhanced bandwidth and efficiency
  • Continuous innovation with new releases every 91 days
  • Comprehensive support through Calix Success services

These advancements will allow BSPs to deploy new technologies quickly and efficiently, addressing a broader range of broadband needs in their communities.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) ha annunciato aggiornamenti significativi alla sua Piattaforma BroadBand, consentendo ai fornitori di servizi broadband (BSP) di integrare nuovi sistemi Wi-Fi 7 e capacità 50G-PON. L'azienda sta espandendo il suo portfolio di sistemi Wi-Fi con tre nuovi sistemi Wi-Fi 7 e introducendo una soluzione esterna per il settore industriale. Calix sta anche aiutando i BSP a semplificare la modernizzazione della rete con 50G-PON, ponendo le basi per esperienze di nuova generazione in servizi residenziali, aziendali e industriali.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Espansione del portfolio Wi-Fi 7 con sistemi multi-gig
  • Introduzione di GigaPro p6dlx con capacità LoRaWAN®
  • Implementazione di 50G-PON per una larghezza di banda e un'efficienza potenziate
  • Innovazione continua con nuovi rilasci ogni 91 giorni
  • Supporto completo attraverso i servizi Calix Success

Questi progressi consentiranno ai BSP di implementare rapidamente e in modo efficiente nuove tecnologie, affrontando una gamma più ampia di esigenze broadband nelle loro comunità.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) ha anunciado actualizaciones significativas a su Plataforma de Banda Ancha, permitiendo a los proveedores de servicios de banda ancha (BSP) integrar nuevos sistemas Wi-Fi 7 y capacidades 50G-PON. La compañía está expandiendo su portafolio de sistemas Wi-Fi con tres nuevos sistemas Wi-Fi 7 e introduciendo una solución exterior para el sector industrial. Calix también está ayudando a los BSP a agilizar la modernización de la red con 50G-PON, estableciendo las bases para experiencias de nueva generación en servicios residenciales, comerciales e industriales.

Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

  • Expansión del portafolio de Wi-Fi 7 con sistemas multigigabit
  • Introducción del GigaPro p6dlx con capacidades LoRaWAN®
  • Implementación de 50G-PON para mayor ancho de banda y eficiencia
  • Innovación continua con nuevos lanzamientos cada 91 días
  • Soporte integral a través de los servicios Calix Success

Estos avances permitirán a los BSP desplegar nuevas tecnologías de manera rápida y eficiente, abordando una gama más amplia de necesidades de banda ancha en sus comunidades.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX)가 새로운 Wi-Fi 7 시스템과 50G-PON 기능을 통합할 수 있도록 브로드밴드 서비스 제공업체(BSP)에 대한 브로드밴드 플랫폼에 대한 중요한 업데이트를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 세 가지 새로운 Wi-Fi 7 시스템으로 Wi-Fi 시스템 제품군을 확장하고 산업 부문을 위한 야외 솔루션을 도입하고 있습니다. Calix는 또한 BSP가 50G-PON을 통해 네트워크 현대화를 간소화할 수 있도록 돕고 있으며, 이는 주거용, 상업용 및 산업 서비스에서 차세대 경험을 위한 기반을 마련하고 있습니다.

주요 요점은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 다중 기가 시스템과 함께 Wi-Fi 7 포트폴리오 확장
  • LoRaWAN® 기능이 있는 GigaPro p6dlx 도입
  • 대역폭과 효율성을 향상시키기 위한 50G-PON 구현
  • 91일마다 새로운 릴리스로 지속적인 혁신
  • Calix Success 서비스를 통한 포괄적인 지원

이러한 발전은 BSP가 새로운 기술을 신속하고 효율적으로 배포할 수 있게 하여 지역 사회의 더 넓은 범위의 브로드밴드 요구 사항을 해결할 수 있게 합니다.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) a annoncé des mises à jour significatives de sa Plateforme Broadband, permettant aux fournisseurs de services Internet à haut débit (BSP) d'intégrer de nouveaux systèmes Wi-Fi 7 et des capacités 50G-PON. L'entreprise élargit son portefeuille de systèmes Wi-Fi avec trois nouveaux systèmes Wi-Fi 7 et introduit une solution extérieure pour le secteur industriel. Calix aide également les BSP à rationaliser la modernisation du réseau avec 50G-PON, posant ainsi les bases de nouvelles expériences pour les services résidentiels, commerciaux et industriels.

