Calix Awards Visionary Partners for Driving Broadband Provider Success, Enabling Joint Customers to Achieve 150 Percent Campaign ROI, and More

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Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) announced the winners of the 2024 Partner Innovations Awards at Calix ConneXions, recognizing six companies for their exceptional contributions to broadband service providers (BSPs). The awards highlight excellence in transformation, innovation, subscriber experience, and business impact. Winners include:

Conexon for market impact, ePlus for training and accreditation, GLDS for community impact, GOCare for innovative solutions, Nex-Tech for support and marketing, and Positron as Partner of the Year for MDU solutions. These partners have demonstrated significant achievements, such as connecting rural communities, improving campaign ROI by 150%, and enabling efficient fiber deployment in legacy MDUs.

The Calix partner ecosystem, comprising over 250 members, plays a important role in helping BSPs deliver exceptional experiences and leverage the Calix Broadband Platform effectively.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) ha annunciato i vincitori dei Partner Innovations Awards 2024 durante il Calix ConneXions, riconoscendo sei aziende per i loro eccezionali contributi ai fornitori di servizi a banda larga (BSP). I premi evidenziano l'eccellenza nella trasformazione, nell'innovazione, nell'esperienza degli abbonati e nell'impatto commerciale. I vincitori includono:

Conexon per l'impatto sul mercato, ePlus per la formazione e l'accreditamento, GLDS per l'impatto sulla comunità, GOCare per soluzioni innovative, Nex-Tech per supporto e marketing, e Positron come Partner dell'Anno per le soluzioni MDU. Questi partner hanno dimostrato risultati significativi, come il collegamento di comunità rurali, un miglioramento del ROI della campagna del 150% e la possibilità di una distribuzione efficiente della fibra in MDUs legacy.

L'ecosistema di partner Calix, composto da oltre 250 membri, gioca un ruolo importante nell'aiutare i BSP a fornire esperienze eccezionali e a sfruttare efficacemente la Calix Broadband Platform.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) anunció a los ganadores de los Partner Innovations Awards 2024 en Calix ConneXions, reconociendo a seis empresas por sus excepcionales contribuciones a los proveedores de servicios de banda ancha (BSP). Los premios destacan la excelencia en transformación, innovación, experiencia del suscriptor e impacto comercial. Los ganadores incluyen:

Conexon por su impacto en el mercado, ePlus por capacitación y acreditación, GLDS por impacto en la comunidad, GOCare por soluciones innovadoras, Nex-Tech por soporte y marketing, y Positron como Socio del Año por soluciones MDU. Estos socios han demostrado logros significativos, como conectar comunidades rurales, mejorar el ROI de la campaña en un 150% y permitir un despliegue eficiente de fibra en MDUs heredadas.

El ecosistema de socios de Calix, que comprende más de 250 miembros, juega un papel importante en ayudar a los BSP a ofrecer experiencias excepcionales y a aprovechar efectivamente la Calix Broadband Platform.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX)는 Calix ConneXions에서 2024 파트너 혁신상 수상자를 발표하며 6개 회사의 광대역 서비스 제공업체(BSP)에 대한 탁월한 기여를 인정했습니다. 이 상은 전환, 혁신, 가입자 경험 및 비즈니스 영향에서의 탁월함을 강조합니다. 수상자에는:

Conexon이 시장 영향력 부문, ePlus이 교육 및 인증 부문, GLDS가 지역 사회 기여 부문, GOCare가 혁신적인 솔루션 부문, Nex-Tech가 지원 및 마케팅 부문, 그리고 Positron이 MDU 솔루션의 올해의 파트너로 선정되었습니다. 이 파트너들은 농촌 지역 사회 연결, 캠페인 ROI 150% 개선, 레거시 MDU에서의 효율적인 섬유 배포 등의 중요한 성과를 보여주었습니다.

250명 이상의 회원으로 구성된 Calix 파트너 생태계는 BSP가 탁월한 경험을 제공하고 Calix Broadband Platform을 효과적으로 활용하도록 돕는 중요한 역할을 합니다.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) a annoncé les lauréats des Partner Innovations Awards 2024 lors de Calix ConneXions, reconnaissant six entreprises pour leurs contributions exceptionnelles aux fournisseurs de services Internet (BSP). Les prix mettent en avant l'excellence en matière de transformation, d'innovation, d'expérience abonné et d'impact commercial. Les lauréats incluent :

Conexon pour son impact sur le marché, ePlus pour la formation et l'accréditation, GLDS pour son impact sur la communauté, GOCare pour des solutions innovantes, Nex-Tech pour le support et le marketing, et Positron comme Partenaire de l'Année pour les solutions MDU. Ces partenaires ont démontré des réalisations significatives, telles que le raccordement de communautés rurales, une amélioration de 150 % du ROI de la campagne et la possibilité d'un déploiement efficace de la fibre dans les MDU héritées.