Les points clés incluent :

  • Extension du portefeuille Wi-Fi 7 avec des systèmes multi-gig
  • Introduction du GigaPro p6dlx avec des fonctionnalités LoRaWAN®
  • Implémentation de 50G-PON pour une bande passante et une efficacité améliorées
  • Innovation continue avec de nouvelles versions tous les 91 jours
  • Soutien complet grâce aux services Calix Success

Ces avancées permettront aux BSP de déployer rapidement et efficacement de nouvelles technologies, répondant ainsi à un plus large éventail de besoins en matière de haut débit dans leurs communautés.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) hat bedeutende Aktualisierungen seiner Breitbandplattform angekündigt, die es Breitbanddienstanbietern (BSP) ermöglichen, neue Wi-Fi 7 Systeme und 50G-PON-Funktionen zu integrieren. Das Unternehmen erweitert sein WLAN-Systemportfolio mit drei neuen Wi-Fi 7-Systemen und führt eine Außenlösung für den Industriesektor ein. Calix hilft den BSPs auch dabei, die Netzmodernisierung mit 50G-PON zu optimieren und damit die Grundlage für Erlebnisse der nächsten Generation im Wohn-, Geschäfts- und Industriesektor zu schaffen.

Hervorzuhebende Punkte sind:

  • Erweiterung des Wi-Fi 7-Portfolios mit Multi-Gig-Systemen
  • Einführung von GigaPro p6dlx mit LoRaWAN®-Funktionen
  • Implementierung von 50G-PON für verbesserte Bandbreite und Effizienz
  • Kontinuierliche Innovation mit neuen Veröffentlichungen alle 91 Tage
  • Umfassende Unterstützung durch die Dienste von Calix Success

Diese Fortschritte ermöglichen es den BSPs, neue Technologien schnell und effizient zu implementieren und ein breiteres Spektrum an Breitbandbedürfnissen in ihren Gemeinden zu adressieren.

  • Expansion of Wi-Fi 7 systems portfolio with three new systems
  • Introduction of outdoor solution (GigaPro p6dlx) for industrial sector with LoRaWAN capabilities
  • Implementation of 50G-PON for enhanced bandwidth and network modernization
  • Rapid deployment of new technologies without complex IT integration
  • Continuous innovation with new releases every 91 days
  • Comprehensive support services through Calix Success
  • None.


The announcement of Wi-Fi 7 systems and 50G-PON capabilities by Calix represents a significant technological leap for broadband service providers (BSPs). This advancement will enable BSPs to offer multi-gig services and expand into new markets, including industrial IoT.

Key points:

  • Three new Wi-Fi 7 systems added to the portfolio, including a ceiling-mounted unit for businesses and MDUs
  • Introduction of the GigaPro p6dlx outdoor system with LoRaWAN® integration, extending coverage up to a mile
  • 50G-PON capabilities to support higher bandwidth demands for commercial customers

These innovations position Calix at the forefront of broadband technology, potentially increasing its market share and revenue streams. The platform's ability to integrate new technologies quickly (within days) gives Calix customers a competitive edge in rapidly evolving markets.

For investors, this news signals strong growth potential for Calix, as it expands its addressable market and strengthens its value proposition to BSPs of all sizes. The company's 91-day innovation cycle also suggests a robust product pipeline, which could drive sustained growth and market leadership.

Calix's announcement of expanded Wi-Fi 7 systems and 50G-PON capabilities is likely to have a positive financial impact. While specific revenue projections aren't provided, several factors suggest potential growth:

  • Broader product portfolio addressing diverse market segments (residential, business, industrial)
  • Increased operational efficiency for BSPs, potentially driving adoption and customer retention
  • New revenue streams from IoT and industrial applications
  • Competitive advantage through rapid technology deployment capabilities

The company's platform approach, allowing seamless integration of new technologies, could lead to higher margins and recurring revenue from existing customers upgrading their systems. Additionally, the expansion into outdoor and industrial IoT markets opens up new customer segments.

Investors should monitor future earnings reports for indications of revenue growth and margin expansion resulting from these innovations. The company's ability to maintain its technological edge and convert innovations into financial performance will be important for long-term value creation.

With the announcement of new Wi-Fi 7 systems and 50G-PON capabilities, Calix will greatly expand the breadth and depth of business and residential use cases that broadband service providers can leverage with its singular Broadband Platform

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) announced updates to the Calix Broadband Platform that will empower broadband service providers (BSPs) to seamlessly integrate new systems and services, addressing a broader array of broadband needs in their communities with a unified set of technologies. Calix announced a significant expansion to its Wi-Fi systems portfolio with three more Wi-Fi 7 systems to enable its customers to seamlessly launch residential multi-gig services. The company also introduced an outdoor solution for the industrial sector, further strengthening one of the industry’s most extensive system lineups. Additionally, Calix is helping BSPs streamline network modernization with 50G-PON, laying the foundation for next-generation experiences for residential, business, and industrial services.

All next-generation Wi-Fi systems unveiled at Calix ConneXions are managed through the award-winning Calix Cloud®. The Calix Platform’s unique operational efficiency allows BSPs of any size to deploy new technology and systems in days—not months—without complex IT integration. Cloud, software, and systems integrated for the platform also streamline ongoing management and reduce operational costs.

Calix innovation is predictably released every 91 days, which allows BSPs to confidently plan and deploy enhanced, performance-boosted managed services. In 2025, Calix will expand its collection of Wi-Fi 7 systems to meet the needs of smaller homes, businesses, and apartments. The Calix Platform will also soon operationalize 50G-PON capacity for all customers. Customer demonstrations of 50G-PON began in 2023 and progressed to customer field trials in production networks in 2024—most recently with ALLO Communications. Calix announced the next phase of trial deployments—leveraging critical, first-to-market technology—will begin within the next six months, with production-grade solutions available by the end of next year.

Calix will enable BSPs to deliver next-generation experiences for every use case in their communities, thanks to its ability to:

  • Expand the Calix Wi-Fi 7 portfolio with multi-gig systems. Calix continues to innovate new Wi-Fi 7 systems for its award-winning Calix GigaSpire® and GigaPro® systems portfolio. Today the company announced three additional Wi-Fi 7 systems that will make this new technology more accessible, including a ceiling-mounted unit designed for businesses, common areas in MDUs, and homes with structured wiring. These systems join the existing GigaSpire 7u10t and 7u10txg and will be available with integrated XGS-PON or Ethernet network interfaces. With a focus on continuous innovation, this expanded portfolio will allow Calix customers to grow their businesses by serving an increasing range of use cases.
  • Grow its outdoor Wi-Fi portfolio to include the latest LoRaWAN long-range system. Calix is expanding its outdoor Wi-Fi capabilities with the upcoming GigaPro p6dlx, offering coverage of up to a mile and integrating a LoRaWAN® radio from the LoRa Alliance®. LoRaWAN® is a low-power, wide-area networking standard that supports battery-powered Internet of Things (IoT) devices for precision agriculture, landscaping, and various industrial sectors. This addition to the Calix Wi-Fi portfolio enables BSPs to serve residential, MDU, and PON use cases while expanding into agriculture and industrial IoT monitoring. The Calix Platform continues to evolve as BSP needs grow, providing them the flexibility to adapt and address diverse use cases with precision.
  • Unlock new experiences and revenue streams for BSPs with 50G-PON. Across a single 50G-PON, the Calix Platform will provide BSPs with economic scale and operational efficiencies. 50G PON will seamlessly extend the Calix Platform’s capabilities, adapting to growing business bandwidth demands while preserving its core efficiency benefits. This will allow BSPs to serve universities, healthcare facilities, industrial properties, and other commercial customers effectively.