L'écosystème de partenaires Calix, comprenant plus de 250 membres, joue un rôle important pour aider les BSP à offrir des expériences exceptionnelles et à utiliser efficacement la Calix Broadband Platform.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) gab die Gewinner der Partner Innovations Awards 2024 während der Calix ConneXions bekannt und ehrte sechs Unternehmen für ihre außergewöhnlichen Beiträge zu Breitbanddienstanbietern (BSP). Die Auszeichnungen heben Exzellenz in Transformation, Innovation, Abonnentenerfahrung und Geschäftsauswirkungen hervor. Zu den Gewinnern gehören:

Conexon für Marktimpact, ePlus für Schulung und Akkreditierung, GLDS für Gemeinschaftseinfluss, GOCare für innovative Lösungen, Nex-Tech für Unterstützung und Marketing sowie Positron als Partner des Jahres für MDU-Lösungen. Diese Partner haben bemerkenswerte Erfolge gezeigt, darunter die Anbindung ländlicher Gemeinschaften, eine Verbesserung des Kampagnen-ROI um 150 % und die Ermöglichung einer effizienten Faserimplementierung in Legacy-MDUs.

Das Calix-Partner-Ökosystem, das aus über 250 Mitgliedern besteht, spielt eine wichtige Rolle dabei, BSPs zu helfen, außergewöhnliche Erfahrungen zu bieten und die Calix Broadband Platform effektiv zu nutzen.

  • Calix's partner ecosystem has grown to over 250 members, enhancing its ability to support BSPs
  • Conexon connected nearly 5,000 subscribers and completed a $54.5 million fiber network project ahead of schedule
  • GOCare boosted Home Telecom's campaign ROI by 150% in one year
  • Nex-Tech's data-driven campaigns helped BSPs accelerate subscriber acquisition and increase market penetration
  • Positron's solutions enable efficient deployment of gigabit Ethernet services in legacy MDUs without rewiring
  • None.


Calix's Partner Innovations Awards highlight significant advancements in the broadband service provider (BSP) ecosystem. The recognition of six partners demonstrates the growing importance of collaboration in delivering innovative broadband solutions. Key takeaways include:

  • Conexon's rural connectivity efforts, completing projects ahead of schedule, indicate accelerating fiber deployment in underserved areas.
  • ePlus's focus on training and accreditation suggests a trend towards more skilled implementation of advanced broadband technologies.
  • GLDS's integration with Calix for proactive outage management points to an increased emphasis on customer experience during service disruptions.
  • GOCare's success in boosting campaign ROI by 150% through targeted digital engagement highlights the growing importance of data-driven marketing in the telecom sector.
  • Nex-Tech's marketing strategies for Calix customers underscore the value of industry-specific expertise in go-to-market activities.
  • Positron's solutions for MDUs address a critical market segment, enabling fiber-based services in challenging infrastructure environments.

These partnerships are likely to enhance Calix's competitive position and could lead to increased market share and revenue growth for the company in the broadband infrastructure market.

Calix recognizes standout members of its partner community who are helping joint customers achieve exceptional business results, like reducing OPEX, tripling subscriber engagement, delivering uninterrupted experiences, and more

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) revealed the winners of the 2024 Partner Innovations Awards at Calix ConneXions, honoring six visionary companies that contributed to and positively impacted broadband service providers (BSPs) throughout the year. The awards celebrate excellence in transformation, innovation, subscriber experience, and overall business impact on shared customers between Calix and its partners. Each honoree displays the vision, dedication, and execution needed to champion BSPs within the broadband industry.

Calix unites more than 250 partners in its diverse and growing ecosystem, spanning channel and solution partner segments, strategic alliances, and network suppliers and manufacturers. This innovative community enables Calix customers to deliver exceptional experiences for consumer, business, and municipal subscribers while leveraging the Calix Broadband Platform.

The 2024 Calix Partner Innovations Award winners:

  • Conexon is honored for their market impact, connecting nearly 5,000 subscribers and bringing high-speed internet to rural communities. With 51 joint customers, Conexon is transforming rural connectivity with outstanding business performance. This is best demonstrated by Washington EMC’s $54.5 million fiber network project in Georgia that was completed ahead of schedule. Conexon’s innovative solutions continue to close the digital divide, making a lasting impact in underserved areas.
  • ePlus is honored for setting the bar for training and accreditation with the highest team participation of any Calix partner. In 2024, 75 percent of the ePlus sales and engineering teams completed Calix Partner Accreditations and 100 percent completed Cloud value training. ePlus also contributed to Calix training initiatives by developing custom workshops, enabling municipalities, electric cooperatives, and tribal communities to launch networks in record time, significantly reducing project costs.
  • GLDS wins for their positive community impact on customers and the industry. GLDS is always at the forefront of developing new integrations to support BSPs in serving their communities. Integrated with Calix webhooks, GLDS’ proactive outage management and communication system, including SMS and email notifications, provides a seamless customer experience during major outages like natural disasters. This allows BSPs to significantly reduce call volumes while increasing subscriber satisfaction.
  • GOCare is recognized for their visionary commitment to innovative solutions, boosting Home Telecom’s campaign ROI by 150 percent in just one year. Through their Digital Experience Platform (DXP), GOCare enhances customer engagement and enables BSPs to embrace customer preference for digital communications. Leveraging insights via Calix Engagement Cloud, GOCare enabled Home Telecom to execute a highly targeted upgrade campaign, resulting in a 90 percent improvement in response times and a three times higher response rate.
  • Nex-Tech is recognized for their innovative support, services, and marketing campaigns for BSPs that accelerate and expand go-to-market activities.​ Nex-Tech—a Calix customer and GTM partner—brings over 70 years of telecommunications expertise to the Calix community. The Nex-Tech marketing team provides award-winning marketing strategies for Calix customers based on its deep understanding of Calix products. Nex-Tech’s data-driven campaigns have helped BSPs accelerate subscriber acquisition, increase market penetration, and achieve impressive ROI.
  • Positron wins Partner of the Year award for enabling service providers to deliver fiber-based experiences to MDUs. Positron Access Solutions enables service providers to efficiently deploy gigabit Ethernet services within legacy multi-unit dwellings (MDUs) using existing infrastructure without rewiring. By integrating seamlessly with the Calix Platform, Positron extends XGS-PON and enables service providers to leverage their backend systems without modifications. This allows service providers to serve legacy MDUs and lower infrastructure costs, accelerate their fiber deployment to high-density properties, and convert homes passed to homes served.

“Our partners help our customers plan and expand their businesses, deploy and integrate new capabilities, and enhance the value of the Calix Platform,” said Matt Collins, chief commercial operations officer at Calix. “This is how BSPs are transforming lives, driving growth, and bringing value to local communities with a growing range of innovative managed services. Our award-winning partners help accelerate and amplify this process, ensuring our customers are well-positioned to enhance and differentiate their offerings while driving success across residential, business, and community markets. We look forward to continuing collaboration with our partners that enable BSPs of any size to simplify their business, innovate for their subscribers, and grow value for themselves and their community.”

Visit Calix Partner Innovations Awards to learn more about these award-winning Calix partners and how they support BSPs.

About Calix

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX)—Calix is a platform, cloud, and managed services company. Broadband service providers leverage Calix’s broadband platform, cloud, and managed services to simplify their operations, subscriber engagement, and services; innovate for their consumer, business, and municipal subscribers; and grow their value for members, investors, and the communities they serve.

Our end-to-end platform and managed services democratize the use of data—enabling our customers of any size to operate efficiently, acquire subscribers, and deliver exceptional experiences. Calix is dedicated to driving continuous improvement in partnership with our growing ecosystem to support the transformation of our customers and their communities.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon management’s current expectations and are inherently uncertain. Forward-looking statements are based upon information available to us as of the date of this release, and we assume no obligation to revise or update any such forward-looking statement to reflect any event or circumstance after the date of this release, except as required by law. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from current expectations based on risks and uncertainties affecting Calix’s business. The reader is cautioned not to rely on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Additional information on potential factors that could affect Calix’s results and other risks and uncertainties are detailed in its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC and available at

Calix and the Calix logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Calix and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Calix’s trademarks can be found at Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

Press Inquiries:

Alison Crisci


Investor Inquiries:

Nancy Fazioli

Source: Calix, Inc.


Who won the 2024 Calix Partner of the Year award?

Positron won the 2024 Calix Partner of the Year award for enabling service providers to deliver fiber-based experiences to multi-dwelling units (MDUs) efficiently.

How did GOCare impact Home Telecom's campaign ROI according to Calix (NYSE: CALX)?

According to Calix, GOCare boosted Home Telecom's campaign ROI by 150% in just one year through their Digital Experience Platform and leveraging insights via Calix Engagement Cloud.

What achievement did Conexon accomplish in rural connectivity, as recognized by Calix (NYSE: CALX)?

Calix recognized Conexon for connecting nearly 5,000 subscribers and bringing high-speed internet to rural communities. They also completed a $54.5 million fiber network project for Washington EMC in Georgia ahead of schedule.

How many partners are in the Calix (NYSE: CALX) ecosystem as of 2024?

According to the press release, Calix unites more than 250 partners in its diverse and growing ecosystem, spanning various segments including channel and solution partners, strategic alliances, and network suppliers and manufacturers.



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