As BSPs deploy next-generation Wi-Fi 7 systems and implement 50G-PON, Calix Success can benefit customers with comprehensive support from Success Guidance and Success Delivery. Customers also benefit from 24/7 assistance for network and service availability with Success Support and access to certification and training with Success Education.

“We have a significant competitive edge because the Calix Broadband Platform allows us to swiftly and seamlessly implement new technologies,” said Joey Anderson, chief executive officer and general manager at Nortex Communications. “Calix innovation ensures we can uphold our commitment to enhancing the lives of our subscribers in North Texas. With Calix, we can confidently deliver new and exciting experiences that evolve with their broadband needs.”

“The true value of our platform for broadband service providers, refined over 13 years, is its ability to facilitate rapid deployment of new technologies without the delays associated with traditional setups,” said Shane Eleniak, chief product officer at Calix. “With a single platform that delivers unmatched efficiency, our customers can deliver customized experiences for each subscriber segment in their footprint while establishing a solid foundation for future technologies that will help them simplify their business and grow value for themselves and their entire communities.”

Discover how the Calix Broadband Platform can help BSPs easily deliver differentiated subscriber experiences powered by the latest technology.

About Calix

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX)—Calix is a platform, cloud, and managed services company. Broadband service providers leverage Calix’s broadband platform, cloud, and managed services to simplify their operations, subscriber engagement, and services; innovate for their consumer, business, and municipal subscribers; and grow their value for members, investors, and the communities they serve.

Our end-to-end platform and managed services democratize the use of data—enabling our customers of any size to operate efficiently, acquire subscribers, and deliver exceptional experiences. Calix is dedicated to driving continuous improvement in partnership with our growing ecosystem to support the transformation of our customers and their communities.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon management’s current expectations and are inherently uncertain. Forward-looking statements are based upon information available to us as of the date of this release, and we assume no obligation to revise or update any such forward-looking statement to reflect any event or circumstance after the date of this release, except as required by law. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from current expectations based on risks and uncertainties affecting Calix’s business. The reader is cautioned not to rely on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Additional information on potential factors that could affect Calix’s results and other risks and uncertainties are detailed in its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC and available at

Calix and the Calix logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Calix and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Calix’s trademarks can be found at Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

Press Inquiries:

Zach Burger


Investor Inquiries:

Nancy Fazioli

Source: Calix, Inc.


What new Wi-Fi systems did Calix (CALX) announce?

Calix announced three new Wi-Fi 7 systems, including a ceiling-mounted unit for businesses, common areas in MDUs, and homes with structured wiring. These join the existing GigaSpire 7u10t and 7u10txg systems.

How will Calix (CALX) implement 50G-PON for broadband service providers?

Calix will enable 50G-PON capacity for all customers, with production-grade solutions available by the end of next year. This will allow BSPs to deliver next-generation experiences for residential, business, and industrial services with increased bandwidth and efficiency.

What is the new outdoor Wi-Fi solution Calix (CALX) introduced for industrial applications?

Calix introduced the GigaPro p6dlx, an outdoor Wi-Fi system with coverage up to a mile and integrated LoRaWAN radio. This system supports IoT devices for precision agriculture, landscaping, and various industrial sectors.

How often does Calix (CALX) release innovations for its Broadband Platform?

Calix releases innovations for its Broadband Platform every 91 days, allowing broadband service providers to confidently plan and deploy enhanced, performance-boosted managed services.



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Software - Infrastructure
Communications Services, Nec
United States of America